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50% The Blooming Soul Of The River / Chapter 2: WHAT WAS THAT?

Chapter 2: WHAT WAS THAT?

'Ammi! I am getting late. I'll be leaving with Abba today. Thank goodness you woke me', Hamza flew past his mother smiling at her. His half open bag hung on his right shoulder. He ran towards the porch where his father was reversing the car. He got inside the car mouth full of kebab sandwich. Mr. Rehan nodded in negation.

As the car drove towards the university and the route was long. Hamza's father interrupted the silence.

'How's the University going huh?'

'Pretty good Abba. Semester has just started and I am feeling like', He replied with a hint of hesitation, 'There's too much to do!'

'It was your own choice to get in Students Council. You definitely knew things will get hard', he said calmly driving through the most roughly packed traffic zone within the route, 'Why do you think so?'

'Its just as if I wanted to achieve more and all of a sudden I am plunged into these duties and there's no way out'.

'Hamza! You'll be graduating this year. I am proud of you for whatever you have achieved in the past years. Now is the time you start looking up to your future and taking hold of your responsibilities. Things are getting immoral these days. No wonder what will be happening in the coming years. My child! remember always; Your fortune will only get through the blessings of God if it will be a fruit of your hard work and contentment. Whatever you'll earn, your children will eat of it tomorrow and I know my Son won't ever let filth enter the family's stomach.'

Father and son were looking straight into windscreen, The path was clear now and bending shoots of trees made enormous beautiful shadows on the road.

'Abba what if I become a person who doesn't earns much. Not even to fulfil my family's desire. this thought bugs me a lot. As a man of rules I don't want my family to lack behind in anything. This a question for my future?', Hamza questioned his father on a serious note turning to him and completely pushing himself to the door, Arms crossed.

Mr. Rehan Smiled beautifully and gave a glance to his son, 'Your voice just gave me a vibe of your grandfather'. Suddenly his voice dimmed. 'Beta! The money earned through hard work and contentment is so blessed that it never gets less. It has a bliss of gratitude so consequently, you remain within the boundaries of "needs" rather than "wants".

Hamza sniffed rubbing his nose trying to shackle his curiosity about what his father just told him. His words were connecting up inside his mind. How easy was for him to answer this thumping question.

Hamza and his younger sister, Ammara, were blessed in terms of family and relations. Their parents never fought and always pushed their children to have more out of the realities of this world. Both of them were nurtured very carefully with gratefulness. This family had kept their terms nice with everyone and always concealed their low times because it was radically believed that whatever happens, it is from the goodwill of God Almighty.

Hamza had always loved such kind of relationship with his father because a rigid and rough guy like him always needed to be reminded about the truths of the world. He enjoyed being nurtured because from the beginning he had seen his parents gathering the siblings in a little cozy, milky white-themed drawing room, and discussing stuff they go through throughout the day. Hamza was in gratitude again for whatever God had given him so far, he may not have wealthy possessions and the latest gadgets like his mates but he was brought up differently. One of a kind.

The car screeched at the front gate of the university, a Huge crowd rushing inside. Hamza looked at his father with eyes so bright as stars twinkling in a night. 'Thank you, Abba. For whatever you have done for us. You'll always be my inspiration. Whoever I am today, it's because of your endeavor to make me and Ammara a better person'. They both looked at each other in silence for a moment.

Mr. Rehan tickled hamza's head with his fingers, 'Mr. future Doctor, you're late!'.

Oh no! thought Hamza looking at his watch. He was late and he was the one to announce the results of the elections. He was the newly elected president of the student society in his university and the vice presidents of Sub societies were to be given the deserved titles.

He flung open the door and ran into the crowd gathered at the gate shuffling his bag to find his ID card and there his arm dragged into the keel engraved in the wall at the entrance.

The moment he found his ID card he stopped. What an intense pain, He frowned in reflex. It was a fresh wound about an inch wide. His light blue polo t-shirt made the blood even more visible. Without thinking of anything he went to the coordinator's office to seek first aid help. He was a panic now, being the president was not easy. You are on trial all the time, he thought.

