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3.03% The Eternal Traveler: A Journey through Twilight and Beyond / Chapter 1: Characters, Power Classes, Covens and other details (Not a chapter)
The Eternal Traveler: A Journey through Twilight and Beyond The Eternal Traveler: A Journey through Twilight and Beyond original

The Eternal Traveler: A Journey through Twilight and Beyond

Author: Story_Teller_229

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Characters, Power Classes, Covens and other details (Not a chapter)


From the title of the fanfiction, you must already have got an idea that the mc is going to travel to multiple world's starting with Twilight. So for the basis of convenience, I have provided the following power levels from Wiki, which would help to identify the actual strength of the protagonist through his entire travel to multiple worlds. It would better help the reader to know where our protagonist stands as compared to the rest of the world.

Tier 10: Human

10-C: Below Average Human level

Characters or objects capable of exerting force comparable to humans who are below the average norm in terms of strength, such as small children or infirm people, as well as smaller animals such as cats and dogs.

10-B: Human level

Characters or objects capable of exerting force comparable to that of regular humans, such as teenagers or unathletic adults.

10-A: Athlete level

Characters or objects capable of exerting force comparable to that of more athletic humans, such as trained fighters or generally physically fit individuals.

Tier 9: Superhuman

9-C: Street level

Characters or objects that stand at the threshold of human strength and capabilities, represented by Olympic level athletes or rigorously trained martial artists, as well as larger animals.

It is important to note that, despite being named "Street level", this tier has nothing to do with actually affecting an entire street, with the name being more of a reference to street fighters as portrayed in martial arts movies and the like.

9-B: Wall level

Characters or objects that can destroy or significantly damage extremely resistant materials such as stone, metal or steel, as well as similarly resistant parts of constructions such as structural boulders and walls.

9-A: Small Building level

Characters or objects capable of destroying rooms or entire small constructions such as houses or more modest buildings.

Tier 8: Urban

8-C: Building level

Characters or objects that can destroy medium-sized buildings and constructions, such as large factories or large complexes such as supermarkets.

High 8-C: Large Building level

Characters or objects that can destroy large buildings such as skyscrapers.

8-B: City Block level

Characters or objects that can destroy urban city blocks or equivalent areas of space.

8-A: Multi-City Block level

Characters or objects that can destroy multiple urban city blocks or equivalent areas of space.

Tier 7: Nuclear

Low 7-C: Small Town level

Characters or objects that can destroy a small town or settlement, or those who can easily harm characters with small town level durability.

7-C: Town level

Characters or objects that can destroy a town, or those who can easily harm characters with town level durability.

High 7-C: Large Town level

Characters or objects that can destroy a large town, or those who can easily harm characters with large town level durability.

Low 7-B: Small City level

Characters or objects that can destroy a small city, or those who can easily harm characters with small city level durability.

7-B: City level

Characters or objects that can destroy a city, or those who can easily harm characters with city level durability.

7-A: Mountain level

Characters or objects that can destroy a mountain, or those who can easily harm characters with mountain level durability.

High 7-A: Large Mountain level

Characters or objects that can destroy a large mountain, or those who can easily harm characters with large mountain level durability.

Tier 6: Tectonic

6-C: Island level

Characters or objects that can destroy an island, or those who can easily harm characters with island level durability.

High 6-C: Large Island level

Characters or objects that can destroy a large island, or those who can easily harm characters with large island level durability.

Low 6-B: Small Country level

Characters or objects that can destroy a small country, or those who can easily harm characters with small country level durability.

6-B: Country level

Characters or objects that can destroy a country, or those who can easily harm characters with country level durability.

High 6-B: Large Country level

Characters or objects that can destroy a large country, or those who can easily harm characters with large country level durability.

6-A: Continent level

Characters or objects that can destroy a continent or those who can easily harm characters with continent level durability.

High 6-A: Multi-Continent level

Characters or objects that can destroy multiple continents or those who can easily harm characters with multi-continent level durability.

Tier 5: Planetary

5-C: Moon level

Characters or objects that can destroy a moon, or an astrological object of similar proportion.

Low 5-B: Small Planet level

Characters or objects that can destroy a small planet or those who can easily harm characters with small planet level durability.

5-B: Planet level

Characters or objects that can create/destroy a planet.

5-A: Large Planet level

Characters or objects that can create/destroy large ice giants such as Uranus and Neptune.

High 5-A: Dwarf Star level

Characters or objects that can create/destroy very small stars.

Tier 4: Stellar

Low 4-C: Small Star level

Characters or objects that can create/destroy small stars.

4-C: Star level

Characters or objects that can create/destroy a star.

High 4-C: Large Star level

Characters or objects that can create/destroy a large star.

4-B: Solar System level

Characters or objects that can create/destroy a solar system.

4-A: Multi-Solar System level

Characters or objects that can create/destroy multiple solar systems.

Tier 3: Cosmic

This tier is broken into the following sub-tiers:

3-C: Galaxy level

Characters or objects capable of creating and/or destroying a galaxy, when the space between celestial bodies is taken into account, as opposed to merely the matter encompassed by them.

3-B: Multi-Galaxy level

Characters or objects capable of creating and/or destroy multiple galaxies when the space between celestial objects is taken into account as well.

3-A: Universe level

Characters or objects that can create or destroy all celestial bodies within a finite 3-D space at least equivalent in size to the observable universe via an omnidirectional explosion that covers the entire space, alternately create or significantly affect[1] a 3-D universe or a pocket dimension of comparable size, which does not involve the destruction and/or creation of space-time.

High 3-A: High Universe level

Characters or objects that demonstrate an infinite amount of energy on a 3-D scale, such as creating or destroying infinite mass, or those who can affect an infinite 3-D space. This extends to an infinite number of finite or infinite-sized 3-D universes or pocket dimensions when not accounting for when not accounting for any higher dimensions or time. Large numbers of infinite 3-D universes, unless causally closed from one another by a separate spacetime or existence, only count for a higher level of this tier. Being "infinitely" stronger than this level, unless uncountably so, does not qualify for any higher tier.

Tier 2: Multiversal

Low 2-C: Universe level+

Characters or objects that are capable of significantly affecting,[1] creating, and/or destroying an area of space qualitatively larger than an infinitely-sized 3-dimensional space. Common fictional examples of spaces representing such sizes are space-time continuums (the entire past, present and future of 3-dimensional space) of a universal scale. However, it can be more generally fulfilled by any 4-dimensional space that is either:

A) Equivalent to a large extra dimensional space. That is, a higher-dimensional "bulk" space which embeds lower-dimensional ones (Such as our universe) as subsets of itself, whose dimensions are not microscopic / compactified.

B) Portrayed as completely transcending lower-dimensional objects and spaces in the setting of a given work of fiction.

2-C: Low Multiverse level

Characters or objects that can significantly affect,[1] create and/or destroy small multiverses which can be comprised of several separate space-time continuums ranging anywhere from two to a thousand, or equivalents.

2-B: Multiverse level

Characters or objects that can significantly affect,[1] create and/or destroy larger multiverses which comprise from 1001 to any higher finite amount of separate space-time continuums.

2-A: Multiverse level+

Characters or objects that are capable of significantly affecting,[1] creating and/or destroying a countably infinite number of separate space-time continuums.

Tier 1: Extradimensional

Characters or objects that can significantly affect spaces of qualitatively greater sizes than ordinary universal models and spaces, usually represented in fiction by higher levels or states of existence (Or "levels of infinity", as referred below) which trivialize everything below them into insignificance, normally by perceiving them as akin to fictional constructs or something infinitesimal.

Low 1-C: Low Complex Multiverse level

Characters or objects that can universally affect, create and/or destroy spaces whose size corresponds to one to two higher levels of infinity greater than a standard universal model (Low 2-C structures, in plain English.) In terms of "dimensional" scale, this can be equated to 5 and 6-dimensional real coordinate spaces (R ^ 5 to R ^ 6)

1-C: Complex Multiverse level

Characters or objects that can universally affect, create and/or destroy spaces whose size corresponds to three to five higher levels of infinity greater than a standard universal model. In terms of "dimensional" scale, this can be equated to 7 and 9-dimensional real coordinate spaces (R ^ 7 to R ^ 9)

High 1-C: High Complex Multiverse level

Characters or objects that can universally affect, create and/or destroy spaces whose size corresponds to six to seven higher levels of infinity greater than a standard universal model. In terms of "dimensional" scale, this can be equated to 10 and 11-dimensional real coordinate spaces (R ^ 10 to R ^ 11)

1-B: Hyperverse level

Characters or objects that can universally affect, create and/or destroy spaces whose size corresponds from 8 to any higher finite number of levels of infinity above a standard universal model. In terms of "dimensional" size, this can be equated to 12-dimensional real coordinate spaces and up (R ^ 12 and up)

High 1-B: High Hyperverse level

Characters or objects that can universally affect, create and/or destroy structures whose size is equivalent to a countably infinite number of qualitative sizes above a universal model, usually represented in fiction by endless hierarchies of layers of existence, each succeeding one completely trivializing the previous into insignificance, or more generally a space with countably infinite dimensions.

