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Commander Krone stood in the darkness, admonishing Bauman. He did not like the vulnerability or helpless sensation that came with blackness. "Can't you do anything right?" he raged, spit flying from his mouth. "Get the damn lights on and bring the monitors back up."

Bauman knelt at the panel beneath a blank computer monitor, holding a flashlight between his teeth. He didn't like or trust Krone. Krone was prone to bouts of violent, unpredictable behavior. Bauman fumbled with his tools, trying to regain control of the lighting on the C & C deck as Krone stood inched behind him. When the emergency lights finally switched on, he found Krone crouched down behind a nearby terminal with his pistol at the ready. Bauman shook his head and thought, pussy.

"What just happened?" Krone demanded, pointing his trembling weapon at the entry door. The terrified man hiding inside the weathered warrior took control. Krone was a conniving coward.

An overhead light blew. The room went black, and Bauman lost control of the flashlight. It fell from his mouth, rolling to a stop near Krone's feet. The tiny beam illuminated the wide-eyed fear pouring out of every pore in Krone's massive body. Bauman pounded his hands on the control terminal and blurted, "I can't get anything to work. It's as if the main power leads are being sucked dry."

Krone pointed his pistol at Bauman and said, "You have ten seconds to regain control or you will not see what comes through that door."

Seconds ticked by as Bauman feverishly tried to regain control, but after only a few seconds, Krone said, "Time's up."

Bauman closed his eyes, waiting for the inevitable. A loud knock sounded through the emergency bulkhead. It echoed through the darkness, and he jumped behind his seat.

Krone forgot his threat, choosing to reel around towards the door, pointing his weapon at the thing on the other side. Nothing was there; nothing except the inescapable pounding of his own heart. The tiny light dimmed; stifling blackness returned, and a frigid wind of cowardice froze Krone to the floor. The sound of a rasping door lock filled the darkness, and he whispered to himself, "it's here."

The heavy door lock groaned as someone, or something, cranked the mechanism open. An enormous wall to wall crack appeared at the floor and Krone fired volley after volley through the ever-expanding opening, heralding certain doom. "Who are you?" he screamed, not expecting an answer. But an answer came.

"Oh buddy, that hurts my feelings." A voice outside answered. "You forgot me already. That's just disrespectful. And worst of all, you never said goodbye; You never called; You never wrote. That was a real dick move, buddy."

"Riddick," Krone thought aloud.

"Then..." Riddick continued, "when I finally get back, I learn you told everyone you killed me. You… killed me. In what Universe is that believable?"

Krone grimaced in anger as his mind caught up with his ears. His eyes flashed wide, his mouth gaped open, and he fired through the open doorway into the darkness outside and screamed, "I killed you!"

"I hate to disappoint." Riddick replied, eyes glowing blue in the darkness as he stood with his back against the manual lock. His skin hummed with the faint sound of an excited energy he desperately wanted to unleash. But then the fight would end too quickly, and he had dreamt of this moment for years. No. There would be no powers or magic here. This was personal. This was vengeance.

Krone dropped his pistol, picked up the gravity rifle leaning against the console, and fired through the doorway. The blasts peeled the paint off the walls as they tore through the corridor. "Kill me and you'll never see your little bitch again." He warned, weapon on his shoulder, hoping Riddick would be foolhardy enough to step out.

"And that's why I didn't just melt my way in and kill you in the dark." Riddick said, taking out his dagger. He held it out for Krone to see. "Come on, tough guy. Let's settle this without guns. Just you and me, and a couple of really sharp blades." Riddick stepped out into the open doorway, staring at Krone over the top of his sights, waiting to see what Krone would do next. It was a gamble, but he needed Krone alive. At least for the time being.

Krone sneered and gloated about leaving him for dead. He lowered his weapon, but kept it at the ready. "Dame Vaako placed her in my care when I left the armada. She said, I should keep her close. I never understood why we needed your precious Kera after you were dead; but now, I think she thought you might come back for her."

Riddick regarded Krone for a moment "Tell me where she is and I'll give you a drop ship and safe passage back to your master."

Krone laughed and said, "Bullshit."

"Give her to me and leave in peace. Fuck with me and leave in pieces."

Krone laughed maniacally and spat his words, "Trust you. You must think I'm stupid."

Riddick looked at his arm and laughed. "Am I that transparent?" he said, wearing a smirk.