A middle-aged man helped him with a bandage. Hamza was in a hurry but he managed to get to the Head of the Department's office.

'May I come in Sir?' Asked Hamza politely.

There sat an old man finely dressed in formal attire writing something on khaki stamp papers.

'Welcome Mr. Hamza Rehan'

'Thank you, sir. Hamza entered and closed the door of this elegantly furnished room with woodwork and large stationary stands filled with piles of binders and copies. The room smelled of the essence of wood which somewhat Hamza liked. He inhaled the aroma stilly.

'We are very pleased to have you as the president of the Students Society. I am looking forward hear better from your onwards', said Mr. Khan rotating his chair away from his computer when suddenly he noticed the red spot on his left sleeve.

'What happened to you? This seems firm. How did this happen?'

Hamza looked down at his arm, smiling as if nothing happened. 'This! Just a small bruise I got while rushing through the gate'.

'I hope you feel good now. Walk cautiously. Everyone knows our President is quite strict with timings', Mr. Khan looked concerned.

'Noted Sir. I'll take care.

A knock on the door interrupted the conversation.

A girl opened the door slightly. She looked so neat, not a single foible to be noticed. Her ocean-breezy mist conquered the aroma in the room. She stood at the entrance of the door as still as a Lilac lavender flower strand. Her hair -A bit messy; she must be in hurry but it didn't compliment her tidiness- was bunched in a ponytail. Her face was innocent and her cheeks flushing with a peach-pink hue. Hamza had seen her before but today she seemed different. She looked like a blooming flower. She was a freshman student in Pharmacy. She was very active in the campaign last week, He remembered. Hamza managed to look away from her, He didn't want to look dumb.

'May I come in Sir?', She said in a low soft voice. She seemed nervous by the way her voice was shaking.

'Yes please!', Mr. Khan pleasantly said.

Her footsteps were approaching and she came to stand beside Hamza. For what reason he didn't know, his heartbeats began to accelerate. He felt witless for whatever he was feeling at that moment.

Who was She? And why on earth I am being lured into this? He seemed lost for a moment as he had never experienced such a thing in the past 4 years. Shaking his head in discomfort he cleared his throat and remain standstill until she was gone.

'Assalamaulikum Sir' She said.

'Walaikum as salaam' Sir replied. 'Ms. Amina, meet Mr. Hamza Rehan, Our President, leading the student society.'

Both of them in that sudden moment looked at each other. For a moment everything went blank.

Amina lowered her eyes in respect as Hamza made an obeisance.

Her face told that she felt uneasy for some reason. She quickly ran her palms over her face to conceal any imperfections and raised her voice a bit.

'Sir! actually I wanted to submit this application for organizing an event regarding Arts and Cultures of Sindh for the batch of 2022'. She handed over a neatly clear file bag to Mr. Khan.

'Alright! I'll be looking forward to this. It is very surprising to see such excitement and anticipation in youth. I am glad someone came up with this idea from the student body. I hope you win the title of Vice President. Best wishes from my side.' Mr. Khan praised.

She smiled and filled the entire environment with felicity. She nodded in gaiety.

'Thank you, Sir. This is such an honor.' She replied.

Mr. Khan nodded rocking his chair at a slow pace.

Hamza stood there quietly facing down, His shoes seemed dirty suddenly. He was not that fond of tidiness but why does it matter? The questions crumbled in his mind.

'Okay now! Mr. Hamza. After you announce the results, gather all the elected members in my office till afternoon so that we can discuss the oath-taking ceremony.

'Alright, Sir. I'll be on time, He replied.

'You both may proceed to your classes. Thank you for cooperating.' He signed one of the papers he skimmed.

Both of them turned back towards the door, Hamza stayed back in apropos. Amina opened the door and sprinted to the staircase in the front hall.

He kept looking at the girl with strange energy. She was running in her long frock. As soon as she turned for the next staircase, she stopped. And lowered her head to look at him if he was still standing. Both of them caught each other.

Amina had a glance of him still standing and looking right where she stood, She instantly disappeared into the stairs leading to the upper floor.

'What was that?', He said to himself incredulously.

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