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Chapter 169 - The black tower version 4.0 update ~ Eve's game

Fiddlesticks, a dart that runs uncontrolled for 40.2km. This is a karmic item that looks very counterintuitive, but is actually a bit of a chicken feed. When used in a real fight, the enemy is already in a constant state of dodging and running. If you adjust your state in time, it is useless.

Bai Ruoyao apparently adapted to the odd prop in an instant.

The silver butterfly knife is like a flying leaf, each stroke is a quick stab at Tang Mo's vitals. Tang Mo did not dare to be careless. Bai Ruoyao had not seen him for half a month, but his strength had improved again. He was faster and more powerful. Tang Mo opened his umbrella with a snap, only to hear the slender butterfly knife clattering against the surface of the umbrella.

These two butterfly knives actually left a white scratch on the reinforced parasol!

Bai Ruoyao curled his lips, "Tangtang, your umbrella is nice."

Bai Ruoyao immediately deflects the blow with his butterfly knife. He slides backwards a few metres and raises his head, staring at Fu Wenduo.

From the time Tang Mo shot the dart to the time Bai Ruoyao struck, it all happened in a matter of three seconds.

Bai Ruoyao is a psychopath, but not a fool. With a smile on his lips, his gaze flickered over Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo's bodies, and then to Chen Shanshan's three men on the side. There was a faint glint in his eyes as he looked at the deadly aura on the five men. He gave a cheeky laugh, "There are so many of you, bullying me alone."

Practising Yu Zheng with his arms in his hands: "I'll stay out of your business."

But apart from practising Yu Zheng, there were four others. Fu Wenduo and Jackass could not watch Bai Ruoyao attack Tang Mo at will. Jackass, in particular, glared viciously at Bai Ruoyao. The baby-faced youth noticed his angry glare and winked, "That big guy over there, do I know you, don't look at me with such passion, I'm not gay."

Jackass gritting his teeth: " Bai Ruoyao ..."

Bai Ruoyao raised his eyebrows, "You know me?"

Jackass knew Bai Ruoyao, of course, but Bai Ruoyao did not know him.

Bai Ruoyao's enemies in Shanghai were too numerous to mention. Jackass didn't lose the game to Bai Ruoyao, but he did suffer indirectly in a rally that Shanghai players will never forget. Only a madman would do something like that to his own detriment.

Jackass doesn't really hate Bai Ruoyao, but he does hate him a lot.

Bai Ruoyao muttered "So I'm so popular" and his smile widened.

"You didn't come here to try to kill me this time."

Bai Ruoyao smiled and looked at Tang Mo: "Don't you want to kill you?"

Tang Mo put away his little parasol, not at all worried about Bai Ruoyao's sudden attack: "You may be a bit of an oddball, but you're not a fool to get yourself killed. If you attacked me when I was alone, you would have a chance of winning if we fought alone. But now there are so many people, even if you did kill me, you would not be able to leave alive."

Bai Ruoyao quipped deliberately, "Wow, so that's what I thought, and it's the first time I know about eh Tangtang."

Tang Mo ignored the man's pretence of insanity as he said coldly, " Bai Ruoyao, what do you want here?"

Bai Ruoyao: "A walk."

No one believed his bullshit.

Bai Ruoyao said with a serious tone and a smile, "I was taking a walk and I accidentally saw Tangtang and Mr. Fu School. We've been friends for a long time, so I thought I'd come up and say hello when I saw you." Bai Ruoyao pulled the dart off his shoulder without changing his expression, and instead of giving it back to Tang Mo, he naturally put it in his pocket. He didn't give it back to Tang Mo, but put it in his pocket quite naturally. The prop would become a normal dart after one use, though, and Tang Mo didn't stop him.

A low male voice rang out, "Yesterday The black tower announced a new update is coming."

Bai Ruoyao bristled and turned his head to look at the man with a bemused face.

Fu Wenduo swept the baby-faced youth off his feet and cut to the chase: "You're worried about this update."

Bai Ruoyao paused for half a second and suddenly smiled, "Ah, so that's what I thought, I knew it for the first time again, thank you Mr Fu School."

Any exchange of words seemed useless before this baby-faced youth's deliberate act of stupidity. Tang Mo's eyes narrowed as he stared at Bai Ruoyao. After a moment, he looks up at Fu Wenduo. Fu Wenduo shakes his head at him, Tang Mo's mouth purses, then turns and walks away, not wanting to waste time on this man.