1-A: Transcendent

Characters or objects that functionally transcend the rest of the Tiering System. These characters are completely transcendent to even those that have absolute power over a single infinite hierarchy of levels of infinity.

Low 1-A: Low Outerverse level

Characters or objects that can affect structures with a number of dimensions greater than the set of natural numbers, meaning in simple terms that the number of dimensions is aleph-1 (An uncountably infinite number, assumed to be the cardinality of the real numbers themselves), and therefore that such objects fully exceed High 1-B structures, which have only a countably infinite number of dimensions.

Note that, if the High 1-B structure in question is a hierarchy of levels of existence, then simply being at the top of such a hierarchy does not qualify a character for this tier without more context, and an additional layer added on top of the "infinity-th" level of this hierarchy is likewise not enough. To qualify as an equivalent of the above description, they need to surpass the hierarchy as a whole, and not simply be on another level within it.

1-A: Outerverse level

Characters or objects that can affect structures with a number of dimensions equal to the cardinal aleph-2, which in practical terms also equals a level that completely exceeds Low 1-A structures to the same degree that they exceed High 1-B and below. This can be extrapolated to larger cardinal numbers as well, such as aleph-3, aleph-4, and so on, and works in much the same way as 1-C and 1-B in that regard. Characters that stand an infinite number of steps above baseline 1-A are to have a + modifier in their Attack Potency section (Outerverse level+).

High 1-A: High Outerverse level

Characters or objects that can affect structures that are larger than what the logical framework defining 1-A and below can allow, and as such exceed any possible number of levels contained in the previous tiers, including an infinite or uncountably infinite number. Practically speaking, this would be something completely unreachable to any 1-A hierarchies.

A concrete example of such a structure would be an inaccessible cardinal, which in simple terms is a number so large that it cannot be reached ("accessed") by smaller numbers, and as such has to be "assumed" to exist in order to be made sense of or defined in a formal context (Unlike the standard aleph numbers, which can be straightforwardly put together using the building blocks of set theory). Even just the amount of infinite cardinals between the first inaccessible cardinal and aleph-2 (Which defines 1-A) is greater than cardinals such as aleph-0, aleph-1, aleph-2, aleph-3, etc., and even many aleph numbers whose index is an infinite ordinal.

Tier 0: Boundless

Characters or objects that can affect structures which completely exceed the logical foundations of High 1-A, much like it exceeds the ones defining 1-A and below, meaning that all possible levels of High 1-A are exceeded, even an infinite or uncountably amount of such levels. This tier has no endpoint, and can be extended to any higher level just like the ones above.

Being "omnipotent" or any similar reasoning is not nearly enough to reach this tier on its own; however, such statements can be used as supporting evidence in conjunction with more substantial information.

Striking Strength

Striking Strength is the amount of physical force an individual can deal out in a single strike. In other words, it is the physical Attack Potency of an individual. It may or may not depend on Lifting Strength.

Striking strength describes the power behind the character's physical blows. Generally, anything that has to do with the character's actions instead of passively holding up weights is about this category. While lifting strength is a static value which can be measured in units of weight or mass, striking strength is different. It relies more on "action" which is a combination of speed and mass. As such, striking strength requires a whole different classification system.

Please note that Striking Strength doesn't automatically scale from Attack Potency unless there are Feats suggesting otherwise. For example, if a character used their strongest energy blast to vaporize a city, it would only scale to their physical strength if they were able to harm opponents that can withstand the aforementioned energy blast, or vice-versa.

Following the same convention as Attack Potency, a "+" sign is used as "Mountain level+", not "Mountain+ level".

Striking Strength levels

Low Hypoverse level

Hypoverse level

High Hypoverse level

Below Average Human level

Human level

Athlete level

Street level

Wall level

Small Building level

Building level

Large Building level

City Block level

Multi-City Block level

Small Town level

Town level

Large Town level

Small City level

City level

Mountain level

Large Mountain level

Island level

Large Island level

Small Country level

Country level

Large Country level

Continent level

Multi-Continent level

Moon level

Small Planet level

Planet level

Large Planet level

Dwarf Star level

Small Star level

Star level

Large Star level

Solar System level

Multi-Solar System level

Galaxy level

Multi-Galaxy level

Universe level

High Universe level

Universe level+

Low Multiverse level

Multiverse level

Multiverse level+

Low Complex Multiverse level

Complex Multiverse level

High Complex Multiverse level

Hyperverse level

High Hyperverse level

Low Outerverse level

Outerverse level

Outerverse level+

High Outerverse level


•Characters of the Twilight Verse

1. Edward Cullen:

Edward is able to hear the thoughts of every one around him, continuously. It's not that he 'can' read minds, he's always reading minds.

He also has higher speed than others of his kind.

2. Carisle cullen:

Comassion and self-control: Carlisle, after practicing, is completely unfazed by being right beside human blood, and he's viewed as 'almost human', even by the shapeshifters, who loathe the cullens.

3. Jasper Cullen:

He's able to manipulate the emotions of those around him.

4. Emmet cullen:

Enhanced strength.

5. Alice Cullen:

She can see flashes of the future ever since she was human. They come to her subconsciously. She also can focus over one particular person or event. However, shapeshifter's presence blocks her out.

6. Bella Cullen:

Psychic shield: Ever since she was human, she was able to stop strong telepaths like aro, jane, edward, from doing anything to her mind. However, when she converts, she can extend the shield to protect others. She shielded every one of the vampires that gathered to fight the volturi in breaking dawn. Her control over the shield is impressive, she was able to form a thin veil between garret, who was trying to restrain kate to stop her from trying to attack the volturi.

Self Control: She is strong enough to resist the thirst around humans, which is almost impossible for new borns to do.

7. Renesmee Cullen:

Telepahy and mental shield penetration: By touching a person, she can show them whatever she wants to show, and she's able to get through any psychic shield.

The Volturi:

1. Aro:

By touching you, He's Able to read every thought your mind ever had.

2. Jane:

She can cause psychic pain to a person enough to incapacitate or kill. It works on one person at a time.

3. Alec:

He can form a mist which takes away all senses of everyone within it. Perhaps the most feared ability from the guard, as it works on any number of people required, making them helpless.

4. Renata:

Anyone who tries to attack her, or those she's guarding, looses focus and wanders off in a different direction (lol)

5. Felix:

Advanced strength and fighting abilities.

6. Demitri:

He is the greatest tracker in twilightverse. Once he has met/felt someone, he can track them from anywhere in the world. He's said to be million times better a tracker than james was.



He can feel the special abilities of other vampires.

2. Kate:

She can cover her body with a psychic electric current.

3. Benjamin:

He can mentally manipulate fire, water, earth, and air.

4. Maggi:

Lie detection. Lol

5. Siobhan:

A low tier reality warper/ probability manipulator. She focuses on the required outcome, and it helps the chances of that happening.

6. Alistair:

He has an advanced tracking sense. It gives him an illusive pull towards whatever he wants to find. It's not precise, though.

7. Zafrina:

Illusion creation. She's able to create extremely effective illusions on everyone around them.

8. Chelsea:

Able to manipulate relationships.

The Shapeshifters:

Needless to say, the jacob gang aren't real werewolves either. They are shapeshifters. Shapeshifters are magical beings, formed first when an ancient spirit warrior took on body of a huge wolf he had summoned:

"Taha Aki watched as Yut's spirit slipped away to the final lands that were barred to Taha Aki for all eternity. He felt a great rage, more powerful than anything he'd felt before. He entered the big wolf again, meaning to rip Utlapa's throat out. But, as he joined the wolf, the greatest magic happened.

"Taha Aki's anger was the anger of a man. The love he had for his people and the hatred he had for their oppressor were too vast for the wolf's body, too human. The wolf shuddered, and — before the eyes of the shocked warriors and Utlapa — transformed into a man.

-Eclipse, Legend.

This ability gets passed through genes. These guys supposedly have an extra 'wolf gene'. As carlisle explained to jacob:

"Wonder what my chromosomes are like," I muttered randomly. I thought of those Olympic steroids tests again. Did they run DNA scans?

Carlisle coughed self-consciously. "You have twenty-four pairs, Jacob."

I turned slowly to stare at him, raising my eyebrows.

He looked embarrassed. "I was... curious. I took the liberty when I was treating you last June."

-Breaking Dawn, Some people just don't grasp the concept of "unwelcome"

They have a very good healing factor, are arguably faster than the sparklepires, and their teeth are one of the few things that can harm them. Their bodies are hotter than normal, and they have an intense dislike for clothes, which may stem from them tearing apart anything they are wearing every time they phase. They can be seen running around shirtless around town.

Interestingly, they also have telepathic contacts with each other which can span hundreds of miles.


So is there anything real in twilight? Yes.

There are 'real' werewolves, too. Known as 'children of the moon'. Sadly, they don't make an appearance, but we know that one of them almost killed the volturi. Which is why they were afraid of the shapeshifters, too, in case they were that similarly powerful. That's the reason why the final battle didn't take place in the books.


Many vampire fans will be delighted to hear that the Vampires of twilight are, in fact, not vampires. At least not in the traditional Sense. (obvious really)

They are some sort of advanced species of predators, as explained by Dr. Carlisle, in his discussion with jacob.

