The sun rose on the other side of the house, which made it hard for me to tell the time.
But since no one called me downstairs, I decided to explore my room a little. I walked over to the bookshelves to see what kind of books were stored in it. To my disappointment it were only history books.
Then I walked over to the closet. I was relieved that the floor didn't creak. I didn't want to wake the others up. Because even though I couldn't see the sun rise, I knew that it was still early. so, I tip toed over to the closets to look inside. Upon opening the door, I saw that it was packed with clothing. To the right were clothes that would potentially fit my current body and to the left were clothes that were either way to big or way to small.
I picked up a shirt from the right side. I could see that it was designed for a creature with wings. And another shirt had room for extra arms. It was obvious that the one who made this didn't know my body type and just created a bunch of random clothing.
It took some time but I finally found a regular shirt in relatively my size. Luckily it didn't take as long for me to find a pants that was created for a creature with a tail.
It was nice to no longer having to look at my red skin. Although the shirt was a little bit too large, but that also prevented it from getting cut by my scales.
Both the pants and the shirt were made of a dark brown fabric. Even if the shirt was noticeably less dark than the pants.
Once again, I walked over to the bookshelf to double check if there really wasn't something that caught my eye. But as suspected the contend of the bookshelf didn't suddenly chance.
Really wanting to distract myself I opened the door and stepped outside. Once I stepped through and closed the door, I nearly got my tail stuck between the door.
("I really should pay attention to that a bit more.")
As I walked down the hallway and of the stairs, I could hear the others sleep. It seems that they all share a room.
I entered the resurge room. And there stood Yerald, already looking through his notes. it surprised me that he was up this early, he was clearly in a bad state. He was when I was him yesterday already old and crumble, but now he looked like he didn't sleep on top of that. Whit his age it took a large toll on his health. Yet he excitedly moved toward me when he noticed I entered the room.
"greetings Rubedo. I'm glad to see you're up."
I nodded.
And so, continued my days. I would wake up and then do some tests with Yerald. He would reward me with the souls of some animals after which I would go back upstairs.
This seemingly endless cycle continued for a few days.
I asked if it was possible for a human to chance into a demon. Yerald denied that. According to him it is possible in some cases for demons to have offspring with humans. But humans couldn't chance in demons. I decided not to go further into the subject, because I was afraid that this crazy man would cut me open if he discovered that I was originally human.
But that doesn't chance the fact that it still was useful even for me. I learned that it was indeed a bad idea to dive in holy water. Silver and crosses were also a big no, but they were a bit more bearable than holy water. One detail I noticed about the crosses was that it wasn't the shape that harmed me but the holy energy casted on it. So not al crosses would work as a weapon against me.
I still could eat normal foods, but none of it could match the flavour of the souls at this point. None the les its sill helped to ease my hunger.
Furthermore, my scales were completely fireproof, but the rest of my sin was not. Yes, it was more resistant to flames than that of a human however it still hurt.
I should also be able to cast magic, but I had no idea how to.
I also did some tests myself. Once I stayed up three days I a row, mainly because I wanted to avoid the endless torture of my nightmares. But I found out that I probably could go for four days without sleep before getting tired.
I told this to Yerald, and he was truly glad about the information I profited him. But when I asked what he was planning to do with the information, he really didn't want to tell me. He even brought up the contract to keep me from asking further.
After spending more than a week in the house the positions of everyone became christal clear to me. Yerald was the one commanding everyone around wile shouting like a mad man. He really was insane. Then there were Allenya, Elisa, Gert and Alex. They would follow every command Yerald gave, sometimes with objections. But when those happened, Yerald would just bring Yohan up and they imminently did as asked.
The only one Yerald would listen to was me. I suspect that that is because he really needs me. I think that that is also the reason that he always is polite when I'm around. Those shifting characters of him pisses me of every time he does that. Never the les, I will just have to endure the contract a little longer.
I noticed that Yerald was staying more and more nights up to do whatever. It would not take long before his body can't handle it anymore. And even if he had healthy habits, he simply is running out of time.
("Maybe that is the reason why he is skipping so many nights of sleep? He is trying to get the most out of his time")
I’m sorry that this chapter was basically only information. I just wanted to get it out of the way.