Bai Ruoyao saw this and exclaimed, "Hey Tangtang, don't you want to kill me?"

Tang Mo continues walking without looking back.

If he had the chance to kill this man, Tang Mo would not hesitate to do so. But he and Fu Wenduo agreed that Bai Ruoyao had grown in strength again, and no one knew where he had gotten his strength from, but if they really tried to kill him, Bai Ruoyao might be able to escape, and they would expose a lot of their cards.

This is Chosen's base camp, and Yu Zheng is practising right next to it. There are plenty of opportunities to kill Bai Ruoyao, but now is not the time.

The crowd walked a little further when a helpless voice with a chuckle sounded from behind them, "What if I said that I had information about Mu Huixue?"

Tang Mo stops on his feet and turns his head in dismay.

The butterfly knife whipped through the air in a beautiful splash and was received up his sleeve in the blink of an eye as the smiling, baby-faced youth winked at Tang Mo.

"I said, I know Mu Huixue Oh."

Fu Wensheng has mixed feelings when he hears that he will meet Tang Mo and his big brother today. These days he is replacing Li Miaomiao at Chosen and helping Ruan Wangshu and the others heal. He is a bit scared of Chosen's stowaways and has to be a hostage. But when he leaves Chosen, he has to meet Fu Wenduo ...

"Just out of the tiger's den and into the wolf's den ...," the little friend muttered to himself in a depressed voice. Maybe his brother is even meaner than Chosen!

A knock on the door outside the classroom startles Fu Wensheng, who subconsciously looks towards Ruan Wangshu, who is sitting at the end of the classroom. The sickly white boy nods at him and Fu Wensheng silently walks over to open the door. When he saw Tang Mo and the others, he was happy and nervous, and called out timidly, "Big brother". After Fu Wenduo nods, Fu Xiaodi's eyes flicker to the smiling psychopath standing at the back of the group.

Fu Wensheng exclaimed, "Ah, how come it's you!"

This is the only child in Tang Mo's group who is always casually bullied by Bai Ruoyao, and the baby-faced youth mimics Fu Xiaodi's stunned look, exaggerating the drama: "Ah, how come it's me. Hee hee, guess."

Fu Wensheng grunted and was about to turn around and enter the classroom when he suddenly noticed, "Why are you running in place?"

Bai Ruoyao's smile froze: "..."

... Tang Mo None of these people are any good at all!

Practising Yu Zheng told Ruan Wangshu about Bai Ruoyao. Ruan Wangshu looked warily at Bai Ruoyao and allowed his move to exchange information.

Ruan Wangshu: "Yes, yes, you can, but first you say, who is Mu Huixue."

Bai Ruoyao's eyes narrowed, "Why did I say it first?"

Ruan Wangshu said calmly, "Because you are the one who asked for it."

Bai Ruoyao makes an exaggerated face as Ruan Wangshu repeats, "If you don't want to cooperate, you can leave here, Mr. Bai."

Bai Ruoyao gave a laugh and said to Tang Mo, " Tangtang, look at him bullying me."

Tang Mo didn't bother to look at him.

Bai Ruoyao was still smiling, but his grim gaze was locked on the pale teenager. After a few moments, he spreads his hands: "I have a good temper. Mu Huixue, 25 years old, is from Guangzhou. She has just returned to China the year before last, she is very good at fighting and is quite famous in her circle. I met her once in Moscow, she's a very pretty woman."

Tang Mo: "And then what? "


Crowd: "..."

Ruan Wangshu's voice was cold: " Mr. Bai, if this is the information you want to exchange with us, I think you can leave now."

Bai Ruoyao: "Everything I said is true."

Ruan Wangshu: "So what if it's true, does any of this mean anything to us."

Bai Ruoyao justified: "At least you now know if Mu Huixue is a man or a woman, how old he is and where he lives."

In a flash of light, Lian Yu Zheng pulled out a dagger. She was so fast that the dagger was immediately placed around Bai Ruoyao's neck, and he didn't even duck, but looked at her with a smile on his face. No one expected Tang Mo to stop Lian Yu Zheng this time. He looked at Bai Ruoyao carefully, and after a long time he said, "Your information is indeed meaningful."

Ruan Wangshu frowned, but he chose to trust Tang Mo.

Practice Yu Zheng retrieves the dagger.

The fact that Bai Ruoyao knew Mu Huixue is significant in itself.

