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well im a nightlight now

Being shot was not very pleasant and neither was the mouth full of salt water Percy gulped down immediately after. Percy felt like he was dying, sharp pain ran through his body as he felt his very existence morph into something new.

The voice in his head grew louder and louder until it turned into a scream, then it multiplied two voices, four voices, a hundred, a thousand the screams got louder as they all told Percy to sleep. He barely hung on but time had lost its meaning all there was, was pain and screams.

Eternity is a concept that can not be done justice by words alone, the same as madness so intense that it can only be experienced yourself. And at this moment Percy felt eternity crash into his mind and the madness that came along with it, forever in an instant and never again. At the end of eternity all Percy saw was darkness but in the darkness there was a light so bright and warm that it kept the shadows lurking just beyond what the eye could see away. This felt like the last bastion of existence that was protected from oblivion, and with the image of this light engraved into Percy's mind, madness faded and memory's of eternity were wiped away.

Percy woke up in a comfy jail cell, His mind felt foggy but he remembered being shot and then that light... 'dwelling on that probably isn't a good choice anyways where am i now?' Percy looked around the cell was locked and the walls were made of pure steel, 'at least the mattress is nice'.

Percy sat there waiting for about 30 minutes before someone came into the room he was a large man clearly at least 6 feet tall and his skin had a blue shine to it. "Hello, Percy is your name isn't it? Your going to have to come with me now" Percy didn't exactly have any options unless he wanted to fight the man but that didn't seem like an option since Percy was unarmed.

"Yes Percy is my name but what's yours big guy?" Percy was already up on his feet and walking next to the man "You seem fairly relaxed for a prisoner but alright my name is Paul, if your lucky we wont be meeting often though" this caused the conversation to die down partially until they arrived at a new room. "sit down I'm going to be the one doing your psychological evaluation".

"oh don't worry sir I'm perfectly sane... hopefully" but Percy still sat down 'god they should really get better heating in this building its cold enough to make a penguin shiver' Paul wasn't very convinced by that "to start off with why did you steal the essence pearl" Percy smiled 'oh so its going to be an interrogation too how fun' "well you know personally it was more of a donation than a theft i mean really who just walks up to a shifty stranger in the middle of a storm?"

"But in all seriousness it was only a spur of the moment decision on my part, its not like i can give it back though since i already absorbed it." Paul noted something down and continued "Well that's the main reason your alive, essence pearls are very valuable and once absorbed are practically impossible to be regained. in total there's probably only fifty thousand pearls in circulation" Percy nodded he already understood their scarcity, and in turn the value of a person who successfully absorbed one of them. This was the main reason he was confident that they wouldn't just kill him as long as he absorbed it before they caught him.

"At least you understand now tell me do you feel any unnatural urges or desires within you?" Percy could feel an enormous pressure on himself, he couldn't lie even if he wanted to. "no i feel the same as i always have but would you mind turning that pressure down a bit its rather hard to breathe" and with that it vanished without a trace.

Paul showed a better mood now that, the question was out of the way "Oh yes that's my power, its more on the utility side it allows me to apply immense pressure to beings equivalent or weaker than me" Percy was a little amazed the possibilities with that were rather endless even if it wasn't that useful in situation where you were fighting someone stronger. "Speaking of powers I'll also be the one to help get you started but don't worry its a simple process, Do any of your body parts feel weird in any way?" Weird? Percy felt good and stronger than he had ever been but everything felt fairly natural so he responded as such "no i don't think so" Paul was a little surprised " its a power and not a mutation then, that's fairly rare you know? But anyways all you have to do is relax and find something within your mind switching it on is kind of like lowering or raising the pitch of your voice"

Percy tried to think but all he could feel was the memory of that light so he tried to reach out to it alter it with his imagination. And when Percy touched it, it expanded and encompassed him and his whole mind the warmth and light seeped into his body


Paul was a bit surprised when the kid he was talking too started glowing but that panic was washed away immediately it felt safe and warm like a massage. But Paul quickly caught himself this was obviously a mind effecting ability they were uncommon but not unheard of especially in sea creatures where it was more prevalent. However Paul also felt energized he wanted to test something out so he took out a knife and cut his palm and then let the light shine on it and it healed! faster than Paul's natural regeneration anyways.

This meant this kid had a healing ability those were some of the most useful abilities in the entire world they could cause buffs on allies as well as heal them. The persons own survivability was great as well due to the healing having a greater effect on them. Every single healer was a major government asset and there were probably only 100 worldwide! But why was the kid still activating his powers?


"Hello there Percy" Percy was confused as to who this voice came from until he realized it was within his own mind "Who are you?".

"Well i don't have a specific name some call me a light bringer, some called me the watcher and yet others call me the bane of their existence but id prefer if you just called me lumen"

practicaloctopi practicaloctopi

yay another chapter

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