Princess Xenia looked toward Darius's direction, but the king seemed to be busy reading the book he managed to snatch out of his hand. Osman knew well that it was nothing but a facade, however. Deep inside, his King was surely battling his inner struggles to keep himself from interfering with the Princess's Training.
Osman drew in a few breaths. This was why he suggested that he do the training with the Princess alone, but everyone knew that having the king agree to it was an impossible suggestion. King Darius was simply too drawn to his mate to even think about leaving her alone with anyone else.
"He's dead serious," the Princess murmured.
"Indeed, milady. I'm sure that deep inside, His Majesty is suffering while watching you," Osman reminded her. "Still, you need this training to ensure that you will pass the four trials. And again, we've only just begun…"
Giving out the signal for his men to start moving the cage, Osman watched
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