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53.84% The Difference Between Life and Death / Chapter 7: The Unexpected New Gift

Chapter 7: The Unexpected New Gift

For some reason when I said his name he seemed a little displeased. But then turned around to start in the direction of the barrier.

Even If I have to follow mr. tall, handsome, the mysterious guy to get out safely, I will.

I still don't trust him. Which is why I'm glad he didn't over hear any important information. And since we have never been over the barrier him knowing our names shouldn't be a problem. The only problem is him knowing our looks, which I already have a plan for if things turn for the worst with him. I read a book on makeup on the school shelf. But there were only two books on makeup so my knowledge is limited in that compartment. Even so, I still know the basics and I'm sure I can cover up any out of place features we have. For my eyes, it might be tricky though. I have to use a material called silicone hydrogel. How am I supposed to get that. I might know how to make the lense, but I know next to nothing about the materials needed for it. Well that's if I even need it, I could always take my chances just covering my eye with my hair like I have been. As long as no one gets too close to me they won't realize. Well, that guy is the exception.

"We're here luv."

I was so busy within my own thoughts I didn't realize we had already made it right up to the barrier. I can't do this anymore. I'm not going to be alone most days without responsibilities, like I used to be. Now I have my siblings I need to care for on my own with no time to get lost in my thoughts.

I looked up at the barrier, with this being my first time this close I was obviously curious, but also I felt an overwhelming feeling in the pit of my stomach. Fear or excitement, I couldn't tell. The only thing I knew was I felt nervous.

It was the same feeling I felt when the other kids in the village would come up to me. I thought maybe they want to play with me? Or ohh please don't come over, I know you're going to make fun of me. Even when I knew the reason I still had the same thoughts and feelings. It was exactly like right now.

"Luv? You coming?"

He then looked at Em and O who were wearing the same expression am me.

"Little bun come here."

"Octavius didn't budge. He instead looked at the barrier with shaking legs. Octavius could be understanding, but he was still an innocent cinnamon roll.

"I will go after you Daxton." I said surprisingly without a pause.

"He then gave me a little nod and before I knew it he was glowing and then he was disappearing through the wall. Not over it, through it.

".....Sis, did daddy's wall just eat sir. Daxton?!?"

Em was staring with an indifferent look on her.

"All well, dad did always say that only you could break his barrier besides himself. Maybe we should have said something to that guy." Ember said with the same emotion her face was still expressing.

"No, he's probably fine considering he was able to get in here and he's from out there." So now how do we get out?

"Let me go first, I will hold my hand out and then if I keep it there it means it's safe and I want you guys to take my hand and come with me."

I then approached the wall. This is it, I finally get to see what life is like over the wall. I put my hand on it hesitantly and then saw a glow. Not the same as Daxtons, his was a more blue tint but mine was clearly black. pitch black.

I was then sucked halfway through the wall when I saw Daxton's relieved face. Why would He be relieved? Does he have some secret plan to sell us? I read a little about some of the history books. I then looked at him to see a greyish tint around him turn into a blue tint. What was that. Before I could finish my thought process Em and O were latched into my hand pushing me all the way through and pulling them along with me through the wall.

When I turned around to ask if they were ok, I then saw more glowing light around my siblings like I did Daxton. Except O's was a bright yellow, like sunshine, and Em's was a violet color.

I knew what this was better than anyone, considering I had gone through it three times before. Well, now four. Damn it.

"Luv what's wrong with your face right now."

I can't let him know about it. I then turned to see Em and stared at her like I wanted her to know what was going on while repeating in my head it happened, it happened again, it happened again.

Then Em's eyes widen which is strange since she normally looks indifferent when others are around. Then I heard her voice.

"Adira, I can hear you"

But her mouth wasn't moving and either was mine. What the hell.

"Can you still hear me?"


"Sis are you and E having a staring contest can I join?"

I quickly broke away from Em's mind, did I inherit two more at once?! I was in utter shock, but realized the rest staring at me and quickly regained myself. I will deal with this later.

"Which way are we going?" I said

"Well, I figured since this was your first time outside that protective barrier you might want to take a moment."

"We're go-" I started to say before I finally realized we were actually outside the barrier. Wow. It's beautiful. Not that the village wasn't beautiful it was in its own way, but this was just different. I somehow felt free, like a weight was lifted off of me and I had endless possibilities. The air in particular was like cool water rushing past me, and the birds sounded like they were singing as the flew through the lush tall green trees. Beautiful.

I then noticed the strange Daxton staring at me strangely, like I was a new species or something. Well...even if I kinda am he doesn't know that.

"Thank you, but I think we should get going."

"Alright this way, luv"

"Where are we going exactly"

"Don't worry we're going to the capital of the kingdom, Renata."

"Will we be safe there, or are you giving us to people for your own gain."

"Luv, the king is very benevolent, and no I am not. I don't know enough about you that for that, and I have my own morals."

If I hadn't read the history books I wouldn't have known what a king was. But what I did read wasn't good.

"No, all those king people are either, murders, psychopaths, or old creeps."

"....pffff HAhaHaHA! Luv where did you hear that? Although I can't really shut with you."

"No place of your concern,just take us to a safer place."

"I promise if my life you guys will be safe there. The only other options are the villages which are less safe since they are frequently overran by Desmond and beasts. If that's what you would prefer luv I can take you there."

I had to think about it. King or demons. Honestly the demons and the kings both sounded horrific I. There own ways.

"I can easily take down a king so let's just go with the original plan and head to to capital." He once again started laughing, and I couldn't figure out why.

"Haha...luv you are funny but don't ever say anything like that within the capital, you could be beheaded and charged with treason just for saying that."

I was about to say something when O did instead for me.

" sir Daxton what are you talking about. Now your the funny one! Right sis, we always say what we want."

O being as innocents always was right. Even though I was an outcast in the village we still had freedom to speak whatever we wanted. In other words even if people with more or certain gifts were looked highly upon there was still no social class system.

"Yeah what are you talking about Wolfe."

"....Never-mind I will explain along the way, if not we will be here all day."

We then started out for the capital, where we now get to experience are new life beyond the barrier. I wondered if father and mother were watching us with sadness or contentment. Sorry father, In order to protect them this is what we must do.

Renee_b_eagle Renee_b_eagle

Thank you guys so much for 1,000 views!!! To me that’s crazy that at least that many people have be tempted by my novel. Anyway here’s the next chapter how you enjoy!?

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