"If I knew even the chromosomal count..."

"You're losing me, Doc. Can you dumb it down?"

He chuckled once – even his laugh sounded exhausted. "Okay. How much biology have you taken? Did you study chromosomal pairs?"

"Think so. We have twenty-three, right?"

"Humans do."

I blinked. "How many do you have?"


I frowned at my fists for a second. "What does that mean?"

"I thought it meant that our species were almost completely different. Less related than a lion and a house cat. But this new life – well, it suggests that we're more genetically compatible than I'd thought." He sighed sadly. "I didn't know to warn them."

- Breaking Dawn, chapter: Some people just can't grab the concept of unwelcome.

This is why they don't burn in sunlight and all, and are unfazed by cross.

So, the very first problem with them is solved. Even though they coincide with some aspects of what is arguably the most loved horror villain, a vampire, they aren't 'real' vampires. Just like the wolves are not actual werewolves (I will get to that, too)

Why exactly do they all look like they are built for fangirls then?

Their bodies are built for the purpose of hunting, unlike traditional vampires, who were scary demons.. They actually undergo changes to make them more.. inviting to humans.

"I'm the world's best predator, aren't I? Everything about me invites you in — my voice, my face, even my smell. As if I need any of that!"

-Twilight, Confessions.


So for the purposes of the thread, I will be referring to them as sparklepires. Keeping in mind they don't really destroy what a vampire is supposed to be, you will find that they are far more formidable than the general vampires we are accustomed to in various series, like Buffy, originals, vampire diaries and all.

How do you kill a sparklepire?

Basically, throw your regular methods out the window.

1. They don't burn in sunlight. Seriously, don't ever try it. If you try that, you'll be damaged beyond repair.

2. Staking them doesn't work. Primarily because the stake wouldn't pierce them to begin with.

3. They are unfazed by cross. In fact, the cullens keep a cross inside their house.

4. Don't sneak up on them as they sleep. Well, because they -can't- sleep. So, No coffins.

The only way that was shown to work was completely dismembering them, and then burning every piece. Notably, the separated pieces are still sentient. So they many try to escape. Ugh.


Before I go into the individual stats, an important point.

All sparklepires are around the same level in stats. In case they have special abilities, like enhanced strength (emmet), or speed (edward), or other abilities (alice), it is clearly mentioned. There is nothing like 'the older they are, they stronger they become'. The difference between general statistics is not marginal. What makes the difference is the fighting skills, and perhaps experience.

Also, sparklepires get greatly stronger when they drink human blood. So, the cullens are weaker than a normal sparklepire.

Now for the actual fighting strength.

As a starting point, they don't need to breathe, and they don't get tired from exertion. Meaning they can swim as long as they want, as explained to bella.


First of all, they have extremely advanced senses, as shown by bella's experience after the conversion:


1. They have very advanced eyes.

Everything was so clear.

Sharp. Defined.

The brilliant light overhead was still blinding-bright, and yet I could plainly see the glowing strands of the filaments inside the bulb. I could see each color of the rainbow in the white light, and, at the very edge of the spectrum, an eighth color I had no name for.

Behind the light, I could distinguish the individual grains in the dark wood ceiling above. In front of it, I could see the dust motes in the air, the sides the light touched, and the dark sides, distinct and separate. They spun like little planets, moving around each other in a celestial dance.

-Breaking dawn, new.

2. Unlike us, their periferal vision works brilliantly.

Edward's face was the most important thing, but my peripheral vision catalogued everything else, just in case. Some instinct to defend had been triggered, and I automatically searched for any sign of danger.

-Breaking dawn, new.

3. They can also keep up with high speed movements exceptionally well:

Air hissed up my throat, spitting through my clenched teeth with a low, menacing sound like a swarm of bees. Before the sound was out, my muscles bunched and arched, twisting away from the unknown. I flipped off my back in a spin so fast it should have turned the room into an incomprehensible blur – but it did not. I saw every dust mote, every splinter in the wood-paneled walls, every loose thread in microscopic detail as my eyes whirled past them.

-Breaking Dawn: New.


If you think sight was cool, hearing is even better. It has insane clarity and range:

1. Noticing a baby shifting it's weight on two stories down:

The TV downstairs had been muted, and I heard someone – Rosalie? – shift her weight on the first floor.

-Breaking Dawn: New.

2. Hearing a driver singing from freeway. Note that cullen house is miles deep in the forest.

Quote 1:

I also heard a faint, thudding rhythm, with a voice shouting angrily to the beat. Rap music? I was mystified for a moment, and then the sound faded away like a car passing by with the windows rolled down. With a start, I realized that this could be exactly right. Could I hear all the way to the freeway?

-Breaking Dawn : New.

Quote 2:

I was trying to decide whether to ask or be patient, when he turned abruptly onto an unpaved road. It was unmarked, barely visible among the ferns. The forest encroached on both sides, leaving the road ahead only discernible for a few meters as it twisted, serpentlike, around the ancient trees.

And then, after a few miles, there was some thinning of the woods, and we were suddenly in a small meadow, or was it actually a lawn? The gloom of the forest didn't relent, though, for there were six primordial cedars that shaded an entire acre with their vast sweep of branches. The trees held their protecting shadow right up to the walls of the house that rose among them, making obsolete the deep porch that wrapped around the first story. I don't know what I had expected, but it definitely wasn't this. The house was timeless, graceful, and probably a hundred years old.

-Twilight, The cullens.

3. Hearing the heartbeats of deer from a long distance.

"Listen," Edward instructed. "What do you hear?"

Everything,I could have said; his perfect voice, his breath, his lips brushing together as he spoke, the whisper of birds preening their feathers in the treetops, their fluttering heartbeats, the maple leaves scraping together, the faint clicking of ants following each other in a long line up the bark of the nearest tree. But I knew he meant something specific, so I let my ears range outward, seeking something different than the small hum of life that surrounded me. There was an open space near us – the wind had a different sound across the exposed grass – and a small creek, with a rocky bed. And there, near the noise of the water, was the splash of lapping tongues, the loud thudding of heavy hearts, pumping thick streams of blood... It felt like the sides of my throat had sucked closed.

"By the creek, to the northeast?" I asked, my eyes still shut.

"Yes." His tone was approving.

-Breaking Dawn, first hunt.

I added this specifically to show that new-born vampires just get enhanced strength. They don't have other aspects amped. Here, edward is clearly better at sensing the deer than bella:

"Three?" I guessed.

"Five. There are two more in the trees behind them."

-Breaking dawn, first hunt.

Basic Abilities of Vampires.


1. Able to distinguish breaths of everyone in the house

I heard the sound of the others, breathing again now that I did. Their breath mixed with the scent that was something just off honey and lilac and sunshine, bringing new flavors.

-Breaking Dawn, New.

2. Smells a human from far away:

But as my muscles bunched in preparation, the wind shifted, blowing stronger now, and from the south. I didn't stop to think, hurtling out of the trees in a path perpendicular to my original plan, scaring the elk into the forest, racing after a new fragrance so attractive that there wasn't a choice. It was compulsory. The scent ruled completely. I was single-minded as I traced it, aware only of the thirst and the smell that promised to quench it. The thirst got worse, so painful now that it confused all my other thoughts and began to remind me of the burn of venom in my veins.

-Breaking Dawn, first hunt.

Danger sensing:

On that note, they also have advanced instinct of self-preservation. Something like low level danger sensing. It works even when their mind is completely focused on something else, as you read in the quote above. It is a reflex for them.

There was only one thing that had any chance of penetrating my focus now, an instinct more powerful, more basic than the need to quench the fire – it was the instinct to protect myself from danger. Self-preservation.

I was suddenly alert to the fact that I was being followed. The pull of the irresistible scent warred with the impulse to turn and defend my hunt. A bubble of sound built in my chest, my lips pulled back of their own accord to expose my

teeth in warning. My feet slowed, the need to protect my back struggling against the desire to quench my thirst.

-Breaking Dawn, first hunt.


Speed/movements/Reactions/Thought process:

Vampires possess a degree of extreme speeds. What makes it far more dangerous is that it's not just travel speed. They can perfectly keep up with the speed, and their usual movements are on similar speeds, too:

Edward is supposedly the fastest one.


Clearing up the misconception:

Edward isn't fast (or slow) as a cheetah. Bella was comparing the grace (wut?) of his running to alice.

"Let's go." Alice reached for Emmett's hand and they darted toward the oversized field; she ran like a gazelle. He was nearly as graceful and just as fast — yet Emmett could never be compared to a gazelle.

"Are you ready for some ball?" Edward asked, his eyes eager, bright.

I tried to sound appropriately enthusiastic. "Go team!"

He snickered and, after mussing my hair, bounded off after the other two. His run was more aggressive, a cheetah rather than a gazelle, and he quickly overtook them. The grace and power took my breath away.

As underlined, it is about running style, not running speed.

1. First, The typical teleportion-like speed:

And he was gone, his hand ripped from mine. In the time it took my eyes to focus, he was twenty feet away, standing at the edge of the small meadow, in the deep shade of a huge fir tree. He stared at me, his eyes dark in the shadows, his expression unreadable.

