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13.55% The Cat of Speed / Chapter 8: First Squad and Battle of Geotan

Chapter 8: First Squad and Battle of Geotan

Tigra stayed in her assigned room given to her when she reached Force Captain. Something about how the higher positions needed room to themselves to handle the extra work, especially when that work could often be confidential.

She had arrived 5 days ago, only to find out that Catra and another Force Captain by the name of Scorpia were sent out to assess the strength of the Sea Gate and potentially take Salineas should it be down or weakened. The trip itself would take 6, maybe 8 days depending on how the waters treated their ships.

She remembered hearing of Scorpia and had looked deeper into her and remembered just why her name was familiar.

She was the only Princess on the side of the Horde.

The Horde had been established in her family's kingdom and, through one way or another, turned over the Black Garnet, a runestone that helped princesses channel their magic, and their kingdom.

They only seemed to ask for two things: Princess Scorpia's safety and to not let Scorpia suffer. As such, once she reached a certain age and graduated from the Academy, she would be granted Force Captain immediately and have an easier road to promotions.

Lord Hordak would not just give her the positions, but he would allow her to get away with more things than other soldiers.

Scorpia has been described as strong, a bit of a clutz, and incredibly friendly.

While checking out her sources, she had gathered quite a number of books on strategies and anything relating to the history of their enemies.

After all, not every person in a position of a kingdom learns from their predecessors' mistakes. If a mistake has been made in the past, Tigra could use that situation to her advantage should the chance arise.

After spending the last few days reading and strategizing, her two skills Reading and Strategy had gone up a few levels. Reading increased to 75 and Strategy to 45, increasing INT by 2 to 67, boosting the maximum MP to 670. She also learned a few interesting things about Princess events and their kingdoms.

On the sixth day, she summoned all of the soldiers that she would be in charge of and brought them to the training grounds.

She looked across the 50 soldiers gathered in the area and saw them chatting with a few of each other, seeing as she didn't speak or gather their attention for a moment.

After letting them talk for about five minutes, she figured that it would be best to speak up now.

"Soldiers," Her voice carried across all of them, catching their attention. "As I'm sure many of you know, we will be heading out to Geotan tomorrow morning at 0900. As such, I figured it would be in your and my best interest to introduce you to your commanding officer for this battle."

She looked across all of them and saw a few from the academy that she could have recognized, especially when their faces paled at seeing her.

"I am Force Captain Tigra. Would the medics step up here beside me."

A few seconds passed before the five medics stopped in front of her.

"All of you, look at these medics. Memorize their appearances. They may not be the ones that will fight beside you, but they will be doing something just as important. They will be fighting Death itself to keep you with us. Make no mistake, this is war. Some of you will not make it to see the end of it, but they will help prevent all of you. If you are injured by the time the battle is over, find them! If you are too prideful, then you are useless! Instead of dying with pride and honor, push them to the side to help end the next battle quicker! A kingdom will remember its fallen, so long as there is a kingdom left to remember them! Be the soldier that many want to be, not the one they want to be remembered as!"

She could see her words were getting to quite a few of them.

"I don't care if you hate one of the healers with every cell in your body. On the battlefield, there will only be the Horde and our enemies. If you can not keep your mindset this way, don't bother showing up!" Her words shocked a few. "I need soldiers that I can trust to do what they are told. Do what is needed. If you can't do that, leave now!"

There was some muttering before someone brave or foolish spoke up.

"You say that you'll fight beside us. How are we supposed to know how well you fight?" A young male human asked.

"Good. You may ask questions if you feel the need, but do not disobey my orders once we are out on the field without having evidence that it would only cause your fellow soldiers harm." Tigra explained.

She had read somewhere that introducing one's self as a commanding officer needed respect and discipline established. By putting a place where she would not be happy with those questioning her and a time she would appreciate it, she is already showing when she expects discipline.

"As for your question, there is a reason why I had you all gather here in the training room." She walked out to the middle of the room. "Any of you who wish to test my combat skills yourself, gather to my right." She pointed to her right. "Anyone who doesn't, move to the left."

