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100% The Deus Vinculum: The Moonlight Forge / Chapter 21: A Crafters Final Request

Chapter 21: A Crafters Final Request

An hour went by before Ed called Scythe into the back again. Walking back in, several machines were going, but all were quiet as they moved. "That bone took a little longer than I thought it would. But those machines are making the parts." Ed informed.

"Several parts being made at once." Scythe was shocked, "I want to learn more about forging here."

"It's not so much forging, for the sense of the word. This is just using new tools. I would prefer to make it by hand." Ed said

"Why don't you?"

"This," Ed waved the fingers of his magitech hand, "It never turned out right, Lin does the old style forging now. But she is just as skilled on these machines. She might pass me in skill in a few years."

"You must be proud."

"I am. So before everything is finished, If Zander trusts you. I'll trust you." Ed became serious, "I want to build an arm worthy of these parts. And letting it just be an arm, I'd feel it let you down."

"What are you planning?" Scythe asked

"My time for forging is reaching its end, my sight is slowly failing me. I want to make one last masterpiece. Before I can't anymore."

"What about Lin?"

"She will be fine, just the reputation of being my daughter has brought her to the spotlight." Ed spoke,

"Would you let me do some more, free of charge."

"I can't let you go unpaid for your work." Scythe said

"As I said, working on that bone is an honor, all by itself. There is a part of me saying I can't do this justice. So ask if you let me have some freedom in my final project." Ed asked.

"Do what you want too." Scythe said.

"Thank you. It shouldn't take that much longer." Ed went back into the side room. Bringing back many materials, gems included.

Scythe stood back, watching the master do his craft. Every move was thought out, each piece carefully placed. More parts went into this single-arm than Scythe thought possible. After each new piece, Ed inspected each connection, joint, and crystal tissue. After at least a few hours, the arm was finished. but now came the painful part. "Scythe, the next part will be painful."

"How much?"

"Around the same as losing the arm." Ed spoke, "There are ways to dampen the pain, but it could not get properly attached."

Scythe took a step back, "how long would it be?"

"Twenty minutes." Ed said, "My hand took about ten."

"I'll... I'll do it."

"Good, stand in that machine there. It might be a little tight." Ed grabbed a piece of wood and handed

it to Scythe, "You'll need this."

"What for."

"So you don't bite your tongue off," Ed spoke.

"Great... this is going to be just great." Scythe took off his jacket and shirt and placed the wood in his

mouth. And nodded.

The machine locked Scythe in place, as it started its initial cuts. The pain flared up, every muscle in his body locked up. The next twenty minutes were the longest twenty minutes of Scythe's entire life. By the time it was over, Scythe had a new arm. "Hey, you there?" Ed waved

"Yeah," Scythe moved his left arm without thinking, "That... That felt like my arm."

"Seems it'll settle in nicely," Ed was proud of his work, "can you touch your fingertips?"

"Sure," Scythe did the motions quickly. Touching his thumb to each of his fingers, each motion was smooth as silk

"Now, since I could tell you were a magic user, try generating something through your left arm," Ed spoke

"Sure." Thinking about a flame, the arm lit up blue, creating a high-pressure flame at a fingertip. it was a clean white flame. "Good, that turned out well."

"What is that? I've never seen a flame like that."

"I figured you would want a concentrated flame, add enough airflow, and you could cut steel," Ed informed.

"That is cool." Scythe said

"You mean hot?" Ed joked



"So what else can it do?" Scythe asked. Ed started to explain as someone ran in. "Dad, something's happened." Lin rushed into the back.


"A man is coming here with a lot of guards, saying you scammed him," Lin answered.

"Ed. I told you this wasn't over." A man shouted as he entered, "You owe me money."

"I never made a deal with you." Ed answered back, "I will not make you any magitech weapons."

"Well, with my friends here. You will." The man grinned, the others laughed. The man drew his sword,

"You will make the weapon, or this place will be destroyed."

Ed put a hand behind his back, signaling to Scythe to stop moving. "Well, I'm busy right now, I'm making a part for a customer. He asked to remain unnamed." Ed lied, "It's him and his guard, so you do want to leave now. He is rather skilled with a blade."

Ed made a thumbs up, "Smith, what seems to be the issue." Scythe acted as a guard, "My lord doesn't like being interrupted."

"How much does he pay you, I bet I can double it." the man said.