-Twilight, confessions.

2. Closes a distance of four parkings so fast bella didn't even have time to close her eyes.

Edward Cullen was standing four cars down from me, staring at me in horror. His face stood out from a sea of faces, all frozen in the same mask of shock. But of more immediate importance was the dark blue van that was skidding, tires locked and squealing against the brakes, spinning wildly across the ice of the parking lot. It was going to hit the back corner of my truck, and I was standing between them. I didn't even have time to close my eyes.

Just before I heard the shattering crunch of the van folding around the truck bed, something hit me, hard, but not from the direction I was expecting.

-Twilight, Phenomenon.

3. circles an entire meadow in half a second:

Unexpectedly, he was on his feet, bounding away, instantly out of sight, only to appear beneath the same tree as before, having circled the meadow in half a second.

"As if you could outrun me," he laughed bitterly.

-Twilight, confessions.

4. Covers several hours worth of distance in a matter of minutes:

He streaked through the dark, thick underbrush of the forest like a bullet, like a ghost. There was no sound, no evidence that his feet touched the earth. His breathing never changed, never indicated any effort. But the trees flew by at deadly speeds, always missing us by inches.

I was too terrified to close my eyes, though the cool forest air whipped against my face and burned them. I felt as if I were stupidly sticking my head out the window of an airplane in flight. And, for the first time in my life, I felt the dizzy faintness of motion sickness.

Then it was over. We'd hiked hours this morning to reach Edward's meadow, and now, in a matter of minutes, we were back to the truck.

"Exhilarating, isn't it?" His voice was high, excited.

-Twilight, confessions.

5. Their movements are seriously fast:

Quote 1:

The instant I'd considered standing erect, I was already straight. There was no brief fragment of time in which the action occurred; change was instantaneous, almost as if there was no movement at all.

-Breaking Dawn, New.

Quote 2:

"Can't I come in?" he asked.

"Would you like to?" I couldn't picture it, this godlike creature sitting in my father's shabby kitchen chair.

"Yes, if it's all right." I heard the door close quietly, and almost simultaneously he was outside my door, opening it for me.

"Very human," I complimented him.

-Twilight, Mind over Matter.

Reactions, and thought process:

These are even more impressive. They have enhanced minds, described by bella as 'having an extra room in your head':

1. Basically, a transformed bella startled by edward's arm not feeling cold as it had in human form (it is the very first moment in her vampire life.

She reaches the wall, takes a defensive stance, assesses the situation, watches what other cullens are doing in perfect detail, fawns over edward as usual (considering her senses were outrageously amplified, and majority of her focus was on him. Rest of the actions took a small part of her mind as she clearly says), notices that everyone is anxious about some threat, searchs for the threat, and comes to the conclusion that they think that she might be out of control, and has a conversion with carisle in almost under a second. Lol.

Instead of posting the whole pages of this description, I'm just posting the relevant quotes, if that's okay for everyone.

Quote 1:

So by the time I found myself crouched against the wall defensively – about a sixteenth of a second later – I already understood what had startled me, and that I had overreacted.

Quote 2:

I held my pose for an eighth of a second longer, adjusting to the scene before me.

Quote 3:

"How do you feel, Bella?" Carlisle asked.

I considered that for a sixty-fourth of a second.

"Overwhelmed. There's so much. ..." I trailed off, listening to the bell-tone of my voice again.

Quote 4:

All this was a sideline. The greater part of my senses and my mind were still focused on Edward's face.

-Breaking Dawn, new.

2. Closing a small distance (by their standards) in eighty fourth of second, what's impressive is she can note and think of what might be the adequate power needed to cross the river, in the time period (well, she underestimates her own strength, but still):

Unhindered by my skirt, it took only one long bound to reach the water's edge. Just an eighty-fourth of a second, and yet it was plenty of time – my eyes and my mind moved so quickly that one step was enough.

-Breaking Dawn, first hunt.

3.. If you're still unconvinced, How do I know they can keep us with these speeds? other than edward dodging the trees from inches, of course? Bella explains it clearly enough:

I could finally understand why Edward never hit the trees when he ran – a question that had always been a mystery to me. It was a peculiar sensation, the balance between the speed and the clarity. For, while I rocketed over, under, and through the thick jade maze at a rate that should have reduced everything around me to a streaky green blur, I could plainly see each tiny leaf on all the small branches of every insignificant shrub that I passed.

-Breaking Dawn, First hunt.

I'd say that's more than enough to show their speed.


Their durability is on par with other stats we've seen, too.

First, these people are so durable that carlisle couldn't commit suicide even after trying repeatedly:

He made a disgusted sound. "I don't envy him the girl—just the ease of the suicide," he clarified in a teasing tone. "You humans have it so easy! All you have to do is throw down one tiny vial of plant extracts…"

"What?" I gasped.

"It's something I had to think about once, and I knew from Carlisle's experience that it wouldn't be simple. I'm not even sure how many ways Carlisle tried to kill himself in the beginning… after he realized what he'd become…" His voice, which had grown serious, turned light again. "And he's clearly still in excellent health."

- New moon, Party.

I see a lot of misconceptions about this stat, though. Their durability comes from both their skin and their flesh.


1.First of all, Their skin is NOT compared to marble in durability. It is compared to marble in texture considering it's really soft to touch and all:


I could taste his pure, vivid scent on my tongue and feel the unbelievable silkiness of his marble skin under my sensitive fingertips.

-Breaking Dawn, Surprise.


Her skin was marble white, the texture a million times smoother than human skin.

- Breaking Dawn, Travel Plans.

2. In durability, it is always compared to diamonds:

And Edward hissed, his hands balling up in fists so tight it looked like the bones in his knuckles would split through his diamond-hard skin.

-Breaking Dawn, Contrivances.

3. It's too tough for needles, and impenetrable to ultrasounds:

Even though they were talking about me, I didn't try to figure out the conclusions they were drawing. I had other things on my mind, a few facts I was trying to reconcile. Fact one, Bella'd said that the creature was protected by something as strong as vampire skin, something that was too impenetrable for ultrasounds, too tough for

needles. Fact two, Rosalie'd said they had a plan to deliver the creature.

-Breaking Dawn, Tick Tock, Tick Tock.

4. It is almost impenetrable, even for the little baby renesmee:

"Her skin seems about as impenetrable as ours. Not that anyone would dream of testing that."

-Breaking Dawn, Promised.


It's quite clear that it's not just the skin that's tough. Another misconception I've noticed.

1. Seth cutting though riley's shoulder gives a metallic screech, not just the skin:

Seth rushed Riley, and the vampire was clearly off-balance. I saw Seth sink his teeth into Riley's shoulder and tear, jumping back again. With an earsplitting metallic screech, Riley lost his other arm.

- Eclipse, Snap Decision.

2. kate's body, a diamond hard rubble:

The strength I usually worked to keep restrained flowed through my muscles, and I knew I could crush her into diamond-hard rubble if she pushed me to it.

- Breaking Dawn, Company.

Interestingly, people tend to extend this and argue that they should shatter from strong blows like diamonds do. Lol.

Problem is, they are similar to diamonds in one/two properties. Doesn't mean that they are made up of diamonds lol.


1.They are completely unscathed after colliding at their insane speeds:

I learned the other reason they waited for a thunderstorm to play when Jasper, trying to avoid Edward's infallible fielding, hit a ground ball toward Carlisle. Carlisle ran into the ball, and then raced Jasper to first base. When they collided, the sound was like the crash of two massive falling boulders. I jumped up in concern, but they were somehow unscathed.

"Safe," Esme called in a calm voice.

- Twilight, the game.

This does two things, one is, they aren't brittle at all. And two, if just their skin was tough, there's no way they'd even stand after that (microscopic width skin doesn't protect against blunt damage of that magnitude), their insides would be turned into a mush.

2. We know, two of the ways carlisle tried to kill himself was jumping from great heights and drowning in seas:

"What happened then?" I finally asked, staring up at Edward, who was watching me. "When he realized what had happened to him?"

He glanced back to the paintings, and I looked to see which image caught his interest now. It was a larger landscape in dull fall colors — an empty, shadowed meadow in a forest, with a craggy peak in the distance.

"When he knew what he had become," Edward said quietly, "he rebelled against it. He tried to destroy himself. But that's not easily done."

"How?" I didn't mean to say it aloud, but the word broke through my shock.

"He jumped from great heights," Edward told me, his voice impassive. "He tried to drown himself in the ocean… but he was young to the new life, and very strong. It is amazing that he was able to resist…

feeding… while he was still so new. The instinct is more powerful then, it takes over everything. But he was so repelled by himself that he had the strength to try to kill himself with starvation."

"Is that possible?" My voice was faint.

"No, there are very few ways we can be killed."

-Twilight, "Carlisle"

It speaks for itself.

Interestingly, edward is confident that he can survive a fall from a spiraling plane:

"The pilots are passed out drunk."

"Easy. I'd fly the plane."

Of course. I pursed my lips and tried again.

"Both engines have exploded and we're falling in a death spiral toward the earth."

