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89.83% The Cat of Speed / Chapter 53: Taking Stock

Chapter 53: Taking Stock

 Tigra stood to the side as she watched over two of her students. They were now onto practicing the use of three spells, which caused her to be ready to use her Shield spells to prevent accidental damage to others.

 There were currently twelve groups of two currently sparring like this as each group needed a Tigra to watch over them to prevent them from going too far while also being capable enough to prevent a misfire.

 Scarlet dashed to the side, avoiding a triple attack of Fire Arrows from Barry, a human with black hair and green eyes, before holding her arm forward, creating a Fire Shield.

 A fireball shot forward before colliding with the shield and washing over, catching Scarlet's left shoulder.

 "While good to make a shield strong enough to withstand an attack, it doesn't mean much if it isn't large enough to fully stop the attack." Tigra commented. "You're making your shield large enough to cover maybe 50% of your body, but your shield should be at least 70% for this exercise."

 "Isn't that too large to maintain and a waste of magical energy?" Scarlet asked, seeing as a pause to the spar happened.

 While Tigra had a few rules when it came to her class spars, she had two kinds of spars readied: Learning and Practicing. 

 Learning spars are done with the two combatants meant to be trying spells out while pausing when Tigra speaks. This is so that both of them may learn new techniques easier where she answers or provides tips regarding spells or combat with spells.

 Practicing spars are akin to actual spars. Tigra will watch the fight and may give advice towards spells or forms, but the fight doesn't pause or end until she declares such. If she says pause, it is usually to determine if it is safe to continue the spar. If she says stop, they stop. No ifs or buts. If one of them doesn't stop, they are kicked out of the class for the day or the next if class is almost over.

 While not too bad compared to what other teachers do as punishment, nobody wanted that. Everyone had noticed that, ever since they have been learning under her, they had been growing much faster than their fellow soldiers. Magic users tried to learn other spells of the same difficulty of their newer spells and found it much harder to learn them if Tigra wasn't the one teaching them.

 Tigra nodded lightly.

 "While it would in the long run as you have to cover more space with your magic, thus either using more or stretching your provided magic further, making it weaker, that's the main point. Shield spells, at the level you are learning and using them, are not meant to be continuously used. They are meant to stop an attack, prevent you from taking any spillage from the attack, and then be dismissed.

 Just as the fireball is meant to be created and then shot. Create, use, dismiss. You will use more magic, but it will keep you more safe than taking the hit straight on or," She gestured towards the slightly singed shoulder. "Prevent the edges of a spell from hitting you."

 Scarlet thought before nodding.

 "Alright! Scarlet will continue defending for 3 more minutes. At which point, you two will take a 20 minute break where 4 other matches will occur. Once that time is up, you two will be up again with Barry defending. Continue!"

 Barely a moment after she told them to continue did Scarlet have to put up a shield in front of her hands to block more fire arrows.

 Time passed before Scarlet blocked another large fireball. This time, she made the shield large enough to cover her entire body.

 Before it went wrong.

 The shield would cover all of her, thus working as intended. However, Tigra noticed that, instead of the orangey-yellow color that the shield should be, it was almost translucent. It was translucent enough that she could see the exhaustion in Scarlet's eyes behind the shield.

 The fireball collided with the shield and washed over it.

 But the shield shattered.

 Scarlet watched as an expanded wave of flames from the fireball was heading for her face.

 Before a large blue shield appeared in front of her, completely covering the floor to about a foot above her.

 A moment passed before the blue shield disappeared. Scarlet breathed in and out and looked over, seeing what she expected.

 Tigra had held a hand out towards Scarlet, as if telling her to stop.

 "Done." Tigra commanded, causing Scarlet and Barry to drop to the ground and letting exhaustion flow over them. 

 "Good work. You're doing well on your fireballs and fire arrows, Barry. However, you're putting too much magical energy into your fireballs and it's making them unstable. I noticed 4 times in the match that the spell could have come undone and exploded in your hands."

 "4? I only noticed 3." Barry breathed out.

 "Early on, you tried to put more power into the spell but tried to keep it the same size. I can confidently say that most of you aren't ready for that kind of technique just yet. That made the spell unstable for what you imagined and conflicted with your mentality. 

 You then tried to see if you could simply make the spell larger, but you didn't realize that your knowledge about such was insufficient. I only learned this because I'm around Entrapta quite a bit. The magic spells that are similar to fireball work on the Square-Cubed Law. Making a fireball 2x as large means that the area of the spell is multiplied by 4, which further means that the volume of the spell is 8x larger, meaning that you would need to use 8x as much magic that the original spell needs to make a fireball twice as large. So that spell didn't have enough power to sustain stability and, instead of exploding, simply ceased.

 You then tried to split one fireball into two, but this time, you had the opposite problem. By reducing it in half, you had 4x as much energy as 1 of those fireballs needed, so you were trying to keep 2x as much power inside that size, making them start to vibrate. You noticed and extinguished the spell.

