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14% The Dragons Realm: A House Targaryen Story / Chapter 7: Chapter 3: Kings Landing (Part 3)

Chapter 7: Chapter 3: Kings Landing (Part 3)

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''Rise Lord Bruneโ€ฆ protector of Crackclaw Point.'' Aegon said from the throne, causing the old Clawman to rise.

''Thank you your graceโ€ฆHouse Brune shall keep the peace in the pointโ€ฆboth in my lifetime and in my descendents.'' The silver haired Clawman responded.

Aegon was a few hours into consolidating his main powerbase in the Crownlands. He had a great many minor lords sworn directly to him, and it would be much simpler to delegate these minor vassals to one High Lord, who would oversee the region, with only them reporting straight to the King.

Over the past few days he had granted the overlordship of the lands directly south of King's Landing to Maric Gaunt, Lord of Dalston Keep and a lord with an honorable reputation. Similarly, the High Lordship of Blackwater Rush would granted to Lord Gendry Creasy, and yesterday Lord Alyn Chyttering had arrived to give his oath to become protector of the burned Kingswood, though like many of his people he would remain in the capitol to become the first ''master of whisperers.''

Lord Alyn Brune had been the last of these appointments, and had been his sister Visenya's suggestion, with her claiming he was the oldest of the Clawlords and his house was well respected within Cracklaw Point, King Aegon was more than willing to defer to his sisters knowledge of the Clawmen and had agreed to the appointment.

Aegon turned to Theo Tyrell, his squire who had since returned with Lord Commander Corlys Velaryon from the Iron Islands.

''Go and help Lord Brune and his retinue prepare their horses Theo, take Ryam with you, show him how it is done.'' Aegon commanded and his squire nodded and together he and Ryam left the hall.

Lord Brune chuckled ''Normally I see to my own horse, but it is not every day an old clawman is serviced by the heir to the Reach.''

Aegon nodded ''He is a dutiful boyโ€ฆ.I wish you a fine journey back to Dyre Den my lord.'' Aegon said, referring to the castle of house Brune.

''Thank you your grace, there is much work to be done.'' Lord Brune said with a bow before leaving the hall.



Aegon did not gain much of a respite from the appointment as immediately after Lord Brune had left the hall, his spymaster and the new Lord of the Kingswood, Lord Alyn Chyttering entered.

''Your graceโ€ฆ.pardon the interruption, but a warship has been sighted in the bayโ€ฆ.I believe it to be a Manderly shipโ€ฆthe uprising in the Three Sisters must be over if they have returned.'' Lord Chyttering said.

''You are sure of thisโ€ฆyou received a raven?'' Aegon asked, leaning forward, if this was true it was good news as the Sisters were the last region of his Kingdoms in open revolt.

''I would be a piss poor spymaster if I was not your graceโ€ฆ.though in truth I received no ravenโ€ฆthe ship had the merman of House Manderly upon its sails.'' The King's Spymaster responded with a small smile.

Aegon nodded and turned to one of the servants in the hall ''Run a message down to Ser Brynden Tully, tell him to send an escort of gold cloaks to the harbor and escort whoever has commanded the expedition to the keep. ''

The servant nodded and left to relay the message to the Captain of the City Watch.

Less than an hour later, Aegon heard the approach of the escort entering the Aegonfort. Most of his court had gathered in the longhall, both of his sisters, Orys, his Kingsguard, and squires were all in attendance to hear the news from the Sisters.

As the doors of the longhall swang open, the first man that caught Aegons eye was a young man with short blonde hair and the beginnings of a beard. He was dressed in a leather Jerkin, with a layer of chainmail over it, which in turn was covered by a surcoat, with the merman of house Manderly upon it. Behind him were several other Manderly knights, one of whom was holding a rope, which bound the hands of a woman, with short brown hair and the eyes to match it, looking tired and disheveled.

