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36% The Celestial God! (Kinda Complete) / Chapter 36: The Messenger

Chapter 36: The Messenger

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Now, Read on!


As I open my eyes, I feel a body touching mine, and warily turn towards it. Seeing the familiar face of the Lion Goddess Hathor, I relax, and remember the last evening.

I say evening, because it started at about 5 in the evening, and ended some time after midnight. Man do Goddesses not tire easily, and thank the Queen, us Gods don't too.

For the first couple hours, we had the kinky sex that Hathor was fond of. BDSM. I don't think the term is even invented yet, and still Hathor loves it that way. After the first two hours of that, I got a bit bored, so we began a much more vanilla sex, with efforts on both sides, not just me.

Of course, she was still kinky as fuck, so I had to be... Rough.

Ahem. Good times.

Feeling her stir awake, I let my hand roam, and start caressing her leg. Smiling, as she moans, opening her eyes, I whisper, "Finally awake?"

Hathor looks up, confused for a second, and then she wakes up completely. Yawning once, she rubs her eyes, and then moves her hand downwards to rub me. Done yawning, she says, "Surprisingly, you tired me out. Not bad."

Feeling insulted, I ask, "Surprisingly? Not bad?!" and put a lot of indignation behind my words.

Chuckling, Hathor kisses my lips once, and says, "I am the Goddess of Pleasure. It takes a lot more than just my husband's cock to satisfy me each night."

Damn. Does she cuck him? I pity Hathor even more now.

Seeing the look on my face, she laughs loudly, and says, "Not that, you pervert. I've had to teach Horus a lot of spells, so he can satisfy me completely. Plus, he uses a lot of Magic to enhance himself. Ask him, he'll tell you that it's not easy to satisfy a Goddess of Pleasure. And you.. sort of did. Good job."

"Thanks." I dryly reply, but then smirking at her, I ask, "Any way I can learn those spells? You know, if we do meet again I want to make sure you are more than 'sort of satisfied.'"

Moving me up and down, she bites her lip, thinking on it, and then shrugs. She says, "Well.. I'm not planning on letting you go this early. I'll teach you the spells, sure. It's not like they're mine anyway. Aphrodite taught me those during one of our.. meetings."

