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84% The Celestial God! (Kinda Complete) / Chapter 84: The Conclusion

Chapter 84: The Conclusion

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07.


Gaea had been expecting it for a while now, the call of the Council. She just didn't expect Atum himself to call her. 

Ever since the unfortunate first meeting of the Council of Godheads, where a dying Odin revealed to everyone that her son was a Celestial, she hadn't showed herself to the other Gods. 

Scathach, who had heard about Theos's Celestial heritage from the Dagda, the ruler of Otherworld and Gaea's own son, had kept her company. Unsurprisingly, Scathach refused to believe that Theos was some sort of spy or an imposter sent by the Sky Gods. 

And so, when the message from Atum came, Scathach wished her luck, and went to visit Theos on his planet, while Gaea went to the Astral plane, to join the Council. 

Appearing in front of the other Gods, Gaea asks, "What is it, that you have called me here for, Ra?" 

Her son, Ra, frowns at the other Gods who stay silent, out of fear and respect, and says, "My brother, Theos. I need to know why Odin Borson proclaimed him to be a Celestial." 

Looking around, Gaea turns her eyes over everyone present. Heading this meeting were Ammon-Ra, Zeus, and Vishnu. Horus sat right behind Ra, Aphrodite behind Zeus, and Indra behind Vishnu. 

Other Kings of their respective Pantheons were spread all over the room, without any order, and some were even laying down on mattresses.

Eochaid, or Dagda, as he's more commonly known, her son as Danu, was seated at the back, with his older brother Lud right beside him. 

Once done observing, Gaea looks back to Ammon-Ra, and says, "The answer is quite simple, Atum. Theos is a Celestial." 

Pandemonium erupts all around, as every God there, even her own Sons and Daughters, start yelling at her, and each other. Gaea forgives that, as most of them were ruled by their fear of Celestials. The Leaders of the Council, Ra, Zeus, and Vishnu stay silent however, with their eyes looking at the amused Gaea. 

"SILENCE!" Ra yells, at the top of his voice, stopping the needless shouting. As silence resumes, he says, "Please explain, Lady Neith. I have seen him when he was a child, and felt the Divinity within him. I've felt the same connection that I have to you, between him and you. If he was a Celestial, then I would have known. How can you still say that he's a Celestial?" 

Chuckling, Gaea says, "I won't tell you everything, Atum." 

"You will tell us everything, Gaea! THE COUNCIL DEMANDS IT!" Zeus interrupts her, yelling the last part. 

Tutting, Gaea simply says, "Please stay silent, Zeus. You need not be reminded that you're just the King of Olympus, and not of the World? Right?" 

"You do not scare me, woman! I've fought and killed Titans before." Zeus proudly proclaims, slamming his fist on the small table in front of him. 

Before Gaea can say anything, Ammon-Ra puts a hand between them, and says, "Stay silent, you moron. This is not a battle you can win, not even with all of us Gods behind you. And mother, please don't taunt him." 

As Zeus stammers, Gaea says, "Well, I need to have some entertainment, my son. Living so long does get a bit boring, you know. Now, do you actually want to listen, or should I leave you all to make your own wrong assumptions?" 

"Please continue, Lady Aditi." Vishnu says, after patting the sulking Zeus on the back. 

Nodding, Gaea says, "Very well. 3 Million years ago, before you New Gods had even begun forming, a Celestial named Madonna first came to Terra, hiding her Celestial form underneath a humanoid face. For anyone that looked, she would have been just a normal mortal. Except for me, obviously, because she did step her foot on my planet. The Titans met her, and so did the only Gods of the time, Asgardians of the previous Cycle. You yourself met her a few times, Atum, albeit in many different forms. She did not harm anyone, however, and just lived amongst us. And then, some centuries later, she left." 

Letting them absorb it, she continues, "A few thousand years later, once again she returned, lived, and left. And yes, she was the same Celestial. I recognized her. Again and again, she came, lived amongst whoever lived here, and then left. Eternals, Demigods, mortals, Gods, and even Aliens. She masqueraded as them all. Even after you all were born, she kept returning to Terra. All the while, I kept my distance, not wanting to offend her, or startle her into attacking us somehow. Even I was afraid of the Celestials, you know. Unlike you all, I have actually witnessed their full might." 