After waiting and seeing a few soldiers shuffled around, she found 12 soldiers wished to fight her while the rest were content to watch.

[Quest Created!]

Prove Your Mettle

12 of your soldiers wish to test you on your word of fighting beside them. Whether they don't believe you or simply want to know how much they can put their lives in your hands, they have challenged you.

Objective: Defeat all of your challengers.

Reward: 50 EXP per defeated challenger.

Failure: Loss of Horde Reputation

"Good. When the fight is over, the loser is to go see a medic and get worked on by them. This is to get them used to treating someone after they have been hurt.

"Now then, I will be providing an incentive to be fighting to your best. I do not care if you fight dirty, honorably, or anything. The only rule is that it must be a 1v1 against me. I am doing this to demonstrate my ability, not to send multiple people to the medical bay. To those that manage to beat me via ring out," She gestured to the 20 ft ring around her. "Tap out, or knock out, you will not be forced on night watch for the duration of this mission. However, if you lose, you will listen to my criticism and advice without complaint. Understood?"

"Yes, Captain!" Several of them voiced out.

"Now then, you twelve will set up your order. Don't worry about me being defeated before your turn. I will fight all of you, regardless of my condition today."

As they started coming up with an order, she observed the ones who stayed to the side and noticed that of the 33 combat soldiers, 14 of them had been in her combat classes.

'Good. They know who I am and what I can do. That means that they should know that I will keep as many of them alive as I can. If any of them are bad enough, I could always use Heal and get them out of the critical zone.' She thought.

Depending on how badly this battle goes, Heal could level up a few times or not at all.

She noticed one of the soldiers with silver, shoulder-length hair, blue eyes, a slight burn mark on his right cheek, and was taller than most of them, stepped up and held their hands up.

"Senior Cadet Harold, graduate of 3 years." He said, his voice slightly lower than she expected for someone of his size and age.

She sized him up before looking at the other soldiers who were waiting. "I forgot to mention, I will not be using my claws unless one of you manages to piss me off." She informed, facing the soldier.

"Now then, Medic Susan, will you be the countdown person?"

A lizard person stepped forward before holding her hand in the air.

Harold tensed up while Tigra stayed relaxed.

Considering how this is just a spar and would be bad to rough them up bad enough, she would refrain from upgrading her DEX through her methods. Not to mention, she had been getting used to that speed and that was becoming dangerous.

Most of her fights were over in less than two minutes. The battle tomorrow would not end that quickly unless she focused on ending as many of her opponents as quickly as possible. Even then, she's not 100% sure that a Princess wouldn't show up during the fight. At that point, it would be best to keep her abilities hidden and ready.


Harold quickly closed the distance between them and threw a straight punch. Yet Tigra side stepped it, her hands behind her back before shooting her foot out into his side, dealing 316 damage, sending him onto the ground and stopping himself before he would have rolled out of the circle.

"Come on, Harold." She chided. "I was not just given my position, I earned it through combat. I did not sit behind a desk and work my way up over years of work. I attained Force Captain within a month of graduating."

While on technicalities - such as how she had been in a battle before being promoted due to her commanding Force Captain falling in battle - she hadn't lied.

She put her hands on her hip. "So attack me as if I am your enemy, or get out of the circle."

She meant it. She saw how his smirk never left his face, his legs moved slower than they should have, and his arm could have been thrown much faster and harder than he did.

He hadn't taken her seriously and she would not stand for that level of disrespect aimed at her.

Harold held his side while looking at her.

"I mean it." Her eyes narrowed as her mouth shifted into a slight frown. "Take me seriously, or you will piss me off." She held her right hand out to the side, her claws clearly visible.

Harold made his way back up before seemingly getting more serious. His stance grew closer to the ground and his arms drew closer to his chest.

'Good. If he continued as he did, I would have made his wound bloody.'

Harold made his way towards her slower than before before he suddenly dashed at her when he was just out of range. He threw another punch that she sidestepped, yet he had anticipated that and thrown his other fist to where she would have been, had she not crouched under.

She kept dodging, yet she noticed that instead of growing more and more frustrated, he seemed to be learning. To the point that the reason she could keep dodging was her high DEX.

