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The Dark Knight PrevaiL The Dark Knight PrevaiL original

The Dark Knight PrevaiL

Author: waqas_muhammad

© WebNovel

The Dark Knight Prevail


My name is Waqas.M from a very small city known as Mardan. I am working as Assistant

Controller in Abdul Wali Khan university Mardan. I grow up watching fantasy/Sci

fi/thrilling movies especially the Batman. I love superhero movies and I am truly

inspired from Hollywood and the characters that work to make dreams come true.

I am a dreamer and I have no boundaries when it comes to dreaming and

imagination but the problem is that, everyone thinks that deep inside he is a

superhero, I maybe one of them and I want to take my chances too..........

Now coming to the script, the thing is that I can't wait anymore for the

Batman next movie, this legacy of Batman series must continue like Harry potter

and so many others. I wish to play or help my part in this truly inspirational and

fantastic movie. I am unleashing my mind to bring back some awesome ideas that

might come handy to whoever is reading this script.

This script is a short version of the very big story......…..

The script start with name CRAWL, another super devil Creeping on the streets and

roads of Gotham city.

CRAWL is the King of the underworld and BOSS of the mobs giving some tough time

to Gotham Police and especially to Commissioner Gordon. He is well Known to the

people and City of Gotham. This is the time that the people of Gotham still believe

in Batman and respect what he has done.

Crawl has some bigger plans that no one can imagine, He wants to use Bat As Bait.

Crawl is ready to break the barrier that no one ever tried. Crawl Plans for the escape

of the true king of the kings, the one and only real Mobs/Gangs leader ''The Joker'' in the history of gotham.

Crawl Knows that Joker only taste is Pleasure from fear and pain to spread chaos.

CRAWL also wants to corrupt the whole system of Gotham to get some more space.

He is also eager to meet this maniac they so called the joker as soon as possible.

Crawl is truly inspired from Joker and considered The Joker escape from the prison

as the last option for their survival because of Commissioner Gordon and Batman


Crawl along with his gang is ready to serve and Die for the Joker. All they want is a

clue about joker place of Prison, which very few people like commissioner Gordon

knews. Even the batman doesn't know about this secret place.

Crawl initiate his plan for the Bat of Gotham by challenging the batman in three


1st Batman fails Hundreds will die.

2nd Batman falls Thosusands will die.

3rd Batman fails or falls in the final phase, millions will die.(To Nuke the Gotham


Crawl outclass/defeated the Batman in two phases with his best and full strength

he got to gain psychological advantage over Batman for the Final Phase, which is

extremely important. This is crawl mission and trump card for the escape of Joker.

Batman in desperation turns to ALFRED for help....

ALFRED: Master Wayne 'You can still do this'

BATMan: No, I cant do this

Alfred: You need to think 'out of the Box'

Batman: What options do I have??

Alfred: Only steel can bite steel…. I mean only a maniac can face maniac

Batman: I am confused of whatt u are talking?????

Alfred: I never doubted you Master Wayne, but this time I fear for you

Batman: So, Are u thinking the same as I am Alfred?????? (To send the joker for

hunting down CRAWL)

Alfred: No, No, Never... we cant do this

Batman: Yes, I can do this…. Leave it to me

Alfred: Remember one thing Master Wayne; you are just a playtoy to Joker.

Infact this whole Gotham city is joker's playtoy.

Batman: I noticed that

Batman to Mr.Fox:Get ready for the worst....we are gonna need everything this

time we have...

Mr. Fox: I don't understand

Batman: No one understand this but perhaps Commissioner Gordon will

understand and agree

Gordon: You are crazy, don't push me. We cannot risk with the safety of

Gotham's people again. You do not have this right?

Batman: I am taking a small risk to neutralize this maximum risk… Please

Gordon, try to understand

Gordon: There is no Harvey Dent left to help you recapture Joker again..

Batman: Do u think we captured Joker? Gordon?????

Gordon: Yes, but now I doubt

Batman: Nothing can hold that maniac for this much long; he is just

waiting for a purpose, which is beyond our imagination to understand.

Gordon: This time it's your call Bat, all I can do now is to trust you but m

not sure of the outcomes, remember people are looking at you

too for hope.

