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84% The Dragons Realm: A House Targaryen Story / Chapter 42: Chapter 25: A Call to Arms (Ronnel Arryn, Deria Martell, Vaemond)

Chapter 42: Chapter 25: A Call to Arms (Ronnel Arryn, Deria Martell, Vaemond)

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The high hall of the Eyrie was as crowded as Ronnel Arryn had ever seen it. Lords great and small from all over the Vale had made the pilgrimage to the castle, not all of them had been necessarily invited, but when word of Loren Lannisters rebellion had reached the Eyrie, rumors of a certain raven reaching the Eyrie had also circulated throughout the realm, and the Lords of the Vale were eager to give their input, desired or not.

Ronnel removed one of his hands from the sides of his carved weirwood throne and ran it through his golden hair as he surveyed the high hall, which was packed with several small groups of lords conversing amongst themselves, though Lord Robin Redfort and fat Lord Eon Hunter of Longbow Hall seemed to be more interested in the company of their wine cups than any of their compatriots.

The carved wooden doors opened and a tall man with orange hair tied in a bun and piercing green eyes walked in, leaning on a cane as his wooden leg and cane clacked upon the marble floor.

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๐˜ ๐˜ด๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ญ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ท๐˜ฆ ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ ๐˜บ๐˜ฆ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ฅ๐˜ข๐˜บ Ronnel thought ruefully, if he had begun the proceedings the previous day he would not have had to deal with Qarl Corbrayโ€ฆ.the Lord of the Vale had no intention of making the same mistake twice.

''My is past time we began.'' Ronnel Arryn said, rising from his throne of white carved Weirwood. His voice did not carry over the commotion of a dozen separate conversations however and he was ignored.

''My lords.'' He began again but to the same effect.

Suddenly his wife Kalianne rose from her smaller throne and clapped her hands together, loudly, which got their attention.

''My Lordsโ€ฆ.My Ladiesโ€ฆ.we welcome you to the Eyrieโ€ฆand thank you all for making the journey in such a tenuous timeโ€ฆ.we offer you bread and salt and extend our hospitality to you all.'' His wife said, waving for servants who had been waiting in the back to finish offering the ancient rite of hospitality.



Kalianne looked to Ronnel with a small smile as the nobility received bread and salt, Ronnel gave a nod of thanks and made his way to the dais to address his vassals.

He waited until the hall was completely silent before speaking.

''As your liege Lord it is my duty to inform you, my vassals of pertinent developments in the realm and events which could affect our circumstancesโ€ฆ lordsโ€ฆ.Loren Lannister and the Westerlands are in open revolt against the crownโ€ฆ.the Darklyns of Duskendale have joined with them'' Ronnel said, though he was not met with quite the reception he had been hoping for.

''Everyone knows that.'' replied Demerei Wydman, the lady of Wycliffe, overlord of the Fingers, and owner of one of the largest demenses and levies in the Vale.

''Ayeโ€ฆ..tell us about the raven.'' Eon Hunter said, his fleshly face as red as the wine he loved so much.

Ronnel bristled at that ''I'm not in the habit of sharing personal correspondence.''

''My Lord Arryn, perhaps if we knew the contents of this letter we would be able to better counsel you.'' Lord Wallace Waynwood said courteously, running a hand through his long unkempt gray beard that made him look like one of the wizards from the childrens stories.

''Why invite us here if you had no intention of sharing the news with us '' Eon Hunter said.

You weren't invited, you drunken fool Ronnel thought to himself, in truth his vassals had simply begun showing up once word of the troubles to the west spread throughout the Vale.

''You need not say it in wordsโ€ฆ.there is only one reason Lord Loren would send you a ravenโ€ฆhe wants the Knights of the Vale.'' A quiet, harsh voice from the back of the hall replied, the voice of Qarl Corbray.

Ronnel was speechless at that before his wife nodded and stepped in front of him.

๐˜‹๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ต he thought, but the words would not come to his mouth, once his wife had her mind set on something there was no stopping her.



''You speak the truth Lord Corbrayโ€ฆLoren Lannister has sent terms to my Lord Husband, in exchange for the Knights of the Vale he will recognize my husband as King of Mountain and Vale as well as the Vales independence, he proposes an alliance, which following victory, will be sealed by marriagesโ€ฆLannister claims the Vale and the Westerlands are natural allies in this struggle.'' His wife said, causing a loud murmur to erupt throughout the hall.