She did stop it a moment later by jumping into the air and slamming her foot into the side of his head, sending Harold out of the ring while still rolling.

Senior Cadet Harold Defeated!

H2H gained 632 EXP

Dodge gained 851 EXP

Tigra turned to the other eleven and saw them looking at her with cautiousness.

"That's one down. Next, step up. While I'm not in a rush, I will not be standing here longer than 1 minute. If you have not stepped into the ring by that point, I will have that person disqualified and on night watch every night while we are out of the Fright Zone." She warned.

A woman gulped before stepping forward. Her teal blue scales covered any revealing parts of her body, such as her head and neck with her rosy eyes being shown prominently. Her posture seemed hunched, indicating hesitance and lack of confidence in this fight.

"Senior…Senior Cadet Lucy. Graduate of 2.5 years." She stated.

And so, the same pattern continued on for each of the challenges.

She focused on dodging for the first minute with her focus on finding flaws in their stances such as too much focus on strength or speed and lacking the other. Then she would strike them once and see how they responded to pain and how they fought afterwards.

7/12 times, they became more defensive at experiencing that she could hit them faster than they could move, resulting in pain that could blindside them. The other 5 times, they became more aggressive, trying to get her on the backfoot and hope that she would lose focus on the distance between herself and the ring.

More than once she had used someone's attack to throw them out of the ring before telling them that someone could use their strength against them, just as she did.

By the time she kicked the last one out of the ring, she still had yet to use her hands. It wasn't that they were that unskilled, it simply dealt with her speed. None could get close enough that she couldn't 'dance' away and strike with her feet.

H2H gained 6004 EXP

H2H leveled up! LV 79→ 80.

For reaching LV 80, STR and CON increase by 1.

Dodge gained 9361 EXP

Dodge leveled up! (3x) LV 38→41.

[Dodge LV 41 (93/4100) - You have a 41% bonus to dodge an attack that you can sense coming via instincts but not see.]

[Quest [Test Your Mettle] Completed!]

Rewards: 50 EXP x 12 (600 EXP)

Tigra Level: 30 (3930/5900)

HP: 2100/2100 HPR: 210

MP: 670/670 MPR: 122

STM: 1050 SMR:210

STR: 26 DEX: 116

CON: 104 INT: 67

WIS: 61 CHA: 34

Tigra stood as her hands rested on her hips as the last soldier made their way to the medic.

"I hope you understand how important a medic is." She spoke. "All you have sustained in this fight have been bruises, bruised bones, and bruised egos. Out in the battle tomorrow, you may have actual injuries. Your armor can only do so much to protect you."

Tigra walked over to the spare armor chest piece she had brought with her when she arrived.

"However, that does not mean it will save you from everything."

She picked the armor up and extended her claws before slashing, dealing 639 damage to it. While not enough to completely destroy it, it had a large section of the chest area torn off and hanging in her claws.

"If you are fighting an enemy soldier, they will attack with this kind of intent." She threw the damaged armor and scrap to the side. "Your armor can withstand 4, maybe 5 hits of the average soldier. You know your armor better than almost anyone else, seeing as you are the one wearing it and have been since you graduated."

She walked forward until she could look across at all of them without being too far away.

"There will be one condition that I will enforce if I must. You are to fall back away from any princesses that enter the fight. I have experience fighting Princess Glimmer, the Princess of Brightmoon and Teleportation. I have experience of being in combat against Princess Perfuma, Princess of Plumeria. She can grow plants and vegetation around her as an attack or defense. Finally, I have experience in fighting She-Ra, the newest Princess with the title of Princess of Power. She backs it up. She is strong enough to lift 10 tons with ease, break the ground with a sword pierce, and durable enough to tank cannon fire before destroying it by slashing through the armor of the tank's barrel."

She saw a few seemed shocked that she had accomplished that within months of active combat.