"Funny, asshole." Krone turned to the side, revealing the detonator strapped to his upper arm. A tiny green light blinked. "I should warn you. I have her quasi pod armed with explosives. The charge will vaporize her rotting corpse in the blink of an eye." He shoved the detonator forward and added, "If this light turns red, she goes boom."

"Last chance." Riddick warned. "Give her to me and go."

"You see this detonator, Champ." Krone continued, "The one on my arm. It links my life signs to the pod your little bitch is in. If my life signs end, so too will your little bitch's."

"Look at you, thinking ahead." he said. His skin turned an ultra violet blue. Riddick calmed his mind and racing heart, and to Krone's astonishment, the lights came up.

"Go ahead, smartass." Krone replied, gesturing at the detonator and leaning his weapon against a nearby console. He thought he had the upper hand. Riddick would never attack him now. "Kill me and the rotting corpse buys it too."

Riddick's vacant expression hid the tumult spiraling out of control inside his aching guts. He wanted blood. He had come all this way only to be thwarted by a buffoon.

A tiny voice emanated from a nearby corner. The fourth person in the room spoke. "For the love of God. All the testosterone in here is giving me a fucking headache."

Riddick turned to the voice and saw a tiny cloaked figure standing in the corner. The little girl walked out under a light and Riddick saw she had long blonde hair and brilliant blue eyes. He stepped back. It was her. But it couldn't be. "Here." she said, holding up something. "If this will expedite matters, this is the device Commander shit head placed on Kera's quasi-pod." She turned to Krone and added, "There." she said, holding up the blinking device. "If you want Riddick dead, I suggest you tear that off your arm and end him here and now."

Krone gawked at her. His eyes opened wide, but he did nothing.

"Oh yeah. That means you'd be dead too." she said, scowling at him as if he were a bug to be stepped on. "Gutless, coward."

"And who are you?" Riddick asked, head cocked to the side.

"Carolyn." she answered, still glaring at Krone. "I am not…"

"Wrong!" Krone cut her off. "Your name is freaky little science project."

Carolyn glowered at him with no small amount of contempt. It was obvious; she hated him with every fiber of her being. Riddick thought it possible that he had just met someone who actually hated Krone more than he did. "Typical necro scum." she said. "You talk like a warrior, but hide behind the skirt of a woman for protection. Your emasculated genitals render you impotent to any actual power. "

"I like her." Riddick said as a smirk crossed his face.

Carolyn turned to Riddick with a commanding gesture and said, "Kill this fool so the universe can finish with this one." Then she lobbed the disarmed explosives high in the air as Krone watched his dissolving leverage tumble through the air. The charge slammed the floor and rolled to a stop between them.

"Ignorant welp. You could've killed us all."

"Perhaps." she said. "Although, I think the powers that be would only bring back some of us." Carolyn replied, gesturing between her and Riddick. She laughed and said, "Now stop stalling and have at it like a man. Unless Vaako keeps your shriveled up balls in his purse."

Krone dropped his weapon on the floor, removed the dagger from his side and said, "I should have done this a long time ago."

"You should have tried."

Krone grabbed Bauman, yanked him from his seat and swung him out in front, using him like a human shield. "I know your weakness, Riddick."

"Typical," Carolyn muttered, walking back to her corner to watch the impending fight.

"Screw you, bitch." he blurted, dragging his finger across his thick neck. "When I'm done with him. You next. And your maker isn't here to save your ass this time."

"Really," Riddick said, taking a few slow steps forward as he gestured for Carolyn to stay back. "Now you're threatening children?"

Krone glared at him as he pointed his dagger at Carolyn. "That little freak is no more child than you or me."

Riddick laughed at him and said, "on that we can agree. She is ten times more an adult than you'll ever be." He held up his hand, cutting Krones' retort off. "Hold it. You were about to tell me my weakness."

"You can't stand watching innocents die." Krone said with a confidence dripping with Necromonger arrogance. "It's your curse. And this time, it's going to be the death of you."

"Is it?" Riddick said, staring at the flashlight laying on the floor. Thinking about where he wanted to put it. "Those are tough words coming from someone hiding behind a hostage."

Krone shook Bauman and snarled, "Drop the knife or I'll cut this moron's throat."

Riddick stared blankly for a moment. Why do they always hide behind people like I'll give a shit? He stepped forward, wearing a frightening smile. "You made two mistakes, dipshit."

"Yeah," Krone fumed, squeezing Bauman so hard, Bauman choked. "How so?" he asked.

"First," Riddick explained, "you made the mistake of thinking a filthy Necromonger could ever be innocent."

