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36% The Dragons Realm: A House Targaryen Story / Chapter 18: Chapter 8: Fire (Part 2)

Chapter 18: Chapter 8: Fire (Part 2)

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King Aegon sat within his tent, listening to yet another messenger prattle on about their lord's reasoning for not participating in the campaign, and while the others had been respectful, this one was almost smug, his lieges disdain for Aegon apparent just through his written word.

''My Lord of Lannister will not be raising his banners your Grace, he reminds you that his vassalship only obligates that he send men if the realm is attacked or faces rebellion, in wars of expansion the choice to participate is the Lord Paramounts.'' The messenger said.

''Your message has been receivedโ€ฆ.I trust you can make your own way back to Casterly Rockโ€ฆ'' Aegon said curtly, and the Lannister messenger nodded and left the tent.



The messenger spoke true, despite the Lord Paramounts allegiance to the Targaryens, they could not be forced to raise their banners in wars of expansion.

The King had received many such messengers lately, he had already known the Reach and Stormlands would not be sending men, but some of the other regions were more surprising. Torrhen Stark of the North had sent a raven stating that the distance between the North and Dorne made their participation impossible, and besides that he found it unwise to leave his lands after so many minor issues among his vassals.

The Riverlands had been the most surprising, Edmyn Tully had not officially agreed or denied the Kings call to arms, instead claiming to need time to raise a force, but Aegon knew his master-of-laws well enough to know that, despite being loyal, Edmyn Tully knew his rights and felt he had contributed enough men to the Targaryen cause the past few years.

That left the Vale and the Iron Islands. Since Ronnel Arryn was not yet of age, Aegon had the right to order the Knights of the Vale to join the campaign, but the King had chosen not to do so. If he raised them, all the logistical matters of their mustering would fall to him, and not the lords of the vale, which included their feeding and pay, a logistical challenge, and besides that he didn't have enough ships on the eastern coast to transport them all at once and would instead have to do it piecemeal, so instead Aegon had decided he did not need the Vale.

Surprisingly, it had been the region where Aegon's influence was most tenuous that had been the most enthusiastic to the King's call to arms. Vickon Greyjoy had pledged 200 longships and some 15,000 men to the conquest, though Aegon was smart enough to know they were more interested in plunder and glory then they were loyal.

Rhaenys had wanted Aegon to refuse them, saying that the Ironborn were only joining as an excuse to rape and plunder Dorne, but Aegon, while understanding of their true motivations also understood he needed them, they were his only allies in this war and their ships would make it so that a multi-pronged invasion was possible, Aegon attacking down through the boneway from the Stormlands, and the Ironborn landing somewhere along the coast, forcing the Dornish to fight two enemies.

Aegon had a formidable host to his own credit, he led an army of some 10,000 men drawn from the Crownlands, several thousand from King's Landing, while others were drawn from the Kingswood and Blackwater Bay, though his biggest advantage were his and his sisters Dragons.



His first objective was to take the castle of Wyl, the first Dornish fortress guarding the boneway, a long narrow mountainous pass that connected the Stormlands to Dorne. He had considered burning out the garrison, but Grandmaster Arlan, who had insisted on accompanying the King shared his knowledge that Wyl had caverns underneath it that Dragonfire would not touch, and the garrison would retreat to in the event of an attack, their best course of action was to starve the castle to surrender.

In addition to this attack through the Boneway, he had tasked his cousin and master of ships Aethen Velaryon, to take 45 galleys and 1600 men, the strength of Dragonstone and capture the island castle of Ghaston Grey which the Dornish used as a prison. In truth the island had little strategic value, but capturing it meant that they would have complete control of the Sea of Dorne.



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''In the name of Lord Walter Wylโ€ฆ.I do surrender the castle with the authority given to me as regent.'' The Dornish knight said, drawing his sword and giving it to the Kingsguard Ser Gawen Corbray, a symbol of the castle's surrender.

''I accept your surrender Ser..on the conditions neither you or any of your garrison bear arms against my men..'' King Aegon said with a nod. After around three months of siege the castle had surrendered, their food stores running low, the lord of Wyl was a boy of around 14, and so the surrender had been conducted by his regent, an unlanded knight called Ser Neilyn, the master of arms of Wyl.

Ser Neilyn nodded his assent and hesitated for a moment ''I would speak with you your grace.''

Aegon turned to his Kingsguard and nodded, the man had given his sword and he had all his Kingsguard in the tent with him, save for Ser Stafford Lannister who he had left in the capitol to guard his pregnant sister Visenya and their young daughter.

Aegon nodded to the chair and the Knight sat.



