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Chapter 19: LADY FURYA

Riddick stared blankly into the two pods, thinking, what do I do now? Looking through the stasis-pod viewport, he saw the youthful face of the woman he knew well. He opened the cover, watched the vapor spill out with a loud hiss, and waited for her to stir. Nothing happened. The Golden shroud draped over the withered form laying in the quasi-pod moved and a faint, pained moan came from beneath. The sound struck him like a fist to the gut. This whole time, she had been in pain. How many years had she lain there, withering away in agony?

He reached inside, took Kera's right hand and placed it on the edge of the quasi-chamber. Her mummified fingers twitched. The sight of her withered limb caused a surge of acidic guilt to rise from his tightening throat. He reached inside the stasis-pod, gently lifted the pristine hand beneath the shimmering shroud and placed it on the edge of the chamber. The empty vessel felt like ice and loneliness, and crippling guilt.

Riddick stood between the bodies like a bridge between worlds. He held a hand in each of his, closed his eyes and waited for the lights to dim. Nothing happened. The lights remained bright. The conduit remained severed. Self doubt filled his thoughts. Closing his eyes, he thought of the little boy he met on M6-117 all those years ago. The little boy who had turned out to be a girl. He looked down at her withered form, eyes running, guilt eating at his guts, and realized she had grown into a beautiful woman. He loved her more than anything, but not the way a man desires a beautiful woman. His love felt different. He wanted to… he needed to protect her. It was his one job, and he had failed. And look at her now. Look what had become of her because of his need for vengeance. A little girl's voice entered his mind. Tell me a story, daddy. "Not now!" he raged at the ceiling. "Can't you just leave me in peace."

He looked at the stasis pod, struggling to recall what Kearyn had said when they were aboard the Rapier. Something about Eve reminding him of a woman from his past. It was certainly true. Eve looked a little like Breanna. The same weight and height, even the same smile. But then he realized just how much Kera looked like Breanna and he finally understood. Kera was Breanna's daughter. But if Johns was her step dad, then who was her father? It couldn't be him. Brianna hadn't been pregnant when he last saw her. Or so he believed.

A bright orb flew past his head like a shooting star blazing through a starry night sky. Riddick watched the orb speed away and remembered the help he received when he was in the Underverse. "Hey," he said to no one in particular. "I know you can hear me. I need your help." The orb changed course, stopped a hundred feet away as a layer of endless darkness descended over the room.

"What are you waiting for?" he roared.

The orb moved closer, but did not aid in his task. It remained immovable in the near distance, as if watching the rest of Kera's essence disappear like raindrops falling into a black pond. Riddick feared she was beyond hope.

The lights flickered. He felt a sudden rush of power and slammed their hands together. A raw energy erupted from every pore of his body. The blast lifted him off the floor in a maelstrom of blue flame and threw him across the room. He bounced off the far wall, landing on his back thirty-five feet away.

Rubbing the neon blue blood off his upper lip, he made for the quasi-pod, not wanting to look inside. Peering over the edge in horror, he found the shroud covering Kera's body, torn to shreds. Nothing remained except the soulless, desiccated corpse of the young woman inside. He sank to the floor, back against the quasi-chamber, head propped up on his hands as a grimace of disbelief contorted his face. He failed again.

Time slowed as an imaginary second hand ticked by like a glacier moving from the north to south and Riddick drew his dagger from its sheath. He placed the tip against his thigh, lifted the blade high above his leg, and plunged it deep into the soft flesh below. He screamed in pain, turned the knife around trying to kill the sorrow in his heart, but couldn't stave off the guilt crushing his heart.

Lilith sat atop the post, holding up the tapestry directly in front of him. She looked like a bird of prey perched on a treetop. "Does such guilt and self-loathing, truly help?"

Anger heated Riddick's blood. Lilith had abandoned him to undertake the transference. And now look at what happened. He channeled his anger into a resounding, "Fuck you."

Lilith flipped off the beam, her robe spread out like giant opalescent wings as she floated to the ground like a falling leaf. She landed in front of him, feet lightly touching down, and leaned down, forcing him to pull the dagger from his thigh. She let the blood drip off the dagger, watched it pour back into the wound, and said, "Take it from me. We cannot achieve true atonement through self-mutilation. Besides..." she said, gesturing to his quickly healing wound, "Injuries to the flesh heal long before the pain of guilt fades."