"Then, 500,000 years ago, when she returned again, I introduced myself to her. I was curious about why she kept returning. One thing led to another, and we mated, which gave rise to our son, Theos. Alas, Madonna died more than 7000 years ago, and so, I raised Theos alone, as my Godly son, hiding the fact that he has a second parent from everyone. So, yes. Theos is my Son, and he is a Celestial." Gaea finishes, making sure to look at every God there. 

Taking a few seconds to think it over, Ammon-Ra gets a bit upset, and asks, "Why did you not tell me about it, mother? He could have been a threat to all of us." 

Chuckling, Gaea says, "The only way Theos will be a threat to you all, is if you try to harm me, or our planet, my Son. Just like you, Theos calls Terra Home. He was born here, raised here, and even if he has another home now, he still calls this planet a home, and had already taken steps to protect it. You can ask the Sorcerer Supreme about it, if you wish. Make of that, what you will, but remember. Theos is only a danger to you if you want him to be." 

The Gods talk amongst each other for a few minutes, and the council breaks up. Gaea returns to her island, to meet up with Scathach who had returned from Donna. A few days later, she once again gets called to the Council. 

As she presents herself to the Council, Atum once again leads it, and says, "We have decided, Lady Neith." 

"And what have you decided, my dear son?" Gaea asks, tilting her head in curiosity. 

Atum says, "While we have concluded that Theos isn't a threat to us, or our planet, his presence here can bring other Celestials, or other dangerous beings to us. With that in mind, the Council has decided to banish the Celestial known as Theos, from our planet." 

"And what if a threat approaches our planet, that we cannot defeat?" Gaea asks, knowing that Theos won't like this, at all. He was being abandoned for being what he is, even if he saved their lives.

"We will handle it." Zeus says, stopping whatever intelligent answer Atum might have created. 

Sighing, Atum says, "I apologize, mother. I know how much you love him, but I cannot put him above the safety of those I look after." 

Gaea sighs, and says, "I expected more of you, Atum." She then looks at everyone present, and says, "2 weeks ago, my son saved the Aesir Pantheon from being slaves to higher beings. He fought and killed The Mangog, who was a threat to all of us present here. And how doed he get repaid? By being banished by the Gods of the planet he protected." 

"I'll tell you this, now. Some day into the far future, you all will regret this decision. And I won't need to lift a single finger to make it possible." With that, Gaea leaves the Council of Godheads with scowls on their faces, and returns to her island. 

Once back home, she takes Scathach to Donna, to give Theos the news personally. She already knew how the conversation would go. 


"They banished me?!" I yell, not believing it at first. But then, I realize it's Gods I'm talking about, and become angry. "Of course they did. Bloody morons, the lot of them. Is this what I get for trying to save everyone on Terra?" 

Scathach snorts, leaning back on the comfortable beach chair she had me conjure for her, and says, "You should have expected it, Theos. No God, no matter who it is, appreciates it when someone is too strong. Except me, of course." 

"Of course." I snark, rolling my eyes, and then turn to my mother. I ask, "What did Atum say? For that matter, what did Agamotto say?" 

Mother frowns, probably being disappointed in her oldest son, and says, "Atum was regretful of having to banish you, but I know that he was the one that suggested it. To be fair to him, Zeus was suggesting declaring War on you, which even Atum didn't see much point in." 

"That doesn't make it better. I honestly expected better from Atum, since he was the one I was closest to, amongst my siblings." I say, getting a tiny bit angry at Atum. 

"You literally stole from him. A lot." Scathach helpfully points out. 

"I settled it in that horrible Quest he sent me on. Well, not all of it was horrible." I grin, remembering my good old days traipsing around Terra, and the best times with Hathor. I should visit her again, just to spite Atum and his son. Maybe I should take Chhaya with me, see what she does with a submissive woman like Hathor. Damn, this gives me some ideas.

"As for Agamotto," Mother's voice sounds, bringing me out of my lewd thoughts about Hathor, "He was disappointed in the Gods, alright. For him, you were one of the strongest Magic users on Terra, who was willing to help if some Demon attacked. And the Explosion of the God Bomb had some horrible effects on the shields, as you know." 

Nodding, I say, "Yeah. If they haven't yet, every Demon out there must be preparing for attacks. The explosion has damaged the veil between the Realms too, making it easier for Demons to invade if they want." 

