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1.53% The Emperor of Darkness (DxD) / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: First worst nightmare...
The Emperor of Darkness (DxD) The Emperor of Darkness (DxD) original

The Emperor of Darkness (DxD)

Author: George_Theperson

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: First worst nightmare...

A boy, about 17 years old, with brown hair, and chocolate brown eyes, his name was Issei, of course, host of Welsh dragon Ddraig, AKA the Red Dragon Emperor or the Heavenly dragon of Domination, walking home with a huge smile on his face and a group of people surrounding him.

They were walking home after a day of having fun together.

The high school year just ended and Akeno, Rias and Sona and her queen Tsubaki graduated from high school yesterday while issei, Asia, Xenovia, Irina and Kiba will be third-year students after the summer break.

The graduates are planning to go to college next year that is near Kouh town.

Issei had a great idea to celebrate their graduation together for a whole day.

Much to everyone's joy, Sona and Tsubaki agreed to join them for the day along with her peerage.

They had an extremely fun day at an amusement park and later at a beach much to Issei's and Saji's excitement.

Irina wasn't able to come with them as she was sent to heaven by Michael himself for the whole summer.

They were able to watch some bouncy action as the girls played volleyball, when it was their turn to play they couldn't focus on the ball and were hit a couple of times in their faces or even worse, below their waist.

It was quite dark already when issei, his ladies and buddies reached the house.

Kiba and Saji tagged along to spend some more time together.

Issei didn't mind them coming as they were his best friends and brothers by everything but blood.

They entered the house and turned on the lights.

While everyone went to the living room, Asia and Akeno went to the kitchen to prepare some snacks and drinks.

After a couple of minutes, everyone was gathered in the living room and enjoyed each other's company.

But suddenly everyone's attention was gathered by a red magic circle with Gremory ruins glowing in the middle of the room.

Seconds later four people emerged from it.

Three of them were tall but one of them wore a formal robe and shoulder platings, his eyes were baby blue and shoulder-length crimson hair like Rias while the other was muscular and had purple eyes and jet black hair and wore simple clothes.

The muscular man held a box full of what looked like expensive bottles of alcohol.

The other two were a man and a girl that looked a lot alike.

 The beautiful young girl had dark blue eyes. She had long blonde hair tied into twin tails with large, drill-like curls and pink ribbons kept them in place.

The front of her hair had several bangs hanging over her forehead.

She wore a beautiful pink dress and had a small box too but from the smell, issei could tell that she had a delicious pie ready to be eaten.

Lastly, a tall and handsome young man in his early 20s with short blond hair and dark blue eyes was next to the girl.

He had an arrogant smirk but not too arrogant after issei's beating.

"Yo Sairaorg, Zechs, Ravel and fried chicken!" Greeted them Issei with a toothy grin.

Everyone chuckled at Riser's misfortune as he growled from annoyance.

"Why hello there brother in law" Greeted him back the Crimson-haired man who was Sirzechs.

Both Issei and Rias gained a tint of red on their faces from slight embarrassment while the rest of the girls had jealous looks.

To make the situation worse for the duo the muscular man with the box who was Sairaorg started laughing at their embarrassed reactions.

"If you're gonna laugh any longer I'm gonna beat you again like two weeks ago" Warned issei.

"I wouldn't mind us fighting again" Replied Sairaorg as he put the box on the ground next to his feet but never broke the fierce eye contact between the Red Dragon Emperor.

The rating game between Sairaorg Bael and Rias Gremory was two weeks ago and issei came victorious at the last moment after getting knocked out by Sairaorg and gaining his newest and strongest form yet, called Cardinal Crimson Promotion.

Issei was promoted to the middle-class devil after the rating game and Sairaorg's mother woke up from her long-lasting coma.

"Now now, we didn't come here to fight" Said Sirzechs calmly with a kind smile.

Both titans broke their fierce glare and shook hands with prideful smirks.

"So what business do we have with you? after all, it's quite late" Asked issei politely this time.

"Well, we came here to celebrate three occasions tonight" Said Sirzechs.

"And those are?" Asked Rias.

"Issei's promotion" Answered Ravel shyly with a blush.

"Your graduation dear sister" The next one who spoke was Sirzechs.

"Your victory of the rating game" The last one was Sairaorg that spoke.

"I understand Rias's graduation but we already celebrated the victory of the rating game and my promotion" Said issei with a confused expression.

"Well, I didn't participate in the last two celebrations because as you heard my mother finally woke up from her coma, so I spent as much time with her as I could" Said Sairaorg.

"And I had some business to attend to with my family" Said Ravel.

"C'mon issei, I don't think it will be harmful to re-celebrate your promotion and our victory again right? plus they already came here with some nice presents" Said Akeno with a seductive voice as she hugged him from behind.