"I'd wait till we were close enough to the ground, get a good grip on you, kick out the wall, and jump. Then I'd run you back to the scene of the accident, and we'd stumble around like the two luckiest survivors in history."

I stared at him wordlessly.

"What?" he whispered.

I shook my head in awe. "Nothing," I mouthed.

-Eclipse, Motive.

(Can't help but remark here: ah.. the typical superman-saves-lois-problem. Stupid writers, if something as durable hits her, she'll be shattered into fragments. So would bella. Carry the lucky fragments back lol)

Note that, jumping when they're closer to ground doesn't reduce the impact of collision (at all). It is so that they can go back to the crash-site easier.

That should say enough about the durability.


Their strength level doesn't lag at all either:

if for one second I wasn't paying enough attention, I could reach out, meaning to touch your face, and crush your skull by mistake. You don't realize how incredibly breakable you are. I can never, never afford to lose any kind of control when I'm with you."

-Edward cullen, twilight: Mind over matter.

Note that, Edward is a normal sparklepire in strength. His speed is what makes him special. Emmet has (by my reasoning) twice as strength as normal, while newborn vampires like bella are about thrice as strong as edward, as compared by the distances of their bounds.

He was faster than me. I couldn't imagine how he moved his legs with such blinding speed, but it was beyond me. However, Iwas stronger, and every stride of mine matched the length of three of his.

-Breaking Dawn, first hunt.

1. They have enough leg strength to casually jump at least fifty yards. (Not going all out though)

Quote 1:

"Are we swimming?" I asked him when we stopped beside the water.

"And ruin your pretty dress? No. Alice would be horrified..We're jumping."

I pursed my lips, considering. The river was about fifty yards wide here.

Quote 2:

He touched my cheek, took two quick backward strides, and then ran back those two steps, launching himself from a flat stone firmly embedded in the riverbank.

I studied the flash of movement as he arced over the water, finally turning a somersault just before he disappeared into the thick trees on the other side of the river.

"Show-off," I muttered, and heard his invisible laugh.

Quote 3:

It was simple to position my right foot just so against the flat stone and exert the adequate pressure to send my body wheeling up into the air. I was paying more attention to aim than force, and I erred on the amount of power necessary – but at least I didn't err on the side that would have gotten me wet. The fifty yard width was slightly too easy a distance...

It was a strange, giddy, electrifying thing, but a short thing. An entire second had yet to pass, and I was across.

I was expecting the close-packed trees to be a problem, but they were surprisingly helpful. It was a simple matter to reach out with one sure hand as I fell back toward the earth again deep inside the forest and catch myself on a convenient branch; I swung lightly from the limb and landed on my toes, still fifteen feet from the ground on the wide bough of a Sitka spruce. It was fabulous.

Over the sound of my peals of delighted laughter, I could hear Edward racing towards me. My jump had been twice as long as his. When he reached my tree, his eyes were wide.

-Breaking Dawn, First hunt.

Note that edward's jump, ignoring the distance between river and trees, was over fifty yards. Bella's was around twice that (over three hundred feet, for those who don't know)

And both of them were simply trying to cross the river, not jump as far away as they could. ("adequate" pressure)

2. Here's the infamous van feat:

Unlike what people think, the car wasn't just rotating in place. It was coming with enough force to crush a human, and when stopped the car, it was enough to put a large dent in it. Also, he at least partially supported it till he moved bella's legs out of the way to let it settle down.

I was lying on the pavement behind the tan car I'd parked next to. But I didn't have a chance to notice anything else, because the van was still coming. It had curled gratingly around the end of the truck and, still spinning and sliding, was about to collide with me again.

A low oath made me aware that someone was with me, and the voice was impossible not to recognize.

Two long, white hands shot out protectively in front of me, and the van shuddered to a stop a foot from my face, the large hands fitting providentially into a deep dent in the side of the van's body. Then his hands moved so fast they blurred. One was suddenly gripping under the body of the van, and something was dragging me, swinging my legs around like a rag doll's, till they hit the tire of the parked car. A groaning metallic thud hurt my ears, and the van settled, glass popping, onto the asphalt — exactly where, a second ago, my legs had been.

- Twilight, Phenomenon.

However, this isn't their full potential, at all.

3. Edward, effortlessly shattering a two-foot thick branch by throwing it.

He reached up with one hand and, with a deafening crack, effortlessly ripped a two-foot-thick branch from the trunk of the spruce. He balanced it in that hand for a moment, and then threw it with blinding speed, shattering it against another huge tree, which shook and trembled at the blow.

And he was in front of me again, standing two feet away, still as a stone.

"As if you could fight me off," he said gently.

-Twilight, Confessions.

4. Emmet, kicking a large stone fragment at insane speeds:

Emmett kicked the rock fragment across the river. It sliced a young maple in half before thudding into the base of a big fir, which swayed and then fell into another tree.

"Rematch. Tomorrow."

- Twilight, Shiny.

5. Edward, throwing riley's arm at victoria so hard that she hits a tree which snaps in half:

I could see the smile I'd been dreaming of flash across her wild face.

She coiled and sprang.

Something small and white whistled through the air and collided with her mid-flight. The impact sounded like an explosion, and it threw her against another tree — this one snapped in half. She landed on her feet again, crouched and ready, but Edward was already in place. Relief swelled in my heart when I saw that he stood straight and perfect.

Victoria kicked something aside with a flick of her bare foot — the missile that had crippled her attack.

It rolled toward me, and I realized what it was. My stomach lurched.

The fingers were still twitching; grasping at blades of grass, Riley's arm began to drag itself across the ground.

- Eclipse, Snap Decision.

6. Bella, feeling her strength for the first time:

Suddenly, I was anxious again.

Not about falling or getting hurt – I was more worried about the forest getting hurt.

It had come on slowly, but I could feel it now – the raw, massive strength thrilling in my limbs. I was suddenly aware that if I wanted to tunnel under the river, to claw or beat my way straight through the bedrock, it wouldn't take me very long. The objects around me – the trees, the shrubs, the rocks... the house – had all begun to look very fragile.

-Breaking Dawn: First hunt.


Need something easily quantifiable, capping this all off?

Again, note here that newborn bella is about thrice as strong as edward, an average non-human-blood considering their bound distance.

-Three," he grunted, and shoved against my hand.

Nothing happened.

Oh, I could feel the force he was exerting. My new mind seemed pretty good at all kinds of calculations, and so I could tell that if he wasn't meeting any resistance, his hand would have pounded right through the rock without difficulty. The pressure increased, and I wondered if a cement truck doing forty miles an hour down a sharp decline would have similar power. Fifty miles an hour? Sixty? probably more.

It wasn't enough to move me. His hand shoved against mine with crushing force, but it wasn't unpleasant. It felt kind of good in a weird way. I'd been so very careful since the last time I woke up, trying so hard not to break things. It was a strange relief to use my muscles. To let the strength flow rather than struggling to restrain it.

-Breaking Dawn, Shiny.

Fun fact, an empty truck weighs around ten tons. A cement truck weighs from around 25 tons to 35 tons. And in this case, it's moving at fifty-sixty mph

And neither bella nor emmet were going full all out yet:

Emmett grunted; his forehead creased and his whole body strained in one rigid line toward the obstacle of my unmoving hand. I let him sweat – figuratively – for a moment while I enjoyed the sensation of the crazy force running through my arm.

A few seconds, though, and I was a little bored with it. I flexed; Emmett lost an inch.

I laughed. Emmett snarled harshly through his teeth.

"Just keep your mouth shut," I reminded him, and then I smashed his hand into the boulder. A deafening crack echoed off the trees. The rock shuddered, and a piece – about an eighth of the mass – broke off at an invisible fault line and crashed to the ground. It fell on Emmett's foot, and I snickered. I could hear Jacob's and Edward's muffled laughter.

-Breaking Dawn, Shiny.


Twilight characters ranked based on strength (Top 15)

15)Riley Biers 

Riley Biers was an antagonist in New Moon and Eclipse, serving at the right hand of Victoria, the very same vampire who turned him in the first place. Victoria and Riley, duped into thinking that she loved him, come up against the Cullen Family and their allies in an attempt to kill them once and for all.

While the Cullens eventually made short work of Riley during their battle, he was still a reasonably powerful vampire in his own right. He manages to hold his own in some battles, but ultimately can't stand up against the far more powerful Seth Clearwater. Forced to rely on his stronger allies for help, Riley's friends aren't there for him when he truly needs their help.

14)Renesmee Cullen 


Renesmee Cullen, the daughter of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan, may be better known for being Jacob's imprintee, one of the more questionable storylines in Twilight, but she is also a very powerful character in her own right. Half-human and half-vampire, Renesmee proves to be quite useful in her limited screen time in the Twilight Saga.

Renesmee may not be quite as powerful as the elder vampires in Twilight, but she does show remarkable talent in using her psychic powers. She demonstrates an ability to implant her own thoughts into someone else's mind, which, if used properly, could be an incredibly dangerous weapon. Moreover, Renesmee is still quite young at the end of the films, suggesting that she could still grow far more powerful in years to come.