The young man approached the throne and knelt, ''The Sisters are yours your grace.'' He said, still knelt upon the timber floor of the keep..

Aegon gestured the lad up ''I am glad to hear itโ€ฆthough I would prefer to hear the name of the man I have to thank before any further details.''

The Knight nodded ''I am Ser Warrick Manderly..the youngest son of Lord Willem of White Harbor.''

''I thank you for this victory Ser Warrickโ€ฆ have brought peace to the realm.'' Aegon said to the young knight.

''I would have hoped to bring peace sooner your grace, I tried to storm Sunderland Hall by force shortly after landing but was repulsed and was forced to settle for a siege which took some weeksโ€ฆ.the taking of the village was much quicker if it please your graceโ€ฆmy men overwhelmed the garrison quickly.'' Ser Warrick explained, earning a scowl from the bound woman.



Aegon grimaced slightly at that, he had hoped that the pacification in the Sisters would be bloodless, though he reluctantly admitted to himself that he had only himself to blame for the failed assault on the castle and the eventual melee in the village as he did not explicitly state that his wishes when he ordered Torrhen Stark, his Warden of the North to deal with the uprising.

''Well it is over now, that is what matters.'' Aegon said.

Visenya stepped forward suddenly ''Ser Warrick, forgive the question if you will but are you married?''

Ser Warrick with a slight look of confusion, shook his head ''No my queen.''

Visenya gave a small smile at that and gave a knowing look to Aegon who nodded.

''Ser Warrickโ€ฆ.what my sister means is there is a vacancy among my Kingsguardโ€ฆ.these men in white armor that stand beside me each represent a region of the 7 Kingdomsโ€ฆ.the vacancy in question could be filled by a man of the north.'' Aegon explained.

The young knight ran a hand through his beard ''I see.''

''If you were to fill this vacancyโ€ฆof which you are well deserving after your bravery in the Sistersโ€ฆyou would give up the opportunity of taking a wifeโ€ฆ.your life would be spent in the service of the King.'' Visenya said.

Ser Warrick was silent for a moment before at last answering ''I shall take my sword as a wife then my queen, I am a warrior before all else and there is no greater honor than to serve the King in battle.''

''Excellent, I am glad to have you, Ser Corlys Velayron shall explain what is expected of you and then I shall take your oath should you still wish to give it..'' Aegon said, he was pleased at this appointment, the final spot on his Kingsguard had been proving difficult to fill, and Ser Warrick was seemingly the perfect candidate, brave and battle tested despite his young age.

''A final thing your graceโ€ฆwe have their rulerโ€ฆ.Queen Marla Sunderland she has styled herself, she wounded one of my men after her garrison surrendered and bit anotherโ€ฆI lost many good men due to her uprising.'' Ser Warrick explained.

Aegon nodded ''I shall deal with her.''

He turned to the rest of the court ''All of you leave us if you willโ€ฆ.I will speak with the Lady Sunderland.''



The court gradually left the longhall, except for Ser Garmon Hightower of the Kingsguard, who was the Kings assigned guard for the hour.

When the hall was empty he turned to Ser Garmon ''Cut her loose.'' Aegon commanded.

''Are you sure your grace?'' Ser Garmon asked, he was a brave man but took his duty to protect the King the most seriously of all the Kingsguard, sometimes to the point of paranoia.

Aegon nodded ''If she means to bite me than I take solace in the fact you are here.''

Ser Garmon nodded and cut her loose, but not before doing a respectful patdown for any hidden weapons to which Aegon couldn't help but roll his eyes at.

''Well if you mean to kill me, best get it done with.'' Marla Sunderland said, her voice powerful and proud, and utterly without fear.

Aegon nodded ''Would you prefer the blade or dragonfire.'' Earning a rather shocked look from Ser Garmon.

Aegon then leaned back a bit, gauging the Lady of the Sisters for a reaction.