 Finally, right at the end. I very much doubt you were trying to cause actual harm?"

 "No, Ma'am." Barry confirmed. "I tried seeing what would happen if I simply imagined a fireball that worked more like water on contact instead of exploding."

 Tigra stared at him with wide eyes.

 "You are to never test that spell on a comrade again!"

 Her group of students looked at her in shock and confusion.

 "What's wrong with it?" Scarlet asked, sitting up. "It sounds like a pretty good idea."

 "What Barry described, if it genuinely works like that, is a much weaker version of napalm." She stressed, getting looks of recognition. "While it isn't true to what it is, liquid fire is just missing a sticking element from becoming napalm."

 Tigra looked around her group.

 "Luckily, changing a single property, like an explosion to liquid," She nodded at Barry. "It's hard enough. How much harder was it to make that one spell variation?"

 Barry scrunched his black eyebrows.

 "If I had to describe it, it was like signals were getting crossed. As if I tried to move my right ring finger and my left index finger moved when I created the spell. Then I had to focus on not using too much power as I wanted a splash and not a fire hose. On top of that, I had to keep a mental barrier around the fireball to keep the shape; strong enough to keep shape but weak enough to break upon impact. All of that before shooting towards Scarlet."

 Tigra nodded lightly.

 "Accurate. Changing a property of a spell changes the spell. You all have knowledge of the basic fireball." 

 Tigra held a hand out before a fireball the size of her head appeared.

 "As most of you know, I can use three different colors: yellow/orange which is the baseline color for fire. 70% of fire spell users will have this color." 

 The fireball then turned red. 

 "Red - which is typically found in weak fire spells with mine being an exception due to bloodline. " 

 The fireball then turned blue.

 "Finally blue. This is done by sending a large amount of energy while keeping it highly condensed. Imagine a fireball the size of a hand with its fingers stretched out pressing against a wall. Blue is done by condensing that hand into a fist but giving it enough power to punch the wall. Roughly 0.1% of people with fire spells will have this. However, don't think that means 1 in 1000 people. It means 1 in 1000 people capable of using fire spells will reach this if lucky.

 I got this after connecting with the Spirit Ember simply because it gave me access to its magic in combination to mine. With both of them, it made it much easier for me to use this flame with such a high cost in Magic. The result? By using roughly 50%+ more magic to empower the flames and spell while simultaneously keeping my concentration on the spell's size to keep it the same size, I can deal with this Square-Cubed Law. This is because I am supplying roughly 50% more power than needed, but the blue flames increase the amount of power needed."

 Tigra thought about dismissing the spell before a sudden demonstration idea came to mind.

 "Now, some of you may think that the blue flames could be a waste, seeing as the spell has to hit, otherwise you have wasted more magic that could have gone to a second fireball."

 She saw a couple nod.

 "And you'd be right, if one isn't experienced with fire."

 She shot the fireball into the air and everyone looked up.

 But the fireball wasn't where everyone - save one - looked.

 The one who spotted it watched with awe at the applications this meant.

 "Now students," Tigra lightly chided. "You should be watching your teacher."

 They looked at her before widening their eyes again.

 Instead of shooting into the air, the fireball was simply circling around Tigra's hand. It then moved around Tigra's entire body as if the fireball was alive and as excitable as a child.

 Then it flew away from her and into the air.

 Before exploding in a small burst of blue flames

 "I've learned how to turn my magic into fire so well that I can do it subconsciously now. Along with that, I know how my magic feels after I've used it and can slightly manipulate it after it leaves my body." Tigra informed. "While I can control direction and tell it when to detonate, I can not manipulate the power of that fireball once I fire it. It will also slowly burn itself out over time due to it using the finite magic I used to fuel it."

 "General Tigra," Billy asked. "Is there anyone who can actually beat you? We all know of your accomplishments and it seems absurd that this war is going on with you on our side."

 "A fight will likely never be perfectly predicted." Tigra shook her head. "I could be continuously ambushed for days on end. If kept awake for 3 straight days, my maximum speed falls to 142 mph."

 Tigra watched as many grew horrified or blank faced at her, as if saying 'only 142 mph.'

 'But it's true. Sleep Deprived 7 reduces my stats by 95%, locks my magic so I can't use spells - thus getting rid of Lightning ArmorHaste, and Fire Charge - and I can't use traits - such as Raiju and Cheetah. I really need to find a way to either take that off the board or do my best to make sure it never happens. That would be me at my weakest.' Tigra thought.

 "Now then, Scarlet." Scarlet straightened her back. "Good use of your training from the physical class to stay on the move along with your shield. I also appreciate that you didn't use Fire Step, seeing as that is asking for one of the other groups to accidentally be blasted by a spell. While I could deal with it quickly, it shows that you are thinking about your surroundings. I advise you to practice summoning your Fire Shield in your free time in order to get more used to producing it quickly. It will also help you find the right size for you to use during combat. I suggest that you and Billy head over to the group and take 20 minutes to recover some of your magic."

