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50% The Dating System(Dropped) / Chapter 1: Nathan Free
The Dating System(Dropped) The Dating System(Dropped) original

The Dating System(Dropped)

Author: Shinobu23

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Nathan Free

Nathan Free was a normal and average looking 23 year-old college senior before the fateful day or rather the thing that changed his whole life.

While working as a mascot for a popular amusement park, he fainted from the lack of oxygen due to how tight the mascot suit was on him.


Cloud Wave Clinic

"Bring the doctor", said the supervisor of Nathan.

Barging out of the door, a middle age doctor came out with his assistants and told the supervisor to leave it to him. His assistants brought out a stretcher and laid down Nathan's body carefully and moved him inside of the hospital rooms while placing an oxygen mask on Nathan's face.

Afterwards one of the assistants came out from the hospital room and told Nathan's supervisor that he would be okay after 5 hours of sleep but just to be sure, they would let him stay for a day.

Nathan's supervisor quickly thanked the assistant and left the hospital while mumbling something. If you listened closely, the words he pronounced were.

"Damn brat, almost cost us our reputation if he would have died or been in a worse state".


In a Hospital room

Nathan woke up from his fainted state and looked around his surroundings.

" I see, I actually fainted while working. They'll probably fire me from my job".

Nathan sighed to himself and began reminiscing about how he told his parents that he will lead a bountiful life and marry a beautiful wife but look at him now. He's drowned in student debt and now that he lost his job he's practically homeless now.

Nathan shook his head and inserted his fingers deep into his skin till there was blood. Tears were flowing out his eyes and he began showing a pained expression while continuously and monotonously saying " Dammit, Why!!! ".

After a few minutes of crying, he looked up and saw a screen with bolded words that showed

" Welcome to the Dating System, will you accept: Yes/No ".

Nathan rubbed his eyes when he looked at the digital screen and inwardly thought 'What the hell is this. Should I accept it or not? Well I have nothing to lose now so might as well accept it '.

Nathan moved his fingers and touched the bright red box that showed 'Yes'.

After he accepted the system, massive amounts of data began entering his mind.

Then he heard the cold and mechanical voice that will change his entire life.

< Congratulations to the Host for accepting the Dating System >

Nathan wondered what this system was, maybe some advanced alien technology or drugs the doctor used. But he felt like he shouldn't ask this question.

< Host should check his own stats before I issue a quest >

Nathan pondered as to how he would open his own stats and tried saying

"Open Stats". No Answer.

" System ". No Answer.

"Nathan Free".

After he said the correct words to show his stats, he browsed through it and was shocked as to how miserable he was that even his own system pitied him.

<Host: Nathan Free>


<Romance Points: 0 >

<Shop: 100 Romance points required to unlock>

<Items: 0 >

[Academics: 7- Above Average - with this level you can tutor high school students and gain romance points]

[Physical abilities: 4- Rubbish- Even a middle school freshman can beat you into a near state of death]

[Art: 4- Rubbish- When you hold a brush, all you can draw are stickman figurines]

[Communication: 6- Average- You can withhold a conversation with the opposite gender without getting flustered easily]

[Charisma: 2- Trash- People will be disgusted by your actions regardless if you had good intentions]

Nathan couldn't help but curse when looking at his own stats. He was speechless when he looked at his own physical abilities at this rate he may never satisfy his own girlfriend if he ever had one or even protect her if they're trying to bully her.

"Fuck! ,Is this really me? This is way more pathetic than I thought, never knew my own system will really shoot down my self-esteem".

<Don't worry Host, with me by your side you can rest assured that I will transform your pathetic self into a harem king>

Nathan was flustered when he heard that his system was going to help him become a harem king.

"No, why the hell would I want to become a harem king? I can't even sustain myself and besides I'm no scumbag that wants to date several girls".

Many men would be green with envy if they could ever have a system that would let them become a harem king. Because believe or not but every man's dream was to have a harem, no matter what the male may say. This is what every man in humanity wants but are ashamed to admit so instead they hide it deep inside their own heart.

<Host, my job is to just let you experience the world of love>

<And for that, here is the first quest>

<Quest Title: On the Road to becoming a Harem King>

<Quest Objective: Improving Physical Abilities by running 5 miles every day for the continuous of one week. 0/6 >

<Quest Reward: One time use of Saving and Loading>

<Punishment for not completing quest: say goodbye to your manhood>

<Quest limit: One week>

Nathan read the quest he was given by the dating system but became flabbergasted when he needed to run 5 miles everyday and especially after the system deemed him as a poor athletic human.

"My manhood? Oh shit..... is that what I really think it means", Nathan shuddered while protecting his rooster.

Shinobu23 Shinobu23

Manhood :)

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