"I have fought her in combat twice and both times, I have injured her enough to draw a small amount of blood. I do not and will not expect you to fight her. Every time I have fought her, I have almost died. The only reason I have not is my speed. What all of you have experienced in your fights with me, know this: She would keep up easily. When I fight her, I go full out. Through my methods, I can increase my speed nearly 8 fold [9x total]." She saw eyes bulge out.

"Some may not believe it, but I will provide proof." She held a hand out before channeling Haste. "This spell increases my speed by roughly 25%. Combined with a secret ability of mine, I can multiply my speed further by 3. When I dash at something, I am moving at my full speed."

She crouched down before activating her setup she started to call H.S.D. [Haste-Speed-Dash]. It was a good combination that would always serve her well.

She seemed to disappear for the faintest second before they saw her on one side of the 1000 foot room and the other side in 5 seconds.

She then returned to infront of them in a second.

"At this speed, I can move roughly 200 feet per second, about 136 mph." She stated as fact. "For 2 minutes, I can move about as fast as a skiff at full speed."

*Speed is DEX/9*

"Why 2 minutes?" Harold asked.

"My ability is strong, as in multiplying my speed by 3. However, it is extremely taxing on my body. All of my muscles are forced to work at full power and as such, can cause muscles to tear and rip if I force them hard enough. It could go as far as pulling apart or breaking my bones." She bullshited.

"And you used it as a demonstration!?"

"Relax." She waved off. "I've worked it out to a science. I know how long and how often I can use this ability without endangering myself. Now then, with all of this out of the way, enjoy your last day here and get some sleep. Tomorrow, you'll need all of your energy for the fight. Dismissed!"

Tigra quickly zipped around, cleaning up any mess this meeting had caused before leaving the area and finding herself back in her personal workout area, something she had used some of her money she earned.

For the next 5 hours, she continued running on her treadmill. Only once she stopped did she check to see how much she ran.

120 miles.

'That's get a good amount of EXP, considering I get 300 EXP per mile for dash and run.'

Running has gained 36000 EXP

Running has leveled up! (6x) 57→63

CON and DEX increased by 1.

With nothing else to do without exhausting herself of the mental energy she would need for tomorrow, she headed to her single bed and got under her cover, reveling in the warmth they provided.

Yet it did nothing for the lack of pressure she had grown to miss beside her.

3 days later, Tigra found herself and her squad on the outskirts of the town of Geotan.

"Has the missive been sent?" Tigra asked her second in command for military aspects, Harold.

"Yes. Susan and Lucy have just returned and are waiting for you in your tent."

Tigra nodded before ordering him to follow as she started heading back to her tent.

She had pushed aside the flap before seeing the two she was looking for, waiting on her.

"What kind of news do you bring back?" She asked, straight to the point.

When they had arrived here, she had sent Susan, a medic, out to the town with the message to either surrender Geotan to the Horde, or move the civilians out of the way of the upcoming battle.

If they chose the first, no blood would be spilt and the mission is successful. If they chose the second, she made sure that they knew that none of them would be offered mercy until their side surrendered.

"They've denied surrendering, seeing as they know they have about twice as many soldiers as us but have agreed to hold the battle outside of the town. While they do slightly regret having it come to a battle, they want to let you know that, regardless of the outcome, they appreciate you allowing them time to move the civilians to safety." Susan informed.

"Why are you doing that again?" Harold asked. "Like, I understand that we will need them to continue working once we capture the town, but we've given up any chance of a surprise attack."

"That is why." Tigra answered, yet saw his confusion only grow. "When dealing with war, opposing generals and chain of command become apparent. One Force Captain will fight differently from another. By showing that we are willing to do a non-forceful takeover, the enemy will be hesitant on attacking the only 'reasonable' leader of soldiers. Thus, by getting rid of our surprise attack option and keeping to that, the Rebellion side should see that they may get a better action from talking to us than straight up attacking us."

She looked him in the eye at the next part.

"By drawing attention to our 'peaceful' way of combat, I am hoping to prevent as many of my soldiers', current and future, deaths as I can. If it comes down to it in the future, I can attack with the full might against a town. Hopefully, they will want to try and talk with us instead of waste blood and lives."

"You…seem to care about us living a lot." He noted.

