When I finally came back to I was laying in a soft bed. At first, I started to panic. I was about to try to get up but someone's arm stopped.
"You need to rest," came a deep male voice.
The panic only grew, but I forced myself to seem calm and asked a simple question.
"How long have I been out."
"Just over an hour. You need to drink more blood or you'll pass out again," He replied in a calm voice.
" I don't want to. I don't understand why Javen would do that or why blood taste like it does. Until I understand I don't want anything to do with it. Now, will you tell me what's going on?" I said in a weak voice. He looked at me with pity in his eyes but it was gone as soon as it surfaced.
"I will tell you what's going on after you drink or you won't be able to stay conscious long enough to listen to the story." With that, he cut into his wrist and thrust his arm up to my face.
I tried to resist but the blood smelled so sweet. I could barely keep myself from drooling. He used one of his hands to open my mouth and held his other arm above my mouth. The blood began to drip into my mouth. I sighed with pleasure as the blood flowed down my throat. When I looked up at him again his eyes were filled with pain. I didn't understand, but I felt I had seen him before. When he took his arm back I had to fight not to try and grab his wrist.
"What's your name," I asked with a much stronger voice than before.
"My name is Lilith."
"I already know your name." He said in a matter of fact tone.
"How do you know my name?" I asked with a trace of suspicion in my voice.
"That's a part of the story so listen. Make sure your mind is open to all options. Javen was born on the night of the new moon October 20, 1857." He waited a second before he continued. " His name means deceiver. He has been lying to you since you met. He doesn't love you; he just wants your blood. Your name means storm goddess, night monster, and other things depending on who you ask. I can tell that you feel you've seen me before somewhere. That is because I delivered pizza to your house one time. I was trying to make sure Javen hadn't made his move yet. I should've got you out then but they told me not to." He paused to look around as if someone was listening.
"Who is they," I finally got up the courage to ask.
He looked away and said, " I can't tell you who 'they' are, but you're going to meet them in a few hours." He said with no hint of who we were meeting.
I started to get angry, but the longer he was silent the more the rage gathered inside of me. I snapped. I stood up despite his efforts to keep me down. The next thing I know my fist was connecting to his chin. His face was a mix of pain and surprise. He put his hands up in a defensive stance. I had no idea how I did what I did next. I was moving so fast it seemed like the rest of the world slowed down. All of a sudden I had a knife in my hand. My leg swept around in a circle that ended with Fino on the floor. I slid on top of him and put the knife to his throat.
"Now will you tell me who 'they' are. If you don't I swear I will slit your throat." I sneered.
"You know, you're stronger and faster than they thought. You know that I'm the good guy right." He said, on the verge of laughing.
"Totally, you're the good vampire and Javens the bad vampire," I said, my words dripping with sarcasm.
The sarcasm was lost on Fino.
He knew I couldn't kill him. I growled in frustration as I removed the knife from his throat, thinking of another approach.
"So Fino, will you tell me who 'they' are if I give you some of my blood?" I asked.
He watched me for a second suddenly serious. He considered that for a moment. He nodded his head as he came to a conclusion.
I barely flinched as the knife dug into my skin. I let the blood slowly drip into Fino's mouth. His reaction was instant. His eyes dilated to about three times their regular size. An unrecognizable sound forced its way out of his throat. It felt strange to be feeding someone my blood. He tried to grab my arm as the flow of blood slowed, but I pulled back.
I apologize. This story doesn't have much of a plot line.