 Billy and Scarlet dragged themselves up before walking behind their group as two others stood up and got into the sparring circle.




Of your 91 magical students, 56 have mastered Fire Step, increasing your magical control by 56%.

Magic Control: 347% → 403% | 4.47 --> 5.03

You can now have up to 7 spells activated at the same time


[Of your 125 physical students, they have leveled up H2H 96 times, Dash by 104 times, and Run by 54 times. H2H leveled up 19 times [433→452], Dash leveled up 21 times [551→572], and Run leveled up 11 times! [245 → 256]


STR: 165 → 169

DEX: 1184 → 1223

CON: 942 → 969

Shadow Spy gained 10 [Base] * 16 [Spellbook, Umbramaniac, Prodigy] * 180 [Minutes] * 8 [Number of Spies] = 230,400 EXP!

Shadow Spy leveled up! LV 72 → 83!

You can now create up to 9 spies at once.

Dump the memories? [Y/N]


Memories dumped

 Tigra watched as the last students were leaving the room before someone stepped up from behind her.

 "It is strange." General Han spoke quietly to her, watching her students as well. "They are growing at an astronomical rate under you. Most of these soldiers would have topped out at around 15 mph. And yet…"

 Tigra nodded, her mouth set in a smile at seeing her work starting to come to fruition.

 "Now the slowest one can move 55 mph. The best thing? Most of them don't seem to realize it since they have no one to compare themselves with but their classmates here. After all, I did suggest the Academy hold off on testing my students in running as long as I give them recordings and honest feedback about them."

 Tigra watched as Scarlet seemed dead on her feet but was being held up by Barry as two other soldiers talked with them as they walked over to one of the walls in the room and sat down.

 "But Scarlet? She's easily my star pupil now. She doesn't seem to notice her progress because she's using me as a benchmark."

 Han chuckled at that.

 "One heck of a benchmark to use."

 "She's learned maybe three fourths of the spells I've given her class to learn and can currently run up to 100 mph without spells. 180 when she starts to push herself. To think that she'll be leaving the Academy this year." Tigra shook her head.

 "How is she compared to you when you graduated?" Han seemed curious.

 "When I graduated? She's blown graduated me out of the water. I could only move 72 mph at my fastest then without spells. Heck, without putting in effort by dashing, I can move up to 170 mph now." Tigra admitted.

 It didn't sound right, but then again, Scarlet does have a major advantage that Tigra didn't have then.

 She's been taught by someone who has been letting her Dash skill grow at 5-6x the rate it normally would. With Tigra as her teacher the last 11 months, Scarlet had likely gotten 2-3 years worth of pure running within that amount of time. She would have gotten more, but Tigra wasn't able to constantly teach her over the last year

 In perspective, Tigra's mainly been running for about 2 years.

 'To think, Scarlet is simply my first star pupil when my DashRunH2H, and Blade are this low. If they could reach LV 1000, a student would gain a month's worth of training in those skills in three days. They'd almost get an entire year's worth of training within a month.' Tigra thought.

 'I could truly make monsters. The Rebellion best hope that, once we deal with Hordak, we want peace. If not, we'll have hundreds of people capable of running 200+ mph within the next year. Alongside that, magical soldiers capable of destroying a battlefield with ease. They will likely be the reason that Mystacor might need to join the Rebellion in the war officially. Else, the Rebellion won't last 3 years against the rate we improve.'

 "So Scarlet would force you to put in effort?" He asked, a strange tone in his voice.

 "Not really. All I would have to do is apply Haste to myself and my speed without effort becomes 380 mph." Tigra shrugged. "But this group will only improve. Scarlet is proof enough that; give this group another year, I'll likely have to include my Lightning Armor on top of actually putting in effort to stay ahead."

 General Han nodded.

 "It is a teacher's dream to see their students surpass them. To know that the next generation is ready for the trials ahead."

 Tigra raised an eyebrow at him.

 "And how long until I surpass you in my weapons?"

 "Not long with the way you improve. Probably 4 months if we practice twice every week."

 She rolled her eyes at that before gesturing towards the arena.

 Han simply walked forward as he drew his blue Odachi sword. Its blade was roughly 4.5 feet long with the handle being nearly a foot. This made the sword practically the same height as Tigra.

 Tigra could see a few students watching them as they quieted down, watching as Tigra stood about 20 feet away from him on the opposite side of the ring.

 "Conditions?" Tigra asked, holding a hand out.

 'Store - Crescent.' She thought.

 Immediately after, magic around her right hand glowed before consolidating into the shape of a silver katana sword with a blade about 2.5 feet long with a handle of 8 inches, making the entire thing 3'2" in length. The guard was a shining gray and the blade had an ancient language written from the guard to about halfway up the blade.


[Crescent - A silver katana that has been infused with magic through its writings. Through its magic, your MPR is increased by 10% per moon out. Etheria: 6 at noon, 6 at midnight.


