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70% The Dragons Realm: A House Targaryen Story / Chapter 35: Chapter 19: First of his Name (Vaemond, Visenya)

Chapter 35: Chapter 19: First of his Name (Vaemond, Visenya)

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Oldtown was the greatest city that Vaemond had ever seen. Winding streets of well cobbled stone made the city a maze, and bridges connecting small islands to each other further divided the city, to the extent that it could be said that Oldtown was multiple cities within a city.

''A man could spend a lifetime in this city and still not get the measure of it.'' Vaemond said, earning a chuckle from Lord Commander Corlys Velaryon who was riding alongside him, a long white cloak covering his shoulders and even some of his horse.

''It is strange to thinkโ€ฆ father rode down this same streetโ€ฆwith the same purpose.'' Vaemond continued.

''I was in Kings Landing during his coronationโ€ฆ..but from what I see you have drawn a greater crowd than him.'' Corlys replied, nodding to the throngs of people that had gathered to watch the Targaryen retinue make their way down the streets towards the Starry Sept, it was truly packed, with food vendors selling their wares and children on the backs of the parents to catch a glimpse of the Targaryen procession as well as Vaemonds mothers dragon Vhagar, which flew high above in the air.

''I can take little credit for father brought peace to Westeros, I heard it said that so long as the people of this Kingdom have peace and prosperity they don't care who sits the Iron Throne.'' Vaemond continued.

''Many in this crowd were suckling babes when your father took his throneโ€ฆ..they've known naught but peace.'' Corlys agreed.

Vaemond glanced behind him, where his mother Visenya was riding, still dressed in the black mourning attire of a dowager queen, a blank expression on her face.

He slowed his pace ''I know this is hard for you mother.''

She gave the slightest of smiles ''My son is coming into his crownโ€ฆ.It is a source of happiness for me.''

Vaemond nodded not fully believing her, last night in his chambers of the Hightower, Nyel had confided in him after they had finished that she had seen their mother crying in her chambers. Vaemond understood, every minute spent in this city was likely salt on an open wound for his grieving motherโ€ฆevery step within the city bringing forth a memory of her late brother's coronation some 18 years earlier.



The Starry Sept came into view, its black marble standing in stark contrast to the white stone and cobbled streets much of the city was built from. The street leading up to the sept was made up of sprawling manses and villas of the pious.

''It seems as if ones piety is determined by who their father was.'' Vaemond said pointedly as they passed the ''mansions of the pious.''

''It's the way of the world.'' Corlys said with a nod.

The Targaryen procession made its way closer to the sept, riding through the large plaza of bleached white stone. This is where the lords of the realm waited, many standing in groups of their fellow regional lordsโ€ฆ..there were hundreds of them.

He saw more banners and sigils than he could possibly count, he made out his Hand, Orys Baratheon sharing a joke with a crowd of his Stormlords, one eyed as he was he still made for an impressive sight, turning his eyes towards the lords of the Vale he made out Lord Nestor Royce as well, smiling to his daughter Demerei, who rode in the procession along with Matarys. While some lords conversed among themselves, most of the hundreds of nobles in the courtyard stared at the young Targaryen prince, eager to catch a glimpse of the man who would be their King. With the exception of the Eyrie and Fair Isle, Vaemond had mostly remained in Kings Landing during his upbringing and most lords knew little about him.

Vaemond made for an impressive sight, while traditionally gifts were given after the coronation, his mother had gifted him with a splendid suit of armor ahead of his coronation, black plate with a dragon made of the finest rubies money could buy, and a long red cloak flowing from the shoulders. At his side in a sheath of black leather was his fathers Valyrian steel sword Blackfyre, its ruby glinting in the sunlight. Vaemond had also done his best to grow as much of a beard as he could for his 16 years in an effort to make him look more kingly.

The High Septon that awaited them upon the courtyard was different from the one that had presided over Aegon's coronation, with the man, known only by the moniker ''The Wise One'' having preceded the previous septon over 12 years earlier.

The septon had short brown hair and blue eyes with a large nose, and was surrounded by the men of the Warriors Sons, who were commanded by Ser Garmon Hightowers brother Leyton.

The septon commanded the warriors sons to help the Targaryen retinue from their horses with an authoritative command, though Vaemond dismissed his help and dismounted himself, as did his Kingsguard.

The High Septon studied Vaemond as you approached ''You have a Kings look.''

''The least important quality of a King.'' Vaemond replied.

