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22% The Dragons Realm: A House Targaryen Story / Chapter 11: Chapter 5: The Bells of Norvos (Aegon, Visenya)

Chapter 11: Chapter 5: The Bells of Norvos (Aegon, Visenya)

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The halls of the Aegonfort were alive with music and laughter, though not all were enjoying the festivities, King Aegon among them. His mind was far away from the present feast, dwelling instead on the multiple problems the realms faced.

It had been nearly three months since he received word from White Harbor of the flight of Lord Willem and his Kingsguard son Ser Warrick Manderly's desertion, along with the massacre of the 50 men he sent to take Willem into custody.

Aegon had been resolved to ride on Balerion to White Harbor and bring those involved to justice, but Rhaenys had warned him a gentle touch was needed, and any punishment to be placed upon the Manderlys should come from his Warden of the North, Torrhen Stark.

Torhren Starks punishment had been delivered swiftly. Damon Manderly and his teenage son Garth had been away on Lord Willem Manderlys orders, so once Lord Stark heard of the news, it was a simple enough matter to have Damon seized away from his court. Damon was then brought to Winterfell to stand trial where it quickly became clear he was not aware of his fathers plan, though his family would still be punished.

Damon Manderly was stripped of the title of Protector of White Harbors surrounding lands, and while still retaining the influence of a High Lord and the City of White Harbor itself, he lost the vassalship of Houses Wells, Slate and Holt, with Lord Warrick Wells gaining the title. This was an expensive punishment for House Manderly as they would lose overlordship of over 3000 fighting men, the castles of Fordswatch, White Creek Castle and Fordswatch, as well as the villages of Chalkchilds Seat, Whitford Town, and Coldhouse.

In addition to these significant losses, Lord Damon Manderly would send his son Garth to Winterfell, to be fostered by Torrhen Stark, though all involved knew he would serve as a hostage to ensure the Manderlys good behavior.

With the matters settled in White Harbor itself, it would fall to the King to decide how to proceed with Willem and Warrick Manderly.

Rhaenys had suggested appointing another Kingsguard, but Aegon had refused stating ''A Kingsguard serves for life and only death may free them of their vow.'' Ser Warricks place in the Kingsguard would remain vacant until he met his end.

In that regard, Aegon ordered Lord Alyn Chyttering to make preparations to have Ser Warrick Manderly killed in Volantis, where the most recent reports placed him and his father. Aegon was not a man that would normally resort to murder, but he felt it was justified to hold the rogue Kingsguard accountable for his broken oath. One he was dealt with, Aegon would make plans for his father.



Aegon had not had long to dwell on this issue as other matters plagued the Kingdoms. A pox, originating in Dorne had quickly spread through the Reach and Stormlands and had been spread by ship to the port city of Duskendale, thus far Kings Landing had been spared of the disease but there had been an influx of refugees straining the cities already inadequate infrastructure as well as the Gold Cloaks, who struggled to make sure they were not letting those with the pox inside the city.

A final matter which threatened the stability of the Kingdoms was the outbreak of violence in the Iron Islands. Sigrin Harlaw, a young powerful lord who had been present at the Dragons Moot the prior year, had attacked the neighboring Orkmont clan to capture the eastern half of their island.

The young lord had gotten himself killed in the conflict, though his brother Romny continued the fight, with the Harlaws expected to win the conflict despite Sigrins untimely death. To further this instability, old Victarion Botley of Lordsport, one of the traditional lords that had been present at the Dragons moot had also been killed while raiding the Free Folk beyond the wall, leaving a power vacuum which ended with Hilmar Drumm marching into the castle and declaring himself the new lord.

Aegon had been concerned that this violence could spread to the other clans, it was confined for now but with so many Ironborn lords dying in the last two years, conflict could erupt at any moment as new rulers were not well established.

There was little Aegon could do in terms of Lordsport as that conflict was over, but he had a raven sent to Romny Harlaw, Sigrins brother with a command to cease the violence.

Romny Harlaw had refused, citing the need to avenge his brother. Aegon had not taken this disrespect lightly, but Edmyn Tully had convinced him that perhaps limited violence in the islands was a good thing, it would weaken them and prevent them from joining together to plot any violence against the more civilized Kingdoms.

Aegon had seen the wisdom in his words and agreed, but he would not let Clan Harlaws blatant disrespect for the throne go unpunished. He made arrangements that when Vickon Greyjoy returned from his raid in the Shivering Sea, the Lord Paramount of the Isles would be given a claim on Harlaws land to do with he saw fit, though in truth he was annoyed with Vickon as well, who was not even present in his realm during this tenseous time.



Aegon was shaken from his brooding by the sound of clapping and cheers.

''Wonderful.'' Exclaimed Rhaenys, standing up from her seat clapping, a smile on her face.

The Lysene performers bowed, they had arrived the week prior and had spent every night since regaling the court at dinner with songs and plays, though this was their final performance as they were leaving the following morning.