Putting Bai Ruoyao aside without further delay, Ruan Wangshu told the story of the information gathered by the Chosen Organisation over the past few days: "Because of the Time Rankings, we all know that it is difficult for transparent people to trust each other and that there is no organisation. But there isn't none. Half an hour ago the transparent man we caught this morning disappeared, and I ended his life before he did. He was ranked 98th on the time chart." Ruan Wangshu looked grim: "According to him, Beijing has a total of two better-known Transparent teams."

Tang Mo: "What kind of team?"

Ruan Wangshu: "The first is a pair of twin siblings, the older one ranked 71st on the time chart, one in the light, the other in the dark, never seen together. Whenever you fight one of them, you have to be on guard against the other one sneaking in from the shadows. They are very strong."

Fu Wenduo: "What about another team?"

Ruan Wangshu was silent for a moment, but instead of saying so directly, he said: "Perhaps because Beijing is the capital of China, it is already densely populated and the city is rich in resources. As we had guessed, when Earth went online on 18 November, we survivors all stayed on Earth and the Transparent People went to a place very similar to Earth. That place is almost indistinguishable from Earth, the only difference may be the lack of a moon."

Tang Mo: "No moon?"

Ruan Wangshu: "This is my speculation. Chosen has captured a total of nine Transparent People, and from their descriptions, they have never seen the moon. Apart from the extra break they get for killing, the Transparent People can only rest on Earth for ten minutes after each completed game. I wouldn't rule out the coincidence that none of these people had ever seen the moon because the ten minutes were short, but it's a bit too much of a coincidence that none of the nine people had seen the moon in six months. So I presume that there is no moon on that Earth, only the sun."

"The moon symbolises the night and the night symbolises rest. Transparent people do not need to rest, so The black tower does not give that world a moon." Ruan Wangshu looked to Chen Shanshan, and the young girl looked calm: "It is not impossible to speculate."

The crowd didn't dwell on the subject as Ruan Wangshu continued, "The second organisation is more difficult than the twin siblings. Tang Mo, you said earlier that you had met a middle-aged man who was number 89 on the time list."

Tang Mo nodded, "Well, his name is Li Chaocheng."

Ruan Wangshu: " Beijing has a total of four people on the time chart."

Tang Mo was stunned when Fu Wenduo asked, "Including Li Chaocheng?"

Ruan Wangshu: "Well, that includes him." The crowd sighed with relief when Ruan Wangshu added, "But the seventh place on the time chart is in Beijing." Ruan Wangshu's voice grew heavy, "The transparent man said that the seventh place on the time chart was a sixteen year old girl called Xu Yunsheng."

Next, Ruan Wangshu gives a detailed account of the three-person team, whose average age is very young.

Killing the top ten on the Time Rankings earns you a Fine quality prop. However, in the past six months, Xu Yunsheng's name has steadily climbed from the 90s to seventh place, making her the second person in China on the Time Rankings, apart from Mu Huixue. Players who are not on the Time Rankings are not necessarily strong, but those who are on this list must be bold and determined.

Ruan Wangshu: "Xu Yunsheng's party only killed meat pigs."

They only kill Transparent people without extra breaks, unless a player tries to kill Xu Yunsheng for props, then they will kill them back. Such a team is extremely rare among the Transparent. There are not many Transparent people who only dare to kill meat pigs, but there are very few players on the time chart who only kill meat pigs.

But this does not mean that Xu Yunsheng is not strong.

Ruan Wangshu looks up at Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo: "A month ago, Beijing had five time ranked players. The transparent man in 36th place heard that Xu Yunsheng's team only killed meat pigs and thought she was not strong enough to kill her. The next day his name disappeared from the Time Rankings and Xu Yunsheng climbed from tenth to eighth place."

Ruan Wangshu doesn't really know much about the nine transparent people Chosen caught, only one of whom was a player on the time chart. Xu Yunsheng's team is notorious in Beijing for killing any player they encounter who is left alone. No one else had access to their information, not even Xu Yunsheng's powers.

Tang Mo's eyes were downcast as he mulled over the information on these two teams. Ruan Wangshu added some other information, mentioning in passing that Shanghai did not have any players in the top 50 of the time chart, but did have four players in the bottom 50.

Chen Shanshan: "Transparent people are divided into the same zones as we are. Beijing is China Zone 1, Shanghai is Zone 2. Mu Huixue is Zone 3, and if she's in Guangzhou, then Guangzhou is China Zone 3."

