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32% The Dragons Realm: A House Targaryen Story / Chapter 16: Chapter 7: King Aegons First Royal Progress (Part 2)

Chapter 16: Chapter 7: King Aegons First Royal Progress (Part 2)

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The King's retinue rode through the snow, a brutal wind in the air.

Their next spot was the tiny castle of Karlspost in Eastmelt, the seat of House Moss, a minor house which was sworn to the Karstarks of Karhold. The environment was frigid, with deep snow, poor roads, and many frozen rivers cutting across the landscape making travel slow. They had arrived in the small port of Weeping Bay the prior week, and it had taken them 7 days of slow travel to reach their destination.

There were few people in this region, at least that they had seen, but on the outskirts of the tiny stone and timber castle was a small village of lumberjacks, who had all come out to witness the Kings arrival, many of them looking into the skies with wonder and terror as the Dragons followed close behind.

Rhaenys had given the villagers a generous gift of silver as was her habit before the retinue made their way to the small keep. Aegon had not protested, these people were clearly in need of silver for Eastmelt was a harsh and poor land where nothing grew.



At the front of the castle was a blonde haired man about Aegons age, wrapped in a massive cloak of bearskin that covered his whole body, and even covered some of his horses, he and a few retainers rode to meet the King.

The man bowed his head ''You honor us with your presence King Aegonโ€ฆ.i'm afraid my keep is far too small for your Knights and Squires and their horses, but Ive had a makeshift stables set up for them, and land cleared for some tents, you, your sister and your closest Knights are of course welcome in my castle.

''Your hospitality is appreciated lord Artos.'' Rhaenys said with a smile.

''You can handle our presence?'' King Aegon asked politely, he had known that Karlspost was a small castle but he had not been expecting to arrive in such a desolate area.

''Normally we could not, especially so many, but my Lord of Karhold has sent sufficient provisions, as has Lord Torrhen Stark, they see your visit as an honor.'' Lord Artos said.

Aegon nodded, relieved, he had known that his large retinue would cause some strain among his vassals but he did not wish to bankrupt House Moss.

''My Queen, if I may speak freely.'' Lord Artos said as they rode into the castle.

''Of course my lord.'' Rhaenys responded.

''I saw your charity to the tenants of the nearby villageโ€ฆI admire your charity, though I must say I fear it will end up in the wrong hands soon enough.'' Lord Artos said.

''Wrong hands?'' The King asked, eyebrows raised.

''My lands are infested with smugglers and brigands im afraidโ€ฆ.I have tried to deal with them as is my duty, but my people are spread out and any attempt to assemble the levy alerts these criminals, who slink into the snows when I approach, what's more I do not have the food to feed my men sustain a campaign against them for long..I fear that gold will end up in the hands of the criminals.'' Lord Artos said, it was clear that these criminals were a major thorn in his side.

''Lord Karstark has not attempted to deal with them?'' Aegon asked with a frown.

''My liege Osric is a good man, a good lord, I have known him since childhood, but Karhold is a large region and he has stresses enough dealing with his own lands.'' Artos Moss explained.

Aegon nodded and he, Rhaenys, and his Kinsguard made their way into the tiny castle to hold court.



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There had been fewer petitioners in Eastmelt than in Dyre Den, likely due to the smaller population, and most of the disputes centered around timber, with one villager claiming that some trees on his land had been stolen by another.

Most of the matters had been settled by now, and there was just one more petition to hear.

''You may approach the King.'' Ser Corlys Velaryon nodded to the last man, who had a long black beard.

''Your Grace'' The man said bowing his head ''I own a small holding a few miles from here, along the weeping river, the land is rich with timber and it's been in my family for generations.'' The man began.

Aegon leaned back, he had gotten used to the rather long winded explanations of the small folks troubles.

''The brigands in these lands normally stay clear, as I have two farm hands I hired to keep intruders out and patrol my lands, but their numbers have increased and so has their boldness. A fortnight ago they came from the forests in the night, like devilsโ€ฆ.slew both of the men I had hired and took my land for their ownโ€ฆI barely escaped their wrath with my life.'' The man said.

Aegon turned to Artos Moss.

''I had heard of this incident your grace, but the brigands are numerous and well armedโ€ฆ.and I am loath to raise my men for such an expedition and leave my keep ill-defendedโ€ฆI have hosted the man here howeverโ€ฆit is the least I can do.'' Artos explained.

Aegon nodded and turned back to Galbart, the petitioner.

''How many men took your land?'' The King asked.

''Two dozen your graceโ€ฆ.a few of them had shields and helmets, most had clubs and spears'' The man answered.

Aegon was quiet for a moment before turning to Lord Commander Corlys Velaryon.

''Cousin, step forward.'' He commanded his Kingsguard.



''Your Grace?'' Ser Corlys said, approaching the throne with a bow, his white cloak dragging over the timber floor.

''Take 20 knights of your choosing and drive out these outlaws so that this man may return to his home.'' Aegon commanded.