''If you're coming down the boneway, then your next target is Yronwoodโ€ฆ.seat of the second most powerful house in Dorneโ€ฆ.you won't take the castle like you took our castleโ€ฆits walls are thicker and the castle is bigger, it can hold 5000 men and feed the for a year, it has wells inside the wallsโ€ฆ.they have had time to muster that amount I would guess.'' The Knight said.

''And why should I believe that Serโ€ฆ.you refused to surrender the keep for weeks, and now you wish to aid us?'' Aegon said.

''I have no love for the Yronwoods, before the young lord Walter inherited the keep I served his father Edwyle, he was not a perfect manโ€ฆbut he had a fine military mindโ€ฆI respected thatโ€ฆ.Lord Yronwood had him poisoned.'' The Knight responded.

Aegon nodded ''If you hold such a dislike of the Yronwoods, why resist my army for months, you yourself have said that they have had ample time to prepare their garrison and foodstores, if you wish for their fall the wiser move would have been to let us pass.''

Ser Neilyn nodded slowly ''Perhaps you are right, your graceโ€ฆ.but this war will end one way or another, and no matter who wins I intend to be standing at the end of itโ€ฆwhat would my reputation be if I was known as the man that surrendered Wyl without resistingโ€ฆ.I held out for as long as I couldโ€ฆ.none can blame me for surrendering.''

Aegon nodded slowly ''I can respect thatโ€ฆ.your counsel is noted.''

The Dornish Knight bowed his head and began to leave the tent.

''Ser Neilyn.'' King Aegon said, causing the knight to turn around.

''I will not take you into my service in this warโ€ฆ.but if you are standing at the end of it come to Kings Landingโ€ฆ.I have need for Knights, especially honest ones.'' Aegon said.

''I shall your grace.'' Ser Neilyn said with a final bow, leaving the tent.

The King did not attempt to take the nearby village, his goal was to advance through the boneway, not to plunder the homes of smallfolk, people that would one day be his own, once the surrender of Wyl was attained, the King and his host rode south, to Yronwood, a formidable castle.



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Aegon, Rhaenys and his Kingsguard rode towards Yronwood, the Dornish mountains on their side.

It was easy to see why House Yronwood was the most powerful house in Dorne save the Martells, the land, unlike most of Dorne, was forested, with many rivers snaking through the mountains, the land rich and fertile.

The castle was made of gray stone, with high thick walls and several round drum towers, the main entrance was guarded by a massive Iron Gate with bars several feet thick, the battlements were teeming with men and it became clear that Ser Neilyns claim the castle could hold 5000 men was no exaggeration.

Suddenly the massive iron portcullis slowly opened, the sound being heard at a great distance, once it had opened a group of men rode out, all armed and armored, one of them carrying the banner of house Yronwood, the yellow and black gate fluttering in the wind.

At the forefront was a man about Aegon's age armored in steel, a yellow and black cloak on his back, his hair obscured under a metal helm with white cloth wrapped above the nasal, though the man's piercing blue eyes were visible even at a distance.

''It is customary to bow before ones Kingโ€ฆ.but since you are on horseback we shall dispense with thatโ€ฆI shall take your surrender now my Lord.'' Aegon said as the Yronwood retinue approached.

''I am no Lordโ€ฆ.and you are no King of mine...I am Ser Cletus Yronwood, my fathers heir, and I have been tasked with the defense of this castleโ€ฆ.go back the way you came and perhaps you and your whore of a sister will survive.'' The man said spitting to the side, his voice stern as steel.''

''You will watch your wordsโ€ฆ'' Aegon began but Rhaenys put a hand on her brothers shoulder to calm him

''I shall forgive your insult my lordโ€ฆin the interest of resolving this matter quicklyโ€ฆsurrender the castle and you have my word you and your family shall be able to leave in peace, your garrison shall be treated fairly as well.'' Rhaenys said in a conciliatory tone.

Ser Cletus was silent for a moment and then spit to the side again ''And why would I surrender you foreign bitchโ€ฆ.I have the castle provisioned and prepared to withstand a siege for yearsโ€ฆenough food to feed 5000 men for however long it takes for reinforcements to arrive and drive your abomination of a brother back to the Stormlandsโ€ฆ.you will be crushed between the army of Dorne and my garrison''

Aegon was not a man used to having such brazen insults directed at him or his family, much less to his face, and it was only Rhaenys's hand on his that allowed him to keep it together.

''You are lucky that I abide by the laws of the landโ€ฆ.if you were not under the flag of truce you would pay for those words Ser.'' Aegon said curtly.