Smiling at the mental image she just gave me, I pull her above me. Time for round 2.

~~~ Time Skip: 3 Years~~~

After 3 days of having fun with Hathor, and allowing her to show me around, I left her, and Bes's Bar behind. Of course, I had to pay Bes one more gemstone, a ruby this time, so he both keeps the secret of our sexcapades, and as the charges of the room use.

The next few months were spent traveling the rest of the bars in Africa, which included the other Completely Divine Bar.

Surprisingly, I met/saw Gods of another Pantheon there. Hestia, the Olympian Goddess of the Hearth was there, along with Hades, the Olympian God of the Underworld.

They gave one look at me, and other than her smiling kindly at me, and Hades grinning as if he's planning something, they ignored me as I drank to my heart's content.

The rest of the bars, other than a few encounters of the sexual nature, had nothing of interest.

Of course I had a lot of sex! I was basically a virgin for 25 years of my first life, and then 251 years of my second! I had a lot of ground to cover still.

Ahem, so, once Africa proved useless in my Quest, I moved on to the next continent. Asia. Starting with the southern Islands, I made my way up north, starting about 2 and a half years ago.

Unsurprisingly, I took a lot more time per bar in this region. Call it nostalgia, but I just loved being amongst familiar people again. Granted, there was no language barrier, thanks to this innate skills that all Gods have, called the AllSpeak.

Unfortunately, there was no skill called AllRead, so if I wanted to learn to write any of those languages, I'd have to learn them like any normal person. Which is what I did with Sanskrit, while I was in southern India.

I did not know Sanskrit, other than a few phrases, and prayers. I knew Marathi, Hindi, and English, with a little bit of Japanese, thanks to Anime, but no Sanskrit. So, yeah. I added that language to my written skills.

There were no Divine Bars this far south, though, as most of them were above the region that's going to be called Maharashtra, which had the first Divine Bar.

It catered to both Demigods, which were aplenty, and Gods, which seldom showed up. So, my first visit only had me finding 3 Apsaras, along with 4 Demigods.

Apsaras, are sort of a mix between Nature Spirits, and Angels. Mostly though, they're the dancers of the court of Swarga. Some were Divine, meaning mostly stayed within Swarga, while others, like the three I met, were Worldly, which spent most of the time on Earth.

Since I was brown, and previously a Maharashtrian myself, I fit right in that group, and I was almost feeling nostalgic.

Thankfully, nothing happened, other than an Apsara called Shevanta flirting with me, and then seducing me. At first, I was reluctant to do anything, more than flirting with her, as I did not want to offend some God who had made a claim on her, or something.

I've heard enough stories like that in my previous life, and I prefer not to be cursed, thank you very much. Even if mother will probably remove the curse herself anyway, and if not her, I can do it with my Cosmic Energy anyway. But, it's bound to be annoying.

Then, after about half a minute of her sitting, and grinding on my lap, I changed my mind and took her to a room upstairs. Best. Decision. Ever.

Man, once you have an Apsara, you never want to go back. And these are just the Worldly ones. Wonder what Divine Apsaras taste like.

Anyway, other than a few bar fights with demigods, and my escapades with Demigoddesses, and Apsaras, I've spent my last few months in relative peace, with not even a hint of trouble.

So of course, Murphy had to bite me in the ass.

I was sitting in a bar, which was in northeast India, or probably out of the India I knew anyway, listening to a short guy tell some funny tale. I'd stopped paying attention when he began with "There was this big giant snake."

I immediately knew he was lying, and just ignored him.

I'd been hesitant at first, in coming here, to India. I did not want to accidentally meet the Gods I used to worship. And it's not just the case of 'Never meet your heroes'. Meeting with the Gods you believed in seems wrong. Like, this is not supposed to happen, unless I'm actually dead.

And despite dying once, here I was, alive again. Still, I persevered, wanting to see if I can find any rumours here. And thankfully, in the 3 Godly Bars I've been to, there were no Gods present during my visits, other than the barkeep, a Goddess named Varuni. I'd been more than respectful of her.

Yeah, I'm not going there. Nope.

It was while I was sitting, sipping my Toddy, that someone sat next to me. I felt a stare on my face, and ignored it for a while. Unfortunately, the person next to me had no intention of letting me ignore them, and asks, "Do I know you from somewhere? You look really familiar."

Frowning, already dreading this conversation, I turn to my left, and almost spit out my drink. Coughing, and getting my breathing under control, I shake my head, and cough out, "I'm afraid I am not from around here. You wouldn't have seen me anywhere here."

The person, the God, the Dev, that was sitting beside me, just raises his eye, and points towards the spilled drink from my coughing fit, and says, "Really? Because it looks like you know who I am. And if you know who I am, then I definitely know you from somewhere."

Looking at the plain orange Saadhu's cloth the God is wearing, the Rudraksh Mala on his wrists, and around his neck, the Khartal in his left hand, and the Veena sitting innocently beside him, I dryly state, "I don't think there's a single God out there who hasn't heard of you, Lord Narad-Muni."

Blinking, Lord Narada, the Messenger God, shrugs, and says, "I suppose you are right, Lord Theos."

Now I blink in surprise, confusedly ask, "You already knew who I was? Why the question then?"

Lord Narada chuckles, and says, "You look like one of us, Aditi-putr, I was just curious if you knew why. Perhaps, it is just a coincidence. Perhaps, there's a deeper reason. Who knows?"

This God is dangerous. Not in the sense that he is strong, not even close. But Narada is the Messenger God, and has a real penchant with getting hard to find information. And he's also my first lead.

Downing the Toddy, I shift in my seat and look at Lord Narada. I ask, "What do you know about the Thief that took Pinaka from it's temple?"

Lord Narada chuckles, clinks his khartal twice, and says, "Narayan, Narayan. That's a bold question, Aditi-putr. Some might accuse you of stealing it yourself if they hear wrong."

Grunting, I add, "I cast a spell making sure no one hears our conversation as soon as I recognized you, Lord Narada. Plus, the Gods already know of my.. Quest to find the thief. Only mortals might accuse me, but it's not like they will do anything without a blessing from the Daevas."

Lord Narada nods, accepting the statement, and says, "You are right. Unfortunately, Lord Shiva already asked me if I knew anything about the thief, and I already told him that I know nothing." He sounds annoyed when he adds, "That annoying Third Eye of Horus made it so even I cannot find the thief."

Well, that's disappointing.

"I did hear something from the Celts." Lord Narada says, almost nonchalantly. So nonchalantly, that I almost believed that he did not find the information interesting.

"I'm listening." I say, prompting the Dev to sigh.

Lord Narada pauses, and clinks the Khartal twice more, thinking on it. He finally nods, and says, "Narayan, Narayan. You see, I heard a rumour, from up north." Pausing, probably to add suspense to it, he says, "The Celts have been having some.. troubles, lately."

"Troubles? What kind?" I ask, my mind immediately turning to the Divine Thief. And wondering if it was anything related to what Bes told me.

Lord Narada shrugs, and says, "Who knows, Aditi-putr, who knows? The Celts aren't telling anyone anything, and the Aesir, who have been facing the same troubles, albeit at a lower rate, have refused to 'bother other Gods with the matter they can handle on their own.' That was 2 years ago, by the way."

Suddenly, he looks at his wrist, and says, "Oh my, would you look at the time? It seems I'm missing my lunch. Until we meet again, Aditi-putr."

And then he teleports, leaving me dumbfounded. Did he just...? He fucking did! He wasn't even wearing any timepiece! And he gave me half assed information!

Fuck! Now I have to go to the Celts and confirm it myself! Ruined my gameplan!

"Another one, barkeep!" I yell, getting frustrated at the Evil Messenger God, and start chugging the Toddy, absentmindedly noticing the short guy still telling his tale.

"..and then I stabbed the Fish monster with its own tooth, killing it!" he says, miming the action of stabbing.

Wait, what? How did he go from Giant snakes, to Fish monsters? That.. doesn't even make sense! That's like, reverse-evolution of Gyarados to Magicarp!

Shaking my head, I focus on the drink, already knowing my next destination.

"Wonder if I'll see you now, old friend." I mumble, remembering my first teacher. Well, other than Mother.

Sighing, I keep drinking, knowing I'm going to leave India soon. I'll miss you, India. Most of all, I'll miss you my Apsaras. Ah, good times.


A/N: Thank you for your support! Tata!

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