''The Vale should be free once moreโ€ฆthe time is right.'' A voice in the crowd said.

''Thousands of Valemen will die if we join with the Lannistersโ€ฆ.is a crown worth their blood my Lord.'' Robin Redfort said, sounding surprisingly coherent for the amount of wine he had been drinking.

''The Sistermen are aligned with the Targaryensโ€ฆ.my island and keep is just over a days travel by ship from the damnable pirates.'' Peter Pryor, lord of the tiny island of Pebble declared nervously.

''Are you both so cowardly that you would afear Sistermen and foreign invadersโ€ฆ.when the sagas and songs are written of this day you will not be well represented.'' old Alaric Belmore declared, running a hand over his small gray mustache.

''Im no cowardโ€ฆ.I just know the costs of warโ€ฆdo your precious songs and sagas tell of the murder of farmers and rape of women and children Lord Belmore?'' Redfort replied.

Ronnel decided that this bickering had gone on long enough and cleared his throat ''All of these points notwithstanding, I swore a vow to the Targaryens, both to Aegon when I was a child and again to his son in Oldtown.''

''Oaths are not meant to be brokenโ€ฆ..if you break your oath Lord Arryn then it will be a stain not only on your honor but those of your children.'' Old Lord Waynwood replied.

''Oaths are made in the sight of the seven, and an oath made to an abomination of incest has no meritโ€ฆyou speak of honor and duty Lord Waynwood, honor compels that we remove the stain on our honor as Valemen attained from serving such accursed Kingsโ€ฆ.we should have never sworn loyalty to them in the first place.'' Lady Demerei Wydman said, voice shrill with the righteous fury of a zealot.

Qarl Corbray gave a nod of approval at that ''The Targaryens are ill-made and ill-birthed foreigners from across the sea, our people have lived here for centuries, our period of subjugation will endโ€ฆbut only if we do what needs to be doneโ€ฆwe will burn away their sin with steel and fire.''

A roar of approval rang out through the hall.

''Your own uncle Gawen is apart of King Vaemonds Kingsguard.'' Wallace Waynwood said with shock.

Qarl shrugged indifferently ''It's about time Lady Forlorn returned to Hearts Home.''



''I say we join with the Lannisters, we pay taxes both to Lord Arryn and to the Crown ever since the conquestโ€ฆ.i've had enough of it.'' Lord Hunter said.

Ronnel had had enough of this bickering, which he presumed would go on for hours more. Without a word he rose from his throne and slipped out of the High Hall, his absence barely noticed by his lords. His wife followed close behind.

''Ronnel.'' She said from behind him but he did not answer her, he would not do the dishonor of rebuking her in public.

When they were at last behind the closed doors of their chambers he finally spoke.

''My ladyโ€ฆ should not have told them of Loren Lannisters termsโ€ฆ had no rightโ€ฆI could have quietly refused him, but now my vassals are all calling for war.'' Ronnel said gently.

''And why would you have refused him?'' She asked, seemingly unaffected by his chastisement.

''I don't seek to increase my own powerโ€ฆespecially not at the price of thousands of livesโ€ฆ.I rule the Vale nowโ€ฆ.it is enough.'' He replied.

''Winning this war isn't about gaining powerโ€ฆ.its about taking back what you once hadโ€ฆ.you were a King Ronnelโ€ฆand the Targaryens stole that from you.'' She said.

''I was a child.'' He said hesitantly.

''A Kingโ€ฆ were Ronnel Arryn, King of the Mountains and Valeโ€ฆand they took it from you.'' She said, placing a hand on his chest.

''Iโ€ฆI swore an oath to the Kingโ€ฆ.The Targaryens have done me no wrongโ€ฆ.they see the value of my serviceโ€ฆ.his father sent his son, Prince Matarys to be fostered here in the Eyrie.'' Ronnel continued.

His wife scoffed ''If they had wished to honor you they would have given the boy to you as a wardโ€ฆnot Nestor Royceโ€ฆ.they sent a child to live in your own halls but didnt think you capable enough to raise him.''

Ronnel was silent at that, he had never thought about it like that, he had grown quite close to the younger Prince Matarys during his time in the Eyrie, but he suddenly realized how insulting it was that he was not made the princes guardian despite the boy residing in his own keep.

