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A brand new world

A excited young man no older than 16 walked the rainy streets of sector four his hair was blond with highlights of blue. It was quite the contrast compared to the gloomy environment around him, however Leonard had always been a bit of an attention seeker so he didn't mind.

The main reason for Leonard's excitement was that he was finally old enough to absorb his first essence pearl and become an abyss seeker! He had been waiting for this ever since he was a child and heard stories of the treasures and adventures that awaited within the depths of the sea.

The pearl was already being carried by him since he had just passed the government's physical and mental exam, and he was heading home to absorb it since his family had higher quality methods than the ones available to the public.

Up ahead on the road Leonard saw an emaciated young man shivering in the rain he was completely soaked, Leonard rushed over to share his umbrella or at least ask the young man what he was doing out without any protection in such bad weather.


Percy saw a dumbass walking towards him, he knew those words might be a little harsh. But really who the hell walks up to a complete stranger in the middle of a rain storm? Especially someone like Percy who for lack of a better term was very shady outside of his emaciated figure his hair was unkempt, his eyes sunken and hollow, and on top of that he even had a trench coat on currently.

"Why hello there friend, are you alright?" Percy was planning on shanking the man and robbing him. But such a forward greeting flabbergasted him to be quite honest.

"uh yes hi why are you talking to me?" the man showed a puzzled expression before saying "Well your getting drenched in the rain and its pretty unusual for someone to be out in rain like this so i was curious I guess?".

Oh well that's boring "oh well I'm out here to make some easy money of course" Percy said with a smile "what's your name by the way?" Percy reached into his pocket with his left hand "Oh well its Leonard but why do y-" Percy swung his right fist at the mans jaw, however it was blocked by Leonard however he soon realized that there was now a sharp knife at his throat.

Percy had distracted him from the start with a fake attack while he reached for his hidden weapon "So Leonard you should probably start emptying your pockets unless you want this knife to make you choke on your own blood"

Leonard's heart was pounding out of his chest as he emptied his pockets.

Percy however felt that he had hit the jackpot, this guy had jewelry of all kinds, and about five hundred dollars in cash on him. However the man was holding back one thing "What's that?" Leonard became a lot more anxious at this question " I cant give it to you its very important to me so please just let me kee-".

Percy's knife made a slight incision into Leonard's neck and he shut up " I said tell me what it is". Leonard gulped "Its an essence pearl" at this notion the hairs on Percy's neck stood up as he felt a slight shiver run down his spine 'An essence pearl!' with no hesitation Percy stabbed Leonard in the chest nabbed the case containing the pearl and ran like a mad man.


at this point Leonard was shouting curses that would make a grown man blush but Percy was already out of range by the time he got back up on his feet Leonard immediately called the authorities "Sir I need emergency services! i was stabbed in the chest and robbed" the officer on call was a bit surprised but this wasn't exactly rare "ok calm down help is on the way please explain in more detail" Leonard took a deep breath and said "i was also robbed of an essence pearl"



A excited young man was running down the streets his hollow eyes flashing with life for the first time in years 'i need to get back fast before the authorities arrive and eat this pearl!'. Essence pearls were discovered over a century ago by the first abyss divers, and were some of the most valuable treasures for a normal person due to the fact that they allowed someone to gain the ability to breathe underwater and become immune to vast amounts of water pressure, on top of the basics they had a random chance to allow humans to gain mutations or even strange abilities. However Percy's knowledge of them was rather limited due to his lack of education.

all he knew was that the pearls must be consumed in some way for the power to be gained, so once Percy arrived back at his home which was more or less a shack he locked the door and opened the pearls case. Inside was a translucent and luminescent golden pearl, the sight was enchanting to say the least.

Percy knew that this pearl was his chance at a new life, a chance for an entirely new world to enter, but alas he couldn't absorb it yet he would have to learn a more advanced method than just swallowing it. From what Percy knew while these pearls held great power they could also have disastrous negative side effects for one that wasn't prepared that could lead to a loss of sanity, or if one was unlucky death.


Meanwhile Leonard was conversing with an officer in an ambulance " what did he look like?" Leonard tried to picture him in the best detail possible "he had sunken eyes, his hair was black, id say he was around 5'10, and he was wearing a trench coat sir, that's about all I could tell." The officer had to take a moment to think before ordering a sector wide search for the boy.

The theft of an essence pearl was a major issue not only due to their value but also due to the public safety risk they posed. Back when they were first discovered by luck the first few who absorbed them were fine until one test subject mutated into a oceanic creature and killed 32 armed government personnel before being neutralized.


Two days later despite police investigation Percy managed to barely stay safe while he gathered information and what he learned put a damper on his mood. The absorption of an essence pearl would more or less be fine as long as the subject did not have any major mental issues or physical injury's.

With the risk depending on which procedure you performed eating it whole was the worst method with around a five percent chance of death and a much higher chance of mental degradation however crushing it into a powder before consumption would work to boost chances in your favor but only by a moderate amount. The best method however was crushing it into powder and then mixing it with sea water from deeper waters the better, and then drinking it or injecting it straight into the blood stream.

Before Percy began the process however he was interrupted by a knock on the door and he said in a whisper "shit" he knew that nobody would come out to the outskirts of the sector just to knock on some random persons door and he didn't have many connections in the first place.

The man on the other side of the door continued to knock as Percy quietly picked up his knife and looked through a crack in the door, he saw an officers uniform and decided to abandon his home right then and there and sprinted for the back window and dove through it "what the hell" is about all Percy heard before he was being chased through a muddy grass field stones piercing into his feet.

Percy was not having a good day.

Soon the officer called for back up from nearby areas and Percy was being pursued by 3 canines and 5 police officers. Percy did his best to get ahead ducking behind trees or boulders going on to split pathways climbing trees but his tracks were too hard to cover in such a short time frame and the police were right on him. this continued for about an hour before Percy got a small chunk of flesh taken off by one of the dogs but he managed to kick it off him and run before the rest caught up.

Percy was running out of breathe and his legs felt like they were going to break but he had almost made it to his destination, a sandy beach lay ahead of him laying view the ocean and its inky blackness. But the police were right behind him he barely made it to the water before he had guns drawn on him "GET DOWN!" they screamed but percy knew he only had one real option if they caught him he would serve a life sentence at best or get the death penalty at worst. So he grabbed the vial that contained the essence pearl powder and downed it and proceeded to get shot 3 times in the chest falling face down into the water.

'its time~'

practicaloctopi practicaloctopi

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