The situation in Beijing is more complex than anywhere else.

In addition to the two most famous teams, there are dozens of teams of transparent people in Beijing. These teams are often made up of just two people, who find their "prey" and share the spoils equally.

The information Ruan Wangshu has received is mostly from Beijing, but he cautions: "There are many strong players who are not on the time charts, and we can't be too careful. I know of two teams of foreigners in Suzhou who are not on the time charts, but are very famous or notorious. They're not on the time charts because they like to take breaks and choose to rest when they can. But they are extremely strong, having cleared the third floor of The black tower very early on, and they like to breed meat pigs and kill in a brutal way."

When he heard the word Suzhou, Tang Mo took a moment to notice, but didn't think too much of it.

The intelligence was all put together and the crowd quickly made a decision.

Tang Mo: "With seven days to go before The black tower is updated, we need to gather more information. I'm more concerned about the twins than Xu Yunsheng's team. The older brother is 71st on the time chart, but the younger sister is not." After a pause, Tang Mo looked down at Chen Shanshan: "Shanshan, what do you think?"

Chen Shanshan: "I also think that they seem a bit more eccentric."

Bai Ruoyao's smiling voice rang out at this point, "Wow, a woman's intuition? A little kid like that has a woman's sixth sense?"

Fu Wenduo said indifferently, "Are you done running?"

Bai Ruoyao, who is still running in place: "..."

With the agreement of Tang Mo and Ruan Wangshu, Chosen and Tang Mo's side decided to use the seven days to catch as many transparent people as possible.

Ruan Wangshu: "Since The black tower announced its new update, the Transparent Man is staying on Earth longer, giving more time to dig information out of a Transparent Man if he is captured." ,

The core of Chosen are six powerful players, but they have many members.

The average strength of the Transparent was definitely stronger than the survivors, but the strength of the Chosen members also far exceeded that of ordinary players. Bai Ruoyao had been running for a full hour when he finally stopped his feet. He grinned as he listened to all of Ruan Wangshu's arrangements from the sidelines, and only when the crowd focused their attention on him did they realise that he had somehow disappeared.

Even Fu Wenduo did not notice his disappearance.

Tang Mo's mind becomes more alert.

For the next seven days, Tang Mo accidentally entered a copy. More time was spent looking carefully for signs of the Transparent Man. By the time May 18 came around, Tang Mo had a complete time chart. Mu Huixue was still in first place, Xu Yunsheng's name had dropped from seventh to ninth, and his twin brother's name had advanced to 62nd.

There appear to have been talks between Ruan Wangshu and the leaders of other organisations in Beijing, but no contract was reached.

They are all waiting, waiting for a new version to arrive, waiting for a new situation.

18 May 2018, 6pm.

The warm red sunset slides slowly towards the horizon as a translucent moon rises from the east. The warmth of the sun shining on the huge, dark tower actually makes it seem soft. But the moment the second hand pointed to 6 o'clock, an inclusive, warm song rang out, followed by a flood of female voices coming in from all directions.

Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo hid in a small building on Chang'an Street, staring at The black tower from afar.

The black tower has never been so gentle as it is today.

This is an Ode to the Virgin.

The female voice hums softly, and the black tower glows with a warm, light red light. But in the deadly silence of Beijing, this otherwise gentle song has a strange and eerie sound. The earth is silent and the city's roads are deserted. Countless eyes are hiding in the buildings, staring at The black tower with fear and hatred.

When the song stops, the light on the tower is simultaneously annihilated.

Everything is cold again, but that's what The black tower is.

A small white dot of light flashed up at the tip of the tower. This time many people noticed the dot and counted it quickly, but after a few seconds their expressions turned ugly. Tang Mo tried desperately to keep his eyes open to count the number of jumps, but even with his dynamic eyesight he could not catch the number of jumps.

The dot of light pulses frantically, maybe a hundred thousand times, maybe a million ...

Then came the second point of light.

It throbbed more than 30,000 times.

The third spot of light pulsed 6923 times.

The fourth dot of light pulsed only eleven times.

Tang Mo waited patiently, but the fifth light did not come back on.

Tang Mo suddenly realised something and his upper body tensed up. The next moment, a clear and emotionless child's voice rang out -

"Ding Dong! New rules for The black tower version 4.0 -"

"First, the copy of the Endbringer is officially closed."

