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100% The Cards Of War / Chapter 3: New Home

Chapter 3: New Home

Zeina woke up the next day feeling refreshed. Looking around she couldn't find Omar anywhere which was weird because he would always sleep together with her. She confusedly walked out of the room and into the adjacent room. She walked up to the crib where their babies were supposed to sleep but when she got there, she could only find little yune.

She slowly started to panic as she quickly walked to the living room. The scene she walked into could only be considered beautiful. Omar could be seen in the rocking chair asleep as he held Chris in his arms, morning light shining through the windows.

Seeing this Zeina couldn't help but giggle. She walked over to Omar and reached out to grab the infant out of his hands. Surprisingly, he had a mighty grip on the child; no matter what she tried to do, he wouldn't budge an inch. After failing to grab the baby, Zeina resorted to lightly shaking Omar's arm until he woke up. Omar groggily lifted his head as he looked around. Noticing where he was, Omar looked down to see Chris asleep in his arms.

"Good morning sleepy head. How was your night with the little angel?"

Omar tried to find an excuse for being out there while massaging his stiff neck from sleeping upright.

"Good morning Hunny, sorry for probably spooking you. I just wanted a good name for the little one so I stayed up trying to think of one."

"So, do you have a name for him?"

"Yes, yes I do. The name of our child will be Chris, Chris Gold."

Zeina had a look of confusion when she heard the name. It sounded weird, unlike the other names she had heard in her life. She couldn't help but question why Omar had picked that name out of the many well-known names they had heard. She couldn't keep her question in anymore.

"Why that name?"

"Because it came to me in a dream I had. I was like god was telling me to pick that name so I just went with it. It's not too bad of a name, it's unique and one of a kind."

"Alright then, it was your decision. Just don't blame me when he gets bullied by the snot goblins because of his name."

Zeina leaned in, kissed Omar, and went to check on yune. After Zeina left the room, Omar started to sweat bullets as his blatant lie barely managed to trick his wife. He sighed and looked down at the still-sleeping Chris.

'You're going to be more of a hassle than I thought you would be' Chris suddenly wiggled, trying to turn in Omar's arms. Omar slightly blushed at the cute site. 'But seeing what you have though, you deserve a good life. Something that you were stripped of since you were young'

Omar got up from the rocking chair as quietly as possible, slowly walked to the cribs, and gently lowered Chris into the vacant spot. He then went to Zeina and said in a hushed voice "I'm going out to tell the others."

Zeina smiled, "they must be very anxious to see them."

Omar nodded and walked to the front door which was in the living room and opened it. The moment he opened it, he noticed at least 20 people outside his house even though it was still early in the morning. Omar quietly closed the door as he confronted the crowd. Before Omar opened the door, the group was full of whispers but now they were dead silent.

One man walked out of the crowd and towards Omar. He was 1.8 meters tall with brown hair and eyes. The man had a light build of muscles with strong-looking legs that were trained for speed. He looked excited as he walked up to Omar.

"Omar! How did everything go?"

Omar chuckled "Everything is fine, just keep your voice down, they are sleeping Oren."

"That's nice to hear, we were scared that something might have happened since you didn't come out yesterday… wait, they?"

"Yep, we had twins."

Oren's face lit up, he turned around and yelled to the crowd, "They had twins!" before getting slapped on the back of the head by Omar.

"What part of 'keep your voice down, they are sleeping' do you not understand?"

Oren quickly apologized and ran off. The crowd then started to walk up to Omar, say their congratulations, and then walk away. After everyone had congratulated Omar, one person was left.

"Laith it's nice to see you, how are you?"

The man Omar was talking to was an old man, indicated by his wrinkles and bushy white beard but he also had a well-defined body that would put most athletes' bodies to shame.

"That's chief or elder to you, but ill let it slide just for today. To think that you've grown up so much. I remember when you were still wet behind the ears and always causing trouble for others. Your father would be proud if he saw you now."

"You think so? I wouldn't know, I never really met him. He left when my mother died giving birth to me."

"Yes, it was a sad day when your mother died. She was known as a beauty amongst beauties. Every man lusted after her but your father didn't see her that way, he didn't care about her looks, he loved her for her personality."