"Y-yeah! I think so too! I mean my parents will return only after tomorrow so let's celebrate!" Said issei with a strong blush as he felt Akeno's breasts being pressed against his back.

Everyone cheered and soon enough Sairaorg took out a couple of bottles from the box that he brought while Akeno went to bring some glasses.

They somehow managed to make issei drink some of the alcohol even if he wasn't of age.

But Saji drank with no problem as if it wasn't his first time even tho it was because he was drunk after only a couple of glasses.

But Ravel and Kiba didn't drink any as they didn't want to.

After two hours of drinking and sharing some hilarious stories while drunk and funny moments of Rossweisse who passed out not too long after, Sirzechs had to go as he had business in the morning to attend to.

Of course, he didn't leave by himself.

Grayfia helped him..... no, dragged him by his ear while she scolded him for drinking too much and left.

Not much later Ravel decided to leave too as she achieved her goal of making issei try her cinnamon apple pie which issei described as amazing, much to her joy.

They were having fun and drinking until issei had what he thought was a great idea.

He grabbed Kiba by his wrist and started to drag him out of the living room.

"Hey issei what are yo-" Kiba tried to ask him what he was doing but got silenced by him.

"Shhhh, I want to 'hiccup' to propose to the girls' hiccup' so I need your help 'hiccup' to finish our project" Said issei between hiccups as he wobbled towards the exit with Kiba behind.

"But aren't you too drunk?" Asked Kiba nervously.

"Nah 'hiccup' I'll be fine" Said issei as he opened the door and walked outside with Kiba.

'Hey Ddraig, you awake?' Called out issei to the mighty dragons of domination through the mental link.

'What is it that you need partner?' Asked Ddraig with a tired voice that indicated that he was asleep.

'Can you maybe somehow make me un-drunk?' Asked issei.

After a moment of silence, Ddraig responded tiredly.

'Sure, but it will get really hot'

'hot?' Asked a dumbfounded issei.

He didn't get an explanation from Ddraig but rather a demonstration.

Issei started to sweat a lot as his body temperature rose significantly.

He started to pant as the temperature rose and burned out all of the alcohol within his body and after five minutes issei was good as new but sweaty.

'Thanks, pal' Thanked issei as he was now sober.

'No problem' Replied Ddraig as he fell asleep.

"Kiba can you help me out here?" Asked issei as he pointed at his sweaty clothes.

"Sure" Replied Kiba with a chuckle as he summoned a light blue sword.

He slashed at the air with the sword and a small wave of water hit issei.

It was stronger than what issei expected as he was knocked down to the ground.

"Sorry" Apologized Kiba as he offered his hand.

Issei grabbed his hand and Kiba helped him stand up.

He then summoned a different sword that emitted small flames from the edges.

"Don't burn me" Said issei.

Kiba nodded and did the same as last time but with much less force and a weak flame just enough to vaporize the water from the clothes.

"Thank you, now wait a sec, I need to make a call" Said issei as he took out a phone from his pocket and luckily was still working after what it just went through.

He started to call someone as Kiba just watched and not long after issei's call was answered.

"Yo kiddo, what ya gonna tell me?" Answered a male voice.

"Yo Azazel, still up I see, good, look I want to finish our little project tonight as fast as possible please" Said issei hastily.

"You mean the rings? I mean, if it's so important to finish them tonight who am I to not help my buddy out?" Said Azazel.

"Thank you, Azazel I promise to repay you somehow someday" Said Issei with a voice full of excitement.

"Sure a bottle or two of sake and a small trip to a strip club will be fine as payment" Said Azazel with a chuckle.

"Sure! see you at Grigori" Replied Issei as he hung up.

"We have a green light" Said Issei with a thumbs up and a goofy smile.

"Yeah, I kind of heard all of it including the payment" Said Kiba with a light chuckle.

"Don't tell anyone about it and can you teleport us to Grigori?" Said Issei with a stern stare.

"Sure, let's go" Said Kiba as he created a crimson teleportation magic circle beneath his feet with Gremory ruins.

Issei stepped into the circle and they were gone in a crimson flash.

In a dark room, a crimson flash lit up the whole room for a moment that looked like science research or crafting and building lab.

Soon the lights turned on and a tall man who appeared to be in his twenties with an average build, black hair, golden bangs and a black goatee slowly walked into the room with a long yawn.

"So you are already here? good, let's get started as it sounded urgent in the phone call" Said Azazel as he walked towards the duo.

"Yeah, let us not waste any more time than needed" Said Issei all hyped up.

Azazel prepared some tools and took out a wooden box which contained unfinished rings for Rias, Akeno, Asia, Koneko, Xenovia and Irina, tho Irina will get her's when she comes back.

