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52.77% The Darkness In Your Mind / Chapter 19: A bamboozled builder's son

Chapter 19: A bamboozled builder's son

The shadow beast sighs and then says "I'm not sure what it is either, but what I do know is that it doesn't only involve this void and the world out there but it also feels as though it may be linked to another place as well, but I don't know for sure yet." Darkious then says "Hm, well it's alright we will figure out what it is eventually."

Darkious pauses for a moment then continues "As far as I can tell, It doesn't seem life threatening yet, it's spreading very slowly and will probably take a few years before it's spread throughout his entire body and can kill him." The shadow beast nods and then says "Well I guess we can't really do much about it now, all we can do is wait and observe for the moment."

Darkious says "Indeed, anyway do you want to play some cards for a while or something?" The shadow beast grins and then says "How about a friendly game of Shogi?" Darkious grins as well and then says "Oh it's on!" Darkious pulls a Shogi board out from under the table and the two beings in the void then begin to play very intensely.

Meanwhile about an hour and a half later, back in the manor Brine is talking to Lano about something, I say "How much do you think it would cost to hire a builder?" Lano then says "My lord, It depends on who it is but I think that we would probably need more than one if we want to get the homes built more efficiently don't you agree?"

I say "Hm, yes we should probably do that, but now the question is where and how are we going to get the builders and convince them to actually build for us, won't they be scared of me being a demon lord?" He then says "It depends on how you act to them my lord, just make a great first impression and be friendly and I'm sure it will work out just fine."

He pauses for a moment then continues "As for where we are going to get them, perhaps after school tomorrow go around town and try to find a construction company that has good reputation, maybe ask some of the kids at school or teachers if they know of any." I say "Ah, that's a great idea anyway I'm going to sleep now, so you may take your leave."

Lano nods and then leaves my bedroom, after that I lay down on my bed and fall asleep looking forward to tomorrow. The next day at school the first class was not very interesting and passed by quickly and now it is time for swordsmanship class. We head outside to the area the class trains in and line up with the rest of the kids.

Once we get there the teacher who used to be a knight and his name is Mr. Parum says "Alright, now that everyone is here allow me to explain what we are doing today." He pauses for a moment then continues "Since it looks like everyone learned the basics pretty quickly yesterday, today we will be training in your agility and also each of you will be sparing with me separately to test your skills."

He pauses for a moment then says "Alright so from now on every day you will run 2 laps around this field go ahead and do that now and then line back up here and I will call your name one by one and spar with you to determine your skill level." Once he is done talking we all run around the field twice and then line back up, I was one of the 5 that were the fastest and Layson was as well.

Everyone starts to get their name called by Mr. Parum one by one and they spar with him for a bit before he dismisses them and writes something down each time. After a while me and Layson are the only ones who haven't been called yet, Mr. Parum then says "Alright, Rin come on over here and pick up this wooden sword it's your turn."

I nod and do as he told me to and then he picks up a wooden sword as well but his is a bit longer and he says "Alright, now come at me with everything you got." I was a little hesitant at first but then I remembered that I have been really weakened so I probably couldn't hurt him much even if I wanted to.

I say "Yes sir." and then dash at him and bring the sword down, He blocks it with his and pushes me back a bit. (View change, what this means is that the view is changing to someone else temporarily that isn't a main character like Brine or Sarah, although some view changes will be for characters that may be needed for something later in the future,most of them are just for better looks at fights, ect.)

He is pretty good, but I shouldn't judge him now, it isn't over yet. I say "Is that all you got?" Then I dash at him like he did and we begin to exchange swings, each time he blocks me though I do manage to get a few scrapes on him eventually and I say "Do you wish to stop?" He says "No, not yet I refuse to stop now!"

I sigh and say "Okay then, keep coming at me." He then goes towards me once again and his movements seem to have sped up slightly. The other students are looking at us amazed and some are praising Rin and saying stuff like "You got this Rin, come on land a hit on him Rin, don't back down Rin!"

He then brings down his sword at a pretty fast pace quite a bit faster than his previous strikes and I move my sword up to block it. However, when our swords are about to touch he grins and moves his away and hits at my legs with it causing me to fall backwards. Everyone cheers for him as he stands there grinning at me.

I get up and say "You have a lot of potential Rin, you would make for a fine knight." This kid seems pretty damn good, if he trains long enough he may be able to become an adventurer of the Jack or Noble rank. "Hey Rin, perhaps you should try being an adventurer I'm sure your class would turn out to be swordsman with how good you are."

He says "Ah, unfortunately I can't, I already have the mage class but I no longer do quests because being a adventurer just wasn't really cut out for me, though I still like to study magic quite a bit sometimes." I say "Ah that's a shame, but in that case why are you training in swordsmanship?" He then says,

"I just want to be able to protect the things precious to me, everything has its limits and so I decided to train in swordsmanship too in case I may not be able to protect them with magic at times and instead have to use something else." I understand what he means so I nod and then say "Well then keep training and I'm sure you will be able to protect whatever or whomever it may be with ease."

After I say that I spar with Layson who is pretty good but not as good as Rin but he has some potential, after I am done sparing with Layson the bell rings and it is time for lunch. (View change, Back to Brine) Once we go sit down at the table with our lunch someone starts to walk over to us and says "Do you mind if I sit here?"

I turn my head to look at the person who asked that, it appears to be one of the boys who is in our swordsmanship class, he has short bright red hair and orange eyes that can only be described as good looking regardless of what anyone says. I say "Sure go ahead, we don't mind right?" I look at Layson and he nods at me in agreement.

The boy sits down next to me and then reaches out his arm and says "My name is Keno Savon, its nice to meet ya both." I say "I'm Rin Krad and this is Layson Crimson." We both shake his hand and then he says "That was pretty cool back there in swordsmanship class." I say "Thanks, we tried our best after all." Layson uses martial arts so he isn't used to using a sword but he still did pretty good.