''At once your grace.'' Corlys nodded.

Aegon then turned to his squire Theo Tyrell ''Theoโ€ฆyou shall accompany my cousin and squire for himโ€ฆit is time you witness combat firsthand.''

Theo Tyrell bowed his head ''I shall represent my house well your Grace.''



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Corlys Velaryon knelt on the snowy hill, his white hair, armor and cloak seemingly making him a part of the hill itself.

Galbart spoke true The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard thought, the holdfast had around two dozen men walking around, many of them in front of a fire, where a deer was being roasted.

He quietly made his way behind the hill where hsi twenty knights were waiting, mounted.

''They've fortified the holdfast with a wall of wooden spikes, our horses will do us no good, tie them to the trees and leave a man with themโ€ฆwe attack on foot.'' Corlys said, and his knights nodded, dismounting.

''Shield.'' Corlys commanded and Theo Tyrell obliged, handing the Lord commander his large shield, painted pure white, with the seahorse sigil of his house in the middle.

He took the Tyrell boys shoulder ''Go and grab a sword Theo, you will be at my sideโ€ฆ.you know how to use live steel?''

Theo nodded ''I know how.'' he replied quietly to which the Lord Commander nodded his approval.

He drew his sword and nodded to the dismounted knights behind him ''With meโ€ฆ.we shall give them a chance to surrenderโ€ฆif they do not we attack on my command.''



The knights slowly approached the fortified holdfast, their heavy plate boots crunching through the snow.

They were spotted a while off, and the bandits within quickly got to the perimeter, armed with a collection of pikes, cudgels, spears and daggers, with the occasional rusty helmet or dented shield.

''What d' ye want!'' One of them, presumably their leader, called out.

''I want you to lay down your weaponsโ€ฆ.I command this in the name of King Aegon Targaryen, first of his nameโ€ฆ.lay down your weaponsโ€ฆand I can promise you fair trial.'' Corlys called out, having to shout due to the high winds.

''Don't think we willโ€ฆ it a trial all you likeโ€ฆ.none of us'd come out of that with our headsโ€ฆturn back and save yourself a bloodlettingโ€ฆwe've fortified this holdfast.'' The man said, drawing his sword.

''Wooden spikes won't save youโ€ฆ.'' Corlys yelled back but there was no response.

''So be itโ€ฆ'' Corlys said quietly, drawing his own sword to which his men did the same.

The Knights charged the ramshackle fortifications of the bandits, with Corlys leading the charge himself.

One of the brigands, armed with a makeshift wooden pike thrust at the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard as he leapt over the wooden spikes, but Corlys easily guided the pike away and opened the man's neck with a slash, spilling bright red blood into the snow.

His next opponent was dressed in heavy furs with a block hood, carrying a short spear and a wooden shield. He proved to be more of a challenge than the last man.

Corlys launched a trio of strikes, all three being blocked by the bandit before the hooded man thrust his spear forward, forcing the Lord Commander to parry it, the man was surprisingly strong for a bandit.

The bandit launched two more strikes, which Corlys blocked with sword and shield before launching his own counterattack, slashing the man's arm and forcing him to drop his spear, Corlys stepped forward to deliver a killing blow but the man managed to flee, Corlys let him runโ€ฆthere was no honor in chasing down a fleeing man.

His knights were making short work of the bandits, though he saw one, a knight from Dragonstone take a dagger to the back of his neck.

Suddenly he realized he had lost track of the Kings squire Theo Tyrell in the fighting, he turned to his right and saw the heir to Highgarden engaged in a duel with a bandit with a pox-marred face and an iron sword, dressed in a leather jerkin. The bandit launched a clumsy strike at the 15 year old Theo, to which the squire managed to sidestep. While the bandit was snarling and cursing, the young Tyrell was silent, eyes furrowed in concentration.

Corlys, out of the main melee at this point stood at the ready, he had no intentions of letting the heir to the Reach be killed by a stinking bandit, but the boy claimed to be trained, now was his time to prove it.

The bandit let out another crushing strike, and Theo caught it upon his shield.

Theo hesitated instead of immediately counterattacking, allowing the bandit to launch a surprisingly fast attack, Theo caught it on his blade, but he got the angle of the block wrong and his blade clattered out of his hand.

Corlys decided enough was enough and was about to intervene when Theo, wielding his shield with both hands, caught the bandit on the shoulder, pushing him backwards and giving him time enough to retrieve his sword from the ground.

Theo didn't hesitate this time, charging forward and hacking the bandit just below the neck with the full length of his sword, sending blood spewing everywhere, the bandit fell on his back, gurgling blood, his eyes wide.

''Goodโ€ฆnow finish himโ€ฆ.bandit or not he need not suffer.'' Corlys said.

Theo nodded and walked forward, raising his sword and bringing it into the bandits belly, ending the man's cries.