Marcus was a member of the Volturi Coven in the Twilight Saga, acting as an antagonist throughout the franchise. Serving Aro, Marcus uses his ability to read emotional relationships between individuals to the Volturi's dastardly ends.

Marcus's powers may not be as useful in combat as those of certain other members of the Volturi, but he certainly uses them to the best of his ability. The Volturi offers valuable information to his coven, which they can then use against their enemies. While the films don't explore Marcus too heavily, the powerful vampire could have a bigger role in the upcoming vampire-centric television reboot.


James was the main antagonist of the first Twilight film, wherein he set his sights on Bella. Along with the help of his coven, James attempts to feed off of Bella, making an enemy in the Cullen family as a result. Even so, James presented a major threat to the Cullens in their ensuing battle.

James uses enhanced tracking to act as a thorn in the Cullens' side but is ultimately killed by Emmett. As big a problem as James may have been in Twilight, he is ultimately one of the least powerful villains that the Cullen Family faced throughout the franchise.


Victoria was a villainous vampire with designs on destroying the Cullen clan for killing her mate James during the events of Twilight. She gathers an army of turned humans to fight the Cullens in New Moon and Eclipse before eventually being defeated and killed by Edward.

Victoria may not have been as physically brutal as James, but she showed a higher level of strategy in making her move against the Cullens. While her strength was ultimately inadequate to defeat the Cullens, she certainly took an impressive stand against them that could have easily ended a different way.



Originally from South America, Zafrina was a member of the Amazon coven alongside Senna and their creator, Kachiri. She made her first and only appearance in Breaking Dawn when the Cullens needed witnesses to corroborate Renesmee's growth for the Volturi, therefore proving she wasn't an immortal child.

Zafrina was the only gifted vampire in her family and was capable of projecting vivid illusions into other people's minds. In battle, she could use this ability to disconnect her opponents from reality, blinding them from any other possible attacks. These abilities proved useful, but ultimately don't make her stand out among the more popular--and far stronger--vampires in the Twilight franchise.

9) Jasper Hale 

Before being turned in the mid-19th century, Jasper was a proud major in the Confederate Army who was known for his charisma and influence over others. These skills were amplified once he became a vampire and developed into Pathokinesis, the ability to sense and control the emotions of those around him.

After joining the Cullens, Jasper mainly used his gift to calm others and to protect his family from adversaries. He easily camouflaged Bella with his powers during the Cullens' first encounter with James, Victoria, and Laurent, making her seem insignificant in the eyes of the nomads. This ability comes in handy on occasion, earning Jasper's place among the Cullens.

8)Alice Cullen

Alice had the power of precognition even before becoming a vampire. When she was still human, this ability garnered a lot of negative attention from those around her, who thought she was practicing witchcraft or struggling with her mental health. Her father eventually sent her to a psychiatric hospital where she remained until her human death.

Alice's premonitions were highly subjective, as they were ever-changing and depended on a subject's concrete decision. Even though her foresight was initially limited to humans and vampires, she eventually began seeing possible futures involving half-humans like Renesmee and the werewolves. While she may not be considered to be the most powerful member of her clan, Alice certainly earns her place in the Twilight hall of fame for her actions in Breaking Dawn Part 2.


Demetri was initially a member of the Egyptian coven before he was offered a post in the Volturi's prized guard. He was a particularly valuable member, as he had the gift of tracking and could find anyone in the world after acquiring the 'tenor' of their thoughts for the first time.

Since Demetri knew most of the Cullens, he was capable of tracking any of them, even if they managed to escape the Volturi's attack. For this reason, he was considered one of their most dangerous enemies, keeping them on the ropes for quite some time.



Kate was a member of the only other family of 'vegetarian' vampires, the Denali coven. Alongside her sisters Tanya and Irina, she was turned into a vampire by a Slovakian vampire named Sasha who was killed by the Volturi for creating an immortal child. Centuries later, the Denali coven met the Cullens and formed a strong friendship and allyship.

One of two gifted vampires in her coven, Kate was able to channel electricity all over her body and shock whoever came in contact with her bare skin. In Breaking Dawn, she used her power to help Bella develop her shielding ability, thereby helping her pupil become even more powerful than she was.

5) Aro 


Easily the most charismatic Volturi leader, Aro was born and turned into a vampire during the Mycenaean age of Ancient Greece. Driven by his ambition and hunger for power, he then began recruiting gifted vampires to establish an all-powerful coven that he eventually based in Volterra, Italy.

Aro had the power of tactile telepathy, meaning he could read someone's thoughts and memories with a simple touch. He used this ability to see Edward and Bella's history through Edward's eyes in New Moon and to learn the truth about Renesmee in Breaking Dawn. He proves to be one of the longest-lasting, and clearly among the strongest, of the many antagonists in the Twilight Saga.


A founding member of the Olympic coven, Edward was dying of Spanish influenza when he was bitten by Carlisle Cullen and turned into a vampire. After his transformation, Edward discovered could read other people's thoughts in real-time from a distance. This made him particularly valuable to Aro, who needed physical contact to access someone's mind.

Edward's telepathy seemed to lack any weaknesses until he met Bella, as she was immune to his powers. His inability to read her mind led him to develop a particular interest in Bella, which later turned romantic when he learned more about her through other people's thoughts. And, despite an awkward start to Edward and Bella's relationship, the two ended up settling down together. However, while often thought of as a romantic lead, Edward is also a highly dangerous creature, killing several of the most powerful vampires in the Twilight movies.

3)Jane And Alec 

Jane and Alec were two of the strongest members of the Volturi's guard. Born in England during the Middle Ages, the two exhibited powerful psychic abilities that made them villains in their village and caught the attention of the Volturi. When they were thirteen, Aro saved them from being burned at the stake and turned them into vampires.

Once reborn, Jane and Alec acquired the ability to induce illusory pain and sensory deprivation, respectively. Their gifts made them extremely formidable foes, as they used their mental powers to unarm the Volturi's enemies. Their powers could only be nullified by a mental shield, making them particularly dangerous to any vampire unfortunate enough to come against them, including the strongest members of the Cullen clan.

2)Bella Swan


After Bella was turned during Renesmee's traumatic birth, she believed for months that her firm self-control, which was unusual for a newborn vampire, was her gift. Eleazar, a friend of the Cullens and a member of the Denali coven, revealed that Bella was a mental shield.

Since her time as a human, Bella was immune to mental invasions and attacks, which sparked the curiosity and rage of many gifted vampires. After learning of her power, she trained to expand her shield to protect her family and allies from the Volturi during the final showdown, proving she was one of the most powerful vampires in the Twilight series.



The most prized member of the Egyptian coven, Benjamin was the strongest vampire and had the power of elemental manipulation. As he was capable of controlling the four elements (water, air, fire, and earth), Benjamin was kept a secret from the Volturi by his creator, Amun, who had left Aro and the others to create his own talented vampires.

Unlike most of the gifted vampires in Twilight, Benjamin's ability was purely physical and he could not attack the mind. When he stayed at the Cullens' house, he practiced using his abilities by raising geysers from the river and creating gusts of wind in order to confront the Volturi, if necessary. His limited but devastating abilities make him the clear standout as the most powerful vampire introduced in the Twilight films.

Children of the Moon

"The true Children of the Moon rarely move in packs, and they are never much in control of themselves."―Edward on werewolves.[src] 

The Children of the Moon, also known as werewolves, are human beings that at night, at the fullest phase of the moon, transform into fearsome feral wolf-like creatures. Werewolves, unlike shape-shifters, have the strength and power to kill a vampire single-handedly. Their strength coupled with their inability to control the shift into their wolf forms makes them extremely dangerous and resulted in many vampires fearing them. This fear led to the Volturi nearly eradicating all werewolves from Europe and Asia.

"Full moon, yes. Silver bullets, no—that was just another one of those myths to make humans feel like they had a sporting chance."―Edward[src]

Children of the Moon change form only at night, and during the fullest phase of the moon. While in their werewolf form, the Children of the Moon lose their human consciousness; they are feral rather than rational. Usually, they run alone, or with one companion of the opposite gender. Children of the Moon cannot breed in their animal form; they can spread their species only by infecting other humans through a bite. Infected humans who have children do not pass their abilities to their offspring.

In their animal form, Children of the Moon have heightened strength and speed that make them both deadly and difficult to kill; contrary to legend, these werewolves cannot be killed with a silver bullet, nor does silver repel them. Their amplified abilities make them capable of destroying a lone vampire while it took several shape-shifters to kill Laurent, a nomad. The greatest advantage the werewolf has in both his/her human and animal forms is immunity to vampire venom, both the transformative properties and the pain-producing properties. Unlike the Quileute shape-shifters, Children of the Moon lose all their consciousness and rationality while in their animal form. This gives vampires one advantage in battle, as they retain their focus and fighting skill.

In their changed form, they do not entirely resemble actual wolves: Their forelegs are more powerful than their hind legs, and they still have usable hands with opposable thumbs. In addition, their stance is more upright, making their movement somewhat ape-like, rather than entirely canine.

Because vampires and Children of the Moon share the same food source and because each is an exception to the other's near indestructibility, they are natural enemies. Over time, however, the vampires have hunted the once populous werewolves into near extinction.


