The episode begins at the CIA HQ.
Kenneth and Q were sitting inside the breakroom, right in the middle of an intense Scrabble match.
I would love to say that Q and Kenneth had a hilarious Scrabble game. That they both put on their thinking caps and were determined to win, but Q came out as the champion. He made some fantastic plays that left Kenneth speechless. The two men laughed so hard throughout the match that they could barely concentrate on their next moves. Q was ecstatic when he won, while Kenneth took it in stride and congratulated him with good sportsmanship. It was clear that these two friends enjoyed each other's company more than anything else. Even though Q won fair and square, Kenneth promised to give him a run for his money the next time they played. Overall, it was an enjoyable experience for both of them. They got to show off their vocabulary skills while having a great time together. In the end, winning or losing didn't matter because what mattered most was their friendship.
But that is not what happened, in fact, It was getting pretty heated, Q was winning, and REALLY giving Kenneth a run for his money, using only the most complex words he knew in his vocabulary., and poor Kenneth was on the verge of pulling out his hair.
"Okay here's a good word..." Q says gleefully. "Abscond.."
"That can't be a word!!!" Kenneth said in protest. "I've never heard it before!..."
"It is a real...look in a dictionary. It means to leave secretly..."
"Hmph..." Kenneth said as he watched Q fill in another seven spaces on the board. It was now Kenneth's turn, and he struggled to think of a word, as his memory was getting beat up by age.
"Ah-HAH!" Kenneth said as he pulled out some of the letters. "Here's a word: Extinguish!"
"That's a good one..." Q says chuckling. "I'll give you one better: Anachronism.."
"What?" Kenneth says, nearly shouting. "Where are you getting these words from?..."
"I just have a large vocabulary, that's all there is to it...Just broaden your vocabulary, Kenneth."
"JuStBrOaDeNyOuRvOcAbUlArYkEnNeTh!" Kenneth says in a mocking tone. "Ah, hogwash, how about this one: Handkerchief! That's a long word!"
"Chiaroscurist..." Q responds, resulting in Kenneth's face nearly turning red. "I don't understand why your getting so angry...maybe we should postpone this Scrabble match for another time?" Q said, feeling as if Kenneth was going to pop a blood vessel.
Kenneth breathes in deeply. "You know what?... Yeah, let's do that..."