I woke up from bed remembering my contract to investigate an area far in the forest that is primarily dominated by Outlaws of Valarin. "Get up Jackson" said my companion Anne. After getting up of bed I was welcomed with a smell of meat in the kitchen. When I walked into the room i was welcomed by my three other allies Valin, Stephen, and Relar. I sat down at the chair not occupied by the others and began eating the meat on my plate "Well aside from discussing how Anne is as good as a cook as a hunter and mage the contract is due tomorrow so we need that report" said Valin with a half serious and half comedic tone to his words. "We will do that right after eating this delicious meat" I replied. After the great feast we went out, the way was simple and easy to map. When we ventured deeper into the forest we became more weary for any possible ambushers. "This is getting very bori-" Before Stephen could finish his sentence a wolf appeared it of nowhere and as quick as the wolf pounced on him the wolf immediately fell off him with an arrow lodged in it's skull. "Since when did the Milians become fond of the forest?" said a hooded man possibly early twenties with crossbow and knife in both hands "We don't mean harm we only wished to map the area" I replied. "Vera come out it's safe" just as he said it another hooded person came no older nor younger than the man. "Hah well the kill is still mine brother" said the girl "Oh pipe it I spotted it anyway" the two then came closer to our group with both hands armed with weapons "Hmm you seem under armed come maybe we can help you" The boy motioned us to follow them. We then stood in front of a large tree with a small house perched on it "Come the view is great" Said the girl and with one kick with her foot she flew up. Apparently they use some sort of wheel that releases the rope and reattaches it to go up "Now that's creative" exclaimed Stephen. After building the courage to use that thing I got up and was greeted by a dog and a bird "The dog is Louise the bird is Blythe" said the boy who was at the very back and just moved to the front. "where are my manners I'm Arno and she is Vera were just twins that live off the land" while saying this Vera was sharpening her blade. "Anyway the view is great but we're here to just map an area" said Relar "Don't be rude were just newcomers here" replied Valin in a frustrated tone. Arno begins to rummage around a small room that sounds like clanging of metal probably their armory. "Here maybe this suits you" said Arno excitedly holding a sword adorned with strange writings on the blade. "This is just some sword we stole from a armory in the far north" said Arno "Their hospitality is rather unnerving you think?" asked Anne "Yeah but they are offering things to us even if we are just strangers" replied Jackson. After they were whispering Vera came out of a room with some sort of book. "Wait.." said Jackson in a shy voice "Yeah?" replied Arno with his eyes open wide "Why didn't you just kill us and why are you so kind to us strangers" After saying this Arno replied in a slow manner "Well outlaws tend to wear weak and obviously improvised leather armor, rarely stolen armor from knights that ventured deep here. And second we tend to be hospitable to those who venture underequipped especially those who want to make a decent wage or a name for themselves." Said Arno now cleaning the sword with a cloth. Vera came out of a room dark and covered with leather curtains "Here a map that you need" Vera said throwing a small map of the area we needed to gather intel of "I have my ways I can read your mind just as fast" Remarked Vera sly as ever. The dawn soon settled and with nothing to do anymore they decided to wait until the sun came up again and talked with the twins.
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