I then notice that people are sneaking glances at our table and talking about something, I listen a bit and just barley hear what they are saying "Isn't that Keno Savon, Yeah I think it is, What's he doing over there he usually keeps to himself and doesn't talk to anyone, Doesn't his father own that one construction company, Yeah the one that got bamboozled and lost their license, that's the one!"

Some of them start to laugh a bit and at this point Keno seems to be getting frustrated, at this point I am very interested in him after what I heard from them talking so I whisper to him and say "Let's be friends Keno, I have a feeling that we would get along well." Keno who was getting a bit upset seems to have calmed down a bit after I said that.

He then says to me quietly, "Sure your the first person who has said that after hearing what has happened to me, I will gladly be your friend." I then grin and say "Can I go see your father and his company after school, I have an idea that will help both you and your father if he is willing to go along with it."

Curiosity fills his face and he says "An idea that could help us, what is it?" I say "After school meet me by the entrance and I will tell you then, but for now there are too many people listening." he says "Alright, I'll trust you and wait by the entrance like you said." The bell rings and we finish our food before he goes to his class and me and Layson head to magic class.

Once class starts Mr. Truma says "Alright class today we will be learning about how to cast magic spells and how to replenish magic particles." He then tells us what page to open our books to and begins to read "The way we cast our spells is quite easy since all you have to do is clear your mind and imagine your magic particles taking the form of the magic spell you want to use."

He then goes on to explain about how the only way to replenish magic particles is to wait for them to generate by themselves which takes a while usually a day or more, or to get a particle potion from a store or alchemist. Once he's done explaining everything he shows some examples of how particle potions are made and tells us that if we don't have a lot of magic particles we cant make one.

A few minutes later the bell rings and it's time to go home, well at least for most people, but I have somethings I need to do while I'm in the capital today, and the first involves Keno and his father. When we arrive at the entrance to the school I notice Keno is waiting by the gate, we walk up to him and I'm about to say something when Lucy runs up to me and hugs me almost knocking me down.

She then looks up at my face and smiles before saying "Big bro, will you take me to go see Sater today, I miss him a bit, he was so nice and fun." It's at this moment,that something deep within me that has been switched off for quite some time starts to turn back on slowly. I smile genuinely and say "I will tomorrow Lucy, I promise, but today I have something else that I need to take care of."

I notice the change but decide that it's best not to make a big scene, I then notice that the carriage driver has arrived and I say "Take Lucy home and then go wait for us back at the city gate as soon as you get back." He says "Very well, come along now milady." Lucy gets in the carriage and then it drives away from the school.

Keno is looking at me a bit curious and then he says "Who was that?" I say "Ah, that was my little sister Lucy." He then says "Alright, anyway what is this idea you had." I say "I have some work that your father and his company may be interested in, hell it may even make them happy since if they agree to it I may be able to get them their license back."

Keno's eyes widen in shock and a glimmer of hope is seen within them. He then says "R-Really, what are you going to do?" I say "I would rather not explain it twice so just take us to your father's company and I shall explain there." He nods and then we walk to his father's company, it wasn't far from the school so we arrived there after 5 minutes of walking.

We enter the company's building which isn't that big and Keno says "Hey dad, I brought someone who might be able to help us." There are 14 men in the room and each one is working on something, it looks like they are making swords and stuff(I'm not gonna name them, there are too much and they are just random characters that don't get talked about much only the dad is named)

One of the really buff/well built looking men turns his head towards us stopping what he's doing and walks over to us after saying "Truly?" The man has thick dark red hair and a big dark red beard he isn't wearing a shirt thus allowing his awesome muscles to show. The man looks at me and Layson before saying with a hopeful expression "Who are you and how can you help us?"

I look at Layson and he understands what I am asking with my eyes and so he nods at me saying he's prepared in case something goes wrong, I then look back at the man and cough before saying "I am the demon lord Brine Dark, I have come here to request you to come build homes and things for my land, of course you will be payed in return and I may even be able to get you a license again."

I continue "However, if you're willing, I would rather you move your company base to my land instead of keeping it here, you suddenly getting your license again may cause whomever tried to get it taken away to either go after your or my life, please think about your decision wisely before answering, please know I don't wish to harm you and I won't do anything to you if you refuse."

Everyone's eyes widen in shock and some fear when I am done talking and Keno backed away from me and Layson a bit. However despite all that, everyone soon calms down a bit and then the man turns around looking at the other 13 men and says "What do you guys think, should we accept it and also move our company there as well?"

They all take a moment to decide and then they all say "SURE, WHY THE HELL NOT!" The man laughs and then turns back around before saying "Well there's your answer, my name is Garal, it's nice to meet ya Lord Brine Dark I look forward to working for ya, and don't worry about the payment, after all if we're going to be leaving the city and building homes for people that need them then."

He pauses for a moment before saying "We don't need payment, as long as we're allowed to help out then we're happy, ever since we lost our license we've had to do plain old blacksmith work which got boring overtime so we'll gladly take you up on your offer, plus we don't wanna get killed by some bozo who's throwing a temper tantrum just because we got our license back."

I laugh genuinely at his last sentence and then say "Alright then, when do you want me to lead you all over to my land?" He thinks for a moment before he says "Why not right now?" I burst out laughing and say "Alright, then I hope some of you are all right with walking because I only have one carriage." He says "Ha, I think they can keep up after all have you seen how ripped they are?"

We all laugh at the same time and then I smile, before telling them to follow me to the city gate. I managed to complete two things I have been waiting to do, get some builders to start working on a village, and the other thing I accomplished is, I GOT MY HAPPINESS BACK!

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