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10% The Dragons Realm: A House Targaryen Story / Chapter 5: Chapter 3: Kings Landing (Aegon) (Part 1)

Chapter 5: Chapter 3: Kings Landing (Aegon) (Part 1)

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The morning was a hot one, and even the waters of the Blackwater bay were still so there was no reprieve of a breeze. The men in the Kings retinue were obviously feeling its effects, especially the gold cloaks, though Aegon thought nothing of it, he was a Targaryen and had a remarkable threshold for resisting heat.

He had flown from The Iron Islands to the capitol in about three days, taking a leisurely pace through the riverlands, and resting by night on small sandy islands in the rivers. He had arrived late the previous night and his sisters had informed him of some of the events while he had been gone, though he would be filled in more thoroughly later that evening.

It was to be a busy first day back in the capitol, his sister Visenya had chosen 5 more members of the Kingsguard who would swear their loyalty on his return to the Aegonfort, following this would be the first meeting of the small council where he would be filled in on other appointments and decisions made by his sisters who had ruled in his stead during his absence. While Visenya prepared the appointments of the Kingsguard, she had suggested Aegon tour the city which had changed much since he had last seen it at the beginning of his conquest.

''It certainly has grown since last i've seen it.'' Aegon said as he and his retinue rode down the mud streets.

''It has your graceโ€ฆ.mostly refugees from the Kingswood.'' replied Ser Brynden Tully, brother to Lord Paramount Edmyn of the Riverlands and the overall commander of the fledgling City Watch, which had come to be known as the gold cloaks due to their woolen cloaks dyed gold, which to no surprise to Aegon had been Rhaenys's idea.

Aegon had been informed as to the structure of the City Watch and he had to admit Visenya's idea was a good one. The gold cloaks would be permanently stationed at 6 ''gates'' throughout the capitol, though in truth in their current state they were simple wooden barracks. These locations were the Dragon's Gate, the Kings Gate, the Lion Gate, and the Gate of the Gods, which were all overseen by Ser Brynden. Ser Rickard Tyrell, similar to Brynden in the sense that he was the younger brother to the Lord Paramount of the Reach, was given command of the Iron Gate and the River Gate barracks. Jacaerys Velaryon, brother of Corlys and Aethen, and cousin to the Targaryens had been given a command as well, since despite being less capable than his brothers was a knight, though he later abdicated the command to Ser Brynden and and instead served under Ser Brynden as one of his lieutenants.

These gates made a rough circle around the edge of the unwalled city, each stationed where roads from differing directions led out of Kings Landing. The responsibility of these barracks would be to search incoming traders and travelers, checking for smuggled goods and collecting tolls, resolving disputes and otherwise keeping the peace. There was one final aspect to the guard however.

The aforementioned gates were stationed at the outskirts of the city and their garrisons would remain there. The keeping of the peace in the city proper would fall to Ser Jon Darklyn, brother to the Lord of Duskendale, a wealthy coastal port north of Kings Landing. He would take gold cloaks out on patrol through the various districts of the city, proactively searching for crime and responding to incidents.

''The Kingswood?'' Aegon asked, he knew little of that region of the stormlands except it was covered by woodland and home to countless small forest hamlets.

Orys Baratheon, Aegon's rumored half brother, right hand man and most trusted man nodded, he had decided to accompany Aegon on the tour.

''During the conquest Argilac left men there to ambush myself and Rhaenys, we held them off but her Dragon burned down much of the forest, it will grow back in time but many of the inhabitants have migrated here.'' Orys explained.

''How many people live in the city?'' Aegon asked Orys, who many in the capitol had begun to call ''The Kings Hand'' since he had supervised the city since the conquest of the stormlands.

''I've been conducting censuses regularlyโ€ฆ.at last count it was somewhere around 8-10,000.'' Orys responded.



This was by no means a large city by Westerosi standards but still was a tremendous amount of growth from practically zero inhabitants before the conquest, and this rapid growth had taken its toll on the fledgling city, whos infrastructure was not equipped to handle its growth and most people lived in houses of timber or ramshackle boards, collecting water from the bay and boiling it. The city had a stench to it as well as there was no sewage system.

''There will need to be improvements madeโ€ฆand lots of them.'' Aegon said curtly, a brief thought entering his mind that perhaps he should have taken Oldtown as his seat.