Damage is: (DEX * 2.8 + STR * 2.2) * 2.96 [Blade_Bonus]. 23,984 ]

 She had determined that, after seeing that she had managed to keep the items she had stored in the spell from the fake reality, that this blade would likely be the one she uses in the future when she focused on magic.

 Dark Flame would be the sword she'd use if she needed to deal a lot of damage without using spells. Seriously, by using all of her magic, its power is increased to over 1.5 million in one attack. She could be doing that much for two entire minutes due to her high magic regeneration. She's tested it out three times and each time, the sword held. Sure, it became superheated, but whatever material was used to create this, it's insanely heat resistant when it comes to a melting point. By this point, her full power would likely be about 4x as hot as lava, which would be about 6,000 degrees F, or 3330 degrees C.

 She could literally put this thing in lava and the lava would just slide off of it.

 But with Crescent, her MPR is just under 22,000. Which meant that, if she wanted to, she could probably combine LavaLightning, and Ice Armor by using them at the same time due to the cost. Lava Armor needs 6375 MP, Lightning Armor needs 2250 MP, and Ice Armor needs 1405 MP after all of the reductions to reach their maximum effect. [35x, 5x, 75%]

 She just needs a MPR of 10,030 and she could use these three at full power. The other two - Shadow and Water Armor - could be included in the future, but they are more situational than the previous three.

 Shadow would be best used for sneaking or somewhere with a lot of shadows to travel through. Water simply increases her ability with Water spells and allows her to recreate a strike 1 second later through water magic.

 Han observed her blade before giving a nod. An approval of a good weapon.

 "No magic and keep your movement speed below 50 mph. I'm not like you young soldiers. This is mainly to train your swordsmanship. You want to try the other stuff, do it on your own or with someone else."

 Tigra nodded.

A Teaching Session has started!

Raiju, Cheetah, You Are Speed, and Magic are locked.

Speed is locked at 50 mph.

EXP for Blades is increased to 4x.

All damage is considered Non-Fatal.

All blocked attacks provide 20% of EXP that a direct hit would provide. You will deal ¼ the amount of damage you would regularly do but gain full EXP.

 "To surrender or first blood?" Tigra asked, gripping the handle of Crescent with both hands.

 Han settled into his stance, crouching slightly as his legs readied to move at a moment's notice.

 "Surrender." Han confirmed.

 The two readied themselves as seconds passed, neither one wanting to attack first and run into a strong counter.

 A minute passed before Tigra dashed forward with a sideways slash.

 Han's blue blade clashed against it, pushing it upwards. He moved closer to Tigra with the base of his hilt aimed at her chest.

 She jumped in the air, letting the leftover power from her swing rotate her body to avoid the hilt.

 Her foot shot out towards his head. This action caused him to release an arm and block the kick with his forearm.

 Tigra pushed her feet off of his forearm and jumped away, landing a few feet away. She spun Crescent around in her hand to fix her grip. Once her grip was fixed, she began charging forward at Han, thrusting her blade at him this time once she was within range.

 Han stepped to the side to avoid the thrust, quietly showing that a thrust isn't effective when the opponent has time to see the attack coming. His answer to her suddenly putting herself open was him landing a kick against her side, sending her sliding a few feet.

 Only for Tigra to need to twist her wrist to block a sudden slash from Han, who has apparently decided that it was time for him to go on the offensive.

 The two of them then continued striking at each other with them either constantly blocking the attack of the other or simply dodging out of the way.

 Tigra would thrust, Han would move out the way.

 Han would go for an upward swing, Tigra made contact with her blade from the side, knocking it off target.

 Tigra went for a downward swing, he'd meet it with an upward swing.

 The sound of metal striking metal rang out for nearly 3 minutes straight.

 Until one final clash sent a silvery blade flying through the air and clattering outside the ring.

 Han stepped jumped back about 5 feet and fell back into his stance once more.

 Which confused the students watching that he didn't press what had to be a giant opening and a finishing blow for their fight, seeing as General Tigra had just lost her weapon and having forbidden herself from using magic.

 "Saw it, didn't you?" Tigra asked, her stance loosening enough that one could say she looked relaxed at a glance.

 "Your left hand twitched towards your side the instant you lost your grip." Han commented. "In fact, your legs would have made you charge forward, had I not drawn back."

 He aimed his blade at her.

 "You have your daggers on you, don't you?"

 Tigra chuckled before both of her hands grazed the sides of her pants. When her hands moved past her sides, everyone could see two black as night daggers in her hands.

Blades gained 23984 [Damage] * 0.2 [Blocking] * 4 [Teacher] * 50 [Attacks] = 959,360 EXP!

Blades leveled up!

Blades reached LV 200! Prestige?


Leftover Experience added!

[Blades (2)31 (5963/12400) - Increases damage done through Swords, Daggers, etc. by 31% * 2^2 [Prestige] * 2 [Sharpened Blades]. 248%]


Due to massive level ups, STR + 9, DEX + 17

STR: 169 → 178

DEX: 1223 → 1268

 "Yeah, I always have them on me now." Tigra admitted, spinning her left dagger in her hand. "Kinda need to have a non-magical weapon on me now, considering what happened last time I didn't."