They stood there in silence for a couple of seconds.

*cough* "Sorry to ask this selfish question but may I see the young ones?"

Of course, you can see them, you're like family to us." Omar said while heading back inside. As the two entered, Zeina walked into the living room with yune, still groggy, in her arms.

"Laith! It's so nice to see you. If I may ask, are you here to see our children?" Zeina asked with a mischievous grin on her face.

*cough* "Yes, yes I'm here to see the newborns. It's a tradition of our small village for the elder to see the next generation!"

Omar and Zeina looked at each other as they held in their laughs. They knew that everything that Laith was saying was a complete lie, Laith like to make that excuse so he could see the cute babies.

Laith walked up to Zeina and got a closer look at the baby in her grasp.

"Jet black hair and fiery red eyes" Right as he said that yuan pulled hard on his beard. "Ack and very strong, if I'm not mistaken, this little one will grow up to be just like you Zeina. What is his name?"

"His name is yune."

"Such a nice name, be careful with this one, he's going to grow up into a fighter, I can feel it."


Meanwhile, Chris has just woken up and is now looking around.

"Where am I? Oh yeah, I died and ended up taking over a dead infant body… god damn Mondays, they can never be good, can they? Grade-defining tests, being half asleep at work, and being transported to a different world."

Before Chris could rant anymore, the door to the room swung open and three people walked in. The three people were Omar, Zeina, and Laith. Chris could only recognize one of them, Omar, and was confused about who the other two were.

"This is our other child, Chris. He should be sleeping so be quiet." Omar said as he led Laith into the baby's room. He walked up to the crib and noticed that Chris was awake.

"Oh!? He must have just woken up" Omar said as he picked Chris up and walked over to Laith.

"What a unique name, why did you pick it?"

"Because it came to me in a dream."

"Ah, is that so? Just by looking at him, I can tell he's curious. Even though he was born not even a day ago, he's constantly looking around, trying to understand the world around him. He's going to go far in this world, let's just hope that he doesn't become too curious and end up like the cat." Laith looked up at Omar and said with a wide grin "He's going to grow up into a bright young man, he reminds me of you when you were young. Always trying to understand the world. Maybe he will also be recognized by the heavens like you."

Omar chuckled, "We'll just have to wait and see."

Zeina walked up to Omar, "He must be hungry, take yune and I will go and feed him."

Omar nodded and handed over Chris as he grabbed Yune, who immediately started to cry. Omar started to panic as he rocked yune side to side with his arms.

"Hahaha, welcome to being a parent. They may look cute but they can be little demons that will constantly scream and for seemingly nothing. Infancy is the hardest part of raising children."

"I don't know about you but it feels like this one personally hates me. He was so calm in Zeina's arms but now he is livid."

Yune cried and cried until Zeina came back to the scene of Laith covering his ears and Omar rocking yune side to side in his arms. Omar was near to tears while yune kept on crying. Zeina quickly walked up to Omar, grabbed yune and gave him Chris, and immediately started to bounce yune up and down in her arms. Yune quickly stopped crying and even started to giggle.

Both Omar and Laith at Zeina and then looked at each other. They had only one thing to say "Witchcraft!" they couldn't believe what they were seeing. The baby went from crying its eyes out to giggling in a matter of seconds.

"That just proves he hates me." Laith patted him on the back as Zeina giggled.

"It's not like that Omar, in the beginning, infants prefer a mother's touch over their father's but it doesn't mean that he hates you."

"If that's the case then what about Chris? He hasn't cried once"

"Maybe he's just not a crier, it happens. Anyway, I'm going to let myself out, I wish you luck, and thank you for letting me see them."

[Omar]"It was nice to have you here and have a nice day"

[zeina]"Im glad you came to see the kids have a great day."

After waving goodbye Laith left, leaving Omar and Zeina alone in their house. Zeina looked at Omar and kissed him on the cheek after putting yune down into his crib.

"I'm going to sleep a little more so please look after them while I sleep."

"Ok honey, sleep well"

Zeina walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

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