"Second, open the returnee game. Returnees are players without status and the way in which returnees gain status is announced: eliminate one stowaway to gain stowaway status; eliminate ten full players to gain full player status. The elimination method includes, but is not limited to, the game method.

"Thirdly, returnees who gain status will no longer be affected by time off. The time chart will always exist and the rankings will not be updated until 18:00 pm on May 18, 2018."

"Fourth, turn on the stowaway conversion option. Stowaways who pass the fifth floor of The black tower automatically become reserves; reserves who pass the sixth floor of The black tower officially become full players. Returnees who have eliminated their reserve status can become full players directly."

Three times in a row, the cold, childlike voice echoed over every city on the planet. It was perhaps the quietest moment in the world; not one person spoke, not one person moved. It was as if they were leopards lying in the grass staring at their prey, waiting for their enemy to appear.

"Ding Dong! 5.63 million players successfully loaded into the game ..."

"Thirty-two million players successfully loaded into the game ..."

"Game archive in progress ..."

"Player data loading in progress ..."

"Game data loading ..."

"Archived successfully at ..."

"Loaded successfully ..."

"The Returner Game has been updated ..."

"Dingdong! On May 18, 2018, The black tower version 4.0 goes live, welcome players to the game."

Tang Mo hides in the small building, waiting for the last words, "Please try to attack the tower". His gaze is not on The black tower, but on the Chang'an Street in front of him. In the world of the Transparent Man, The black tower is also suspended above the Forbidden City. When the Transparent Man returns to Earth and the two worlds merge, perhaps they will suddenly appear nearby.

But three seconds later, Tang Mo jerked his head up and looked at The black tower with dismay.

Chen Shanshan said in surprise, "What about the line, "Please try to attack the tower?"

Fu Xiaodi also responded, "Yeah, every update ends with The black tower saying please try to attack the tower, but not this time? Does it not want us to attack the tower anymore."

A sense of foreboding rose in Tang Mo's heart, and Fu Wenduo's face gradually sank.

In the next moment, a cheerful child's voice rang out over the globe -

"Dingdong! China Zone 3 returnee Mu Huixue was the first to clear the fourth floor of The black tower, triggering The black tower version 4.0 update. Returnees have been rewarded with Eve's game."

"The rules of the game--"

"Firstly, from 18 May to 24 May 2018, for seven days, the game will be played from 18:00 pm each evening to 6:00 am the next day. This game does not affect The black tower game."

"Second, during game time, returnees receive an additional 'Eve's Reward' prop. The prop is a one-time prop, and players are asked to find out how to use the prop themselves."

"Third, returnees who fail to use their props at the end of the game are judged to have failed the game."

"Fourth, an Earth player who kills a returnee on the Time Chart will receive that returnee's 'Reward of Eve'. If that returnee does not use the 'Reward of Eve', the Earth player may find a way to use the prop."

"Fifth, Earth players who kill China Zone 3 returnee Mu Huixue will receive 'Eve's Reward' and the rare item 'Fallacy Compass'."

"Sixth, the returnee kills Fu Wenduo, a stowaway from China 1, to open 'Eve's Reward' directly and gain 'Respect of the Underlanders'."

"Seventh, the returner kills official Euro 1 player Lena Chopehos, which opens directly to ..."


"Thirteenth, the returnee kills Tang Mo, an official player in China 1, to open 'Eve's Reward' directly and gain the 'Respect of the Head of the Strange Circus'. "

"14th, Returnee kills China 1 stowaway Ruan Wangshu, available at ..."

"Fifteenth, returnee kills official China 1 player practice Yu Zheng ..."


"Forty-nine, the returner kills the European Zone 18 stowaway James Hollan to open 'Eve's Reward' directly."

All over the world, in every corner, players stood with their eyes wide open and listened to The black tower as it finished saying each of the forty-nine rules. No game of The black tower has ever had so many rules, yet every name The black tower spoke has been heard by players around the world before.

Fu Wenduo, Lena Chopehos, Andrei - Ivan Petrov, Tang Mo ...

Each of these names has been announced worldwide by The black tower over the past six months, with only a few names not known to players worldwide. And now, in the same mechanical tone of voice, The black tower is saying their names again, over and over again.

The sun sinks into the earth, the moon rises, and its light floods the black tower. The black tower's calm, almost indifferent voice rings out faintly -

"You know Eve, find her, she's hope."

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