''I should have been given guardianship of the boy.'' Ronnel grumbled, suddenly annoyed and embarrassed at the slight.

Kalianne ran a hand through his hair slowly ''Our sons could be Kings and Princes Ronnel, I would be a Queenโ€ฆ..and youโ€ฆyou would be King Ronnel Arryn again, Lord of Mountains and Vale, overlord of the Mountains of the Moonโ€ฆ.it is your destinyโ€ฆyou must take back what is yours.''

She leaned in close, whispering in his ear ''You just have to be bold enough to reach out and take it.''

The hair on the back of Ronnels head rose.

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He took her hand and nodded slowly.



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Deria Martell held the scroll in her hands, reading it for the third time to make sure she had not missed anything.

''Wellโ€ฆ..what does it say.'' Her youngest brother Olyvar asked impatiently.

''Loren Lannister requests we join our armies with his against King Vaemondโ€ฆ.in exchange he promises he will recognize and support our independence as a free and independent state as we were in my grandmothers timeโ€ฆ.he says I would be a Queen again and our alliance would be sealed in marriages and betrothals upon the wars end.'' Deria replied dutifully.

''Let me see.'' Her youngest son Lewyn said and she handed him the scroll, unlike his older brother Blaise, who had not bothered to rouse himself from his bed at the arrival of the raven, Lewyn took after her with brown skin and black hair, while his older brother Blaise looked more like their Reachman hedge knight father.

Her younger brother, also called Lewyn shook his head ''We can't trust the Lannisters Deriaโ€ฆtheir entire house was built on trickeryโ€ฆ.they promise alliances but even if we were to win the war they would not act in our defense in the futureโ€ฆ.I know itโ€ฆ.we should not bestirr ourselves in this fight, the men of Dorne don't need to bleed for the Lion or the Dragon.''

''I did not know you presumed to have the gift of prophecy uncleโ€ฆa shame you did not use it before the battle at Watersmeetโ€ฆ.only the gods know the future.'' Her son said passionately, it did not take much to rile him up.

Deria put a hand on her son's shoulder to calm him.



''And what would you have us do?'' Deria asked.

''The time is right motherโ€ฆ.Dorne shall be free again, we were not meant to be subjectsโ€ฆ.with the Lannisters, Arryns and Darklyns at our side we can drive the Dragons from Dorne'' Her son said confidently.

''And what have the Targaryens done to you that has awoken this hatred?'' She asked him.

Lewyn scoffed ''What have they doneโ€ฆ..they killed thousands of our peopleโ€ฆ.house Yronwood was nearly destroyedโ€ฆ..they had Lord Blackmont and Lady Toland executed, they are our enemies.''

''And we killed thousands of theirs.'' Deria said gently.

''Our cause was righteousโ€ฆ.it is not the same mother.'' He replied.

''Our causeโ€ฆ..I was not aware you fought the Targaryens sonโ€ฆ.you name them enemiesโ€ฆwhat have they done to you?'' Deria prodded.

''The smith created the world in a certain fashionโ€ฆ.their marriage practices goes against the natural order of thingsโ€ฆ..they are sinners.'' The prince responded.

''We are all sinners.'' Deria said before continuing.

''The Targaryens have done good as well, though you are loathe to admitโ€ฆ.they captured the islands of Sunstone and Bloodstone and expelled the pirates, those pirates harried and raided our coasts even before my grandmothers timeโ€ฆtrade with the Stormlands has never been saferโ€ฆ..upon Vaemonds ascension he sent a gift to Sunspearโ€ฆ.our family could rise high within the realm, you speak of the war son, but the Targaryens have brought peace to Dorne following the bloodshed, in my grandmothers time we warred constantly with the Stormlanders and the Knights of the Reachโ€ฆ.but no more.'' Deria said.

''Deriaโ€ฆ.we swore an oathโ€ฆbut that does not mean we have to bleed for them, we should not get involved in this war.'' Her brother Lewyn said.

''Motherโ€ฆ.this chance won't present itself againโ€ฆ..The Targaryens will be crushed between the Knights of the Vale and the Westerlands, if we join with them the south will be open to our advanceโ€ฆ.our people could be free.'' Her son said, clearly of a different mind than his uncle.