"I killed her," he said, wiping the tears from his eyes. "I didn't know what to do, and I killed her. Again."

"From the moment Zhylaw's blade pierced her chest, this body was always beyond saving." Lilith said, standing up to look at Kera's lifeless corpse. "But you may have yet been successful."

Riddick laughed to himself and replied, "How can you tell?"

"It appears Lady Kera's new body still lives." she replied, folding Kera's withered hands over her chest and then turning to the other pod. "We'll just have to wait to see if she wakes up."

"Wake up," he thought aloud. He stood up, nursing the hole in his thigh, turned to the body in the stasis pod and added, "She's... alive?"

Lilith touched her neck, felt a strong pulse, and said, "It appears so."

"Why isn't she waking up?" he demanded, jumping to his feet. "Eve woke up in just a few minutes."

She stared in at Kera and said, "Not to minimize what Kearyn did for Eve, but there is one major difference. He grew a new body around Eve's remains." Riddick just stared at her with a so what expression. "Her remains had a soul when he started." She gestured to the stasis pod and said, "This body was an empty vessel. No one has ever attempted anything like this before. There is no guarantee Lady Kera will wake up, or who she may be if she does."

Riddick caressed Kera's face, kissed her on the forehead, and said, "Take care of her. She means..."

"She means a great deal to everyone," Lilith said, interrupting him. "They just don't know it yet." She turned to make his way towards the door.

Riddick followed her for a few feet and then stopped, looked back over his shoulder and asked, "What happens if she never wakes up?"

"You'll have to release her one last time."

"And if I can't do that?"

"Then she will become a vessel you pour a lifetime of guilt and sorrow into."

Riddick opened the door, stopping just short of walking through the threshold, and slowly reached out, anticipating the exact moment his hand would contact the barrier. When it did, he was face to face with the guard standing outside. Without saying a single word, he turned around and returned to Lilith.

"Forget something?" she asked.

He gestured over his shoulder at the man scowling in through the still open door. He turned to Boron and said, "Come in here, please." The guard shook his head no. "I said, come here." The guard shook his head again. "You lied." he said, turning to Lilith with a grin. "He can't come in, can he? That barrier isn't there to keep germs out; it's there to keep you in here, and him out there."

She stared over his shoulder as if the open door was taunting her from across the room and replied, "I believe I explained I was in exile."

The sound of a man clearing his throat echoed through the open door and Riddick turned to see the guard standing in the hallway wearing an expression clearly meaning to come shut the door. "You can close the damn door yourself if you're worried about someone getting past you." he replied, in a tone carrying a hostile intent mixed with several unaired expletives.

The man outside offered a suggestive gesture, muttered something in a language he didn't understand, and then returned to his post. Lilith laughed at their exchange and said, "You are correct. Much in the same way, I cannot leave this room; he cannot enter it either."

Riddick turned to examine the open doorway as if he could see the barrier and thought aloud, "Only humans can pass through that barrier."

"Correct," she responded, leering over his shoulder as if she was about to make a run for the open door.

He shook his head at her and warned, "Oh sister, I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Her expression darkened as if his words had conjured a memory still carrying a lingering pain. "Don't worry. It's an experience I don't intend to duplicate soon."

Riddick turned around studying the oversized columns, high ceilings and ornate stonework lining the walls. He shook his head as a frown stretched across his face and said, "I can't believe I didn't catch it before. This isn't the main hall, we're not even aboard the Sheong-Ja, are we?"

"And again, I believe l already said that." Lilith replied, staring at him as if deciding whether she was going to answer his question. Then, much to his disliking, she walked away without saying another word. She stopped at the oversized tapestry depicting the pyramid, wrapped her long fingers around the fabric, and yanked it from its framework. She turned to him as it fell to the floor, revealing an equally large window concealed behind it. The scene outside filled him with ice.

Riddick stood peering out, realizing the tapestry had been an exact depiction of the scene on the other side of the glass. He walked to the window, peered out at images from his vision and said, "It's all real."

Lilith stared out the window beside him as if it were the first time she'd looked outside in a long while. "Yes, it is. And I have remained captive here watching what has transpired on the other side of this pane for an eternity."

Riddick studied her expression as if he'd just discovered a missing piece to an elaborate puzzle and said, "Your father didn't put you here, did he? Demetri did."