 The two of them knew what she was talking about while leaving several students slightly confused.

 Currently, Catra had told her that all of the Generals and maybe half of the Captains at least knew that Hordak had betrayed her after lying about a fellow soldier she knew was a traitor. General Judai had been the one to provide clear evidence that Lucy couldn't have been a traitor due to timing, alibis, and clear dislike with Salineas.

 Han nodded. "Are we continuing or do you wish to end it there?"

 Tigra thought about it.

 "End it here. I know how to use my daggers. Today was mainly about learning more about how to use Crescent. Which, this small scuffle did." Tigra walked over to Crescent before holding her hand over it and storing it.


Store gained 200 [Base] * 8 [Prodigy and Unimaniac] * 2 [Releasing and Storing] = 3200 EXP

Store leveled up! LV 1 → 4

 'I'll have to focus on summoning and storing things later. Seems that's how I gain EXP for that spell.' Tigra determined.

 She also placed her daggers back on her sides where it seemed for everyone that the daggers disappeared. Unknown to most of them, Tigra used Darken to create dark shadows along her sides, allowing her Shadow Piercers to seem to turn invisible due to their special trait.

 Her tablet beeped once every second over on the side, causing her to pick it up and turn it off.

 "Yeah, I'll have to leave it here. Have a meeting with General Judai about some soldiers in 20. Then General Gertun regarding outposts near the border in 50. Followed by a meeting with the Force Captains to figure out where they should be stationed in 120."

 "That's not what generals are mainly meant to be focusing on." Han pointed out. "That's why there are Generals that have the job to focus on those sorts of things."

 "A soldier can never stop improving themselves. As such, I need to know all I can learn as quickly as I can while I still have time. After all, better to know the information and not need it, than to need the information and not know it."

 Need to learn more procedures before the Plan happens.

 General Han nodded before sheathing his blade.

 "I'll see you again in 5 days."

 Tigra walked away as she made her way to her meeting.



 Tigra closed her eyes and applied Regen to combat the ocular migraine she had the last 2 hours.

 Why does she have this? Well, she's been reading every report from those under her along with more strategy books, leadership books, and economics.

 She looked at her Reading skill as that had gone up quite a few times over the past few days.

[Reading LV 162 (3529/6850) - Allows you to read what would normally take an hour down to 60/(LV/10). 4.4 minutes]


[Strategy LV 93 (3818/9300) - Increases your chances of creating strategies quickly and more effectively]


[Writing LV 197 (2652/9550) - Allows you to write/type an hour's worth in 3.05 minutes.]

Update has occurred!

Skills that can largely be learned by reading and writing will have their EXP multiplied by (60 / 4.4 [Reading Bonus] / 5 + 60 / 3.05 [Writing Bonus] / 5 ) / 2 : 3.33!

This will be known as R&W Bonus

Such skills you are in possession of include: Programming, Security, Hacking, Strategy


Due to level ups over the last 3 days, 4 hours, and 27 minutes, DEX + 9, INT + 23, WIS + 21


DEX: 1268 → 1292

INT: 587 → 621

WIS: 505 → 529

Quest [The Lord's Shadow] Updated!

Objective: Level up Strategy, Hacking, Programming, Security, ReadingWriting, to Level 100

Reward: 5 skill points or 1 trait point awarded for each

1 trait point awarded!

Regen gained 50 [EXP_Base] * 8 [Prodigy and Unimaniac] * 300 [seconds] = 120,000 EXP!

Regen leveled up! LV 18 --> LV 36

[Regen LV 36 (2500/9000) - Multiplies HP Regen by (1+(36 * 1.25/150)). Multiplies HPR by 1.3. MP: 37/m]


 While she's glad about that, she wishes that there was an easier way to upgrade Reading and Writing. Unlike magic - which multiplied damage and EXP - or her Blades - which multiplied damage that increases the maximum EXP possible in one attack, she doesn't have a single multiplier when it comes to those two skills.

 'There's surely a trait for those skills that increase EXP gain…but I don't think it's worth it. Sure, I'd be able to read an hour's worth of content within 2.2 minutes if I got one that doubled my Reading speed, but it would be the same as multiplying damage to H2H. I deal an insane amount that, so far, She-Ra would be the only one capable of surviving the first hit.'

 Tigra mentally sighed.

 'No, the best thing would be to have my clones somehow gain EXP for reading and this stuff for me. However, I don't gain EXP that way.'

 "But what if…" She muttered in her office.

 "Power. Is there a way to make my clones gain experience for me through their tasks?"

There is.

You have a few options:


You need the [Spell Combine] trait, which allows you to merge 2 Mastered spells together once a week. This results in a new spell with both of their abilities combined.


