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The Enchanting Secrets of Crimson Moon Manor The Enchanting Secrets of Crimson Moon Manor original

The Enchanting Secrets of Crimson Moon Manor

Author: Black_shadow_ol

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Shadows of doudt

Ohhhh. I Look out of my truck's window. I stare at this place, it's like nothing I've seen before in my life. Despite visiting several places, nothing compares to this view I see now. Or Maybe it's just the feeling of freedom running in my veins after leaving behind a life full of hardships. I hope to start a new chapter, a new job with a great salary, something that gives me a sense of confidence.

Oh, this place is so far away. Six consecutive hours have passed, and I've been driving non-stop. But in reality, I don't feel tired; I feel marvelous. It's truly an enjoyable journey. Despite my good feelings, it doesn't help me stop thinking that all of this could shatter in a single moment. Maybe I'm just dreaming, and I'll wake up at any moment.

Oh, I have to stop and let go of these thoughts. Focus on the road. I can't wait until I get there and settle. One of the reasons I accepted this job is that they pay a small fortune just for me to take care of a house—fix some pipes, mow the grass, cut wood, and tend to livestock. Who am I to complain? My situation was miserable, and this job is my only hope. The moment I arrive, I'll start working immediately.

This enthusiasm for work may come from the doubt I feel. Is this job real? But it's a great opportunity not to waste. I must try. I hope that when I get there, everything will prove to be real, and all my doubts will vanish. Oh, my, my first paycheck will go straight to clothes. Lots and lots of clothes. And maybe something for my truck too, like some paint job and fixing those pipes. Oh, I'll think about all of this when I actually have the money. 

Even when I gathered my belongings, I brought a few with me in my bag—some clothes. So, if it turns out to be a lie, I won't look like a fool. After all, I brought a little. I can't believe this is real. Even if I find nothing, at least I'll have spent a road trip and returned home. Like nothing happened. Now, I need to get rid of this negative energy. As my dad used to tell me, 'Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst.' Wise words to live by.

 Moments later, my GPS indicated that I was getting close. But I noticed the destination was surrounded by fields or something. Nothing around it for several miles. Who in their right mind would build a house in a place like this? After a brief moment of complaining, I decided to stop dwelling on these negative thoughts and shake off the doubt creeping into my head. After a while of driving, I veered off the road and entered a path through the field.

Look at this; there's someone living here. I haven't seen anyone for a long time. I couldn't stop feeling strange as I'm not used to such things—no houses, no stores, no gas station, not even a paved road. Now, I understand the reason for the high salary; there's nowhere to spend the money. The sense of strangeness started to fade as I approached the person. When I reached him, I saw he was tending to some sheep in the field. I stopped to ask him.

I called out, 'Hey, hello sir. Can I ask you something?' 

He approached my truck and said, 'Yes, of course. What do you want to ask?' 

So, I said to him, 'I got a job at the Crimson Moon manor, and I wanted to ask if I'm getting close to it.' 

The man's expression changed, and he began to leave, so I called after him, 'Wait, you haven't answered my question.'

 He turned to me and said, 'I don't know anything, and it's better for you not to know either.' 

Those words planted doubt in me, and I started to feel some fear, wondering why he trembled and advised me not to go there. After moments of confusion, I decided to continue on my way; my life is already at rock bottom, what could possibly happen to me? I kept driving down that road, and after a few moments, I saw another person.

I approached and saw that she was a girl. I decided to stop and offer her a ride in my truck while asking her at the same time. I got close, stopped the truck, 

and said to her, 'Hey, where are you headed? Maybe I can give you a lift.' She didn't even turn to look at me or bother to respond. 

So, I said, 'I'm not some kind of weirdo, in case you're wondering.' I paused, 

and she replied, 'I'm heading home.' 

I opened the truck door and told her, 'I can give you a ride if you want.'

 She answered, 'Sure, why not? And That's exactly what a weirdo would say.' 

I said, 'Great. Now, hop in.' 

After she got in, I started thinking and said, 'Wait, home? There's nothing in this place.' I began to doubt if the GPS had led me astray. After a moment of contemplation, I thought maybe this girl knows something about the Crimson Moon manor. I started driving and decided to ask her about the manor .

Black_shadow_ol Black_shadow_ol

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