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The Dark Within the Spirit Realm The Dark Within the Spirit Realm original

The Dark Within the Spirit Realm

Author: Thombo

© WebNovel

Spatial Rift

"Aron!! Come on! We gotta go we have 15 minutes until our parents are leaving!" Sandra forcefully mentioned to Aron

"I get it, I am coming just give me a second!" Aron retorted

Aron hearing this took his headphones off his head and audibly let out a sigh, his parents were forcing him to go to a baby shower for a distant relative who Aron found to be abhorrent. He put on his University of Florida sweatshirt on and was walking out the door when he stubbed his toe.

"Mmmm, that felt good". Aron said sarcastically as he looked at his big toe with annoyance as he saw that it had begun bleeding.

"Great, another thing to take care of" He said as he bandaged his toe and began to leave the room.

Sandra (His younger sister aged 16) was waiting impatiently at the base of the steps for her older brother Aron (Aged 18) "Come on bro! I will be wrinkly by the time you get down here!" Sandra said with a very blatantly impatient tone. "Yeah yeah, I'm coming, I'm coming". Aron repeated after her as he neared the base of the steps. Before him stood his younger sister, mother (Karen aged 46), and father (Rodger aged 50). His father gave off a cold aura as he looked at his son with antipathy as he knew they were going to be late to the baby shower of his close relative. his mother tried to calm the tense atmosphere and hurry them into the car so they could make it there on time. His father agreed and they hurried into the Lincoln Navigator.

Aron's father was part of the higher portion of society and loved to flaunt his wealth wherever they went, to Aron this behavior was incredibly disrespectful to those around him and caused him and his father to come to many disagreements about various different topics and they never saw each other eye to eye. Aron wished he was never born in this family, the only two reasons he hasn't moved out yet is because he was waiting to graduate from high school and his mother very important to Aron's life and was the like the glue that kept his life together. Aron was considered somewhat of a delinquent in the eyes of the society because of his harsh personality and his frequent fights he got into due to his view on society. Aron had never wanted to be a delinquent or anything he just lived life by his own set of morals.

Karen was the only one in his family he considered to be family. Aron felt a lot of comfort in her presence and he could be himself in her presence. They had similar views on society and they agreed with each other on many different subjects and got along quite well. Aron's younger sister and his father got along similarly. It was like the family was split in two groups. Aron didn't mind, as long as he didn't have to get along with his father and sister he was content.

Aron's father had started up the car and put in reverse and skillfully pulled out of his driveway and onto the main road. They drove for a few hours as they had quite a distance to go through in order to arrive in Tennessee where the baby shower was occurring. Aron figured he would get a nap in while they were driving, after all there was nothing better going on, Karen and Rodger were fighting as per usual and his sister was listening to music on her phone. Aron fell asleep quickly like he was used to this kind of situation. Aron suddenly woke up in a plain with grass and other vegetation as far as the eye could see. It seemed normal other than the fact that the sky was completely black, although the sky was black he could see normally as if it was any other sunny day in Florida. Something was definitely wrong with this situation, at this point he figured it was a dream and tried to wake himself up... which ended in failure. There was nothing he could do to wake himself up in this hellish plain. He wondered the plain for what he thought to be a couple of hours. He didn't know where he was and quite frankly was a little bit nervous. After some time he came across a mysterious silver and cobblestone structure that looked similar to a tomb of sorts. Considering how he had wondered around for hours on end and finding nothing to give him a hint of where he was he was desperate.

He walked towards the structure and investigated it thoroughly to make sure it wasn't some kind of deathtrap, although if it was maybe he could wake up from this living hell. After deeming it safe he stepped inside and was flooded with the stench of mold and copper. It was nauseating but he had no better options than to step inside. Upon arriving at the base of the steps he was faced with 3 choices of doors with pictures placed above each one. The first door has a eerie feeling lurking behind the door and gave off signals of danger with a picture of a roaring monster surrounded by red and orange light beside the metal door cracked in the middle and falling apart. The conditions of the surrounding was decayed and had seen better days.

The middle door gave off a neutral feeling but also an indescribable pressure from behind the door. It seemed like the door was made out of a hard wood and the picture beside it displayed a picture of someone who had died to some kind of disease and the spirit that had left its body returned and gave off the impression of Resurrection in the background was an alluring silver light.

The final door gave off a pleasant feeling like a mother's embrace or holding the hand of a lover. The door was made of marble and the picture beside it represented two people holding hands and walking along a shoreline with a beautiful golden light behind them.

Aron looked at the three doors and looked... and looked. He had no idea what he was looking at. He saw a message on a sign in front of the doors displaying a message.

"Those who walk the path of the burdened have one chance at changing themselves, if they manage to complete the trials."

"OK" Aron said as he approached the doors.

Thombo Thombo

This is my first light novel that I have written. I have considered writing in the past but couldn't bring myself to do it. I hope you can find enjoyment in reading this novel. I figured I would make a story about a character who was deeply troubled make a transformation into someone people can rely on. Aron's path won't be a short one but he hopes you guys can help him along in his journey.

Feedback is very much appreciated.

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