''I won't let you return to Lys empty handed..Harlan, make sure they are rewarded, generouslyโ€ฆ.you are welcome here anytime.'' Rhaenys said, and Harlan nodded with a slight grimace, construction on a new keep on a neighboring hill had begun, which had taken most of the crown's treasury with its ordering, Rhaenys free spending would not exactly help with rebuilding it.

As the guests sat down and dinner continued Rhaenys turned to Aegon.

''Werent they wonderful Aegonโ€ฆ.I was thinking we should offer to take them on full time, their poems would lighten up this smokey hall, and their songs could entertain the little dragon.'' Rhaenys said excitedly.

Aegon had not known what to expect when his sister was informed Visenya was pregnant, he had assumed there would be some jealousy, but if Rhaenys harbored any ill-feelings she hid them well, spending her days preparing chambers for the coming Targaryen and doing her best to make the rough timber keep more livable, since the construction of the new keep on a neighboring hill was expected to take well over 10 years due to its planned size. Visenya had left for her tour months ago along with the Kingsguard Ser Harold Langward and Ser Gregor Goode, with their first destination being the Free City of Braavos, where Sealord Roro would host her and her retinue in celebration for the establishment of the Braavosi outpost in King's Landing, as well as celebrate the Braavosi victory over Pentos.

Following this Visenya planned to travel upriver by barge to the Free City of Norvos, tour the surrounding hills before returning to the city and remaining until the babe was born.

Rhaenys had not just been busy anticipating the arrival of the child of Aegon and Visenya, but also prepared for the birth of a baby to her Half Brother Orys and his wife Argella Durrandon, daughter of the Storm King Argilac. However tragedy had struck with the little girl being born still born, Rhaenys unused commissioned wooden stag toys adding to the terrible sadness that hung over the keep in the coming days.

Orys had handled it well, devoting himself to his work as Hand of the King, but Aegon knew Orys better than anyone and saw how deeply it had wounded him.



Aegon's mind had wandered once again and Rhaenys prodded.

''Did you hear what I said Aegon.'' She asked, a smile still on her face.

Aegon nodded his head ''I would of course love them here but I would not wish to deprive the rest of the world of theirโ€ฆtalents.'' The King was not a man who enjoyed poetry or ballads of courtly love.

''Brotherโ€ฆyou truly are as crabby as a Celtigarโ€ฆ.it would do this place some good to add some cheer, Ryamโ€ฆwhat did you think of the performers.'' Rhaenys asked Ryam Redwyne, who was standing at attention to serve the royal family, the boy had since been made a squire.

Ryam looked at his feet ''Iโ€ฆI dont know your graceโ€ฆI liked when the Knight defended his family from the assassin I guess.'' The poor boy was exceedingly shy, though he had shown to be very loyal to his family, protecting his twin sister Rylene, who was also in the capital as Rhaenys's handmaiden from any sort of trouble.

Rhaenys studied Aegon's face for any chance, to which there was none.

She sighed ''Perhaps I should take a tour of the free cities as well, you clearly have no appreciation for the finer artsโ€ฆI should very much like to see Braavos and Lys.''

''Dont.'' Aegon said, the words coming out more harsh than he intended them too.

''I need you here, Rhaenys.'' Aegon clarified, more gentle this time.

In truth Visenya's absence had affected the King greatly, he knew his sister was more than capable of taking care of herself, but the thought of his firstborn child being born in a foreign city far away from him was not a pleasant thought. In addition her council was greatly missed, he loved his sister Rhaenys, who despite her aloof personality was competent in governance, but she did not have her older sisters stern taciturn mind, which Aegon found himself in need of with the pox and the outbreak of violence in the isles.

Rhaenys took his hand ''It was a jest, I'm not going anywhere.''

Aegon nodded, somewhat embarrassed by his sudden outburst and took a drink of wine, for the rest of the night doing his best to forget the troubles of the realm.



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Visenya stood upon the stone walls of Norvos, her hands outstretched on the ramparts. Nearly three hundred feet below sat the lower city of Norvos, situated along the muddy river Noyne and protected by a wooden palisade, this was where the common folk lived and it was bustling and noisy as the citizens of the towns unloaded river barges and sold carpets in the market below, the vibrant atmosphere a stark contrast to the upper city where Visenya had rested for the last two months, which was very quiet and grim.

Outside of the town stretched hills for as far as Visenya could see, upon these hills large swathes of dark birch forests. When she had first arrived in the region she had explored these hills for several days with a local guide, who had shown her the many caves that dotted the region, supposedly once home to giants and an older people predating the Norvoshi that lived and painted the caves. Somewhere out in those hills Vhagar was also out hunting.

Following her tour of the surrounding hills, she and her guard had made their way to the city of Norvos, where Visenya relied on the hospitality of the bearded priest to stay and rest and await the birth of her child.



''Your Grace.'' A voice said from behind her, startling her.

She turned and saw her Kingsguard, Ser Gregor Goode, clean shaven and holding an Iron cup. He was a quiet bear of a man, and often failed to announce his presence, yet despite his quiet nature and the fact that Visenya was hardly a woman who needed protecting, she found herself more at ease in his presence than that of the young Ser Harold Langward.

