After a few more minutes of Jiang Yue answering questions, the codes in her laptop finally stopped moving.
Jiang Yue immediately checked her laptop and give everyone a smile.
"My virus successfully devoured the virus that attacked my system. It was able to save all the files on my laptop. As you can see here..." She said while showing everyone her laptop which is now fine.
"I already mentioned earlier that this virus would also attack the main computer that was used to send it to the power system of this hotel."
"Now that my laptop is fully functioning, I would like to show you how my virus will trace the source of the virus that affected all of our laptops earlier."
Then she looked at Wu Minxia provokingly. "Let me explain this process. My virus is designed to automatically adapt and create a custom program to break into the other virus' security."
"Then it will instantly reverse the code of this virus and trace its manufacturer."