''We swore the Targaryens an oath to defend the realm, I was only a squire during the war, but I remember the burning of the Yronwoods, how angry it made meโ€ฆ.but an oath comes before vengeanceโ€ฆ.we lost the right to vengeance when we pledged them our spears'' Olyvar said.

''Vengeance is an oathโ€ฆ.you would have us bleed for the Targaryens mother'' Her son said heatedly.

Deria made her way to the window, looking out over Sunspear.



''The only thing I care about is our familyโ€ฆ..joining with the Lannisters would put our family at risk of the executioner's axโ€ฆbut even should the Targaryens lose the war, the Lannisters won't have the power to punish those that remained loyal to the crown.'' Deria said before sofly continuing.

''And Dorne shall remain loyal.'' Deria said, her hands in the windowsill.

''Mother?'' Lewyn asked with shock.

''The Martells of Dorne keep their oathsโ€ฆ..raise the bannersโ€ฆ we will join with the Targaryens.'' Deria said, listening to the clamoring of the bazaar below.



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Vaemond watched cooly as Nestor Royce moved the marble falcon figure from the nearby table onto the large map, signifying the Arryns had sides with the Lannisters, they had just received the Raven from the Eyrie and all their plans from the previous days were for naught and had to be reconsidered with the Knights of the Vales entry into the war.

There were several miniature sculptures on the map. Those representing the loyalists were a Greyjoy Kraken in the Iron Islands, a bronze Dornish sun, a Baratheon Stag, A Tully Trout, an orange shield with the sigil of house Royce in the Vale and a Dragon in King's Landing. The rebels were represented by a gold lion, a marble falcon and a castle representing Duskendale.

An emerald Tyrell Rose and a Stone Wolf stood off to the side of the map, looking ominously at their companions.

Vaemond broke the silence ''I suppose we should count ourselves fortunate the Starks have not declared for the rebelsโ€ฆ.Brandon Stark did not attend my coronation, I know well his disdain for me.''

''No doubt he wishes to see you defeated, but the man is known as the Just in his own lands, he won't break his oath.'' Corlys Velaryon said confidently.



''And the Tyrellsโ€ฆ..I had thought them to be among my most loyal Bannermen, but they have not raised their bannersโ€ฆ.you know Theo Tyrell better than any man here Corlysโ€ฆ.why has he forsaken his vowsโ€ฆ.the Chivalry of the Reach is much needed'' Vaemond said, looking rather longingly at the Emerald Tyrell Rose figure, sitting uselessly to the side of the map.

Corlys nodded ''It's true I know Theo Tyrell, I knighted him in Eastmelt after I slew the bandit leaderโ€ฆ.I say with confidence that he will not raise his forces against youโ€ฆ.he knows his family owes its position to yours, and he was raised for several years in this very keep.'' Corlys said.

''He won't raise forces against me, but he won't raise them for his King and the family he owes so much too, why?'' Vaemond demanded.

''Marriage your grace.'' Old Rickard Stokeworth, Master of Laws said ponderously.

Vaemond nodded slowly, remembering now and cursing himself silently, he had been in attendance at the marriage of Theo Tyrell and Lorenna Lannister, Lorens own daughter.

''The Tyrells are bound by blood to the Lannistersโ€ฆ.they won't fight against you but neither will Theo Tyrell raise his banners against his own father-in-law, the Grandfather of his heir Amaury.'' Stokeworth continued.

''Bonds notwithstanding their absence puts us in a difficult situation.'' Vaemond said, his eyes returning to the isolated silver trout of the Tullys in the Riverlands.



''The Tullys are caught in between the Lannisters in the west and the Knights of the Vale and Duskendale in the eastโ€ฆ.I fear they will bear the brunt of this warโ€ฆ.if the Reach was with us we could have the Westerlands surrounded but we don't.'' Vaemond said.

''I know young Samwell Tullyโ€ฆ..he will defend his people with all his strength, even if that means a direct assault to keep the war from his own lands.'' Orys Baratheon said.

Vaemond looked towards the western coast of the Riverlands to the fortress of Seaguard, where he had received a Raven from Matarys ''It was a lucky enough thing my brother escaped from Fair Isle, but he will have a difficult time of it avoiding the war making his way backโ€ฆ..if he should tread too close to the Mountains of the Moonโ€ฆ.''