Corlys then turned his attention back to the main melee, which was mostly done by now, the sounds of dying men in the wind.

The leader of the bandits stood surrounded, hacking widely around him as a circle of knights advanced.

''Step backโ€ฆ.he's mine.'' Corlys commanded his knights, he would give the man a clean death.

''You wish to danceโ€ฆyou silver haired freakโ€ฆ.fine thenโ€ฆi'll take at least one of ye to my grave.'' The bandit said.

''You will try.'' Corlys said simply, facing the man, his knights expanding the circle around them.

The bandit charged him, a wordless cry on his lips and hacked his sword downwards, Corlys calmly blocked the strike, using his feet to push his blade to the side after his steel met the bandits, causing the man to stumble to his feet, Corlys let the bandit get up and the dance continued.

The brigand launched an attack at the Kingsguards chest, but Corlys easily sidestepped it and launched a counterattack of his own, which the bandit caught on his sword before launching another strike, which Corlys turned away. The ringing of sword on sword could be heard as Corlys blocked yet another strike, content to let the bandit tire himself out.

Corlys, sensing the man was tiring launched another slash at his face, the bandit tried to step backwards but was too slow and the Kingsguards sword found his cheek, creating a long red gash.

''Bastardโ€ฆ.'' The man growled.

Those were the man's final words as Corlys did not waste time delivering the final blow, feinting a slash at the man's neck before turning it into a brutal thrust at the man's face at the last moment, the sword going through one of his eyes, killing him instantly.

The Knights broke out into a cheer as the bandit leader fell into the snow.

Corlys stepped back, the fatigue, which had not been present during the fight due to his adrenaline beginning to set in. He looked around, losses had been light in the assault, only one knight had been slain, the man from Dragonstone that had been stabbed in the back of the neck, but five more had been wounded, including one that would likely lose an eye.

He turned to Theo Tyrell, who was looking at the bandit he had killed.

''Theo, fetch my rag from my horse.'' He commanded and the boy nodded quietly and returned soon after.

Corlys took the rag, dampened it with snow and ran it down his blade, wiping the blood and gore from it.

''You fought wellโ€ฆ.my cousin mentioned you were meant to observe combat for the first timeโ€ฆand you probably got a better taste of it then you expected, you're blooded now.'' Corlys said.

''I let him disarm meโ€ฆ.he was just a bandit.'' Theo said quietly, hints of embarrassment in his tone.

''Ayeโ€ฆhe did disarm you, but he was bigger, stronger and tougher than youโ€ฆ.you are a good sword for your ageโ€ฆbut remember, you haven't even seen sixteen years yetโ€ฆyou haven't grown into your body yetโ€ฆyou willโ€ฆ.today you got a taste of what it is you've been training forโ€ฆ.you've learned.'' Corlys said.

''I won't be disarmed again.'' Theo said adamantly.

''Goodโ€ฆ.now kneel.'' Corlys said, putting the bloody rag away.

''Kneel?'' Theo Tyrell asked, his eyes widening.

''Ayeโ€ฆ.Im making you a knightโ€ฆ.you fought bravely.'' Corlys said, gesturing again for the heir to Highgarden to kneel.

Theo Tyrell did as he was bid, and Corlys began the ceremony, in the courtyard, among the bodies of the dead.

''Theo Tyrell. do you swear before the eyes of gods and men to defend those who cannot defend themselves, to protect all women and children, to obey your captains, your liege lord, and your king, to fight bravely when needed and do such other tasks as are laid upon you, however hard or humble or dangerous they may be?'' Corlys asked, his sword on the Tyrell boy's shoulder.

''I doโ€ฆI swear it.'' Theo Tyrell said quietly.

''Then rise Ser Theo of the House Tyrell.'' Corlys commanded and Theo did, to the cheers of the knights around them.



They rested that night nearby, and returned to Karlspost the next morning, welcomed as heroes by the garrison for their heroic deeds, and Galbart was especially pleased, as he was free to return home.

Aegon was slightly perturbed that his squire had been put in such a dangerous position since if anything were to happen to him, House Tyrell and the Reach in general could be thrown into chaos, but after further conversations with his cousin, he agreed it was probably for the best that the young lord had a taste of combat before he returned to Highgarden upon his sixteenth nameday.

The Kings retinue stayed at Eastmelt for another week before heading to their next destination, the Flint Cliffs, which took them nearly two weeks of travel through the North's interior to reach. It had been a rather uneventful visit, though Rhaenys had enjoyed taking Meraxes out to sea, and the flint cliffs, which stood high above the water, had been an impressive sight.

Following a two week stay at the Flint Cliffs, hosted by the minor house Wolfe, Aegon and his retinue had taken a ship on a short voyage to Seaguard, before riding through the Riverlands back to King's Landing. The Kings first royal progress had taken five months from start to finish, and had largely been a success, especially in the North where the Kings presence helped mend the uneasiness that had spread over the region after the Manderlys defiance.

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