/ Fantasy / The Fall of Astraea

The Fall of Astraea Original

The Fall of Astraea

Fantasy 18 Chapters 7.6K Views
Author: tanyaryans

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"Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinitepower of our light."

Princess Ilene's troubles seemed rather foolish before Astraea's era of darkness. She would complain on how she was not getting enough attention from her father, and on how she didn't want to marry her best friend.

She wished she had married her best friend.

After her father's death, everything she knew and loved fell one by one until she was left with nothing but her father's words. She was shocked on how soon she became nothing.She wanted to die and forget that her kingdom ever existed. But she couldn't. Her father's words haunted her, chilling her to the bone every time she wanted to forget. She soon realized it was her who had to save her kingdom and there was no hiding from it.

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    Author tanyaryans