She nodded at him with a sad frown and replied, "Perceptive yet again." Then she walked over to the tapestry she had exited through earlier and pulled it from its framework, revealing a doorway with a sign above it. The sign read: fire cleanses the soul. She watched him studying the sign and explained, "After my father learned of my betrayal. He condemned me to the same fate as my husband. Fortunately for me, however, Boron found me in Hena and it was he who brought me here."

Riddick started walking towards the door as if he were going to go through it. But before he made it far, Lilith stepped in front of him and warned, "l wouldn't advise it. The Riddick won't find many friends waiting to welcome him over there."

Riddick motioned to the other tapestries adorning the walls and asked, "What makes you think they know me over there?"

"They don't know you." she said, studying him like a mother preparing to pull a bandage from a child's knee. "But that won't matter." she said, patting his cheek. "They know your face. The searing heat burned into their memories. In fact, in their eyes, you're the one responsible for putting them there."

"Me?" he blurted. "How is any of that my fault? Other than you, I've met none of your people."

"No," Lilith stressed her next words, "you haven't. But I can assure you they won't see the difference between you and your creator." She replied, gesturing to a tapestry of a muscular bald man holding a flaming sword above his head.

Riddick could tell she was holding something back, but didn't want to push for too much information. "You expect me to take your word for that?" he said, inspecting the tapestry depicting the warrior that could have been his twin. "Nice painting. Care to explain why he looks exactly like me?"

Lilith turned to regard the tapestry and replied, "Perhaps your creator liked the face, or perhaps, it's a family resemblance. Either way, you should probably ask your mother when you see her again."

"Honey, please..." Riddick said, folding his arms in front of himself. "I don't know what you've heard. But I've never met my mother. So, the likelihood I'll see her soon is..."

"Narrow minded little human," she snapped, interrupting him. "You see little with your tiny eyes?"

Riddick stared at her through eyes of distrust and anger. "Why don't you just tell me what I need to know?"

Lilith stared at the tapestry with an expression of unrest and said, "I don't think so. Besides, Kearyn says you're not ready for those kinds of answers."

Riddick walked around her, taking in the paintings as if he were trying to reach the door behind her and said, "I doubt your husband went to such elaborate lengths just so you could practice your painting skills." He stood in front of the door, his eyes following the outer edge like a safecracker sizing up a vault, and asked, "Why are you really here?"

"As you are already aware, I'm in exile."

"Bullshit. There's more to it than that."

She reached out, turned her hand palm down, and held it an inch above the candle next to the door. After a few moments, the smell of charring flesh filled the air, and she jerked her hand back in pain. She inspected her palm through squinted eyes and replied, "There is a prison in my universe, so cruel words cannot describe its true horror. It is a fiery place where the worst of my kind go to atone for their crimes."

Riddick yanked the door open, made to step through the threshold, and felt a crippling surge of electricity course through his body. The energy lifted him off the floor, threw him through the air like a limp rag and he crashed down fifteen feet away as the door slammed closed. He sat up disoriented by the jolt, peered through the cloud of smoke rising off his clothing and shook his head, trying to clear the fog from his mind and asked, "Is that what happened to you?"

"Something like that." She replied, gesturing to the door Riddick entered through with an I told you so smirk. "Now, if you're done playing around, go over and shut the door you came in through, and don't open it again until I tell you."

As he made his way to the outer door, Lilith made her way to the door the tapestry had concealed. She placed a hand on the knob, waited for him to reach the outer door and close it. When he turned to see where she was, she opened her door, revealing the mirror image of the room they were now standing in. She gestured through her door and said, "Open the door and watch what happens to the door in the other room." He did as instructed, watched the other door open as if by magic, revealing a barren and scorched landscape similar to Crematoria. The sky was a flurry of smoke and ash, and even from a hundred feet away, he could feel the heat pouring through the other doorway. Searing waves stank of brimstone. His squinting eyes watered as the paint on the wall closest to the other door blistered. The world on the other side crept towards the newly open door. When he made to say something, Lilith raised a finger to her lips, pointed to her ear and said, "Wait for it."

He watched a horde of burning eyes race to the open doorway until they blotted out the view of the other world. The disfigured wraths stopped just short of entering the room as their ear-splitting cries crossed the room like a raging wildfire burning through dry fall underbrush. He covered his ears tightly; as the sound pounded his eardrums like waves crashing against jagged breakers and felt pools of warm blood fill his palms. The moment he slammed his door closed, the wailing ceased, the heat subsided and the paint in the other room returned to normal. He stared at his blood-soaked hands in disbelief, watched the sticky red liquid seep back through his skin. He walked to the door beside Lilith, peering in, being careful not to break the barrier between rooms.

