Fury blazed in his eyes as if he was mad Acacius was evading him, running from a much needed conversation.
Could he blame him?
Even if everything was real he still wouldn't want to talk to a nephew that he sacrificed his life for.
Taking into consideration the torture he experienced by his mother's hands, it would be a bigger no go.
Not that he had time to worry about them as soldiers started to surround him, anger burning in their eyes as the thought of him killing their comrades took over their mind.
Evading left, right, down and up left him sweating even more and while he took out a dozen, their places were quickly refilled.
He wasn't in a position to knock them out anymore, twenty and more soldiers surrounded as he struggled to gather his breath.
He didn't know where to look, it was his first time in any battle whatsoever.
The more he waited, grasping at straws of a rather peaceful resolve of the war-like battle, the more cuts started to appear on his arms and legs.
Leaving all inhibitions aside he actually maimed to kill or at the very least leaving them incapable of fighting.
The only real protection he had was on his shoulders, the rest was covered with a red inner robe and open black outer robe.
Both pooling just over his black boots with silver linings, the colour silver reappearing on two long tassels, both connected to his shoulder pieces.
His clothes looked really well together with his now revealed silver hair.
A slight golden embroidery on his chest, returned once more on his shoulder plates through thick golden lines.
It had looked impeccable, if he were to believe Sophie that is.
Dodging a spear aimed right for his head, he narrowly avoided another aimed for his side.
Having thrown himself sideways, he heavily coughed upon landing on rocks.
Quickly resuming, he got back up but in that second it was already too late as he had been surrounded more efficiently.
It wasn't only left at spear or swords anymore, instead a sword went flying past him with a chain attached to it.
So quick that the only reason he avoided it was the system.
Eyes still wide he let his reflex take control of him, snapping the chain in his second with his own sword as he glared in warning at the person responsible.
His own reaction speed had surprised him but he quickly took advantage of it as he pushed through, attacking one of the surrounding swordsmen.
Well they exchanged some moves he quickly found out he had to keep moving, chains kept trying to grab him. Eyeing the nearing mages he flipped and turned while miraculously avoiding the many swords, spears and chains coming towards him.
Some of his soldiers tried to approach, help him out of his cornered situation but it was of no use as they ended up dead. He appreciated their effort but he didn't have time to really mourn them.
He must look like a circus clown, jumping up and down to evade the flying projectiles.
Has it been minutes or hours since it all started?
He didn't know, all he did however that he was starting to lose concentration. His muscles were burning from exertion, same with his cuts and he was tired.
He hadn't slept well, because of a multitude of things
Blinking away sand and blood that had splattered upon him, he avoided another spear, pushing it away with his sword he lashed out in the weilder's direction.
Hitting his mark, a woman screaming as she pulled away, hand desperately covering her wound as she tried to avoid bleeding out.
Just seconds later he could distinctly see a blue glow emerging around the wound, very slightly.
Just enough to stelp the bleeding.
His head whisked around in search for other blue lights and he did, the mages worked perfectly together putting up shields as others healed the wounds.
Acacius should most definitely learn from the kid's planning!
He didn't have enough time to see how they managed to pull that off in such a huge, concentrated way. How were they capable of doing that without contact or the usage of a seal?
Ducking out of his thoughts, he swiped right, a gash appearing on the male's stomach as he cursed out.
Watching the same blue light appear left him intrigued.
Gasping as a chain wrapped itself around his arm, he cursed his carelessness and before he could even cut out a very smart warrior came right at him. Forcing him to block, causing them to be at a stalemate, eyes haywire as he moved them from one direction to another.
Faces of relief had started to appear, most likely as they thought it to be almost over, the usurper was almost dealt with.
He couldn't, not yet.
Gritting his teeth, moving his caught wrist in between the two blades, he made use of the friction and added more. Much to the horror of the opponent as the chain broke.
The entire process was seconds long, reinforcing his sword with his second hand as his opponent faltered and ultimately fell to his sword.
"Mages, do something!"
"Hurry up!''
His group of fans were faltering, mages panicking as he made soldiers drop every passing seconds. He knew he didn't have long, their spells were already taking up the surroundings, it didn't help that their rapidly approaching prince was on his way.
It was obvious to anyone who looked that his attention was divided, something that could spell his death.
A normal thing in the matters of war.
However more than one finger had picked up on the fact that the usurper was looking at his nephew with eyes of distrust. Stressed as the other came closer and closer.
There was an ever growing frustration in his hazel eyes, so much that he was getting blinded and ultimately got caught.
Once more he did everything he could to avoid everything that was thrown his way before ultimately leaning on his sword in exhaustion.
Wary he tried to get back up from his hunched over state, tilt his sword and fight but he couldn't.
And even if he did he wouldn't be able to because not seconds later reinforced magic seals wrapped around his wrists, pulling him swiftly in the air.
It didn't take long before chains wrapped around his waist and feet as well, so tightly that he couldn't but groan out in pain.
Silence had descended everywhere, realization dawning to everyone that he had been captured.
Distinct gasps and shocked murmurs could be heard but it was his nephew's exclamation that rang loud and clear through the battlefield.
"Careful now, that is my uncle!''
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.