Issei brought materials like gems and diamonds out of a safe.

Like that the trio spent at least four hours finishing the rings.

Issei poured his whole heart and soul into them to make them perfect for the girls.

Azazel was already asleep in his chair and Kiba almost fell asleep too if not for Issei who closed the wooden box with the rings.

"Well Kiba, thank you for your assistance once again and I will repay you too in some kind of way" Said issei with a tired smile.

"Sure, but not the same way as Azazel" Said Kiba with a tired chuckle.

"Okay, but you at least need to find a girlfriend" Said Issei.

"Sure someday" Replied Kiba as he stood up from his chair and stretched his limbs.

"Alright, take this box and let's do like we practised those other times" Said Issei as he gave Kiba the box.

Kiba once again created a teleportation magic circle and teleported both of them back to the mansion with the same crimson flash.

"Good luck kiddo" Whispered Azazel with his eyes closed as he fell asleep for real this time.

Issei and Kiba arrived at the mansion's doorstep.

"Well, time to go in" Said Issei but he sounded completely different.

Just a moment ago he was excited and looking forward to it with confidence.

Now he sounded nervous.

"Don't worry Issei, no need to be nervous, remember that you have mine, Azazel's and Ddraig's support right at this moment so nothing can go wrong" Said Kiba with a kind smile as he held the wooden box.

"That's right partner, don't be a chicken and enter like a fearless dragon!" Roared Ddraig confidently.

Issei smiled after hearing that they will support him and nothing will go wrong, it put his mind at ease.

He took a deep breath and opened the door.

They saw that the lights in the living room were still on but no noise was heard.

Issei and Kiba thought that maybe they fell asleep as they did take four hours at the Grigori, but Ddraig had a bad feeling already.

They entered the living room and much to their surprise they saw only a passed-out Rossweisse on the ground with a bunch of empty bottles laying around the room.

Issei and Kiba chuckled before Issei picked her up and placed her gently on the sofa.

"Maybe they are upstairs?" Whispered Issei as he looked at Kiba.

Kiba just nodded and they went to the elevator.

They got to the third floor and silently walked towards Issei's bedroom.

Everything went okay until they heard something really disturbing that froze both men and made Ddraig even more anxious.

"OOOOoooh yea Issei!" A moan of Akeno filled the corridor.

Issei looked at Kiba to see if what he heard was a hallucination but his expression told everything.

Without a word, Issei decided to move on but Ddraig spoke through the mental link.

'Partner I think that's a bad idea, we need to fall back I have a bad feeling about this' Warned the mighty dragon.

'Wh-what do you mean? you just told me to enter like a fearless dragon and now fall back?' Replied Issei as he didn't stop walking.

Ddraig didn't utter anything back as it was true but he still didn't want Issei to continue.

The closer they got the louder the moans got.

Kiba noticed how Issei started to tremble so he decided that they should stop.

He grabbed issei's wrist but when issei glared at him with now bone-chilling green eyes instead of gentle and soft brown ones made Kiba release Issei and just continue walking.

Soon enough the duo were standing in front of Issei's bedroom from where all of those moans came from.

Issei reached out to the door handle with a trembling hand and held his breath as well as prayed even if he was a devil he still PRAYED that it was just a prank or the girls just masturbated thinking about issei.

But the bed's intense screeching made it look otherwise.

The door was opened and the room was dark but both Kiba and Issei saw everything in the dark because devils had a night vision sight.

What both men saw shocked them to their very cores.

Kiba looked at Issei and saw him stop breathing and his green eyes glow more intensely.

It reminded him of the time when Issei activated the juggernaut drive for the first time.

Kiba then looked back to the horrid scene that was Akeno being ravaged by Riser while the other girls and two men were passed out cold from alcohol and all the 'fun' they had.

Kiba then noticed that Asia's woomanhood seemed to be gushing out..... the white stuff, while the other girls were clean because they used condoms, and seems like Issei noticed that too as he started to breathe unevenly.

"Yessss Issei! you are so gooood at this!" Suddenly moaned Akeno with an expression that screamed pleasure as Riser ravaged her.

It seemed that the bed begged for help as it barely was standing.

'The girls are so drunk that they somehow managed to mistake Issei for them!??!' Thought Kiba with such fury.

He couldn't believe that his master and saviour who he looked up to so much was doing such things behind Issei's back, his brother's back who he looked up to even more.

Kiba wanted to summon his sword of betrayer and slash the heads of the three men.

But before he could do that Issei started to back away slowly before sprinting out of the house down the stairs.

Kiba didn't even get the chance to stop him as he just disappeared.

"You morons! what are you doing!?" Shouted Kiba at the disaster that was in front of him.