Even with the mention of Dragonfire, Marla Sunderland did not seem perturbed, merely shrugging her shoulders ''I dont suppose it makes much difference in the end.'' She said,

Aegon was silent for a moment before nodding ''It doesnt does it?.''

A silence fell over the hall before Aegon sighed, and came to his feet.

''I dont mean to kill you Marla Sunderlandโ€ฆat least not todayโ€ฆand I certainly do not intend to feed you to my Dragonโ€ฆ.as a general rule I dont feed those I respect to Balerion.'' Aegon said.

''Your Grace?'' Marla Sunderland said with confusion.

''Ayeโ€ฆ.I respect youโ€ฆI see why your people named you their Queenโ€ฆand I understand why you rebelled.'' Aegon said, to the rather shocked ruler of the Three Sisters.

''And why is that?'' Marla asked.

''Because for centuries you and your lands have been pulled between the North and the Vale like a piece of meat between two hounds, each year being shredded closer to the boneโ€ฆ.your lands burningโ€ฆyour women rapedโ€ฆaye I understand'' Aegon said cooly.

''I am glad to hear it.'' The former Queen of the Sisters responded.

''I also understand you did not rebel against meโ€ฆyou used the distraction of my invasion to break away from the Vale, a smart moveโ€ฆ.and it is that fact that lends itself to my decision not to execute you for treason.'' Aegon said.

Marlas face furrowed ''You mean to give us to the Vale thenโ€ฆmake them our overlords?''

Aegon was silent.

''A choice thenโ€ฆis that itโ€ฆmy life for my word that I will serve either the Vale or the North'' Marla said, her voice rising in intensity.

Aegon raised his hand ''No Lady Sunderlandโ€ฆ.''it'' is a promiseโ€ฆ.a promise that your people and your islands will not be the battleground for two great powers ever againโ€ฆ will not serve the lords of the North or the lords of the Valeโ€ฆ.you shall swear directly to the Iron Throneโ€ฆI will not give you independence, but this is as close as you will get.'' Aegon explained.

Marla Sunderland was speechless before quickly regaining her composure ''I accept your Grace.''

Aegon nodded ''One last thingโ€ฆ..Ser Warrick Manderly spoke true, he did lose many men upon the walls of Sunderland Hall, and the Manderlys will be expecting some sort of punishment.''

Marla scoffed ''Men lost due to his decision to storm the walls, he didn't have a chance with the amount of men he hadโ€ฆthose deaths were on him. And I would take the opportunity to tell you they more than avenged themselves upon the garrison of Crably, the neighboring villageโ€ฆthey would have surrendered in time, but your Merman Knight was determined to win glory and ordered it stormed without even negotiatingโ€ฆ.many good men died defending their homes that day.''

''It is true Ser Warrick was hotheaded in his pursuit of gloryโ€ฆbut he acted upon my ordersโ€ฆand there must be some sort of punishment my lady.'' Aegon said slowly but with understanding.

Marla Sunderland was silent at that.

''I hear you have a younger brother.'' The King said.

Marla nodded cautiously ''I do your Grace.''

''Have him come to King Landingโ€ฆthe sept could use a man of noble birth and an anointed knight to defend the priests as they do their charity.'' Aegon said.

''You would find him of little use, I'm afraid.'' Marla said dismissively, though it was clear she knew the purpose of the ''invitation.''

''Have him sent all the same.'' Aegon responded.

''You would have him be a hostage!'' Marla said, her voice rising slightly.

''An honored guest.'' Aegon replied coolly.

Marla Sunderland was quiet for a moment before she nodded silently.

''Then you are free to leave in peace my ladyโ€ฆI shall have a ship arranged to take you back to the Sisters.'' Aegon said.

''I thank you for it your grace.'' Marla replied, though somewhat tersely.

With Marla Sunderlands capitulation, all the rebellions in the realm had been put down, and for the first time in its historyโ€ฆWesteros was at peace, albeit an uneasy one.

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