The last thing I remember was Natha's cold embrace, which seemed to be colder than usual. But it might also be because I was only in my nightwear. I remember feeling extremely exhausted, but also relieved that Natha was finally there.
Surely, Shwa was safe now. The child was no longer crying.
With that thought, I let go of my consciousness with a smile.
I didn't remember much after that. When my mind came to, I felt like I was floating. My body felt weightless, and everything was dark. Where am I? I looked around, but it didn't seem like Shwa's empty world, nor did it feel like the galaxy of souls I used to spend rolling around while waiting for my transmigration. I guessed...this was my dream, then?
Floating aimlessly, I couldn't move my body or my limbs to change direction--not like there was any direction. Wait--I wasn't even sure I had limbs. My body swayed helplessly, following the flow of mana like a leaf following the course of the wind.
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