"you can beat thirty gold coins?" Scythe lied

The man's jaw dropped, "I can pay you thirty-five right now. I can get you the other twenty-five tomorrow."

"I don't know you. How do I know you won't stab me in the back?"

"You don't know me. I'm Zander, lord of Agon city."

Scythe laughed, "Want me to take care of him, Ed?"

Ed sighed, "Don't make any stains."

"Gladly." Scythe opened his hand, generating a much larger flame, "who's first?"

One of the man guards, attacked, Scythe cut the blade in half with the fire, "Damn, this would be perfect for piercing armor."

The first guard backed off.

"Looks like my fun came to an end." Scythe saw Astela enter with Scarvo guards, quickly putting out the flame.

The man was arrested. After everything calmed down, Ed started talking, "You know, you are a good actor. I almost believed you."

"I can't thank you enough for this arm. I'm sorry I used it as a weapon, not even a minute after you put it on." Scythe apologized

"I didn't expect that man to come back." Ed said, "I could use a drink. Lin, would you lock up?"

"Sure. I'll place one of the magitech guards out front as well." Lin said going into another closet.

"Wait, you have fully automatic guards? So I wasn't needed?" Scythe asked

"Yes. If they attacked and you didn't act, I would have used them. But now you have live practice with that. Now I have something to ask of you."

"Sure. What is it?"

"Let's talk about it over a drink." Ed said as he went out of the main door, "I know a good place. Your

friends are invited as well."

Ed led the group to a small tavern, taking up one of the corner spots. "Spence, the usual for me."

"Just a moment." Spence replied, a moment later walking over with a glass of Dragon Fire Scotch, Ed took a breath in, smelling it. "New batch?"

"Twenty year." Spence answered, "How can I help the rest of you?"

"What do you recommend?" Scythe asked.

"You look pretty young, how does honeyed ale sound?" Spence asked

"Sounds nice."

"The you fine ladies?" Spence turned to face the rest.

Everyone else ordered more honeyed ale, "I might need to get more soon if that's all you order. It'll

just be a moment." Spence was glad.

"Thank you," Astela said.

"So Ed, what was it you wanted me to do?" Scythe started talking, "I want to pay you back for this as much as I can."

"Scythe, there is a cave deeper in the city, the guards protect the entrance. With my word you can enter." Ed informed, "I recently sent a fine young lass to gather some materials, but it's been a week."

Scythe jumped up, "did she have the same silver hair like me, with ruby-like eyes?"

Ed took a small sip, "Was her name Aurora? If so, yes."

"When do you need the job done." Scythe was jumping at the bit to see the friend he grew up with again.

"Relax, she had two dragon bone weapons. She can support herself." Ed waved for Scythe to sit down, "I want you to get some adamantine, the new flame from your arm should help you cut out the metal."

"Wouldn't they have been mined up by now?"

"Yes, but here's the catch." Ed took another sip, "the metal is protected by something, every time we get close it attacks with magic. But it never kills anyone just injures, It's how I lost my hand."

"I thought you said, it was a forging accident?" Scythe recalled

"Yes, that's what I tell everyone. Now I trust you, so you can know more." Ed answered, "I saw the creature, it appears to be a half-dragon, but it has long gone alone. I want you to get metal but I also want it alive. It would be a shame if it died."

"What are you not saying?" Astela asked, "A creature such as that, protects its domain."

"That's why I want you to go. Your arm is made of dragon bone, you even are starting to smell like a dragon." Ed informed, "I saw this thing was young, it was a child. I don't want to see it turned into a slave, working for the rest of its long life."

Scythe clenched his fist, it glowed in response. Spence walked up with the Ale's, "Here you go. Let me know if you need anything else."

"We will." Ed answered, "Scythe, would you do that?"

"I will. I'll make sure it's safe." Scythe answered.

"Thank you, now let's enjoy our drinks. Your arm should be fine by now, it'll adjust itself a few times before it finalizes." Ed took another sip, "So who is Aurora to you?"

"We grew up together. I did something and got both of us hurt. I never had the chance to apologize."

Scythe answered, "I was a coward and ran."

"But you seem to be quite confident now?" Ed asked, "Do you mind sharing your story with me?"

"Sure, it's the least I can do to thank you." Scythe explained his life over the last few years, leaving some details out. Ed listened intently to every word. When forging came up, both started talking about different styles and methodlogies of crafting. Everyone else started talking, trying to ignore the two crafters who would not stop talking.

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