''The citadel sent a Maester some weeks ago, I think you'll like him, he has a mind for city building and rides around the city frequently, he has many ideas.'' Orys nodded.

Aegon scoffed ''A capable maesterโ€ฆ.I'll believe it when I see it.'' His disdain for most Maesters was well known, an opinion primarily born out of distrust for their self-claimed mastery of the world's many concepts.

The King turned to Ser Brynden Tully, whose face was almost as red as his hair due to wearing the heavy gold cloak, chainmail and a metal helm under the hot sun. ''How many districts do we have left Ser Bryndenโ€ฆwe should return to the Aegonfort soon?''

''Just River Row your graceโ€ฆ.there should be a good breeze there.'' The commander of the Gold Cloaks responded.

They had toured each of the gates and the other districts over the last few hours. They had started with the Street of Seeds, home to most of the bakeries and granaries in the city, that had been the most pleasant street as the smell of freshly baked bread was almost enough to overcome the stench from the rest of the city.

At the end of the Street of Seeds, they had visited the small wooden sept of the town, though Aegon true to his nature had kept the visit brief. His sisters had invited one of Lord Manfred Hightower's sons, Septon Leyton to oversee both the small septs in the city and the one in the Aegonfort. It was a far cry from assisting in the seven wealthy septs of Oldtown, but the young Septon had stated that the gods looked just as favorably on septs of timber as ones of marble and stated he was happy to do their will in the capitol for his remaining time on earth, which he feared would not be long despite effective treatment from the Maesters.

Following that they toured the street of steel, a district that ran down a large hill from the street of seeds and was home to most of the city's shops. There were many forges in this district, with the ones at the top being home to weapon and armorsmiths though due to the recency of the cities founding they were not overly skilled. Going down were other forges making goods needed in a new city such as nails, horseshoes, and hammers. Despite its name there were other shops here such as tanneries and cloth shops.

They had just got done touring the district of Eel Alley, home to most of the housing in the city as well as taverns and inns, including many serving as brothels. This was the area where most of the trouble occurred, Brynden Tully had explained.

The retinue passed by the River Gate, which was under the command of Rickard Tyrell who nodded at them as they passed. The smell of the harbor hit them immediately, though Aegon was a man who was used to campaigning and it had little effect on him.

True to its word, the district of River Row ran along the bay in a straight line, with some makeshift docks being set up to house several fishing boats. As they rode along the river there were small stalls of fish being sold, increasing in frequency until a large square by the riverside came into sight, with well over two dozen market stalls, with their vendors yelling out the day's catch.

''Fishmongers Square they call it.'' Ser Jon Darklyn said.

Aegon nodded and looked further up the river, where several foreign looking men were constructing a stone structure along the riverside ''Braavosi?'' he guessed by their clothing.

Orys nodded ''One of the families sent a representative when you were away asking permission to set up a trading outpostโ€ฆthe city may not be much now but they recognize it will grow and wanted to get ahead of the other republicsโ€ฆ.Visenya allowed them to set up hereโ€ฆ.they have promised good prices on dyes and cloth while they want timber from my lands.''

''It was good of Visenya to arrange this.'' Aegon stated, he had no love of the Braavosi, mostly stemming from the fact his uncle Daemon, father to Aethen, Jacaerys, and Corlys was slain in a naval battle at Gulltown which had included mercenary Braavosi galleys, but he had to admit it would help with the prosperity and trade of Kings Landing.

''Good for trade perhaps'' grumbled Ser Brynden ''Theyve all but taken over one of the harborside taverns, and a fortnight ago some fisherman had the nerve to stumble in there drunk and insult one themโ€ฆ.my gold cloaks found the poor man face down in a pool of his own blood.''

''Any more trouble?'' Aegon asked with concern, he was glad to have the prospect of Braavosi trade in the capital, but not at the expense of lawlessness.

Ser Brynden shook his head ''They made their point clearโ€ฆnone bother them nowโ€ฆI would have had the murderer seized but theres at least 50 of them and Ive no way of knowing which one.''

''We should be heading back.'' Aegon said, earning a nod from Orys.

''Ayeโ€ฆVisenya will have your new guard assembled by nowโ€ฆ.best not to keep her waiting.'' He said.

Ser Brynden Tully dismissed himself to return to his duties, but not before sending a dozen men to escort the King and his Hand back to the Aegonfort.

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