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The Divine Lovers The Divine Lovers original

The Divine Lovers

Author: GeloJeon_163

© WebNovel

⟭⟬ Prologue - Meeting ⟭⟬

Jungkook's POV

Ring~~ Ring~~~

I wake up in the morning around 6 am I got up make my way to the bathroom to do my shits then I made my way to the kitchen to grab an apple for me to eat. But then I saw a note in the counter it's from Jin Hyung the note says:

Hey Kookie, I off to the Airport with Jiminie to pick up our childhood friend he'll be staying here for a little bit of time I hope you won't mind

Love Jin Hyung

Your Eomma

I hope that "Childhood Friend" of his will not be an annoying Bitch who wants to be under my pants because if he'll be I'll fucking kill him and yes I'm still a Virgin I want to lose my V card to my First Love and another yes cuz I'm single I didn't have relationships in my past cuz and one last Yes I'm Gay I don't have interests in pussy I'm interested in Dicks . So I'm off to my office to do my work cuz I have a lot of papers waiting for me to be signed up or something.

I got to my Car as I drive to my office and when I arrive at my Company everyone bows at me and I just put my Cold mask on, I got on the elevator then clicked my Floor which is the top floor when I reached my floor I walked to my office then I entered and there is my Assistant rather I call "Slut" awaits for me I swear I'll kill this Bitch.

"Hey Baby, wanna have some fun before going to work?" She asks seductively as she put her hand on my chest as she tries to seduce me, I pushed her hand off my chest then sit in my chair in the middle of my Office.

"I told you Lisa I don't want to have some "fun" or what you call it I don't give a single shit about it SO GET THE FUCKING BACK TO WORK YOU FUCKING SLUT!!"

she just pouts then walked out of my Office, could this day get any worse that fucking slut I swear Ughh!, Ok I better calm down before I break a thing in my Office. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself to you by the way my name is Jeon Jungkook I'm 22 years young I'm a Mafia Boss and single still waiting for the person who'll make my world complete.

As I continue my work the door open to see my Friend Hoseok enter the room with a sun-like smile if that's even possible.

"Hey Jungkookie what ya doing?" He asks me with a smile I swear I'll be blind if he won't stop smiling like a Sunshine as he is.

"Hey, Hobi Hyung just working on some papers as usual" I answered him with a small smile like always.

"Come on cheer up~! After your work we'll meet Jin Hyung and Jiminie's Childhood friend" he says

" I think so but if that 'Childhood Friend' of their's trying to get under my pants I'll fucking kick him out of my fucking house," I say coldly to him he just smiles at me then stands to leave.

"Don't worry Jungkook you'll find someone who wouldn't just want you by your body and Wealth someone who'll love you by who you really are I promise you" he says as he pats my shoulder as Hobi Hyung leaves I continue my work.

While I was reading some paper I heard a knock on my Door I said a quiet "Come in" than theirs my "Assistant" Holding some papers. She starts to walk to my table then puts the papers on it.

"Sir you have a meeting at 9:30 am with Mr. Kim Namjoon to discuss the weapons and expenses in the Mafia," she says while holding her Tablet.

I look at my watch to see that it's 9:20 am " Ok I'll be there in 5 minutes you can go now" I say to her she then makes her way to the door but before she leaves she winked at me as I would respond to that winked of hers fuck her.

I then get ready for the meeting I stand to make my way to the door as well then to the Conference Room where all the Meetings are held. I open the Door then see's my Father like Friend sitting on the table with the other high ranked employees.

"Good Morning to you all to you too Appa so Let's start The Meeting," I say in a cold way the meeting goes on and so forth until it ends the employees leave I was about to leave by my Appa calls me.

"Jungkook" he calls me I then face him with a small smile

"If you're going at a hard time you know you can always talk to me or to your Eomma Jin we're always here for you we'll support you," he says then kiss my forehead then hugs me I hugged back.

" Appa I Fine I'm just stressed a little bit. I know you'll support me Appa I Love You all and the Guys" I say as we make our way to the door we separate out ways I make my way to my Office again then Appa maybe go Home I don't know, As I enter my Office I continue on typing and reading papers as always.

Time passes by.

I finished my work for the day I make my way to the door but blocked by a Slut.

"Get out of my way Slut I don't want anything to do with you so get out away of my way," I say but she didn't even budge.

" Only if we can have some fun babe," he says as she pushes me to my chair she the sits on my lap then try to seduce me but I stand then get my Gun under my desk the points it on her, "I told you I don't want anything to do with you, fucking Die Slut" then pull the trigger end shots her on her head.

I called my Janitors to get rid of the Body and clean the mess then make an announcement that I need a new Assistant then I make my way to my Bathroom to clean up cuz Fucking shit her blood is in my suit that Bitch.

I finished getting in the shower then I make my way to the lobby then to my car and make my way back home where my love ones are waiting for me, I got home then make my way to the front door only to be greeted by laughter's and the Love of my Life

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