"Let me explain," Lilith said, plunging a gleaming black fingernail like a razor sharp talon deep beneath the soft skin covering her wrist. A river of blood splattered the floor as she dragged the nail down the full length of her forearm as if she was opening the zippered jacket.

Riddick's eyes opened wide as he slapped her hand away and watched her collapse on the floor in front of him. She clutched her arm in pain. "STOP!" he shouted, tearing off a piece of her dress and using the cloth to put pressure on the wound.

Lilith struggled to get to her feet, held out her arm again so he could inspect the injury, and stammered, "Don't worry; it's only a temporary pain."

The blood pouring from the wound ran down the front of her gown, pooling around her feet and then reversed its course, traveling back the way it came. Riddick watched in amazement as the blood raced back into the wound like a river flowing back to its source and saw the deep troth reseal itself as if by magic.

"Now that gift could come in handy," he said, inspecting her arm through a mask of awe.

She reached down, took his hand and held it up so he saw the blood from his ears had gone. "I believe you'll find it's a gift you already possess." she replied, gesturing to the cut in his pant leg where he'd stabbed himself earlier. "Such are the gifts of my people."

He looked between the three doors, shaking his head as if he were dumb, and said, "Shit, wrong, again. They did not imprison you here against your will. You allowed Demetri to place you here."

"Kearyn said you would riddle it out for yourself." she said, stepping through the threshold into the next room. When she did, a brilliant burst of energy changed her into a winged creature covered in opalescent scales. Her robe transformed into giant wings covered in alabaster feathers looking as soft as silk, and her dress transformed into deep brown leather adorned with bronze rivets and ornate brass buckles.

"Why the sudden change?" he asked.

She waved around airily and replied, "Every galaxy has its own set of rules. What we look like in one galaxy is not what we look like in another."

"Can I come in?"

"As you already learned, no human can pass through this barrier. But then again, you're not like any other human. Perhaps with a little preparation."


"The other you may enter."

"Why haven't humans been able to enter?"

"Because that's the way Demetri wanted the doors constructed. My kind can't go out there and yours can't come in here."

"I never liked no for an answer," he replied, reaching out until his fingertip met the edge of the barrier. He felt its energy course up his forearm and channeled it down through his feet and out onto the floor as he pushed his palm against the barrier between galaxies. Lilith stood on the other side with her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open in disbelief. He pushed against the surface of the barrier until his hand passed through it and watched as the skin on the back of his hand turned to slippery black flakes like tiny scales on the belly of a black snake. "And what do you look like in there?" he asked, gesturing to the door behind her.

"The fires of Hena don't kill. They strip away the lie on the surface, leaving behind the truth hidden beneath." she said, gesturing to the grotesque hand he pressed through the barrier.

He pulled his hand out, gestured to the door he entered through and asked, "What about out there?"

She pointed to a single dot of her blood remaining on the floor and answered, "I've never been out there. Although l mixed my essence with your galaxy's energy stream. As for what I look like out there, you could say I look like Ginger."

Riddick squinted at the blood and replied, "You didn't try to get out, did you? You just wanted to introduce your DNA into our energy stream. Why?"

Lilith held out her hand as if she could feel an invisible breeze blowing between her fingers and said, "It's sad with all your advances in science, medicine and space travel your people still know almost nothing about how the galaxy works. You're so cut off from one another, so alone."

"Everyone goes through life alone?"

She shook her head at him as if he didn't understand and explained, "No one goes through life alone; we are all connected." She threw up her hand, cutting off his reply, and said, "Don't deny it. I know you have been there. I can see the shadow of the underverse on you. You know all things are one." A sad expression crossed her face, and she added, "There is an energy running through everything around us. The Necros call it the underverse; Scientists call it subspace and religious scholars call it the afterlife. That energy contains all the knowledge of the past and every possibility the future may offer. It also contains the genetic information of every living creature living or dead. It is because of that energy some believe in reincarnation and others believe in Immaculate Conception. The energy can bond to and alter a developing embryo much like the obelisk altered you."

