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Author: practicaloctopi

© WebNovel

The Depths

In 2032 after extensive oceanic probing a massive hole was discovered at a depth of ten kilometers below sea level. After initial exploration the probe was sent inside going meter by meter, deeper and deeper 10.5 kilometers...11 kilometers this hole went even deeper than the previous deepest part of the ocean the Marianas trench! And not only that but it didn't seem like there was going to be a bottom any time soon even as the pitch black water just expanded further the probe just went deeper 12 kilometers, 13 kilometers, 14 kilometers...

At this point the scientists controlling the probe were beginning to question how such depths were even possible. But it just kept going and going if it wasn't for the material quality developments in recent years the pressure would have been too great to bear. At this point modern submarines and probes would be able to handle a theoretical 40 kilometer depth, even so the probe made it to 20 kilometers and then 30 kilometers yet the yawning abyss just kept expanding the darkness all encompassing.

The lights were flickering the sensors were picking up whispers but they had no source, all the probe could do was dive deeper until at 35 kilometers it hit something. It appeared to be a door with a design made of black marble with golden pillars surrounding it 10 on each side, there seemed to be a language on the door it had the effect of inducing panic in anyone that tried to read it. Along with this there were drawings of... creatures, tentacles with claws and teeth of morphing twisting flesh that seemed to pulsate as if they were alive, faces similar to that of an angler fish.

And in the very center above the text there was the depiction of a human he looked normal but he gave off the feeling of something uncanny, something predatory. Looking upon him gave off an instinctual response to run, to hide, to beg for god to save you, yet in these depths there is no salvation there is no heaven or hell only the abyss. As the probe was preparing to rise back to the surface the door slowly began to open from the inside and the pillars bleed a black substance unknown to mankind and the last thing the probe saw was the face of a man smiling as shapes darted through the darkness before its connection was lost.

This event led to hell for mankind the oceans surged and covered 30 percent of the worlds landmass. New strange creatures occupied the oceans as well as regular sea creatures being changed seemingly mutated by whatever was happening all mankind knew was that they were predatory and dangerous. Ships would go missing, tidal waves became the norm, and rain became a near every daily occurrence.

The governments left standing after the disaster united together in a bid to survive as well as find out the nature of that dark abyss. Technology took a turn people no longer focused on space travel or grounded militia everything went to aquatic travel and battle suits that could sustain massive pressure, weaponized submarines, far more advanced forms of sonar. And so 8 years after the disaster began the first manned submarine managed to make it to the abyss.

Although slightly damaged by previous encounters with aquatic beasts it was intact and ready to dive down to the doors location in contrast to the crews expectations they met no dangers on their journey only darkness. Once they arrived the submarine was to be docked and the explorers would equip their pressure diving suits that included a built in faraday cage, rebreathing equipment that would allow for 2 weeks of air supply, an electric dagger, various tools, as well as a tracker.

As they walked or more aptly sank through the door they were meet with pure darkness and a flat terrain similar to a ocean bed with seaweed growing out of it. They explored the general area they found new species of seaweed some semi bioluminescent some blood red and one was even blacker than industrial grade black paint all of which had samples taken back to the submarine. They eventually found another cliff leading to a deeper abyss but on the side there were strange golden pearls they were translucent and soft to the touch, samples were taken.

As they explored the cliff side a cave entrance was found having been somewhat sealed with only a tiny gap through some stalactites being found the inside seemed to be made of clay or some other substance, at the end of the cavern was another pearl however once it was taken the cavern mouth sealed shut trapping two explorers inside, they continued to send frantic messages for 2 weeks until they drowned.

While one person got separated due to observing a new type of kelp their vital signs suddenly vanished however they were observed to still be communicating with the group once command realized this they sent another person to check on them only to find a floating dead body being controlled by kelp that seemed to have penetrated into the brain and throughout the persons veins. the kelp monster was neutralized by the electric dagger however this agitated the surroundings and caused more of this type of kelp to become active the explorer was forced to escape back to the submarine and luckily made it.

While this was happening the two other explorers were out in open water above this new abyss and their minds were telling them to go deeper. They appeared to be in a sort of trance like state this situation was ended when from the darkness the maw of a massive eel like creature devoured both of them whole.

The only survivor managed to make it back to the surface barely and among the samples taken from beyond the door humanity found something that could give it hope.

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