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100% The Blooming Soul Of The River / Chapter 4: THE PROPOSAL


Mr. Rashid Malik parked the car in front of a lavish grey building. The architecture was so confined to construction works, entitled "Malik & Sons". He grabbed his tiffin and office bag resting on the passenger seat but paused for a moment. He went into a blank stare looking down. The repugnance he felt towards his office life was forced onto him by the way his brother behaved. He was sure of the filth of greed they had in their blood running, it was aversive and lethargic. Mr. Rashid was not a satisfied person with his life; He thought whatever had happened to him for all these years was the fault of his luck. He considered himself a person of bad luck.

He sighed heavily in disgrace, wrinkles on his entire face were prominent. He got out of the car and walked into this huge building. As he entered, everyone greeted him cheerfully so rather he had to fake a good face and replied to everyone likewise. He waited for the elevator which lead directly to the Chief executive's office.

Walking in an elegant lobby furnished with indoor plants and an ash-white interior that complemented the grey theme of the walls. The door in front was large and exceptional. The title, 'C.E.O – MIRAAN MALIK' was engraved luxuriously on the rectangular wood plate that looked perfect in the middle of the door. Mr. Rashid opened the door.

'Assalamaualikum', he said with a content face looking at his brothers that sat so close to each other, They might have been talking about something crucial, their faces were upright and serious.

'Walailkum As salam' he both replied to the salam together.

'Rashid, have you corrected that presentation I sent you last night? We have to present the portfolio to those clients from Lahore today!'

'Yes Bhai, I have made all the remaining slides of the presentation. I can show you right now- '

'No! no! just forget it, settle down. Why are you standing?' He said looking at his phone, not a little concern in his voice.

Mr. Rashid sat beside his other brother, Mr. Arsalan.

'Rashid, there's something I have been wanting to tell you, Mr. Miraan said moving forward and gliding his arms on the giant table, 'Me and Arsalan were thinking if, like um, if we tie a knot between Amina and Shehzad. You know much we love her and she treats us like her other family too'

The room was quiet. The silence was so piercing that it talked more than words. Mr. Rashid has feared this moment since the birth of his daughter. Miraan's only son and throne to the seat was nonetheless, a sick person. Dominant and oppressive. How could they think of having my daughter as their daughter-in-law? And after vanquishing my wealth and pride, He was now asking for my daughter's hand, Mr. Rashid was only staring at his brother with these disturbing questions running through his head.

'Why are you voiceless? I have said something Rashid. You don't seem happy with whatever with my proposal', Mr. Miraan's face became red in disgust, and he ground his teeth.

Mr. Rashid's pale face managed a smile again. It was very difficult to be in a situation where something you have always feared comes up to you all of a sudden and you find no way out, 'Bhai I am delighted to hear this. Why won't I be happy? I was just thinking about her studies, it's her first year in medicine. At least her studies should pass, isn't it a tough process? I know how much she has endeavored to get to this point.'

'So, what's the problem if she completes her studies at your brother's place? Are we going to stop her from getting wherever she wants to go?', Arsalan Malik said in a curious rough voice.

'That's not the point Bhai. I have to discuss this with Rihanna and Amina. It's a matter of her life. Mr. Rashid felt his legs shake a bit talking like this in front of his brothers. He has never questioned their statement nor gone against it. Since childhood, he has gone through violations. His self-esteem in his own eyes was demolished and now he had to make decisions. His life had passed that stage, now it was for the sake of his daughter.

Miraan Malik tried to look into his brother's eyes with as much restraint as possible. Rashid lowered his eyes. He felt pity for his existence. This was not a good sign.

'Sir, the clients from Lahore are here. Can I call them inside?', Pune entered the room slowly.

'Take them to the meeting room and bring a cold glass of water, Mr. Miraan looked at his brother with those big fierce eyes, voice so cold, it told he was piqued.

'Get your stupid laptop as soon as possible down there. I'll be engaging the clients. Wash your face and be prepared, he said getting up from his seat and taking his blazer off from the back of his chair, 'Come Arsalan'.