"I could give logical reasons and few emotional reasons. At the end of the day, I take responsibility for each and every single one of your deaths. Now then, we will be splitting our group into three. Harold, you will be directing one third, Lucy another, and I will be directing the last."

"Us!?" Lucy exclaimed.

"Yes, you. Harold is because he's been around the longest and has participated in several live combat scenarios. You, because you have experienced combat twice more than most of them. If you are unsure what order to give, keep them alive. You each will be given two medics while Susan will be sticking with me. If you run into any trouble, try to lead your groups towards mine. If we are in trouble, yell out Blur. It tells me that I will need to use all of my speed that I will be saving for an emergency or a Princess."

A soldier flipped open the flap.

"Brightmoon Soldiers have been spotted leaving Geotan. Estimates put them at around 90 to 110." He reported.

Harold gave a low whistle while Lucy started to shake lightly.

"I expected more." Tigra admitted, shocking those in the tent. "Doesn't change anything. I will be attacking the middle while you two will be making sure that my group doesn't get pincered. Let's get moving."

Tigra walked out of the tent, pushing the flap out of the way, the people behind her, quickly following.

"Soldiers!" Tigra bellowed out. "Brightmoon Soldiers are here to greet us! What say we give our own greetings? We tried to keep this civil without blood, but they refused! Show them the might of the Horde and come back alive! If you can't, I'll find you myself and force you to walk back to camp!

"You all know your groups. Group 1, follow Harold. You follow his orders as if they are my own. He says retreat, you get your ass back. He says charge, you fight! Same to Group 3. You will follow Lucy.

"Group 2, you're with me. We will be in the middle of the battle, meaning that you'll be in danger almost the entirety of this battle. So fight as if you could end the war today, because this battle could be one of the deciding factors!

"Are you ready!?"

"Yes, Captain!" All of them shouted.

"Then head to your area!"

They instantly dispersed and went to their areas.

"You really have a way of speaking to your soldiers." Harold commented. "I've seen Force Generals who can't encourage their soldiers half as much as you just have."

"I think like them." She admitted, pulling on her thin armor that covered her from her neck to her wrists. "I think 'What would I wish to hear from my superior in a moment of uncertainty? In a moment of fear?' More times than not, it is words of encouragement, factuality, and proof of words. I've shown that I have the skill to back them up, that I will not sugarcoat words if reality will not let me, and that I want them alive more than the mission completed." She then pulled on the rest of her armor, covering her legs down to her ankles.

What? She could move around easier without something blocking her feet.

"And that helps you connect with them better?" Lucy asked.

"Helps me connect with my soldiers." She stressed. "To connect with those that will follow me after their first real taste of battle. To realize that I meant what I said."

She then reached over and grabbed a hair tie and pulled her hair up.

"Come back alive. That is my main mission given to any of my soldiers. If the battle is lost, we can take this town another day. But if they're lost? I have to find a replacement, inform their squad if absent, train the replacement, teach them how to work with a team that just lost someone, and then test them in actual combat to see if they will stick around. It is much better if they simply fail and come back. Then…then they have a chance to succeed next time." She finished just as she stopped messing with her hair, leaving it up as a high ponytail.

"Now then, let's get moving. The fight will start within the next 10 minutes. It could last 3 minutes to an hour or more. Know your limits. Come back alive." Tigra demanded before walking away.

"Make the Horde proud to have you as a soldier."

Tigra walked at the front of her group, 15 soldiers and Susan behind her. Her feet made light thuds as they pressed down on the green ground that would likely be dyed a different color this day.

The sound of metal and stomping echoed across the plain before they stopped in unison. Harold at the front of his group, his own armor a bit more bulky than most while Lucy stood to her right.

Right across from them, stood the hundred strong army of Brightmoon Soldiers. While 100 soldiers aren't a lot in the big picture, they need to take them out without losing as many soldiers as possible to take the town and defend it until the rest of reinforcements arrive.

Tigra popped her limbs before applying Haste. With her MP amount, she could keep it going for about half an hour.

She won't let this fight last that long.

She took a small breath, in and out, before raising her hand.

