3rd POV
Blanche was staring at his brother as he turned into the tiger.
Blanche had no major reaction to it because he knew that his brother was the tiger. Blanche didn't tell Atsushi that he knew for Atsushi's safety and sanity.
Once Atsushi started to jump towards Dazai, Blanche knew he had to do something to calm Atsushi down.
Dazai turned his head as he saw a bright light in the corner of his eye.
Bright white rings surrounded Blanche as he turned into...
The bright light suddenly exploded and out came a majestic snow leopard.
The snow leopard started to bound towards the tiger.
The tiger shifted his eyes to the snow leopard that was chasing him. The tiger turned around and jumped at the snow leopard.
The snow leopard reacted fast and jumped abruptly at the tigers face.
The tiger lifted on paw to attack the snow leopard. The snow leopard also brought up a paw to attack the tiger with.
Once they were close enough the snow leopard pushed the tiger's face away from him.
Once the tiger hit the floor it jumped up again at the snow leopard. The snow leopard hit a few crates while the tiger hit the same crates that the snow leopard hit.
It was silent for a few moments, then there were purrs and chuffs. Dazai walked towards them and he found the snow leopard flopped over the tiger's belly while the tiger was on it's back, laying there.
It was a cute scene until the tiger decided it had it's daily dose of love and began to growl at the snow leopard. The snow leopard yowled loudly at the tiger and swiped at the tiger's side.
The tiger's eyes shifted towards Dazai and began to growl loudly.
The snow leopard rolled of the tiger. The tiger began to jump at Dazai. Dazai jumped away and stopped at a wall. The tiger jumped at Dazai while roaring.
Dazai put his finger towards the middle of the tigers snout and blue rings surrounded the tiger. then a white light spread the the warehouse.
Atsushi replaced the tiger. Atsushi fell into Dazai's arms. Dazai then said,"If your flirting, I'm not interested." You would then hear a chuffing sound in the background.
The snow leopard climbed out of the crates. when he got out he walked towards Atsushi and became a large cat loaf.