But they were so drunk that they didn't even hear him and continued their 'fun'

Kiba saw that there was no use so he contacted Grayfia.

"Lord Sirzechs needs to get here as fast as he can, we have a huge problem, please get here quickly to Issei's mansion, the town is in danger " Said Kiba with an anxious voice as he feared for the worst.

"We're coming" Replied a feminine yet serious voice.

Five minutes later the bed screeching and Akeno's moans were silenced and a few more minutes later a silver magic circle appeared next to Kiba who was leaning against the wall next to the door where the hideous scene was seen.

"What's the matter knight of Rias?" Asked Sirzechs who stood in front of Kiba with his wife and queen Grayfia who was wearing her usual maid uniform.

" 'Sigh' Just look inside this room and you'll see how your dear sister messed up this time" Said Kiba with a disappointed sigh as he pointed at the door next to him.

Sirzechs got a bad feeling when the knight of his sister said those words.

He looked at Grayfia who nodded and walked in front of the door before opening it.

As soon as she opened the door she let out a shocked gasp and covered her mouth with both of her hands.

Sirzechs rushed in right behind her and he saw Rias and half of her peerage naked together in bed with Sairaorg, Riser, and Saji.

Sirzechs became furious as he released his aura and woke up all of the filth as the mansion started to shake.

Everyone shot up from the bed and the first thing they saw were Grayfia's and Sirzechs's glowing blue and red eyes that were full of anger and disappointment.

"B-brother?" Stutered Rias out of fear and confusion as she saw his angry eyes.

"B-B-broather, what's going on? what are you doing here?" Asked Rias still not processing what was going on and not noticing the three men who were at the bed's side shivering from fear, regret, and disappointment in themselves.

"No Rias, it's ME who wants to know what is going on here and what were you doing with them" Said Sirzechs with controlled anger as he pointed at the three men who flinched.

Rias and the girls looked at the three naked men and then recalled the moments of what happened not too long ago.

The memories were hazy and blurry but they understood what happened.

"N-no no no no no no no this can't be real no! it can't be!" Shouted Rias with a horrified expression as the girls behind her started to cry and sob.

"But it's real and you fucked up big time here" Said Kiba with disgust who was standing in the doorway with his arms crossed.

"Wh-where is ise?" Asked Akeno with a shaky voice.

"He ran away after we saw you Akeno enjoy Riser's dick, oh! and by the way" Said Kiba calmly before leaning behind the door and grabbing a wooden box.

He threw the box on the bed in front of the girls.

"Open and see what he was preparing to do for you tonight" Said Kiba as he glared at the women.

Xenovia with shaky hands took the box and opened it in front of everyone and what they saw made the girls cry harder and the three traitorous men flinch from the sight of six beautiful handmade golden rings with different gems that sparkled beautifully.

The rings had their names encarved from the inside.

Kiba took one ring from the box that had a golden orange gem.

That ring was Irina's, since she wasn't here Kiba decided to give it back to issei so at least one girl will stay faithful.

"A week ago issei asked me to cover for him with devil work so he could make these rings for you.

Every early morning he asked me to help him practice his proposal speech so that he wouldn't disappoint any of you, he was really looking forward to this moment, he put so much thought and effort into this one single moment but you... you just... I can't believe how messed up you are..." Said Kiba before he turned to look at Sirzechs.

"My lord, issei ran out of the mansion and I believe that the town is in danger because issei can't control his emotions at the moment so we need to find him as fast as we can" Said Kiba with utmost seriousness.

"Yes, Grayfia contact Sona and let her dispatch her peerage and help Rias's Knight search for issei" Ordered Sirzechs.

Grayfia and Kiba nodded before he ran out of the room and Grayfia contacted Sona.

"B-brother we will help too" Said Rias with a weak voice.

"No, you and your present peerage will go to the Gremory mansion and wait for me there while the three men better get out of my sight" Said Sirzechs sternly before Grayfia created a magic teleportation circle beneath her feet.

The three men teleported with their own magic circles while Grayfia teleported Rias and her peerage to the Gremory mansion before coming back to Sirzechs.

" 'Sigh' Why did any of this happen? It was supposed to be just a small celebration party but now everything is ruined" Said Sirzechs as he rubbed his forehead.

Grayfia walked up to him and placed her hand on his hand.

"Not now dear, we have a huge problem at hand, later you can rant all you want" Said Grayfia with a sweet and soft voice.

Sirzechs took her hand before kissing it.

"Okay, dear let's g-" Before he could finish a loud roar followed by a huge amount of dominating aura washed over the town.

"Oh no" Said Sirzechs as he and his queen flew with their devil wings towards the source of the roar...

[To be continued]...

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