Lilith went to the door behind her, placed an ear against it, and stood listening to the scratching coming from the other side. "They're still out there." She said, rubbing her palm against the door. "I can hear them. They know something is coming."

Riddick touched the barrier with his other hand and it passed through as easily as if he dipped his hand in a pool of water. "This isn't the portal Dimitri used to escape through, is it?"

"No," she answered, walking back into the room he was in. "This portal was created for a far more diabolical purpose; a purpose I have ensured would never happen." She stared at the door behind her and said, "My husband is evil in a way you can't possibly hope to understand. He is a master of deception, understands how to turn the desires of others to his own advantage and will stop at nothing to achieve his goal."

Riddick's eyelids tightened as he shook his head at her and replied, "You had to make a deal with his minion to get him out, didn't you."

"I did," she admitted, pointing at the tapestry depicting a fiery battle. "You see, for the plan to work, I needed the help of Boron. Dimitri's followers weren't too keen on giving away the one asshole they held responsible for their plights. Nonetheless, ensuring his safety was a key component I needed to ensure my safety."

"So you promised you would free them too."

"I did," she repeated, smirking at him, "and as a result, I've been here holding them out ever since."

"You guard the gate between galaxies."

"No. I am the engine powering the barrier you passed through. That is why I cannot leave and if I die, the barrier will fall and they will be free to enter your realm." Lilith said, pointing towards the door he came through "Boron guards the gate to ensure I stay alive."

Riddick laughed to himself and said, "Because you freed him from captivity, he feels obligated to help you."

She shook her head no and said, "Funny how offering to free someone from eternal pain and suffering can help bend their will to your cause. However, I made certain he couldn't get to me. It appears he still wants my head for what I did to him and my sister."

In a fit of rage, Riddick raised his arms above his head, slammed them against the barrier and fell headfirst through the barrier between rooms. When he stood up, he was an 8 foot tall, winged creature emanating a blue energy that seared the walls clean around him. "You would make a deal with those things?"

"I have made many bad choices in my life. But not even I would unleash the evil waiting beyond that door." she answered, staring at him in amazement.

He stood on the other side of the barrier and asked, "Then why create the fucking doors, at all?"

"It was the only way to fulfill my core programming. The war between my people had no conclusion. One side of the battle came here before it ended. Now..." she said, pointing at the door behind him. "They want in. They want to finish what they started. What you started."

"Me." Riddick said, turning to her. "I had nothing to do with your war."

"You had everything to do with that war."

"Why did you place your DNA in our energy stream?"

Lilith walked back to the altar, stepped up and said, "To free Dimitri, I had to create two portals. One, he would use to escape into our galaxy; and the other, his followers would use to escape into yours. But to create both portals, my energy had to exist in both galaxies at the same time. There have to be three of me at all times. One in your Universe. One in their universe and one here, powering the doors."

He stared at the door leading to the Sheong-Jé and thought aloud, "You wanted to create Ginger."

"And many just like her." She replied, gesturing to the outer door.

"But if you're here, then who's out there in that galaxy?" Riddick asked, pointing towards the door to Hena.

"There has only been one devil, and she lies in wait on the other side of that door. Pray you never meet her. Because where she goes, darkness and death follow." she explained, walking out of the room towards Kera. She looked down at her and asked, "How many times have you met any of my alter egos?"

"Twice," he answered. "No. Wait. Three times."

Lilith walked over beside him, opened the outer door, and raised her hand as if casting it into an invisible stream of energy. "And during those encounters have we ever had... relations?"

"No," he said, knowing exactly what she meant. "I doubt I'd forget having relations..." he stressed the word with a grin, "with a force of nature." He came back into the room, changed back into his former self, and walked over beside her. "Why do I look like that?"

"Perhaps I was not clear enough earlier. My father's first children were Furyans. We h winged and beautiful and he loved us above all others.. But then came the fall from grace and the rise of the others. To rectify the problem, my father sent one of each- one beautiful, one grotesque- to your Galaxy. They are the progenitors of your race. You, however, my little human friend, are a culmination of all three races. The Riddick is not born; the Riddick is created."

He stood there, staring at her. She had told him much, but he was quite certain she had left out just as much. He decided not to push for more than she had already offered. Not that his paranoia would allow him to believe much. After all, he was thinking Furyans were deceitful people who held back everything that did not serve their self-interests. "Why the worries about mixing blood lines?" he asked, changing the subject.