With that one motion, an outsider would see how all but one person tensed up on the battlefield. How many grit their teeth, steeled their nerves, and gripped their weapons.

The hand came down and screams of war rang out. The two sides charged at each other with one soldier breaking rank quickly and charging towards the other side at a much faster rate.

Tigra studied the first soldier as the information appeared.

Brightmoon Soldier Level 25

HP: 1200 REP: -47 [Disliked]

As she got close, she continued to Run with Haste, boosting her DEX to 231. She brought back her claws and slashed at their neck.

Damage inflicted: 1237

Her claws sunk through the neck with ease, slicing through skin and arteries. The body hadn't fallen to the ground before she moved to the next.

The next one saw what she had done, yet hadn't been prepared for the bare foot to impact her chest, dealing 558 damage due to the reduction property of the armor. Tigra followed it up by clawing at her helmet, dealing enough damage to kill them next.

By now, her garrison had caught up to her and began to fight alongside her. Yet she couldn't slow down. They were outnumbered 2:1 with only maybe half of her soldiers having experienced a single live combat.

So, she continued fighting and sending her enemies to the ground.

She kept slashing at soldiers' throats, bashing against helmets, and kicking soldiers for what felt like hours until a yell caught her attention.

"Blur!" Lucy called out.

Tigra didn't hesitate. She activated You are Speed and started to Dash. Her DEX increased drastically to 978 and moved as fast as a skiff can go. Even just kicking people now could dent their armor enough to knock them out, let alone her claws that could now slice through the metal and those inside like paper.

Her hands and limbs were a flurry of death. In the span of a second, 4 soldiers fell.

In 5, 14 soldiers.

10, 22 soldiers.

30, 47 soldiers.

She had pounced on one of the last soldiers around her before stabbing her claws into their chest piece and ripping her hand out, bringing with it a small fountain of gore and blood.

She stood over the body, blood dripping off of her armor and claws. She's got a few patches that she knows she'll have to wash extra on her face to get the stray blood off of her.

She looked around and saw the remaining Brightmoon Soldiers drop their weapons and get on their knees.

Tigra stepped forward, appearing in front of them in an instant.

"You are prisoners of the Horde. If you attack us, one of you will be killed. It may or may not be the one who attacked us. Keep that in mind." She warned before turning to her own troops. "3 soldiers with close combat weapons and 6 with ranged weapons are to watch over them. If you need me, I will be providing aid to the injured."

H2H gained 73200 EXP

H2H Leveled up! (8x) LV 80→88

For reaching 85, STR increased by 1.

She disabled Haste to conserve magic and prepared herself to start using Heal if she needed to.

She reached the area they had set up for wounded soldiers and approached Susan.

"I have access to healing magic. I can get them out of danger but would prefer to leave them in your care for minor injuries." Tigra informed her.

She pointed to a group of 11 Horde soldiers on the ground. "Each of them are in danger. The rest can wait."

Tigra nodded before approaching one and placing her right hand on them before it started glowing an orangey color. She watched as their HP went from 124 to 241. She used it for three additional minutes to bring them up to 592, just over half of the HP they should have on a healthy day.

She moved on to the next and continued healing them for up to four minutes. Then the next, and the next, and the next. Each time, she could see their skins growing more healthy and a few were waking up with groans.

She reached the last one.

It was Lucy, and she had 34 HP and was slowly dropping. She used Heal until she reached 853 HP, causing her to open her eyes.

"I gave you an order and an ultimatum." Tigra spoke. "Come back alive or I will make you walk back to camp. Right now, you're making me consider the second option."

"Don't be cruel." She muttered.

Tigra glanced at her MP and saw that the healing binge used 308 of her 430 available points. Haste had used 240 by the time she dismissed it.

Heal gained 5504 EXP

Heal leveled up! (2x) 14→16

Tigra stood up and released a long sigh.

"Now, I need to schedule a watch, inform Geotan that they are under Horde control now, write up a report, tally our dead…" Tigra muttered.

"What you need is rest." Susan cut in. "Harold can set up a watch and inform Geotan. I can tally up the injured and dead. Lucy, Harold, and I can write up the basic report while you rest."