Not much is known about the Children of the Moon's history. It is known that Caius, one of the Volturi leaders, is terrified of them after he was nearly killed in a fight with one two thousand years ago. Aro and Marcus knew about Caius' encounter, and since werewolves pose a threat to vampires everywhere, the werewolves were almost annihilated, resulting in near-extinction in Europe and Asia. It is not known if they are found anywhere else in the world. In Eclipse, it is revealed that James once hunted one across Siberia, with Victoria and Laurent accompanying him. The hunt was a success, as usual, although James was unaware what the beast really was.

The Volturi refuse to tolerate truces or alliances between werewolves and vampires, under likely punishment of death. This was something that Caius tried to stress when the Volturi put the Cullen family on 'trial' for creating an immortal child. But the werewolves the Cullens had allied with were really shape-shifters in wolf forms, and so the law did not apply.

Quileute shape-shifters


Due to the Volturi's initial assumption that the La Push shape-shifters were Children of the Moon, the two groups probably look very similar in their wolf forms.

While the shape-shifters run in hierarchy and organization, Children of the Moon rarely form packs, preferring to run alone or with one companion of the opposite gender. In Breaking Dawn, it was commented that true werewolves are disorganized compared to the shape-shifters.

It has been confirmed that they cannot breed in animal form, nor do they pass their abilities to their offspring. Like vampires, they change people into werewolves by biting them, infecting them with their poison. Unlike the legendary version they're based on, they are not vulnerable to silver bullets. Shape-shifters, however, pass their powers to their offspring, but they remain dormant until the carrier comes across a vampire, which will activate his gene, gradually building up his physical stature until he is ready to transform.

Like the shape-shifters, werewolves probably have enhanced strength and speed, rapid healing, and heightened senses. In addition, they are immune to vampire venom in both human and animal incarnations, and their stance is more upright, making their movement somewhat ape-like, rather than entirely canine. However, shape-shifters have a deadly response to vampire venom - while venom alone is not fatal, it can be with addition to serious injuries.

Vampire Covens

Although the Cullen family are the main focus of the Twilight universe, there are other vampires as well that also live in covens, and here's every group active by the time of the events of the series. In 2005, Stephenie Meyer shared her vision of vampires and werewolves in the novel Twilight, the first entry in a series of four books. The novel was a big success and quickly amassed a loyal fanbase, who defended the romance between vampire Edward Cullen and mortal Bella Swan and even divided into two factions: Team Edward and Team Jacob, this last one in support of Bella's best friend (who also happened to be a werewolf) Jacob Black.

The Twilight series followed Edward and Bella as they overcame different obstacles, such as a clan of vampires named Volturi, an army of newborn vampires, and packs of werewolves, among those Jacob. As the story progressed, more vampires were introduced, especially as more and more learned about Edward Cullen's relationship with a mortal and them having no plans to turn her into a vampire, which represented a threat to all vampires around the world. Readers and viewers met new clans of vampires in Breaking Dawn, as some of those close to the Cullens attended Edward and Bella's wedding and later joined forces with more groups to defend their daughter, Renesmee, who is a human/vampire hybrid.

In order to be a coven, it has to be a group of a minimum of three vampires, and in large covens, members can turn on each other for domination of blood (this among vampires that drink human blood, as they are wilder). Vampires don't usually live and travel in covens as they prefer to do so alone or in pairs, mostly to avoid drawing too much attention. As "family" is one of the main themes in the Twilight novels and movies, covens were included when the Cullens needed help, and here's every vampire clan and how they're different from each other.

Olympic Coven


The Olympic Coven is best known as the Cullen family and consists of Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, Edward, Bella (after her transformation in Breaking Dawn), and Renesmee. They are the second largest and most powerful coven, and also one of the most mature and stable in big part thanks to their diet consisting only of animal blood, thus calling themselves "vegetarians". This lifestyle has also taught them to be loyal to each other and to value human life, which not all vampires do. By not drinking human blood, the competitive aspect of their hunting instincts has disappeared, resulting in stronger family bonds. The Olympic Coven prefers to stay in one place as long as possible, choosing places with cloudy climates so they can go out and live "normal" lives without revealing their true nature, but after some time they are forced to leave. This coven was founded by Carlisle and Edward, who initially traveled using the cover story of Edward being the younger brother of Carlisle's late wife.

Volturi Coven


The Volturi are the largest and most powerful coven of vampires, as well as the ones who enforce the laws of the vampire world, and they're the equivalent of royalty. By the end of the Twilight series, the Volturi consisted of five core members: Aro, Caius, Marcus, Sulpicia, and Athenodora, along with a bunch of followers, including a subgroup known as the "Volturi guard", of which Jane and Alec are members. The Volturi feed on human blood, so their eyes are red as opposed to the Cullens' golden eyes and have a list of rules to follow as their main purpose is to keep the secret society of vampires hidden from the human world. They reside in Volterra, Italy, and among their rules is that hunting is forbidden there, so their food has to be brought from outside. When they learned about Edward and Bella's relationship, they tried to have her join the clan but she refused, after which they decided she had to die as she knew too much, but Alice convinced them that it was in Bella's future to become a vampire. Years later, they went after Renesmee as they thought she was an immortal child, but they eventually left. The Volturi were founded by Aro and Marcus.

Denali Coven


The Denali Coven consists of Tanya, Kate, Garrett, Carmen, and Eleazar and takes its name from their residence: Denali, Alaska. Just like the Cullens, they are vegetarians and have a close bond with them, to the point where they consider themselves their extended family. The Denali Coven was founded by Sasha and Tanya, with the former being responsible for the latter's transformation, along with Kate and Irina's. Sasha was considered their mother, and after she was executed by the Volturi for creating an immortal child, Tanya took the role of leader. Laurent, who was introduced in Twilight as part of the coven of James and Victoria, joined the coven and began a brief romance with Irina, but he was killed by the Uley pack of werewolves, and Irina was later killed by the Volturi after she mistook Renesmee for an immortal child.

Egyptian Coven


The Egyptian Coven is one of the oldest groups in the Twilight universe, and it consists of Amun, Kebi, Benjamin, and Tia, and just like the Volturi, they drink human blood. They have managed to live somewhat normal lives in Egypt for centuries, with Amun keeping Benjamin's talents a secret from the Volturi as he feared they would try to take him away. Amun even suspected at times that the Cullens were trying to steal Benjamin and Tia, but he still agreed to serve as witnesses for them when the Volturi were going after Renesmee.

Amazon Coven


As the name suggests, the Amazon Coven resides in the rain forests of South America and consists of Zafrina, Kachiri, and Senna, all of them natives of the Pantanal wetlands. Even though they live in an area with little human population, the Amazon Coven members feed on human blood, and they never interact with humans unless they're hunting. In fact, they don't associate with humans nor make an effort to behave in a human way, which is why the Volturi had never heard of them

Irish Coven


The Irish Coven is formed by Siobhan, Liam, and Maggie, and though they feed on human blood, they are civilized, as opposed to other violent covens. Maggie's power is sensing lies when she hears one, which is why Siobhan and Liam trust her judgment even though they are the leaders of the group.

Mexican Coven


The Mexican Coven was founded by Maria, who used it to raise an army of newborn vampires with the purpose of winning back the land that she lost. They drink human blood, which makes them even more chaotic, and it's the coven that turned Jasper into a vampire. After Jasper left, Maria continued creating newborns to protect her territory and killing them after their first year

Romanian Coven


The Romanian Coven is one of the oldest groups and the one that ruled before the Volturi's rise. By the time of the events of Breaking Dawn, the coven consisted only of Vladimir and Stefan and spent years seeking revenge against the Volturi. After the death of most of the clan, Stefan and Vladimir refused to create more vampires and decided to disappear until the Volturi weakened or another power presented itself. They joined the Cullens and the rest in Breaking Dawn as they heard rumors of a fight against the Volturi, and while they were disappointed that there was no such fight, they were pleased to see them run away.

Disbanded Covens


Of course, not all covens have survived through the years for many reasons – either being killed by other vampires, mostly the Volturi, or their members parting ways. Within the timeline of the Twilight series, the disbanded covens are those of James and the Seattle newborn army. James' coven was introduced in Twilight and was a group of three (James, Victoria, and Laurent) who wandered the northern United States looking for food, as they fed on human blood. The coven was over after James' death, with Laurent later killed by the Uley pack and Victoria by the Cullens. The Seattle newborn army was created by Victoria but controlled by Riley Biers, with the purpose of getting rid of the Cullens and the Uley pack to get to Bella and kill her, in retaliation for James' murder. Most of the coven was destroyed by the Cullens, the pack, and the Volturi, and its survivors went on to become nomads.

Past of the Cullens and the point an way in which they were turned into vampires.

A human is turned into a vampire when another vampire bites them for their blood, but doesn't kill them. Instead, the poison from the vampire's teeth takes over their body, stops their heart, and turns them into the beautiful, superfast, and strong creatures that Bella Swan encounters in the series. The Cullen family, a.k.a the Olympic coven, are "vegetarian" vampires who choose to only feed on animals. Carlisle Cullen uses his medical knowledge to save lives and only turns humans into vampires when they would die otherwise. This was the case with all four of the Twilight vampires he turned: Edward, Esme, Rosalie, and Emmett. Alice and Jasper, joined the family after they had already been turned into vampires.