''Ser Garmon Hightower is no fool, he will get him back safely.'' Corlys said.

He turned to his Marshal Lord Nestor Royce, who had been silent for much of the meeting ''Lord Royceโ€ฆ.I need you to return to Runestone and raise your levies thereโ€ฆ..we need to give Orys's men, as well as the Ironborn and Dornish time to reinforce the Riverlands, perhaps your levies being raised will give the Knights of the Vale pause before advancing on the Tullys, they will not want to leave thousands of men to their rear.''

Nestor Royce nodded dutifully ''Your Grace, I fear I cannot match their numbers in the field, but I will do my duty.''

''Do whatever you can to slow them down, should Loren Lannister be given the chance to join with the Valemen his host will number seventy thousand men, we cannot allow that to happen.'' Vaemond said.



''It will take the Dornish a good while to assemble their men in the deserts and march up the Princes Passโ€ฆ.we can't rely on them joining the war anytime soon.'' Orys said, nodding towards the bronze sun.

''This war will be decided by your men Uncle, and those of the Greyjoysโ€ฆ.Vickon has not sent word of what his strategy is but we will need his men to join with yours and the Tullys.'' Vaemond said.

''You will not be accompanying us your Grace?'' Orys asked with surprise.

The King shook his head ''My son Aelyx died as a result of my negligenceโ€ฆ.I will not make the same mistake twiceโ€ฆ.I won't march west while there is a wolf in the sheep's pen, Duskendale has some 5000 men and are just a few days hard marching from the capitol, I won't leave them free to raid and pillage at our rearโ€ฆ.While you march to meet with the Tullys and Greyjoys, I will march north and deal with Duskendale.''

''Vaemondโ€ฆ.Duskendale will have its dayโ€ฆ.but we will need all the men we can in the westโ€ฆ.should the Lannisters and Arryns unite into a single hostโ€ฆ..even with 5000 men the Darklyns are no immediate threat to the capitol'' Corlys said.

''My own host will be made up of men from the Crownlandsโ€ฆKing or no, do you think they will follow me while their own villages and families are left undefined at the mercy of Duskendaleโ€ฆ.no I will deal with the Darklyns first.'' Vaemond said sternly.

The hall went silent at that.



''I don't understand why Duskendale is against usโ€ฆ.I was good to him, yes I sent his levies to Sunstone but I rewarded Lord Darklyn handsomely.'' Vaemond said, looking at the large demesne on the map, just north of Kings Landing.

''Lannister has been preparing for this for some time i'd guessโ€ฆ your mothers funeral I saw him conversing with the Lord Darklynโ€ฆ.talk was that they had formed a friendship.'' Stokeworth said.

''Darklyns a fool if he believes Loren Lannister is his friendโ€ฆ..he's a pawn, his only use to keep me from joining the defense in the westโ€ฆ..Lannister is using him.'' Vaemond said.

''He will recognize his mistake when Duskendale falls.'' The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard said.

Vaemond nodded and turned to Lord Royce.

''Before you leave for Runestone, raise all the banners north of the Blackwater Rush, that should be enough to deal with Duskendale.'' Vaemond commanded.

''What about the men here in the capitol, and south of the Rush, that amounts to near 10,000 men.'' Corlys asked with a frown.

''The levy of Kings Landing will stay in the capitol, If I must leave my family I will see they have thousands of swords and spears guarding them.'' Vaemond said, he would not risk any harm to his family, not after Aelyx.

''And the men of the southern Crownlands, there are several thousand that we could raise your Grace.'' Nestor Royce asked politely.

''They will be a reserveโ€ฆ..have the lords ready to raise them at a moment's notice, but they wont march on Duskendale with us'' Vaemond said curtly.

Orys understood at once, he drew his dagger and brought it to the map ''The King speaks truly, we assume that the Lannisters will advance through the Riverlands, but should they attempt to steal a march through to the south, from Payne Hall into Byfordโ€ฆ.they would have a straight shot into the capitol.''

Vaemond nodded before turning to his councilors ''My lordsโ€ฆ.we all have much to prepare forโ€ฆsee to your tasks.''

The men nodded and left the room.

Vaemond looked to the Dragon Figurine, made of Black Onyx with red rubies, taking it in his hand he moved it north on the map to Duskendale, where the Dragon stood in opposition to the checkered castle of house Darklyn.

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