Krone took a slight step to the side, positioning himself directly behind Bauman. He knew Riddick was going to attack him. It was obvious.

"And second," Riddick continued, "You concluded I think any of you are worth saving." Before Krone could respond, Riddick's dagger was flying, but Krone saw it and jumped back. Bauman fell on his knees, a dagger protruding from his chest as blood spewed from his mouth. The unsuspecting hostage slumped to the floor at Krone's feet. No longer a shield.

Krone stood, dagger in hand, staring down wide-eyed and stammered, "But… but I thought..."

"That's always been your problem." Riddick snapped, cutting him off. "You do not know how to think."

Krone screamed and raged, "I'm gonna kill you!"

"Come 'n' get it." Riddick said, raising his dagger with a dismissive smirk as the lights in the room dimmed to shadows. "I have no more time to waste."

Krone's expression hardened. Riddick was a shadow, but he could still make him out even in the gloom. Krone lunged at Riddick, preparing to strike a deathblow. But Riddick dodged to the side, backhanded him in the temple as he passed, and watched as he lost his footing. Krone faltered like an out-of-control ice skater going down hard and hit the floor with a crunch thus. His scarred face skidded to a stop as his oversized head became an anchor for his flailing suit of armor.

"Shit... that must've hurt, buddy." Riddick replied with a grin that highlighted his growing excitement. He wanted Krone to feel her pain he had inflicted on Kara. He wanted every Necromonger to feel it.

Krone sprang to his feet in an instant, darted forward and slashed Riddick across the stomach. His blade was razor sharp. The wound was deep. Blood trickled out of the gaping incision, and Krone laughed as it covered the front of Riddick's pants. "Keep talking, smartass. And I'll give you some more pain to go with that." Krone taunted, tossing the knife from hand to hand.

Riddick's eyes flashed in the shadows. "Actual pain is having to listen to you run your hole." He walked over to Bauman, yanked the dagger from his chest, saw a stream of blood spew from the man's mouth, and shot him a cool look. The two men stood over Bauman like gladiators in an arena. Carolyn watched impressively. Krone swayed from side to side, waiting for the opportunity to lunge at his foe, and Riddick waited to parry the inevitable attack. Who would make the first move? Who would be the victor?

A sticky clot of blood formed in the back of Bauman's throat and he coughed violently, and Krone seized the opportunity to lunge at Riddick's face. Riddick jerked backwards just as the tip of Krone's knife split a deep froth in his cheek. Blue blood poured down his face and neck.

"Lose your focus; lose your head." Krone taunted, swaying back and forth even faster. He had cut Riddick twice. No one had ever cut him twice.

Riddick kicked Krone's rifle, striking his shin guard. It dented the steel plating, and Krone raged in pain. He raced forward, grabbing Krone's forearm, folding it backwards as Krone's dagger sank into its master's abdomen. Krone's eyes widened. Disbelief took control of his facial muscles as he collapsed onto the floor next to Bauman, struggling to hold in his guts. Blood covered his hands and tinted his gritting teeth.

Riddick knelt down beside him and asked, "What were you saying about focus?" He stared into Krone's terrified eyes and added, "Before you go to hell. I'd like to give you the same gift you gave upon her." Riddick reached in his front pocket, removed something shimmery, and draped it over Krone's body. Krone tried pulling off the shroud as Riddick glared down triumphantly. "I take it from your response. You know what's coming? So, let me take this opportunity to return the kindness you showed Kera."

Krone's eyes pleaded from beneath the death shroud, but Riddick only revelled in his pain and suffering. He placed a knee on Krone's throat and pressed down with all his might. "Is this how she looked when you had her under your boot?"

Tears poured from Krone's eyes as he struggled weakly for a few moments. Then, his eyes rolled back in his head and the red in his face turned a pallid white. But Riddick wouldn't let him die that easily; at least, not yet. He removed his knee from Krone's throat and watched as Vakko's underling gasped back to consciousness. "Don't worry," Riddick whispered in his ear. "I wasn't planning on doing any more to you than you would have done to her." Riddick's eyes flashed in the low light. The thing inside him fought to gain control. To have its way, but Riddick held it at bay. He was in control. Not his dark nature. "I have something far more special in mind for you." he said, standing up. He raised his right foot high in the air above Krone and slammed his boot down on Krone's stomach repeatedly as a raging river of blood poured from his enemy's wound.