Carlisle Cullen


Carlisle is the oldest of the Cullen family, born in 1640 in London, and his mother died giving birth to him. His father was an Anglican pastor who led a group that sought out and killed people they thought were witches, werewolves, and vampires to root out "evil" in their community. When his father was too old to continue these raids, Carlisle took over — though he never much agreed with them to begin with. Carlisle discovered a group of real vampires living in the sewers of London and led an attack against them, but he was bitten and left for dead.

According to Carlisle's backstory, he hid for three days while his body was transformed into a vampire. Once he understood what he had become, he tried every way he could to kill himself, but his body was invincible. As a vampire, he resolved to only drink animal blood from the very start and traveled the world, spending some time with the Volturi in Italy, before settling in the United States and becoming a doctor. He then went on to form the Cullens, making the decisions that would lead to most of the Twilight vampire backstories known by fans.

Edward Cullen

   Edward was born in 1901 in Chicago as Edward Anthony Masen, the only child of an affluent lawyer and his wife Elizabeth, to whom Edward was very close. All three of the Masens caught the Spanish Influenza in the pandemic of 1918, the father dying first. On her deathbed, Elizabeth begged Carlisle Cullen, who was the doctor treating them, to do everything he could to save her beloved son.

As Edward himself was dying, Carlisle snuck him out of the hospital and back to his home, where he turned Edward into a vampire and became a father figure to him. Edward then became very rich after he inherited the Masen family fortune and accumulated wealth throughout his long life, as did the other Cullens.

Esme Cullen


Esme was born in 1895 on a farm in Columbus, Ohio. When she was 16, she was treated for a broken leg by none other than Dr. Carlisle, with whom she bonded instantly. Years later, she was forced by her family to marry an abusive man, eventually running away from him when she discovered she was pregnant. In 1921, she gave birth to the child, but they died just two days later. Devastated, Esme attempted to kill herself by jumping off a cliff.

The men who found her took her directly to the morgue, but Carlisle, who was working in a hospital nearby, noticed her heart was still beating. He recognized her as the girl he had met years before and decided to save her life by turning her into a vampire.

Rosalie Hale

   Rosalie has perhaps the darkest Twilight vampire backstory. She was born in 1915 in Rochester, New York to a wealthy family and was incredibly beautiful. At 18 years old, she became engaged to a bank owner's son who she didn't love. One night in 1933, shortly before their wedding, Rosalie came across her fiancée completely drunk with a group of friends who all sexually assaulted her and beat her.

Carlisle found her nearly dead and carried her away, where he turned her into a vampire and welcomed her into their family. According to Rosalie's backstory, the first thing she did was murder all her abusers, including her ex-fiancée, before settling down to become one of the Cullens. Rosalie, however, exercised remarkable self-control as a new vampire, refusing to drink the blood of any of the men who assaulted her, killing them outright.

Emmett Cullen

Emmett was born in 1915 in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, to a large family, and he worked on the nearby railroad. He was a rambunctious teen who loved adventure and hunting. In 1935, he was in the mountains and ended up attacked by a black bear.

Rosalie found him and carried him over a hundred miles back to Carlisle to save his life. She wanted to save him because she thought he looked innocent, young, and beautiful but didn't trust herself to change him without killing him. Emmett became a vampire because of Rosalie's intervention and Carlisle's bite.

Alice Cullen


Alice Brandon's Twilight vampire backstory saw her born as Mary Alice Brandon in 1901 in Biloxi, Mississippi. From an early age, she had premonitions that led many in town to believe she was a witch. After her mother was murdered and her father remarried, Alice escaped to a nearby town, having a vision that her father was the one responsible.

There, her father had her committed to an asylum where she befriended an unnamed vampire doctor. Later, she had a vision that a tracker named James (the same one who later tried to kill Bella in Twilight) was looking for her, so her vampire friend turned her into a vampire to protect her and then sacrificed himself to James to give her time to escape. She went on to meet Jasper, and they joined the Cullens in 1950.

Jasper Hale


Jasper was a young major in the Confederate Army in Texas when his Twilight vampire backstory began. He was turned into a vampire by Maria, another vampire, who wanted him to lead an army of young vampires she was creating to fight in the Southern Vampire Wars. He was already an empath before becoming a vampire, and Maria used his abilities to influence the feelings of others to control her newborn vampire army. Jasper worked with her until 1938 when he ran away to the North with another vampire friend of his named Peter. He met Alice in a diner in 1948 and joined the Cullen family along with her shortly after.

Bella Swan

Bella Swan has the best-known Twilight vampire backstory since the audience actually sees hers unfold. Bella starts out as a human at the beginning of the Twilight series. She was born in 1987 and moved to Forks to live with her dad when she was 17 years old, as shown in the first book and movie. In the fourth book of the series, Breaking Dawn, and the fourth movie, Breaking Dawn - Part 1, Bella is turned into a vampire after marrying Edward.

Though Bella told Jacob that becoming a vampire wasn't originally the plan, it seems that Edward expected Bella to become a vampire from the very beginning. He transforms Bella by injecting her heart with his venom after it stops beating following the birth of their daughter, Renesmee. Once a vampire, Bella becomes the most recent addition to the Cullen clan and is the only one changed during the Twilight series.



Renesmee is the only vampire/human hybrid featured in the Twilight series, and her backstory is told primarily through Breaking Dawn. Not only that, but her existence and Bella's life-threatening pregnancy are what cause Edward to change Bella into a vampire in the first place. Renesmee has special powers, gifted to her by her vampire side, and is able to show people her thoughts by touching them. Jacob imprints on her, creating a special bond between the two.

Renesmee is able to both eat human food and drink blood to sustain herself, though she prefers to drink blood. Once her existence is confirmed by the Volturi, she is hunted down by the Twilight vampires as they are convinced she is a turned vampire child, which is forbidden due to their dangerous nature. The Cullens are able to prove that Renesmee isn't a threat, and the Volturi leave the family alone once and for all.

Where Were The Cullens During New Moon?


During the course of New Moon, Edward and the Cullen family were noticeably absent – so where did the Cullens go? During an incident at Bella's 18th birthday celebration, in which Jasper nearly attacks Bella, Edward decides that she is in too much danger by being involved with his family. He reacts to this by breaking up with her and then promptly falling off the face of the Earth, which fuels Bella's descent into a deep depression, although she begins to heal after bonding with Jacob and the rest of the werewolf clan.

Edward then reappears in Italy towards the end of New Moon with little explanation as to where he'd been this whole time. No concrete explanation is given, but there is a clue that's almost a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment. When Edward calls and Jacob picks up, the statue of Christ the Redeemer can be seen in the background, meaning that Edward Cullen went to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It's unknown if the Cullens were there the entire time or if they jumped around a lot. Regardless, the question is never answered in Stephanie Meyer's Twilight book, so the scene was probably added into the movie to avoid a plot hole.

Do Any Other Twilight Vampires Have Their Backstories Explained?


When it comes to Twilight vampire backstories outside the Cullen family, not many of them make their way into the trilogy of novels or the movies. Instead, they can be found in supplemental material for the franchise. There is a lot of extra material created because of how popular the books and movies became, like The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide. As a result, backstory, genealogical charts, and lore that didn't make it into the main books found a home, and fans got a lot more information. Victoria, and the twins Jane and Alec, have pretty extensive Twilight vampire backstories.

Victoria hunts Bella with James in the first Twilight chapter, then on her own in New Moon after James' death. She's a formidable opponent because she's got a supernatural sense of self-preservation, always knowing when to run and when to attack. That sense of self-preservation was actually born from her human life, which began as the illegitimate daughter of a servant and a lord in the 1500s in England.

Her older sister essentially raised her while they worked thankless jobs, and when her sister vanished one night after becoming a sex worker, Victoria had to protect herself. She escaped from the man whom her sister had been working for, living on the street. She became good at keeping her head down and hiding. When her sister suddenly reappeared, it was because she had been turned into a vampire, and she did the same to Victoria, giving her another way to protect herself. The Volturi eventually take Victoria's sister from her, but she ends up with James.

Jane and Alec are some of the youngest (at the time they are turned) vampires in the Twilight franchise. The twin siblings actually exhibited powers before they became vampires as well. The leaders of the Volturi even had their eye on them as humans because they believed it would be useful to turn them once they became adults. Jane and Alec, however, didn't make it to adulthood.

Instead, they were burned at the stake by the residents of the town where they lived during the Dark Ages. The townsfolk believed they were witches. When the Volturi found out what was happening to them, Aro arrived to turn them into vampires just in time. The trauma of being burned at the stake, however, informed the type of vampire abilities they ended up with.

Jane's rage consumed her, and she wanted everyone to feel the same level of pain that she did. That's why she could psychically inflict the feeling of being burned alive on others. Alec, on the other hand, wanted to feel nothing and just die peacefully. His ability became that of turning off the senses of others. When it comes to the Twilight vampire backstory, it's clear that both life and death inform how different vampires turn out.

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