"It would be unwise if the Riddick mixed his DNA with mine." She pointed to the door into Hena and said, "Mixing your DNA with that version of me would produce a being of unimaginable power; the outcome could be disastrous to all."


Lilith walked to the window, peered out at the pyramids far beyond, and explained, "I am but a pale shadow of my former self; in this place I'm a triple helix with little to no powers." She gestured to the door leading into the Sheong-Ja and added, "But out there I am like you." Lilith walked him to the center room, gestured at the door to Hena and warned, "That version of me is a triple helix with all the powers of the underverse at the tips of her fingers. And her greatest desire is to mix her DNA with yours. If that were to happen, it would produce a child of limitless power. And that is why my people are sterile."

"You know what they did to me, don't you?"

"I knew what Demitri did to you the minute I laid eyes on you." she said, leaning down. "You may still look like a human on the outside, but you're one of us on the inside. That is why you can pass through both of the barriers. You are a hybrid."

"Then I guess it's just luck that almost everyone I've ever loved is dead."

"Sadly, it is the destiny of the Riddick to live a solitary shunned life."

"If by shunned, you mean everyone keeps trying to fucking kill me. Then, OK." He replied, turning to walk away.

As he approached the door to leave, Lilith called out, "Did either woman have children? Because their genes would pass on through their progeny."

Riddick stopped dead in his tracks, remembering Ginger lying beneath a layer of ash and the moment he'd first realized she was Martin's mother. "Shit," he thought aloud, as the realization he had married Ginger's daughter entered his mind. He looked at Kara and finally understood. What had he done? What had he just created? Demetri had used him since birth.

"She did, didn't she?" Lilith asked, seeing his reaction. "And you fell in love and created little monsters of your own. Pity, I rather liked your Galaxy."

He turned to her with a look of sadness and replied, "No. Ginger's daughter died before she had children."

"Forgive me if I say I see the shadow of a familiar dark hand at work in your life." Lilith said, walking to the door leading out. She placed a willowy hand on the door and asked, "You've seen her out there, haven't you?"


"The other me. The one from in there. When I put my DNA out there, I put hers out there as well. She is a part of me too." she said, pointing at the door to Hena. "Black hair, pure white skin, black eyes and morbid, dark wardrobe style. She, unlike me, loves all things black."

"No." He lied. "I never met her."

She laughed at him and replied, "Kearyn never told me you were such a shit liar." Lilith said, walking past him. She stepped onto the altar and asked, "Have you ever seen Ginger's eyes turn black?"

"Why?" he asked, suddenly realizing Ginger's eyes had turned black in the alley.

She could tell he had by the tone of his voice and replied, "Because if you have seen her out there, you have little time left to find out the truth, learn how to control your powers and save this Galaxy from utter annihilation."

"Fuck you all." He snapped, gritting his teeth.

"I understand why you're angry." She replied, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I suppose with everything that has happened to you, it's only natural. But trust me when l say your window for success is closing fast."

"How am I supposed to trust what any of you say?" he asked, shaking his head at her like he wanted to throw something.

"You're not. You're supposed to listen to the stories and put the pieces of this puzzle together for yourself. That's why the Creator gave you a brain and freedom of choice. I do what he made me to do. Demetri does what he made him to do. But you… you can undo everything with nothing but freedom of choice."

He reeled on her with his finger in her face and snapped, "You know everything that's going on. You could tell me."

"I do. But I cannot. And that too., is not my choice." she said, gently reaching up and lowering his hand. "You said it yourself. You can't trust anything I tell you." She turned him around until he faced the exit, pointed over his shoulder at the door and said, "But the truth is waiting for you out there somewhere. You just have to go find it before it's too late." She leaned in closer and said, "And don't worry about Lady Kera, I'll keep her safe."

Someone knocked on the door, and it opened, revealing Boron standing on the other side. He waved for him to come out and said, "It's time you go."

"Can you tell me anything?" he asked, turning to leave.

"Don't make the wrong choices." she replied, walking away. "We're all counting on you."

"No pressure." he said, walking through the doorway glaring at Boron. He turned back, hoping she would give something more, only ti see that both she and Boron had vanished. The main hall was back in its rightful place, and he stood there with more questions than he had when he arrived. "Great," he thought out loud, walking into the empty main hall looking around. "48 hours to get to other side of the Galaxy, find the truth out for myself and defeat the bad guys before they destroy the galaxy."

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