A fountain of gore exploded out of Krone's mouth as he gagged out the remaining seconds of his life. Riddick fell upon his knees, placed his ear as close to Krone's mouth as possible, and listened closely for the exact moment his life ended. Krone's breathing spluttered to a gurgling halt, and Riddick turned to watch as his soul fought to escape the confines of its now useless cage. To Riddick's great pleasure, Krone's body contorted wildly as the thing inside ripped its way out. But no matter how much force the disembodied wrath exerted, it could not escape the confines of the shroud. Riddick glared into its vacant eyes, praying he could somehow still see him, hoping he could still hear him. "So," he whispered an angry curse in the dead man's ear, "I have one last command before I promote you to fully dead." He seized one corner of the shroud, yanked it off Krones lifeless body and watched as his twisted soul tore itself from its fleshy prison like a specter freeing itself from a shallow grave. The pitiful, hideous creature warmed Riddick's black heart as he glowered at it with an unmistakable sense of sadistic glee. "Go to hell!" Riddick said, ramming his fist inside the twisted apparition and grabbing hold of it before it could pass to the other side. The wraith kicked and failed, trying to get away, but Riddick held it firm. Riddick dragged it forward as Krone's horrified mask emerged out of the shadows. "And because I'm a man of my word, you may go in pieces." Riddick said, sending a charge of bluish energy into Krone's helpless soul, fracturing it into a shower of white-hot shards that carried away a scream of horror.

Riddick turned to Bauman who had been watching the scene unfold in terror and asked, "Well now, what are we going to do with you, little Necro?"

Bauman coughed and a long stringy blood clot flew from his mouth, spinning like a bolo and wrapping around Riddick's boot. "Sorry." He said, weakly. "I could use some help."

Riddick knelt down beside Bauman, inspected the injury to his chest and said, "Maybe." He grimaced when he saw the dark blood oozing from his chest wound. Bubbles forced their way out of the injury like a hissing air line. "I won't lie, kid. I nicked the artery going to your lung when I threw my dagger."

"Am I gonna die?" Bauman asked, coughing up another clot that Riddick barely avoided.

"Although, If you'd asked me that same question yesterday, I would've said you were a goner." Riddick said, eyes blazing neon blue. "But, luckily for you, today isn't yesterday." Riddick added, placing a hand on Bauman's chest. "And I'm not that guy anymore."

"Wait," Bauman interrupted, "What are you gonna do?"

"Fix the hole I put in you." Riddick answered, tearing Bauman's shirt open. "Now shut up. I need to concentrate." He didn't wait for a response. He reached into Bauman's chest and started searching around like he was looking for something in the back of a drawer. Bauman freaked out, lurched backward and blurted, "Have you ever done this before?"

Riddick snapped at him with a terse expression. "Once." He held up his hand, stifling any further questions, and added, "Kid! Unless you'd like me to tear out something by mistake? Shut up and hold still." He placed his hand back inside Bauman's chest and signaled he was about to do something. Bauman's face said he was about to do something too. He was about to shut his pants. Bauman closed his eyes and Riddick said, "I will not hurt you."

Bauman opened his eyes just in time to see Riddick glow and felt something strange happening inside him. It didn't hurt, but it was not a pleasant feeling. Bauman lurched again.

Riddick frowned and commanded, "Hold still."

"I'm sorry. I'm scared."

A bright blue light emanated from behind Riddick's eyes. It was so intense Bauman raised a trembling hand to shield his sweaty face. He lay on his back watching Riddick fiddle around in his chest like someone searching for something at the bottom of a garbage can.

The light emanating from behind Riddick's eyes slowly sank down through his neck, curved around his shoulder, entered his upper arm, and headed towards Bauman's chest. Bauman's heart pounded faster. Even more blood poured from his wound. He closed his eyes As tight as he could. He didn't want to see any more. As soon as the light entered his chest, Bauman felt a strange sensation of weightlessness fill him, as if he were floating beneath the surface of a great pool of water. He could hear everything happening throughout the ship, see everything, and felt connected to everything. The Universe wrapped him in a blinding white light. It felt like a warm swaddling blanket on a wintry day.

Riddick stood up and said, "Open your eyes."

"Is it over?" Bauman asked, barely peeking. He still didn't want to look at his injury.

"I thought I'd lost you for a second." Riddick said, shrugging his broad shoulders and holding out a hand. "But you're a tough, little shit."

Bauman grasped Riddick's hand and landed on his feet. "Thanks, I thought it was all over." He said, feeling the spot on his chest where the dagger had pierced the skin. It had vanished.

Riddick nodded with a cavalier smirk. "Yeah. For a second, so did I."

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