''And yet the one in which the most assumptions will be drawn from.'' The High Septon finished.

''I admired your fatherโ€ฆ..all of Westeros under one Kingโ€ฆ.there were conflicts to be sure, but never before has such a period of peace graced our land.'' The man continued as they walked towards the entrance to the Starry Sept.



''I am sure you do not complain about your increased ability to influence the faith in all the seven Kingdoms either.'' Vaemond said curtly.

The High Septon gave a small chuckle at that ''The faith has a duty to the people of the realmโ€ฆjust as much as Kings.''

The inside of the sept was magnificent, made of black polished marble contrasted with stained glass of all colors sending rays of light streaming into the sept, Vaemond and the High Septon made their way to the raised dais of black marble while hundreds of nobles made their way into the septs, a mass of silks, doublets and sigils of houses beyond count.

The coronation went by rather fast, the High Septon did not pray to each of the seven, and it seemed to Vaemond that the man scarcely mentioned them at all, only making cursory references while anointing Vaemond with the holy oils.

''Just as a knight has the duty to protect the weak and innocentโ€ฆso too does a King have a duty to protect his subjects.'' The High Septon said, anointing Vaemond as a Knight.

Following his appointment as a knight, the High Septon placed his father Aegon's crown, which he had given to Corlys Velaryon before he attempted to save his son, upon Vaemonds head, proclaiming him King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.

Following this, the nobility of the realm gathered on the plaza of the Starry Sept for a feast to celebrate the King's Coronation, the same plaza his father had held his coronation feast near two decades prior.



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The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard led the long line of nobles which snaked through the plaza of the Starry Sept, winding around tables and chairs.

The feast, which had gone on for several hours, had finished and it was now time for oaths of fealty.

Corlys Velaryon approached the Kings table ''As commander of your Kingsguard allow me to be the first to swear my sword to youโ€ฆ..on behalf of my sworn brothersโ€ฆmy loyalty..and theirsโ€ฆis yours to rely upon.''

He then drew his sword and knelt.

''Rise Lord Commanderโ€ฆ.as paramount knight of the realm and my truest ally.'' Vaemond said, gesturing the older man to his feet.



Next had come the Lord Paramounts, all of whom were present save for Vickon Greyjoy, and Brandon Stark of the North, who had sent Theon Tallhart, his castellan to swear fealty in his place, with the castellan explaining that while his liege lord would uphold his vows, he had no plans of attending the coronation due to the circumstances of King Vaemonds birth.

Harlan Tyrell was next, his red hair rapidly fading into gray, but he still made for a dignified sight wearing a green doublet with golden silk thread.

''Lord Tyrell.'' Vaemond nodded.

''Your Graceโ€ฆon behalf of my bannermen I do swear fealty to youโ€ฆthe knights of the Reach and all their chivalry are yours.'' The aging man said.

Vaemond nodded ''I would have more than just your oath if you would be agreeable my lordโ€ฆ.you served my father well for many years, even as a child that was apparentโ€ฆ.my mother erred when she dismissed youโ€ฆ.I can only apologize for the circumstances of your dismissal and would name you master of coinโ€ฆshould you accept.''

Visenya, who was seated at her sons right reddened at that but Harlan Tyrell nodded ''It is true it was poorly done to send me awayโ€ฆ.but I accept the position your Graceโ€ฆI shall return to the capitol within the month, once I finish my affairs here.''

Next had been Orys Baratheon, who had shared a jest with the new King, while Vaemond confirmed his position as hand of the King.

The pledges of Deria Martell and Loren Lannister were courteous and formal, if uneventful, with Loren being quiet and soft spoken and Deria Martell was clearly still mourning the death of her hedge knight husband.

Ronnel Arryn, once his pledge was complete had promised that now that King Vaemond had officially ascended into his throne he could make preparations to end the Vales war against the Three Sisters pending a royal request. The war had been started,and all but demanded in truth by his vassals, with attempts by the Queen Regent failing to end the conflict due to lack of true royal power.



Vaemond suspected that his royal demand to end the fighting would only serve to save face for the Knights of the Vale, who had surprisingly made few gains against the Sistermen over several months of conflict, with the Sisterman fiercely defending their land but he promised Ronell he would make arrangements for the royal command all the same.

The final Lord Paramount to pledge loyalty was Samwell Tully who was also the news to inherit the role. Vaemond had been prepared to offer Edmyn Tully his former role as Master-of-Laws, but the Lord of the Trident had died only months prior, leaving his son as the new lord.