"I don't-"

"Tigra." Susan interrupted once more. "You've eliminated over 60 men and women if I had to guess today in your first big combat mission. Take time to destress. Don't think that I can't see the trace of adrenaline still pumping through you."

Tigra stayed silent before sighing.

"2 hours. That is the maximum time I will rest. At that point, I will read your reports and write my own report."

Susan nodded before waving her away.

Tigra walked away before staring at Geotan, a few of her soldiers walking into the town. She could count the number of the soldiers from her group and only came up to 9. Which meant that 6 were unaccounted for. Hopefully they were resting with light injuries in the medical zone.

Today, she had actually completed a mission given to her with positive results. She hadn't been forced to fight a single princess. Hopefully, this would become the usual and not the exception.

She stayed there for a while before hearing a set of steps coming from behind her. She turned her body to the side to see who it was and found the trio.

"Nice to see you still alive, Captain." Harold grinned.

"I'm not done leading you just yet. However, I can assume that you three are here to give your reports to me?" She saw them nod. "Alright. Harold, you first."

"My group contained 15 soldiers, including me, and 2 medics. Of them, 7 of the soldiers are injured and 4 are dead. Armor and weapons are in alright condition with the exception of those killed. I have 3 of the healthy soldiers in my group providing security for the prisoners." He informed.

Tigra nodded slowly before looking at Lucy.

"Similarly, my group had 15 soldiers and 2 medics. Of them, 7 soldiers are injured and 2 are dead. I have my six remaining healthy soldiers combined with Commander Harold's division to guard the prisoners. Our armor is more damaged than would be appreciated but our weapons are in good condition."

Tigra nodded at the similar report before turning to Susan, knowing that this would be important.

"After the battle, we recovered a total of 12 lightly injured soldiers, 8 moderate, and 11 heavily injured. Due to your help, only 4 soldiers died after arriving at the medical zone. The official count of death is 10 deaths, 27 injured, and 13 healthy units. Those injured will be expected to recover anywhere from 2 days to a month." Susan reported.

"I will write out a report on the battle and results. For now, dismissed."

The trio nodded before leaving her alone, just as a few messages appeared in front of her.

Quest [Taking Geotan] Completed!

Objective: Take Geotan

Hidden Objective 1: Lose 30 or less soldiers.

Hidden Objective 2: Lose 10 or less soldiers.

Rewards: 100 EXP per enemy (105x), 150 EXP per soldier left (40x) | Horde Rep. increased by 5, Title: [Conqueror]

16500 EXP gained!

Leveled up! (3x) LV 30→33

30 Attr. Points and 6 Skill Points added!

Title: [Conqueror] - For every city/town/village you take from your enemies, your allies' reputation towards you will increase by 15/10/5, starting with 10 from your first capture.

Create Spell selected:


Lightning [Spark Mastery Required]

Flame Armor





Flame Armor selected.

[Flame Armor Lv 1 (0/200) - Covering yourself in flames, you increase the denseness of your muscles to higher levels. The downside is that the power is dependent on the amount of magic you use per minute. The greater the amount, the greater the effect. CON is multiplied by (1+Amount_Used/[400-Level_Flame_Armor*2]). Alongside, an enemy will take Amount_Used/2 as damage if they strike said armor physically. Cost: Special]

Trait Shop opened:

[Smart (Trait) Purchased]

[Smart (Trait) - Multiplies INT by 1.15]

Tigra started looking at her stats and where she should put her points before putting 10 in CON, 15 in INT, and the last 5 into DEX.

Tigra Age: 17

Level 33 (2130/6500)

HP: 2350 HPR: 470

MP: 1000 MPR: 122

STM: 1175 SMR: 235

STR: 27 DEX: 124

CON: 118 INT: 100

WIS: 61 CHA: 39

[Milestone [Genius] Unlocked: 100 INT - EXP for Spells multiplied by 2]

She let out a smirk at learning that spell, as it should allow her to finally take more than one hit against Adora, and achieving that milestone before making her way to the tent for her to type up her report.

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