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52.77% The Boys: The Speed Of Redemption / Chapter 19: Chapter 18

Chapter 19: Chapter 18

Author's Note:

Hi, Author-san here. I've seen both love and hate for the works I do, and to be honest my buddy gave me a good advice.

In the words of a wise man "Hater's gonna hate." And to be honest I agree. Anyway I won't bother to talk Much anyway,

As for the name some of you complained about? Riftshade well Excuse you I never said I was a professional alright?? I tried my best,Lay off a bit will ya? the costume he'll get will match the name so don't get y'all panties in a twist. Anywho enjoy😂

(3rd POV)

Later that week upon coming to a conclusion, Malory contacted The Boys to discuss her findings. The meeting was held in their usual hideout, a dimly lit room filled with cigarette smoke and the hum of a flickering fluorescent light.

Butcher paced like a caged tiger, arms behind his back as his eyes narrowed in frustration. Frenchie leaned against the wall, taking a slow puff of smoke from his cigarette, his usual playful attitude replaced by a serious character.

Mother's Milk was quietly fuming, his jaw set tight. Only Hughie who was with them for a couple of weeks sat quietly, listening to what was being said.

Hearing enough while annoyed, Butcher's voice cut through the tension filled silence. "This is absolute bollocks, Malory. You expect us to sit down with A-Train, of all people? He's a bloody Supe. Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?"

Malory met his gaze coolly. "Reggie isn't the same A-Train you're used to. We talked a few days ago, turns out he's been systematically undermining Vought from within.

He's got enough dirt on the company that could bring them to their knees. But he's also a wanted man... He needs our help, and just as we need his whether we like it or not."

Frenchie shook his head as he stepped on the butt of the cigarette he just finished smoking, clearly skeptical as he asked. " And how do we know this isn't a trap? That ~Salaud~(Bastard) has been part of the Seven no?.....he's been on their side before. So how can we trust him now?"

"Because he's not on their side anymore," Malory replied with confidence. "He's been running from Vought, staying undercover, gathering evidence. He's in a position to give us information that no one else can."

Butcher's eyes narrowed, his frustration palpable. "And what makes you think he's even got what we need? We only need to take down Vought and Homelander. If this meeting turns out to be a waste of time, it's on you Grace."

Malory took a deep breath, her voice steady. "Reggie was a member of the Seven. He knows the inner workings, the secrets that could be crucial for dismantling Vought. If there's anyone who can give us a way to take down Homelander, it's him."

Mother's Milk spoke up, his tone wary as well as concerned. "And you're sure he's not playing us? He's for sure did have a lot of time to come up with a cover story."

Malory nodded, her expression serious. "He told me that he's got evidence—documents, recordings, things that could be used against Vought. Butcher, I understand your hesitation, but this is our best shot. If Reggie really does have all the dirt, we need to at least hear him out."

Butcher's eyes flicked to Hughie, who had been unusually quiet. "Hughie, what do you think son?"

Hughie hesitated, glancing at the others before clearing his throat as he spoke. "I think we should give him a chance. If he's not the one who did that evil that day...if he's actually really is trying to make things right and bring down Vought, the least we could do is to at the very least hear him out."

The room fell silent, the weight of Hughie's words hung heavy. Butcher's scowl softened slightly as he weighed the options. 'Info on Homelander eh? Let's see what that wanker's got.'

"Fine. We'll meet with him. But if this turns out to be a wild goose chase, we're done with him."

(Meeting with Reggie)

The meeting was set in an old, abandoned warehouse located on the outskirts of the Wawayanda State Park. The place was dimly lit in the evening, with only a few weak bulbs casting long shadows along side the walls.

Malory, Butcher, Frenchie, and Mother's Milk arrived first, understandably the tension was high as they waited for Reggie.

Footsteps echoed as from the shadows as Reggie entered with a confident stride, his demeanor calm and relaxed. Dressed in black leather trench coat, grey buttoned up shirt, black jeans and black combat boots. To complete his outfit he wore navy tinged aviator sunglasses, making him like he belonged in the shadows as he emerged from them.

Taking his glasses off, with his eyes sharply looked around the enormous room. "Glad you could make it," he said, sounding smooth as he continued. "I assume you've got questions."

Butcher wasted no time. "You've got information on Vought. But what about Homelander? Do you have anything that could help us deal with that cunt?"

Reggie's gaze met Butcher's, his expression inscrutable. "I have everything I could copy on Vought . Every dirty digital secret they've tried to bury. But Homelander… that's a whole different story."

"But you know something," Malory interjected, her tone confident as she said. "If there's a chance we can use what you know to bring him down, we need to hear it."

Reggie nodded slowly, as he tucked his glasses into his inner breast pocket. "I can give you details on Vought's operations, their financial misconduct, their experiments, the bribes, blackmails. I have it all.

As for Homelander, he's protected by layers upon layers of security and loyalty that goes way beyond what's on paper. But I do have a lead that might just give us just the very opening we might need."

Frenchie raised an eyebrow. "And how do we know you're not just feeding us a line to get us off your back?"

Reggie's gaze was steady. "You don't. But if you're here, then you are willing to risk it, I can show you the evidence. It's all up to you whether you believe it or not."

Butcher looked at Malory, his expression torn between doubt and forced acceptance. "Alright. We'll give you a shot. But if this is a waste of time, I'll make sure you regret it. You hear you roadrunning cunt?"

Reggie was not even mad at him, as he knew that Butcher always had a barbed tongue. So in response he just shrugged with his hands in his pockets.

Malory just wanting to get the job done said "We need a safe base of operations," she said firmly, trying to map out their next steps. "Somewhere we can work from without drawing unwanted attention. I do have a few-"

Before she could finish her thought, Reggie raised a hand, cutting her off. "I've got the safest place on the planet. No one, not even Homelander, can find it except for me."

The room fell silent as the gravity of his words sank in. Malory, Butcher, and the rest exchanged wary glances. "And where exactly is this place?" Butcher's voice was laced with distrust.

Reggie's eyes gleamed with a hint of mischief. "I'll take you there. Meet me at the docks tomorrow night, around the Van der donck street, I'll have transportation ready by then."

Frenchie's skepticism was evident. "How do we know you're ain't setting us up eh?"

Reggie's gaze was steady. "You don't. You just need to take the leap of faith."

Hughie, who had been quietly observing, stepped forward. "Umm Look, I know it sounds crazy, but Reggie's currently our best lead right now. If he's really got a place no one can find, then maybe that's just exactly what we might need."

Malory nodded, her expression thoughtful but still cautious. "Alright. We'll meet you at the docks. But if this turns out to be a trap, there will be consequences."

Reggie nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Understood. I'll see you there."

Having said his piece Reggie walked away, the shadows surrounding the place once again swallowing his fading figure.


Vekay_Legend Vekay_Legend

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