Following the young Riverlords oath of fealty came the other nobles of the realm, with this taking place over several hours, with most lords oaths only taking a minute at most, yet there were still some important conversations to be had.

At the forefront of the group was Nestor Royce, Lord of Runestone and father of Demerei Royce, who was married to the King's brother Matarys.

The Lord of Runestone approached, dressed simply in a woolen doublet, looking every bit a warrior.

''Lord Royceโ€ฆ.I witnessed your victory at the tourney of Kings Landing and even as a boy I was told of your martial prowess and reputation as the Vales master of arms and my brother has become a man of honor under your guardianship, I would offer you the same role as Marshal of my Kingdoms.'' Vaemond had told the man, and the Lord of Runestone had accepted the offer with a humble bow, stating how it would be good to be close to his daughter and future grandchildren.

The only other appointment Vaemond had made was offering old Rickard Stokeworth the position of master of laws, the man was over 60 and likely didn't have many years left but he was well respected and would do good to cement first impressions for the new King's reign.

The oaths of fealty went on till late in the evening, and when finished the Targaryens withdrew to their chambers in the Hightower with plans to remain in Oldtown for one more day.



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The morning light lazily made its way through the glass windows of the Lord Hightowers solar, which he had graciously allowed the newly assembled small council to convene for their first meeting. It would take some time for all the lords of the small council to wrap up their affairs to be able to venture to the capitol so this would be the only meeting for quite a while, and there was much to discuss.

When everyone had gathered, the meeting began.

''My lordsโ€ฆ..I would know of the affairs of the realm, my mother has kept me apprised of the violence in the Vale and the Iron Islands, but not to the level a King must be.'' Vaemond began.

Rickard Stokeworth nodded, he had consulted with the Maesters on the citadel to prepare himself to advise the King on such short notice.

''The violence in the Vale is fairly straightforward, Ronnel Arryns vassals all but demanded an attack on the Sisters but have made little strategic gains, the Sistermen even sailed to the Vale itself and took a small fortress on the fingersโ€ฆ.but the war will end once the lords of the Vale hear they were given royal command to cease their attack.''

Rickard continued, explaining how House Donniger of the Vale had disrupted the peace of the Vale by conquering the small island of the Paps and displacing House Elesham in the process, and had continued their aggression by attacking the Lynderlys of Snakewood, though it appeared House Lynderly was managing to hold off the aggressors.

''I suppose there is little we can do but let the war run its courseโ€ฆHouse Donniger has managed to find claims on the land, it is their right to wage war, we can only hope the Lynderlys hold them off '' Vaemond sighed.

''What of the Iron Islandsโ€ฆ.I hear they are awash in violence'' Vaemond asked.

''Unlike the situation in the Vale it is much harder to ascertain the cause of the fighting; it is a mixture of clan feuds and family claims, as well as religious tension as around half the populace of Orkmont has converted to the faith of the sevenโ€ฆ.Vickon Greyjoys youngest son was slain in the fighting I hear.'' His mother Visenya answered.

''The Ironborn have never needed an excuse to turn on eachother I suppose.'' Vaemond mused.

''Your father agreed that sometimes a little violence in the Islands was a good thingโ€ฆkeeps them occupied.'' Visenya said.

The young King nodded ''Still we must find a way to keep them in the fold somehowโ€ฆ.Send Lord Vickon a raven offering him the position of Master of Ships, he need not remain in the capitol permanently or even arrive until his lands find peace.''



Grandmaester Arlan nodded and wrote down the command on a piece of parchment, he would be sending a good deal of ravens before they departed Oldtown.

''It seems House Yronwood has made an unlikely recovery as well, their house will live on.'' Lord Stokeworth said.

''I thought Lady Yronwood was past childbearing age?'' Vaemond said with surprise.

''She is, and her two children were born into house Vaith, her husband's house, but to ensure the survival of the house, the boy Ser Gascoyne and his sister took the name of their mothers house, House Vaith was displeased as Yronwood was set to be inherited into their family but the house will live on.'' Rickard explained.

''If their house continues they may seek revenge for the death of their kin.'' Vaemond said with a frown.

Visenya shook her head ''I have been aware of Lady Yronwoods plot for a while now and had the boy watched, he does not seem the sort to seek revenge for a matter that has been settled, and what's more the Dornish learned what happens when the road of revenge is chosen.''