I should probably send some commiserating gift to Agamotto or something. It was kinda my fault that it happened. 

Mother opens her mouth to say something, but stops. As one, we both look above us, to see a burning meteor approaching at very high speeds. As we look closer however, we are shocked into gasping. 

"That's.. not a meteor." I mumble, honestly surprised at this happening. 

Mother chokes, and then starts chuckling. She says, "Oh I should have expected him to do this." 

"What? What is it?" Scathach asks, the only one not able to see what's going on, as the object was just now entering the atmosphere. 

I just point at the spot, and say, "That." 

Scathach looks up, now able to see the fireball approaching us at very high speeds. We don't have to wait long, as barely a minute after first becoming visible to us, the object crashes on the ground some 100 meters away from us, creating a large crater. 

"BOOOOM!!" the explosion sounds, sending dust and debris all around.

Once the dust cloud clears, we see a crater 20 meters wide in all directions from the centre. And right in the middle, sitting in a tilted position, was the object. 

"A Hammer? What's so special about a hammer?" Scathach asks, looking at the object of our focus with confusion. 

I look at her, confused at first but then realize. She doesn't remember Asgard. Of course she doesn't! How could I not remember that. 

Mother says, "That's not a hammer, child. That is The Hammer. Mjolnir, the Hammer of Thor, the God of Thunder." 

"Who's Thor?" Scathach asks, and mother sighs. Putting her two fingers on Scathach's forehead, she starts showing and telling her what Asgard was, and why she doesn't remember. 

Meanwhile, I approach the hammer, receding the Celestial Armour as I go, and put my naked right hand on its handle. 

I mumble, "I really hope you didn't do this just to mess with me, Thor, or I'll kick your ass in your next life every chance I get." 

And then, I pull. Surprisingly, the hammer lifts easily. And I have to say, Mjolnir is lighter than I'd expected. 

Flipping it in my hands a few times, I ask myself, "I'm actually worthy?" 

Mother chuckles, making me realize that she had finished explaining everything to Scathach, and says, "Of course you are worthy of it, Theos. While you aren't worthy according to Odin's view, since he's dead, the Hammer is the one that decides if you're worthy. And I think you know what the answer is." 

I smile widely, my previous grief over not being allowed to my own planet pushed back, and raise Mjolnir over my head. With just a thought, storm clouds gather over my head, and Lightning strikes my exact spot, once more sending dust all around. 

Once the light show ends, I chuckle, which slowly evolves to laughing. Odin revealed me to be a Celestial, and Thor must have known it. This is his idea of an apology, along with a gift. Heh, Odin would have been rolling in his grave, if he had one. 

"Are you okay?" Scathach asks, sounding concerned. 

To be fair, I did get struck by pure Lightning, and started laughing. 

Mother says, "He's alright, Scathach. He is just.. excited, to have Mjolnir in his hands." 

And why wouldn't I be? I know my axes, and they are way, way inferior to Mjolnir, when it comes to conducting Divinity. They're not bad, but Mjolnir is just that good. Even most other Uru weapons don't come close to Mjolnir. Only Gungnir and the Destroyer come to mind, surprisingly enough. 

But.. I won't use it, much. I'll definitely use it while creating my weapons, but I won't use it as a primary weapon. This hammer will have a special place for itself as my hidden weapon. 

"Mother, I'm not even angry anymore! This is an amazing gift! Thor sure knows how to cheer someone up, even from Death." I say, and start walking towards my house. 

Chuckling, mother says, "Whatever you say, Theos. As long as you aren't upset, I'm content. Now, I and Scathach shall return home. You better not overwork yourself, alright?" 

I just wave her away, and say, "Sure. You're welcome here whenever you wish, Mother, you know that. The same goes for you, Scathach. Just make sure no one follows you here." 

The last thing I need is some idiotic God following her, and then dying by my hands. That'll send the Gods over to a war with me. And I don't need another war right after getting out of one. 

Hugging me goodbye, Mother teleports to Earth, taking Scathach with her. Which leaves me with my new Hammer. 


You're the man, Thor. You're the man. 


A/N: No, MC won't use Mjolnir as a weapon. It'll be something he'll only use when he wants to say "Surprise, motherf*cker." 

Wish me luck! Tata!

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