Ser Cletus was silent at that, his piercing blue eyes meeting the Kings.

''Ser Cletusโ€ฆI have no doubt you have prepared your castle well for a siegeโ€ฆbut it is all for naughtโ€ฆthere will not be a siege.'' Rhaenys began.

''Then you are more fool than I thoughtโ€ฆ.you have less than 10,000 men, you cannot hope to take the castle by stormโ€ฆ.but by all means tryโ€ฆdoom your bastard men to a battle they cannot win.'' Ser Cletus responded.

''You misunderstand Serโ€ฆwe have two dragons, if you insist on following this path it will be you who is dooming your men to dragonfireโ€ฆ.you can prevent thisโ€ฆsurrender the castle and you will be treated fairly.'' Rhaenys said, almost pleadingly.

''Ayeโ€ฆI know of your Dragonsโ€ฆ.look upon the battlementsโ€ฆ.I have half a dozen Scorpionsโ€ฆyou fly your beasts anywhere close to the battlements and you will be shot from the sky.'' Ser Cletus said, gesturing to the six huge wooden crossbows positioned on Yronwoods walls.

''Your arrogance is the same that Black Harren showed in Harrenhal, I trust you know of what happened then Ser.'' Aegon asked.

Cletus shook his head ''Black Harren did not have scorpions.''

''If you think you can kill our dragons withโ€ฆ.'' Aegon continued before Ser Cletus interrupted him.

''Youโ€ฆand your dragons can go fuck yourselvesโ€ฆ.you say there shall be no siegeโ€ฆthan you are more than welcome to throw yourselves at my wallsโ€ฆcome dragon or siege towerโ€ฆ.you will die.'' Ser Cletus said, nodding to his men who rode back to the castle, kicking up a cloud of dust.



''He has left us no choice.'' Aegon said, looking at Rhaenys.

His sister nodded sadly ''They will surrenderโ€ฆ.once they see enough Dragonfireโ€ฆ.we need not kill all of them.''

The King nodded ''It's not my intention toโ€ฆ.I see no point in delaying what must be doneโ€ฆ.we attack within the hour.''

Rhaenys nodded and left to prepare as Aegon went to his tent.

He was met by Ryam Redwyne, who began putting on his armor, heavy plate of shining silver, with ruby and onyx in the shape of the dragon on the chest. The armor was too heavy to fight on foot or horse with, even for Aegon, but it would serve on the back of the Dragon.

''How do you mean to avoid the Scorpions your grace.'' Lord Commander Corlys asked , his role would be to lead the ground troops outside the castle, once Yronwood had its share of Dragonfire, he would enter the castle and accept the surviving garrison's surrender.

''We will fly straight down into the center, obscured by the sun, then we'll destroy the scorpions, one by oneโ€ฆthey won't resist long after that.'' Aegon answered, as Ryam placed a heavy plate helm on his head.

Corlys nodded ''You will succeed cousin.''

One Aegon was armored he left his tent where Rhaenys was waiting, garbed in lighter armor of black leather and scales.

''Fly highโ€ฆ.out of range of their arrows and throwing spears, Scorpions shoot slowly but they will focus their fire on usโ€ฆ.don't ride in a straight lineโ€ฆ.and most importantly we must stay spread, if we ride close together it will be easy to hit us.'' Aegon said as they walked towards their Dragon, who true to their nature seemed to sense they were needed.

Rhaenys nodded, her normally cheerful and lighthearted attitude replaced with a serious one ''I shall take the scorpions on the right battlements, you take the ones on the left and center.''

As Aegon approached, Balerion lowered his head and neck, allowing Aegon to climb on, Aegon had not ridden Balerion in combat since the Field of Fire, more than two years prior, but the memories of the battle came back to him now.

''Fire and Blood.'' Aegon said to Rhaenys, who had mounted the silver Meraxes, his sister nodded and together they flew towards the sky.



Aegon could hear the shouts of Yronwoods garrison running to their battle stations as he commanded Balerion to fly into the air with his whip. They flew straight up into the sky, hundreds of feet into sky, hurtling vertically towards the sun, with Rhaenys and Meraxes following at a distance.

Around twenty feet away, Aegon saw a scorpion bolt flying high into the sky, eventually losing power and falling harmlessly to the ground.

The King continued his flight straight into the air before, sensing the time was right, ordered Balerion down, the wind screaming as they cut through the air in a downward spiral, the sun at their back.