Lord Tyrell shared what information he had through his trading networks in Essos, and as usual, the Free Cities were at each other's throat. The Free City of Lorath had fractured into two during a civil war, with the Island proper splitting from its overseas colonies, and a Braavosi had managed through war and intrigue to ascend to the role of Magister of Pentos and the entirety of the Pentoshi nobility had risen up against him.

Following the briefing of affairs both close to home and in the east, Vaemond had several other matters to lay before the council.

''Lord Stokeworth, I want gifts sent to Brandon Stark and Deria Martell, i'll leave it up to you to decide whether its best sent in gold dragons or jewels and the like, Lord Tyrell will see you are given what you need to deliver them personally'' Vaemond commanded before continuing ''See Lord Jarman Chyttering of the Kingswood is given a gift as well, I could use support close to the capitol.

''It will be as you say your Grace.'' Stokeworth replied.

''A King should not need to send gifts to inspire loyaltyโ€ฆyour father had no need for such ploys.'' Visenya said pointedly.

''Father also had a hundred foot dragonโ€ฆ.Moondancer is but the size of a small dog, growing yes but I do not wield the same type of power as he did, nor the same respect, the purpose of gold is not only to to increase one's power and influence but also to keep itโ€ฆthat is what these gifts will do.''

''Well spoken your Grace.'' Lord Stokeworth said, earnings glare from Visenya.

''One final matterโ€ฆ.it concerns the state of Dragonstone, my family's ancestral seatโ€ฆ.it is not sufficient and I am prepared to make considerable efforts to improve the lives of those living there.'' Vaemond began.

He turned to Grandmaester Arlan ''The Grandmaester and my mother have both advised me that the island could benefit from the introduction of roads to connect the small fishing hamlets as well as the castle of Dragonstone to the keep of Windwyrm, I remember it was a tough ride when I toured the island with my father some years agoโ€ฆ.Lord Tyrell, I trust you will make the preparations upon your arrival to the capitol.''

Harlan Tyrell nodded ''I shall see to it your Grace.''

''That is not allโ€ฆ..I remember the village of Derlyn well from my visit, the smallfolk were hospitable to both me and my father, despite their small means, it is in truth a tiny village but given that the smallfolk have served my ancestors for well over a century, I would see them rewardedโ€ฆLord Tyrell, have builders sent to construct a small harbor to host traders from the Narrow Sea and have a few fishing galleys built for their sustenance.'' Vaemond commanded.

Harlan Tyrell ran a hand through his mustache ''I will see it done, but such things are expensive.''

''The cost is of little import, just see it done.'' Vaemond said curtly..before rising to his feet, causing the rest of the small council to do the same.

''Thank you for your council my lords, it has been a productive oneโ€ฆ.we can adjourn for today, and shall meet again in the capitol once you have all settled your affairsโ€ฆLord Commander Corlys, please track down my brother and have him sent in.'' Vaemond said, nodding farewells to his small council.



Some time later, Matarys entered the chamber and Vaemond gestured to the seat in front of him.

''I trust you have been enjoying Oldtownโ€ฆwe leave upon the morrow.'' Vaemond asked his brother.

His brother wrinkled his nose ''It is a fine city butโ€ฆ.the hypocrisy of the faith knows no boundsโ€ฆ.they preach of charity and good deeds but live in manses upon the steps of the sept.'' His brother said with disdain.

''You are rightโ€ฆ.but you must do a better job of concealing your disdainโ€ฆ.angering the septon at Kings Landing is one thing but best keep your thoughts to yourself in this city.'' Vaemond said not unkindly and his brother nodded.

''You are almost a man grownโ€ฆ.it's time to think about your future.'' Vaemond said to his younger brother, who was only one year younger than Vaemonds 16 years.

''I would give you Dragonstone Matarysโ€ฆ was our ancestral seat, and now it would be yoursโ€ฆyou would have your own household, cooks, knights, handmaidens to help Demerei.'' Vaemond began but his brother interrupted him.

''Noโ€ฆNoโ€ฆI don't want itโ€ฆI won't take it.'' Matarys said almost frantically.

''You are a Targaryen princeโ€ฆthings are expected of you.'' Vaemond said with a frown.

''I don't want things to be expected of meโ€ฆI don't want to be a lordโ€ฆ.I could never punish peasants or demand taxesโ€ฆid be no better than the faith.'' Matarys said, the words spilling out.

Vaemond raised his hands to calm him, a little disconcerted by his brother's outburst. ''I won't force you Matarys..just..just think about it.''

