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100% The Dying of the Light / Chapter 2: Prologue 02 - Bump in the Night

Chapter 2: Prologue 02 - Bump in the Night

Ten days.

After making landfall, the crew of The Delight marked their location on a map, bid their sister ships safe journey, and made camp. The next day, the Captain had ordered three scouting parties to reconnoitre the area around them.

The first party had come back within a day, saying they've found a source of fresh water.

The second party had come back within three days, but found nothing of note in the forest.

The third party have been gone for ten days. No one's heard from them. Duncan couldn't help but feel uneasy. What had happened to them? Were they alive? If not, what killed them?

He told himself to not think about it. Afterall, he wasn't a boy anymore. He had important tasks to do. He dug in fences, stacked firewood every evening, and fulfilled his nightguard duty diligently every two days. They weren't particularly adventurous tasks, but he knew they had it be done. But, he couldn't help but listen in to the rumours that begun circulating around campfires every night.

The Captain had ordered the crew to form bands of five to eat, work and sleep together. While Duncan didn't know any of his band mates particularly well, Duncan didn't mind it so much. It was good for companionship.

The dinner for that night was pork stew. The Delight had brought twelve pigs among its cargo to use as food supply for the journey. Apparently, the Admiralty had planned for The Delight discovering this new continent much more thoroughly than Duncan initially thought. Many of The Delight's crew were former farmhands and cattle raisers.

"Maybe they just got lost. The damned forest seems to stretch on for miles on end," said Milton, the biggest man in the band, "Or maybe, they were set upon by some wild beasts."

Adalbert--a Concadian mercenary--spoke next, "Fool, the men were equipped with needle rifles and blades. What sort of beasts would triumph over gunpower and steel?"

Duncan couldn't help but crack a smile. Adalbert spoke with an incredibly heavy Concadian accent, pronouncing th as z, and w as v. It reminded Duncan of Ol' Montie back in his hometown, who had spoken with a lisp before dying from a pox.

"Fool?" said Milton incredulously. He roared with laughter, "Did you hear that? The damned Cannie called me a fool!" He slapped Duncan in the back in amusement. It hurt quite a bit.

Duncan winced, "Bert has a point. I've seen a needle rifle gore a boar from two hundred yards."

Williams and Foley, or the Twins--as everyone referred to them by--laughed. They were inseparable, always choosing to share tasks and rewards. For what reason? Duncan did not know.

"What? Why are you laughing?" asked Duncan.

"Green boy," chortled Williams.

Foley nodded, "Too green to come here if you ask me."

"I'm not a boy," said Duncan, "My pa taught me how to fire a rifle."

This time, both Milton and Adalbert joined in on the laughter.

Duncan's face got red. He hoped the dusk hid his face flushing.

"What? Why? What's the matter?"

Adalbert scratched his mustache, "If you believe that firing a rifle makes you a man...then you perhaps may not be a man afterall."

Milton pat Duncan's head, "Boy, you become a man when you lie with a woman. To feel a woman's warmth in bed, that is manhood"

Foley sighed, "Shame such an opportunity won't be found here."

"There's always the sheep," shrugged Williams.

They all roared in laughter, with the exception of Duncan.

"It's good to see that you all have some amusements to share amongst you," said a gruff voice from behind Duncan.

Adalbert snapped up into a crisp salute. Milton and the Twins soon followed suit. Duncan turned, and, upon seeing Quartermaster Yarrick's iron look gazing down on him, clumsily gave a salute.

"At ease, men," Quartermaster Yarrick motioned to have everyone assume their seats, "I am here to look for volunteers for a search party. As you would be aware, it has been well and truly past time for the scouting team to return. Their whereabouts are unknown, and the Captain wishes to remedy this. I stress, however, that participation in the search party is strictly voluntary-"

"I'll go!" Duncan's hand shot up in the air.

Adalbert grabbed Duncan's wrist and pulled it down. "This is beyond your capabilities, boy" he snarled.

Duncan yanked his wrists free. "You said I'm not a man! You all said it," he shouted, "I'll prove it to you. I am a man,"

"It seems as though Duncan has something to prove," mused the quartermaster. He crossed his arms, "But, Adalbert is right. It's not safe out there for you."

"I know how to fire a rifle, I can handle beasts in the forest," huffed Duncan.

Milton laughed, "Shooting won't be the only problem,"

"Milton is right," said the quartermaster, "Foraging in the forest may not be as fulfilling as you anticipate, Duncan"

"I can do it. I want to prove myself to this expedition," maintained Duncan, "Give me a chance, I will find the scouting party."

"You have the determination," Yarrick said, "I'll give you that. But determination alone won't guarantee your survival out there. I'll only sanction this if your whole band agrees to accompany you."

Duncan turned back around to his band mates. Milton looked offended, "If the boy wants to risk his neck out there, let him. Don't involve us though." The Twins nodded and murmurred in agreement. Adalbert remained silent.

Duncan knew he had to do something. This was his opportunity to find the adventure he sought after. And it was slipping away. He had to say something to convince them.

"I...I have coin I brought with me for the expedition. Lots of coin. I'll give it to you all to share amongst yourselves if we go,"

Milton laughed. Duncan began to realise that Milton laughed too much. It began to get on his nerves.

"Coin? You? I doubt it's enough to buy anything worthwhile"

"Duncan speaks the truth," said the quartermaster, "I have seen it personally. I vouch for him," Duncan stole a glance towards Yarrick in gratitute. Duncan promised himself he would work even more diligently from now on.

Milton blinked and scratched his beard. He nudged Adalbert, "What do you reckon?"

Adalbert replied, "I do suppose it would be a fair compensation," He turned to look at the Twins for their input. They just shrugged.

Quartermaster Yarrick nodded, "Then, it is agreed. You will be setting off first light tomorrow. Houndmaster Gareth would be accompanying you to assist in the search. Godspeed." And with that, the quartermaster walked away from their campfire having found his search party.

"You hear that lads?" said Milton, "We got a big day tomorrow. Let's rest up for the night."

The group all nodded in unison. Milton raised a cup.

"For Duncan, and his unquenchable thirst to prove his manhood to us. May he find what he seeks."

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