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"Oh....could you kindly fuck off then Lumen?" there was a slight pause in Percy's mind "no I don't think i will Percy".

"Well would you mind giving a bit of a better explanation then because this is a bit weird right?" Percy was very alarmed that some alien existence had decided to take residence in his mind, but he at least wanted to find out the situation before taking drastic measures.

"hmm to describe it to you in a way you can understand, i broke my mind into uncountable pieces in order to escape from... someone, and one of them ended up in that little pearl of yours. Really i don't mean to intrude but I'd much appreciate if you could smuggle my consciousness for the foreseeable future."

Well that was a bit esoteric but the meaning was clear lumen was running away from some kind of unimaginable predator. lumen had to create tons of diversions to escape, and one of them just so happened to land in Percy's mind unluckily.

"so what I'm getting is that i now have some sort of fucking Lovecraftian monster searching for me ready to rip your soul out of me and probably eat me too?" there was a pause, "Well yes... but not really! I have no idea how long ago that occurred since i was asleep for untold amounts of time until just a few minutes ago, so if we're lucky 'it' might have given up by now" That was an upside but not at all a guarantee "And another thing why do you keep referring to the thing as 'it' or 'someone'?" Percy could see the light in his mind lose a little brilliance "oh yes, that's because if i said 'its' name we would be instantly found its generally like that at the higher tiers of power Percy." Percy could feel a cold sweat on his back "I'm screwed aren't i?"

Lumen wanted to at least calm Percy down, they could tell he was getting a few crazy ideas. "Percy suicide wont save you, our souls are already merged and whatever afterlife we go to wont be any safer than where we are right now." Percy was a bit shocked to find out that an afterlife existed at all let alone multiple of them. But regardless he abandoned that plan immediately "is there even any benefit to this little parasitism you've done?"

"Well at least you finally asked about the non depressive things, and yes there are many benefits my soul has merged with yours so the concepts i had have been branded on to you to sum it up you have an infinitesimally minor version of what i used to have which should be enough for you to gain great fame and wealth in this backwater place you call home."

"huh and what are those powers exactly?" Lumen seemed to perk up "Haha creation, light manipulation, healing, clone, soul manipulation, energy manipulation, reality warping, indestructability, power accumulation , time travel, size manipulation,..." 15 minutes later Lumen was finally done bragging. Percy was thoroughly desensitized to it by now, "oh and even with all of that you still got beaten within and inch of your life by that 'thing'? Couldn't be me personally" Lumen flared "Your little brain cant even comprehend how strong that thing was so stop talking. But anyway at present since your so weak that any of my stronger powers would cause you to instantly explode, you only have access to some minor light manipulation and healing."

Percy wanted to call it a scam but really those were still decent abilities, he could even branch them out if he wanted illusions, lasers, hardlight constructs and of course healing was great "Oh well don't go too wild its probably going to be a while before you can do those, either growing your skill level or by just elevating your level of existence to create the talent needed for them" Percy was confused by that.

"what does that second part mean?" Lumen made some smug little noises and said "well lets put it like this imagine the abyss as a sea of essence the pressure and density of it grows as you go deeper by absorbing essence into your body, mind, and soul you can withstand more pressure and continue the cycle. So the more essence you've absorbed the greater your capabilities, a normal mind would never be able to even create the illusion of a building but once infused with enough essence your mind would be able to do it in a snap provided you had enough energy to make and maintain it. Everything is possible with essence any concept or idea only needs enough of it to become reality."

Percy went over the information but one thing bugged him "you say anything is possible but doesn't the abyss have a bottom how could there be infinite essence then?" Lumen seemed to become less enthusiastic "Trust me Percy if there is a bottom no one has EVER gotten there. It just goes on and on and on i once tried to reach the bottom you know? I thought i could really do it but there was no end to space and time had no meaning down there."

"It was just infinite blackness i traveled for a thousand years a million years a billion years and it was all just more fantastical but i never once even came close to the bottom i traveled for so long that i couldn't even keep count the distance alone couldn't even be written down its like an infinite dimension with no source or cause its only purpose to torment its inhabitants with the lure of greater power only if you just go a little deeper. And that was was when i ran into 'it' and well obviously you can see what happened to me."

Percy couldn't even comprehend the immense size of it, it was horrifying, yet also exciting. Percy had always wanted something more in life a way gain that sense of living that he always loved the kind that made his heart race. "YES, I'm going to gain everything this world has to offer and nothing is going to stop me come on lumen lets do it everything or nothing infinite power or oblivion HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH"


Paul was startled once Percy Suddenly shined even brighter and started laughing like a mad man until his lungs were out of air and passed out. "Im going to need to do another psych evaluation aren't i? God damn it."

practicaloctopi practicaloctopi

delusions for the win

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