After his brother had left, he was about to leave and make preparations for the trip back to King's Landing when Nyel entered the chamber.

''Your Grace.'' She said, bowing her head slightly.

''You don't have to call me that.'' Vaemond said, for what felt like the 100th time, his sister had been given an education centering around court life and her courtesies were deeply ingrained into her personality.

His sister did not respond to that and had a strange look on her face.

''What is it?'' Vaemond asked.

''I have not yet given you your coronation giftโ€ฆ..'' Nyel began.

Vaemond raised his eyebrows at that.

His sister lightly laughed ''Not thatโ€ฆ..butโ€ฆI'm with child Vaemond.''

''How can you be sure.'' Vaemond asked.

''I spoke with mothers handmaiden Elayanaโ€ฆ.she confirmed it.'' Nyel replied.

''If we are not married soonโ€ฆ.the lords of the realm will see the child as a bastardโ€ฆ addition to all the rest they turn their noses atโ€ฆid best speak to mother.'' Vaemond said and Nyel nodded.



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''The High Septon awaits inside.'' Ser Lyonel said with a bow once they came to the door and Visenya nodded.

''Your grace I am pleased to be able to speak to you in personโ€ฆ.your leadership in the regency was admirableโ€ฆplease take a seatโ€ฆthere is some arbor red if you would like.'' The High Septon said, gesturing to the seat.

Visenya made no move to sit down.

The High Septon nodded slightly ''Here on business I seeโ€ฆwhat is it I can help you with Queen Visenya.''



''I will be requiring your services to conduct a wedding here in the Starry Sept.'' Visenya replied.

''And whose wedding would that be.'' The High Septon asked cooly.

''The wedding of my childrenโ€ฆ.one being the King you recently placed a crown on..I trust you remember himโ€ฆand spare me the sermon High Septonโ€ฆ.I know how you and your gods feel on the matter.'' Visenya said, a hint of the dragon coming out in her tone.

Visenya expected the High Septon to grow angry at that but instead he laughed ''My Queen, you give me an honor I do not deserveโ€ฆ.they are hardly my godsโ€ฆI cant claim ownership of them or control their actionsโ€ฆ.or even guarantee their existence.''

Few things shocked Visenya but the High Septons nonchalant attitude towards his own faith left her silent and dumbfounded.

The High Septon stood from his seat ''I imagine you are shocked by that my Queenโ€ฆa Septon that is not even sure the gods he supposedly represents are real and if they are, are the right onesโ€ฆ.a shock to be sure, but I suppose far more surprising things have happened.''

''I studied at the Citadel for two years before I became a Septonโ€ฆand in that time I studied most of the gods of the east as well as the sevenโ€ฆ.marrying brother to sister may be uncommon but it hardly reaches the levels depravity that are often done in the name of religionโ€ฆfollowers of the Black Goat of Qohor often sacrifice their own children in times of peril while servants of the Dothraki are killed when their Khal dies to serve him in the night landsโ€ฆ..your marriages are the least of it.'' The man said.

''Why become a Septon if you do not fully believe in the gods.'' Visenya asked with confusion.

''Because I recognize the power and the role of the faithโ€ฆ.many times we have stopped conflicts between Kingdoms before your brothers landing, and just as the Crown has a duty to the realm and the faith so too does the faithโ€ฆIt is true I could refuse to marry your children, most of my fellow septons would advocate for itโ€ฆ.but doing so would send a message that the faith does not recognize your family as our lawful rulersโ€ฆand so civil war and the end of the peace your family has brought Westerosโ€ฆ..a state I find rather unpleasant.''

''So instead of all that, I will marry your childrenโ€ฆmy Warriors Sons will turn their noses and my Septons will whisperโ€ฆbut the faith and the crown shall keep the peaceโ€ฆ.as one and as is our duty.'' The High Septon finished.

''You have my thanks.'' Visenya said, scarcely believing her luck, she had expected a long drawn out negotiation.

''One final thingโ€ฆthis all seems a bit sudden, and you made no mention of this beforeโ€ฆ.why so eager to marry your children.'' The High Septon asked, studying her face.



Visenya was silent at that

''Ah I seeโ€ฆ.well he would hardly be the first Kingโ€ฆI shall make preparations my Queen.'' The High Septon said with a nod.

One week later, Nyel and Vaemond were wed in the starry sept, there were whispers of scandal and blasphemy and as the High Septon predicted the Warriors Sons turned their noses at the affair and the Septons looked on disdainfully,, but the peace held.

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