He heard shouts from below as well as the whistling flight of arrows, but he forced himself to ignore that, he needed complete concentration. He heard shouts of confusion from below as the garrison tried to

The courtyard of Yronwood came into view, Balerion hurtling straight down towards it, the thrum of a scorpion being fired was heard and Aegon ordered Balerion up suddenly, putting him level with one of the sidewalls as well as one of the scorpions, its crew desperately trying to reload it, but it was too late.

''Dracarys.'' Aegon commanded and the entire wall was bathed in flame, the scorpion being set alight as the men on the wall shared in the flame, many jumping or falling to their deaths off the wall to escape the fire.

He allowed himself a quick look to the side and saw Rhaenys had taken out one of the Scorpions on the other side, dozens of men screaming in pain.

He flew across the courtyard, Balerions wings blocking the sun as the Dragon let forth another stream of fire on a group of men, several arrows clattered harmlessly off of his side, Aegon spotted a group of archers and soon they too were bathed in flame.

By this point most of the Scorpions had been destroyed, but there was one left, sitting atop a large stone tower that could only be the keep, Aegon ordered Balerion forward, the Dragon dodging an incoming scorpion bolt.

As they got closer, Aegon could make out the face of Ser Cletus Yronwood, with his squire and brother close behind, all screaming for the scorpion to reload, but it was too late for them. Aegon looked at Cletus as he flew closer, a look of defeat in the man's pale blue eyes as he accepted his fate.

Balerion bathed the entire towertop in black-red fire and where there had once been a large group of men now there was only flame, only the screams proof that men had once been there.

It was then that tragedy struck. The Scorpion on top of the tower, burning and on fire, plummeted down to the courtyard belowโ€ฆ.right in front of the entrance to the keep, obstructing the door.

Smoke was everywhere, and as Aegon flew around, he saw that a fire had started in the keep too, causing its inhabitants, mostly women and old men to crowd around the tower window for air, likely the court and family of the Lord of Yronwood, unable to escape due to the fallen scorpion.



''AEGONโ€ฆ.WE HAVE TO SAVE THEM.'' Rhaenys shouted, turning Meraxes around and flying towards the burning tower.

''THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN DOโ€ฆ.IT'S GOING TO FALL.'' Aegon yelled back, an arrow flying just feet away from his face, if Rhaenys attempted to help them, the tower, which was severely damaged by the huge scorpion falling could fall down and strike Meraxes from the air.

Rhaenys ignored him and with a determined look flew towards the smoking tower, in the window among the crowd, a gray haired woman was standing, holding a toddler out into the air, screaming for help.

Rhaenys had Meraxes position itself to fly alongside the side of the tower, holding out her hands to grab the child, Aegon, seeing his sister was not going to listen to him, ordered Balerion towards the tower to help.

Rhaenys was about twenty feet away from the tower, one arm outstretched to try and grab the toddler as she passed by, but she was too late.

The tower fell, its foundation cracked and broken by the scorpion's impact from falling from the top.

Rhaenys shouted a scream of horror, and Meraxes was just barely able to get out of the falling towers path. The tower hit the ground with a massive crash, sending chunks of stone everywhere, a cloud of dust overtaking the entire courtyard.

The fall of the tower marked the last resistance inside the castle, as the surviving garrison laid down their weapons and opened the gate for Corlys Velaryons forces.

Aegon ordered the tower's rubble to be searched for survivors, but he knew it was hopeless, none could have survived the towers fall.

In the space of an hour, House Yronwood, the second greatest house in Dorne, a house that claimed ancestry to the first men thousands of years ago was all but destroyed, with most of its members perishing in the tragedy, save for the elderly lord Yronwood who was with the main Dornish army, as well as his sisters who were married off to other houses, and whose children were not Yronwoods.

In addition to the deaths of the Yronwoods, two local lords, Mors Jordayne and Castos Toland, the spymaster and master-at-arms of Yronwood would also perish in the flames, Mors in the tower and Castos upon the battlements. Even the Yronwoods maester perished.

Rhaenys would be devastated and horrified at the destruction they had reaped upon House Yronwood, and would be inconsolable for days, walking among the ruined tower looking for the child she had failed to save.

The only saving grace, slight as it was, was the fact that Grandmaester Arlan had been present and had watched the tragedy unfold. He would record the truth of the event, the histories would always refer to the burning of the Yronwoods as a terrible accident and not the work of a tyrannical and murderous King. Arlan also did his best to treat the surviving garrison, many of whom were badly burned.

The Dornish, as one would expect, were furious when they heard of the burning of Yronwood, and throwing all caution into the wind, abandoned their plans for a defensive war and marched their host to meet Aegons army outside the smoking castle of Yronwood, where a great battle would soon take place.

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