You master all Clone spells. At which point, they will be able to gain 10% of the amount of EXP that you would have gained. While not much, you can make up to 11 clones. You'd be making 110% EXP from your clones without having to do a thing.


A rare trait that would cost 5 trait points: [Conscious Transference]. The trait would allow you to switch your consciousness between your clones, making whatever body you inhabit your real body. It would make your clones as durable as you are, but if destroyed, it will take a week for them to reform. That can be fixed with another method.


 Tigra hummed.

 'Option 3 is something to keep in mind for the future, but my current ideals will lead me towards the Armor spells. And seeing as I need at least 4-5 skill points to reach Armor spells of certain types, I'd need to hold on to ~17 skill points to reach all of them.'

 "I could use them to learn more spells now and reach that goal, but I'm going to be swamped for the next few months."

 'Option 2 is far into the future. Clone is a Master level spell and that will take nearly 5 months to do if I had to guess.'

 "Oh yeah. Limit Breaker - Lightning Armor." She muttered.


Limit Breaker trait used!

[Lightning Armor LV 75 (0/15000) - By channeling an amount of electrical magic through your body, you can increase the speed that your neurons and muscles move up to 7.5x. Amount: MP_USE / [(750 - LV * 2) * 0.75 [One with Lightning] ]. Maximum MP: 3150]

 'Power, calculate my new maximum speed for me, please.'


Base Speed: 1292 [DEX] / 9 : 179.4

Multipliers: 24.54 [Dash] * 3 [YAS] * 1.5 [Cheetah] * 2.2575 [Haste] * 3 [Raiju] * 1.5 [Fire Charge] * 7.5 [Lightning Armor] * 4 [Dilation] = 33,654.88

Final Speed: 6,036,844 mph | Mach 7,871


Factoring in: Phoenix and Potential Avatar [1.25 * 1.25]

Final Speed [Maximum]: 9,432,568 mph | Mach 12,298

Congratulations are in order, Tigra.

 'Oh? Why's that?' Tigra questioned, reading her last report of the day.

Assuming all of your abilities are activated at the same time, you have surpassed Massively Hypersonic and have entered Sub-Relativistic Speeds.

 'Sub-Relativistic speeds? What does that mean again? Entrapta's mentioned once or twice while messing with an experiment.'

I'll do better than explaining.


Final Speed (30s): 9.4 million mph | Mach 12,298 | 1.4063% SoL


SoL: Speed of Light

 Tigra stared at that message as the tablet she was holding slowly slid out of her hand and onto her desk.

 "Are you serious?" Tigra whispered to the air.

Of course. You do have a final multiplier of 52,585.75 for your maximum speed.

With that multiplier, you'd be breaking Mach 68 as long as you can move 1 mph.


 Silence surrounded the room.

However, [Phoenix] activates upon death and [Potential Avatar] isn't something you can activate on command right now.

So it would be safer to stick with your previous one, which is still 0.9% SoL.

 'For 30 seconds, I could be moving at 1.4% the Speed of Light.' Tigra was still hung up on that. 'The potential for this Power is absurd. In just under 2 years, I've gone from 73 mph to Sub-Relativistic Speeds.'

To put it in perspective, you have acquired 90% of all Speed multipliers.

The other 10% would be multiplying your speed by a MAXIMUM of 2 all together.

 'Ah, I guess that makes more sense. Trait Shop - Purchase [Spell Combine]. [Confirm]'

Trait: [Spell Combine] has been purchased.

[Spell Combine - Once a week, you can combine 2 spells that have been mastered. Warning: Due to [Limit-Breaker] being obtained, once two spells have been combined, they can not be limit broken.]

 'Power, what spell would accomplish what I was asking about before we got onto the Speed topic?'

That would be your Shadow Spy spell.

By combining it with your Clone spells - which will include all future Mastered Clone spells - they will record everything they see and do.

Warning: This will only help learning, control, or mental skills/spells.

Hand To Hand will not increase but Reading and Writing will. Blades will not, but Lava Armor will.

 'Thank you.' Tigra then focused back on the real world.

 She created 9 Shadow Spies who would just stay in the same room as her, so she could easily dismiss their memories as she would already know all of it.

 Her door opened a few minutes later as Lonnie and Serena walked in.

 "Nice to see you two. What's up?"

 "We've determined that there may be resistance about your plan from maybe 12 Captains but expect resistance from 3 of them. It will be easy to keep them all distracted by calling a Captain meeting and making the attendance mandatory."

 "Just making it mandatory won't be enough." Tigra shook her head. "That may get 90% of them to show up, but not all of them will."

 "They will if they want to keep their positions." Serena countered. "We make the stipulation that, if they don't show up, they will be demoted down to Cadet. We schedule it in 3 weeks, the same day that you plan to confront him."

 Tigra thought about it.

 "That may be enough, but put the ones you are certain will be a problem on watch. If they head to the Academy, I want to know."

 Serena nodded before typing on her tablet.