Batman: Thanks Gordon

Gordon: Maybe it's the time, but one more question?

Batman: U are free to ask…..

Gordon: What makes u so sure that joker will do this job for you?

Batman: That is what I fear the most, but we got to try this one time...

Gordon: Then lets do it, we don't have much time left

Batman: All Right: where is joker?????

Gordon: He is in a secret facility prison especially designed for extremely

Dangerous Criminals. This facility is known to very few people

including me….. I am doing this above my paygrade for the sake

of you and gotham.

Gordon: Here's the joker

Joker to Batman: Look at you. The batman has come out of the darkness as usual.

What the hell brings you to me??

Batman: I have a job for you…..(To Hunt down CRAWL)

Joker: hmmm...…hahahahaha

Batman: its not a joke, I m here for some serious business

Joker: I was expecting some fun from you

Batman: This is something beyond joy/fun

Joker: You better wear that mask down.

Batman: Perhaps I should, but I am offering you something bigger you

cannot refuse

Joker: U have nothing left to offer me batty

Batman: You will have your freedom

Joker: its so much fun being around here all the time with these

monster like criminals

Batman: so I consider this as a No

Joker: No, No, No I really love this place

Batman: its your choice, but listen before I left this place I want to tell u

something that someone is messing with your playtoy. You will

sit there and watch it burn?????

Joker: say that name again??????


Joker: How dare u come to know my secret???? Tell meeeee

Batman: I have other secrets too about you????

Joker: Spit it out

Batman: So u feel anger ??? U have emotions ???… you Care????

Joker: Stop and just answer my question?????

Batman: You will have your answers soon if u help us to capture or stop


Joker: ok. Ok. I'll do it. But we are not done yet, I am coming soon to

get my answers...…

Batman: I will be waiting for you

Joker: You are still so much fun.

Batman to Gordon: Set him free

Gordon: He will never come back again

Batman: we will see

Joker to Crawl: So u are CRAWL???? huh

Crawl: Yes Boss

Joker: You are a squeezer too and I am gonna need your head along

with your plans to get my answers from BAT

Batman: Welcome back to Prison again

Joker: All I want is my answers...

Batman: I lied to you

Joker: This is not fair, you are not so much fun this time, u know u are

my playtoy

Batman: that u thinks

Joker: u wanna play game again??? I love games...….

Batman: You are no used to me now... I win you lose

Joker: You will win if u kills me now. I know u have no courage to kill


Batman: I don't have to kill u. Good Bye Joker

Joker: It's not over, it has just started. I can feel the fun it it…

Gordon to Bat: Well done, u have not disappoint me, you are the Hero and will

always be.....thats why we have thrown a party tomorrow to

celebrate...… Gotham's safe again….

Batman: It was never possible without your help Gordon.

Gordon: Anytime my friend

Gordon to Wayne: welcome to the party Mr.Wayne

Mr.Wayne: Every One's here except Alfred????

Gordon: He was invited too??? Then why he is not here…. How can I

answer this???

Mr.Wayne: I am going to find out. His cell is off too

Mr.Wayne: Where were u Alfred? I was getting worried about u???

Alfred: I think I am sick Master Wayne….

Mr.Wayne: No, No you are not sick; I have seen this fear before on my

parents face when they were shot to death. What are u hiding


Alfred: Master Wayne we misjudge the joker??? A mistake I will never

forgive you and myself.

Mr.Wayne: How?

Alfred: We unleashed a super devil to hunt only a Bug (Crawl)

Mr.Wayne: What do u mean?

Alfred: its not that simple Master Wayne….. How can joker surrender

such easily….He must be having plans???

Mr.Wayne: He comes back just to find the answers he was looking for

Alfred: That's the difference between you and joker…you see it from

one angle.

Alfred again: Joker is destined to do this all the time. He is ready every time

because he is unique, the main difference between you and

joker success is that you care for the people around you.

Breaking News

An army/group of Mobs attacked a secret facility prison center

outside gothams and burned it escaping some of most

dangerous criminals that include the Joker.

Alfred to Mr Wayne: My concerns come true

Alfred: May God be with us this time


My personal contact number in pakistan is +92-313-9039657

waqas_muhammad waqas_muhammad

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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