Her tour had been interesting insofar as her Kingsguard were concerned. At their first destination touring the free city of Braavos, Ser Harold Langward had overheard a rather unflattering comment directed at their party from a passing Bravo, and the two had nearly come to blows before the situation had been diffused.

A similar situation had occurred upon their arrival in Norvos. The only individuals who were permitted to wear beards in the city were the Bearded Priests, who were responsible for the city's defense and governance. Though the priests had extended the hospitality of Norvos to the Targaryen queen for as long as she required it, they insisted all her retinue shave their beards, her Kingsguard required. Ser Gregor had little problem with this but Ser Harold had taken issue with it and all but refused, earning the ire of some of the priests until Visenya had angrily ordered the young knight to shave his beard.

To be sure the young Ser Harold Langward was not a bad knight, he was brave in battle, skilled at arms, and had a good heart, but he was too brash and stubborn for Visenyas liking, a Kingsguard was supposed to protect, not start potentially dangerous situations.

She took the cup of Nahsa with a nod of thanks. When she had first heard of the odd Norvoshi drink, which consisted of fermented goats milk with honey, she had not entirely been drawn to its description, but her pregnancy had made her more adventurous in her appetite and she had come to enjoy it.

''A beautiful view.'' Visenya said she found the vastness of the dark birch forests, rolling hills and the snaking river Noyne oddly calming, and she often found herself wondering where Vhagar was and what he was hunting. The dragon had followed them throughout her journey, at times lagging behind, disappearing in the shivering sea for several days while they were in Braavos, time enough that even Visenya began to worry, though the bronze dragon had returned just before they were set to sail upriver to Norvos, it always did.

Before Ser Gregor Goode could respond, Visenya heard the quick and aggressive paced footsteps upon the stone courtyard that could only belong to Ser Harold Langward.

Visenya turned to face the young knight.

''I judge by your pace you have important news?'' Visenya asked, raising her eyebrows.

''Yes your graceโ€ฆa message from Kings Landingโ€ฆand a grim one.'' The Kingsguard said.

''Go on.'' Visenya nodded.

''Ser Warrick Manderly, our sworn brother has betrayed your family, he was tasked with taking his Lord father into custody, but instead aligned with his father to massacre the retinue sent with him and flee White Harbor for Essosโ€ฆreports say Volantis but the message says to beware of the fact he may learn of our presence and seek to do you harm.'' Harold said, his brows furrowed.

''Ill news indeed.'' Visenya said, she had thought the Manderly knight the perfect candidate, young, brave and battle testedโ€ฆbut that had not mattered in the end.

''We shall protect you, your Grace.'' Ser Gregor said simply.

''And I am glad for it.'' Visenya said, she did not truly think she was in danger, the more likely scenario was for Ser Warrick to go into hiding that make himself known by attempting harm on the King's pregnant wife.

''My Queenโ€ฆsay the word and I shall sail to Volantisโ€ฆtrack him down and then slay the false knight.'' Ser Harold said, with his usual bravado.



''That will not be necโ€ฆ'' Visenya began before a sharp sensation in her back erupted with pain.

''Your Graceโ€ฆthe child?''Young Ser Harold asked, eyes wide.

Visenya nodded, barely holding herself up on the stone walls.

The Queen had prepared for this moment, having the Norvoshi servants assigned to her prepare a separate chamber for the eventual birth.

''Help me to the chamber.'' Visenya commanded sharply and her Kingsguard nodded, with both knights taking hold of one of her arms and helping her to the birthing chambers.

Ser Harold rather dramatically kicked open the door, surprising the Norvoshi servant women inside, who had their heads shaved bald in typical Norvoshi fashion.

They quickly got the queen onto the bed and began their task, they were well experienced with delivering children, and were much more composed than the two Kingsguard who were a good deal out of their element.

As they began to prepare the Queen, Ser Gregor nodded to his companion.

''This is a battle the Queen must fight alone.'' The Riverlander said simply, and the two Kingsguard left the room to guard the door.



Visenya was a woman who liked to be prepared, and she had spent the last two months resting, preparing her body and rehearsing with her servants.

Because of this preparation, the birth went rather smoothly, though not without its share of difficulty as this was Visenya's first child.

By the end of it, one of the bells of Norvos had begun to ring, a high pitched ringing that could be heard all over the city. The three bells of Norvos were very important to the Norvoshi society, with the bells telling the people of Norvos when to sleep, rise, pray, and other activities.

Visenya, tired and exhausted, managed the strength to sit up, holding the babe in her arms, looking into its violet eyes, the bells continuing their high pitched song.

She turned to one of the servants, who spoke the common tongue.

''What is the name of that bell?'' Visenya asked, stroking the babes head.

''Nyel your grace.'' The servant said.

Visenya turned back to the baby, looking into her eyes.

''Nyel little dragon.'' The Queen whispered as the bells of Norvos continued to ring.

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