 "Something's been on my mind since I've heard that you've been training your swordsmanship with General Han." Lonnie started. "You are teaching nearly a hundred students magic and another 120 students hand to hand along with the proper training needed to run faster than anyone - besides you - have gone in the Horde before."


 "So when are you going to take up the ability to teach swordsmanship?

 "The day I surpass General Han may be the day I teach that. At the moment, I still have plenty to improve on when it comes to my skills. Not even taking into account that I simply wouldn't have the time to. I can barely teach once or twice a week as is. I simply don't have the time to add another class to teach."

 "Couldn't you use your clones to teach your classes if it gets too bad?" Lonnie suggested.

 "In the future? Most definitely. Or at the least, the clones will be able to handle what I need to if I'm teaching. But right now? It's best if I stay near them if they are teaching. I also need to commission more EKS bots from Entrapta. Maybe convince her to make one as durable as she thinks she can."

 "A challenge? You'll get a robot not even you could destroy." Serena commented.

 "That's what I'll likely need."

 "So…are you going to be ready?" Lonnie asked. "Because this will be much more challenging to deal with than simply becoming a Captain then a General."

 "I'm going to need to be." Tigra said with finality. "His mistake almost ended Etheria. Not a kingdom, but the planet. Even the people who'd prefer war more than I would like would hesitate if it threatened the entire planet. After all, that would threaten themselves and not nearly all of them are willing to lose their lives for such a thing."

 They stayed quiet for a moment.

 "Have you found Lucy yet?"

 Tigra shook her head.

 "I know she was sent to Beast Island. That was one of the few things that Hordak didn't lie about. The problem though, is that there is genuinely no location listed for Beast Island that I've been able to find. Blaming it on the fact that I'm not that good at hacking."

 "You do have quite a few things more important at the moment than learning how to hack. We have Entrapta fixing our security, so that prevents most people from getting into our system." Serena reminded.

 "I know. After my and Catra's trip to Thaymor to meet up with a high level contact, I'll have to spend quite a bit of time training. I may be fast enough to be a dangerous opponent, but I need more than that. I can't solely rely on one thing."

 "Just don't fall too far down that hole. I know Scorpia's mentioned it once or twice." Lonnie warned.

 Tigra rolled her eyes before standing and the three of them left the room.



 Tigra flopped onto the bed with a grunt.

 "Busy day?" Catra asked, looking over at her from underneath the blankets.

 "It's going to be a busy month. Need to master a spell to improve my training potential more." Tigra spoke into the pillow.

 "More? You've already outpaced anyone else in the Horde's history." Catra pointed out with some disbelief.

 Tigra lifted her head and looked over at her.

 "It's not enough. Not for what I have to face. I need to learn so much more. It seems like I just don't have enough time."

 "Then make time."

 "Catra, we're planning on ruling a kingdom." Tigra stressed. "We won't have time to make time. We'll be too focused on the kingdom that we won't know 4 months have passed. I just…I'm going to be focused on my skills for a while."

 Catra leaned her forehead against Tigra's.

 "Tigra, whatever is causing this worry, we'll get past it, just like everything else. Besides, you better not keep this energy when we see Adora next week. That will set off her protective needs that are only beaten by yours."

 Tigra closed her eyes as Catra started to purr against her, distracting her current thought process.

Shadow Spies released! (9x)

Shadow Spy gained 10 [Base] * 16 [Spellbook, Umbramaniac, Prodigy] * 300 [Minutes] * 9 [Number of Spies] = 452,250 EXP!

Shadow Spy mastered!


[Shadow Spy LV MAX - You can create up to 11 spies made up of shadow magic. They can move through shadows and record memories that you can look through at 1 second per hour. MP: 10/m]

Due to mastering Shadow Spy, WIS + 5 and Magic Control + 5%

WIS: 529 → 535

Magic Control: 403% → 408%

Use [Spell Combine] on [Shadow Spy] and [Clone]? [Y/N]


Shadow Spy is rendered null. You may still teach it and the knowledge has not left you but it has become one with [Clone].


Clone has been modified!

[Clone - [Fire & Lightning] : You can make up to 11 clones with full access to mentioned spell types that will also relay any memories they have upon creation. You will gain 10% EXP from them from non-physical skills that you would have normally gotten.]

 Tigra suddenly created 11 clones that made Catra raise an eyebrow.

 The 11 of them then vanished.

 "What was that about?"

 "Just finally gained the ability to slightly automate skills." Tigra mumbled. "Explain in the morning."

 And Tigra was out like a light.

 All the while half of her clones were reading any book they could find while the other half simply retyped anything they could type.

 Tigra hoped that by leveling up Reading and Writing, it would allow her to learn from normal books faster and would also allow her to eventually type fast enough to finish Programming something in minutes instead of hours. Which would increase the speed at which Hacking and Security level up as well.

 But that is an issue for next week.