Both of them left the room. Mr. Rashid stayed there in the same position, He wanted to move but he couldn't. He wanted to speak so much, but he couldn't. He wanted to defend his stance, but He couldn't. His eyes filled up with tears that blurred his vision. He was a man of courtesy, he would take everything on his shoulders but perhaps, this action destroyed him as a person.

His tears didn't drip but disappeared somewhere in his eyes. He got up to wash his face. He had to give his best for today's meeting. Again, an agony indescribable. He pretended nothing happened and went down to follow his brother's instructions.


Amina and Ramsha were the first ones to join the assembly where all the teachers and heads of the departments were already present. She holds her friend's hand in a fist. She was nervous but she believed to the core that she is going to win the position. A couple of minutes later, the colossal hall was filled with an immense number of students. She felt her heart thumping with excitement and angst.

'It's your time, Ramsha said enthusiastically.

Amina tightened her grip and said Nothing. Mr. Khan came up to the stage and started saying a word about the election campaigns and the energetic participation of so many candidates. Finishing his speech, He called the President of the student society to come up to the stage and announce the winners.

Hamza Rehan appeared from the left of the stage and walked towards the podium, He looked so graceful the way he walked. He got to the podium and adjusted his mic. Confidently speaking, He started his speech. His voice was the most soothing one heard in a while and the audience quietly listened to him humming the words.

Amina beamed in rapt.

Hamza ended his speech and took out an envelope that listed the names of the Vice presidents of societies and started announcing them one by one.

Amina grew anxious her Hands started shivering. Ramsha comforted her with pats on the shoulder.

'The new vice president of the Art Society is- ', He stutter a bit and adjusted his glasses with a clueless face. He cleared his throat.

'Hamna Raza'. Amina's hands dropped. She went into a state of delirium where she was unable to believe her ears. How can this be possible? She lost herself somewhere. Her face was blanched. Ramsha took hold of her hand again.

'hey! It's okay. It's just some stupid elections. People are stupid. You know you, She comforted her rubbing her shoulders. Amina remained silent and watched Hamza announce all the winners. The crowd roared and chanted. Amina heard nothing. She left the crowd behind and ran to the restroom at the corner end of the hall.

Ramsha followed her back, making her way through this bulk crowd.

Amina stood in front of the wash basin and shed a tear, running down to her chin. She was in doubt and disgrace. She wasn't okay. Ramsha hugged her beside and said nothing. Amina wiped the only tears and sniffed her nose frequently. Splashed some water on her face, and tidied herself up. She wasn't used to crying or settling down emotionally though she denied that she was an emotional person.

'Ramsha I love you for being here. But can you spare me some minutes alone? I am gonna buck myself in a moment. Ramsha knew she wanted time alone. Understanding her she nodded. Gave her a tight hug.

'I'll be in the class. It's the Human Anatomy and Physiology period. And, Amina, I am right here. Ramsha echoed and squeezed her friend's hand.

'Thank You, Amina smiled.

She left for the class while Amina walked herself to find a place where there was no one. She searched for every place but today, everything was going against her will, even the library was full of dates. What has been this day?

She was walking past the cafeteria when she noticed it had only a few people. She drifted inside to get to the most isolated place possible. A single table at the end of the tunnel-like cafeteria.

She placed her bag on the table, took her earphones out, and played her playlist on loop. She lay her head down pressing it as hard as possible into her bulky bag but whatever was playing in her ears didn't matter to her. She started crying. Crying so intensely that her whole body seemed to shake. She swallowed her breaths and pushed out her aggression again and again. She didn't know how for how long she had been there trying to let out her feelings.

She felt a sound of a chair dragging close to her. Some sat beside her. She stopped and stayed there motionless.

The silence was interrupted by the cough. She got curious and angry. Why she could not have some time by herself?

She lifted her head slowly just to find him looking at her with the most tender eyes.

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