After an 'investigation' goes wrong, Cain finds herself in a new world that looks a lot like the Victorian Era with more curses and blood. After living in the hyper-urbanscape of Hong Kong, this new world where only the rich possess tungsten lightbulbs is a far adjustment for the ex-multifaceted private investigator.
Stuck in the body of an impoverished lanky female on the streets with a complete lack of foundation in this world, Cain is forced to address her dire situation of newfound poverty by crossdressing as a butler for a mysterious fallen noble.
Only after this fallen noble dabbles in the beyond, does Cain find herself with the ability to take up his identity and pursue the mysteries behind his death. What is the Church of the Wax Goddess? Where do Angels possess their endless fountain of power from? And why does the upper echelons of society appear to be obscured behind a veil of something?
There's something watching her, waiting for her to realise.
Because only then, will it become corporeal and real.
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Author mwan