Tigra | 18

Level 83 (2355/24900) | 9.46%

HP: 19,380 | HPR: 8721

MP: 24,840 | MPR: 14,438

SP: 9960 | SPR: 4361

STR: 178 | DEX: 1292

CON: 969 | INT: 621

WIS: 535 | CHA: 154

Skill Points: 23

Trait Points: 1

Upgrade Trait Points: 2

Speed: 179.4 MPH

Magical Control: 408%


H2H LV (4)52, Run LV (2)56, Dash LV (5)71, Blades LV (2)31, Spear LV 50

Dodge LV 41, Reading LV 162, Writing LV 197, Sneak LV 48

Program. LV 35, Security LV 18, Hacking LV 27, Strategy LV 93

Light Res. LV 4, Air Res. LV 2, Water Res. LV 87

Magic Res LV 42, Earth Res LV 4

Spells [Tigra still uses]:

Clone -Fire, Lightning, Ice LV 74 | Armor -Lava LV 75, Lightning LV 75, Ice, Shadow, Water LV 63

Falchion -Fire, Lightning LV 61 | Spear -Fire, Lightning LV 44 | Dagger -Fire, Lightning LV 54

Clothing -Fire, Lightning LV 21

Arrow -Fire, Lightning LV 3 | Melee -F. Fists, L. Claws LV 20 | Mid_Air -F. Dive, L. Slam LV 23

Fire Step, Fire Breath, Flame Charge, F. Shield, Crimson Slash, Fireball, F. Form LV 1, Nova Flare LV 1, F. Teleport LV 14


Shadow Mask, Shadow Ball LV 1, Dark Pulse


Bubble, Stream, Wave

Haste, Heal, Regeneration LV 36, Truth LV 18, Lie LV 18, Store LV 4


Night Vision, Magical, Obsidian Claws, Artemis, Primal Instincts

You are the Weapon - Multiplies H2H bonus by 2

Lightning & Brainiac - Multiplies final DEX and INT by 1.5

Tough - Multiplies final CON by 1.3

Wise - Multiplies final WIS by 1.15

You are Speed - For two minutes a day, your DEX is multiplied by 3

Omni-Regeneration II- Multiplies all Regens by 3

Maniac - EXP x2: Fire, Water, Pure, Electric, Ice, Shadow, Air

Unburnable - You can't be hurt by fire or heat through fire. Period.

Proof- Can't be hurt with ill intent: Physical, Electricity, Ice, Shadow

Phoenix - HP <=0, you return to 75% HP once with a 25% increase in stats for the next 10 minutes

Raiju - Multiply your movement speed by 3x for 90 minutes within a 24 hour period. Lightning attacks do 100% more damage but water damage hurts you thrice as much as normal

Grimm - Decreases damage taken by 75%, regenerations +200% but Light attacks deal 3x their regular damage. Works for 30 minutes a day

Yuki-Onna - Touching something with HP will do INT*100 ice damage per *second*. Can be used for 10 minutes a day

Fueling the Fire - Increases Damage for Fire attacks by 50%

One With: |Fire, Water, Ice, Lightning, Shadow, Pure, Air| spells take 25% less MP than normal

The Myth is Real - You have 6 spare lives and will restore you to 50% HP, MP, and SP upon resurrecting 4 minutes later

True Heir - Allows you the ability to connect with the Runestone of your home kingdom, or a Runestone should there not be one

Over Killer - Due to your ability of overkilling, your threats are more likely to succeed as warnings towards enemies

6th Sense [Catra] - You now will know when your fellow Chosen(s) are in trouble

Recovery - Your Regens are increased by 50%

Control - Allows the use of 4 continuous spells without causing pain

Princess of Fire - Multiplies MP by 2, MPR by 1.5, and Fire spells gain 4x EXP

Azure Flames - You can use 50% more MP to increase a fire spell's power by 100%. Doing so turns your flames blue

Bonded: Draeka - LV 93 Basilisk

Limit-Breaker - Can increase a spell to the next tier of magic once a week

Potential Avatar - When transformed, increases all stats by 25% per Runestone Connection

True Regen - Can focus all Regens into 1

Fighter of Rulers - All stats increase by 25% when fighting Rulers

Sharpened Blades - [Blades] bonus is multiplied by 2

Perfected Instincts - you will understand intention, direction, and how dangerous a person is towards you

Master of Magic - MP and MPR x2

Fate Breaker - No one can control your future. Not even the ones who gave you your Power

Spell Combine - Once a week, you can combine 2 mastered spells into one. Cannot be upgraded afterwards by Limit-Breaker


Prodigy - All EXP for spells is x4

Brilliant - All spells do 25% more damage

Hare - Increases movement speed by 25%

Cheetah - For 30 seconds every 2 hours, your DEX is increased by 50%

Eagle - You can now run on air as long as you remain undisturbed

Dilation - For 5 minutes a day, you slow down time to move 4x as fast

Diamond Body - Decreases damage taken by 60% after resistances

Enlightened - Regens remains active at 25% while in battle

Confident Aura - Those around you will think you know what you are doing

Strong - Increases non-magical attacks by 10% and carrying capacity by 25%

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