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50% The Blacksmith in the Leaf / Chapter 2: Training & The Hidden Leaf

Chapter 2: Training & The Hidden Leaf

Looking at the township, he decides against going in there. Instead opting to walk slightly further into the woods that were next to the road.

"Hmm, I should check things first. See if everything is as it should be" he muttered to himself.

'Status' he called out in his mind.


Name: Amakuni Yasutsuna / Muzaka

Blacksmithing: Novice (8/10) [58%]

Sewing: Novice (2/10) [72%]

Leatherworking: Novice (5/10) [31%]

Woodworking: Novice (3/10) [94%]

Fuinjutsu: Novice (1/10) [1%]

Cooking: Novice (3/10) [55%]

Seeing this, he nodded before slightly frowning. Being a well respected blacksmith before his death, seeing that his skill would only be ranked Novice 8 was slightly offputting, but at the same time exciting beyond compare. How much better could he become?!

Deciding to enter his personal dimension to begin his training. Setting the time dilation to 1 day equals 364 days, he entered to begin his training.

Crafting items upon items, food upon food and seals upon seals, he rapidly progressed because of his obscene talent for the fields, deciding on a schedule of one profession per day training. He decided to keep going at it until everything was at least Grand Master level, he grinded for roughly 650 days in his dimension to achieve this. He did cheat sometimes though, changing his cooking days every now and then to the other arts as he saw fit. He had also dedicated some time to his fire and wind affinities in order to be able to use them in his crafts.

Looking at his status now, were worth drooling over.


Name: Amakuni Yasutsuna / Muzaka

Blacksmithing: God of Smithing (274/*) [21%]

Sewing: Grand Master (98/100) [44%]

Leatherworking: God of Leatherwork (68/*) [78%]

Woodworking: God of Woodwork (122/*) [2%]

Fuinjutsu: Grand Master (73/100) [8%]

Cooking: God of Cooking (198/*) [74%]

Afterwards, he had left his dimension to enter the township and ask for the directions towards Konoha, which he was given, and his trek began in high speed before slowing down when he got closer and walked the rest of the way.

Entering, and finding lodging had been surprisingly easy. He went scouting for a decent place for his ideas to be implemented and found the location he wanted, he would have to buy 3 shops for it, but it was possible he mused, and left the buying of the shops for the next day and turning to bed early.

Early morning, he entered his dimension and on 1:364 time dilation, spent a few days practicing again, before exiting and finishing his morning routine of taking a shower, brushing his teeth and eating breakfast.

At 9 in the morning, he left for central Konoha, and saw that all 3 of the shops he was interested in was already open. Entering the first, he saw an elderly woman sitting on a chair with a welcoming smile.

"Good morning young man, how can I help you?"

"Good morning, ma'am, I am actually here to ask if you would be willing to sell your entire shop to me. I just moved into town and will be opening a shop of my own. I intend to buy yours, and the two adjacent shops as well. How much is this establishment worth?"

She was slightly shocked, but nevertheless smiled once again.

"Young man, this shop is worth 3.000.000 Ryo, I am getting on in age, so I am not adverse to selling"

"I'll give you 4.500.000 Ryo for it then, since it was rather blunt and out of nowhere. I do not mind paying the extra for it, since I am not really looking to make more money. I just want to keep making my crafts"

"It is a deal then, young man"

Shaking hands on it, signing the paperwork for it, and literally paying the elderly woman 4.500.000 Ryo in cash. He escorted her to the bank so she could deposit it, since she was carrying so much money, he would not like if someone decided to get long fingers and take it from her. Getting many thanks from the elderly woman, he bowed and wished her a good day. He proceeded to barter with the other two shop owners, and ending up buying the other two, one for 4.950.000 Ryo and the other for 5.250.000 Ryo. Both of the owners were rather hardheaded hagglers, and shot well above their shop worth, but as he said to the elderly woman earlier, he didn't care much for money. When he thought of the elderly woman from earlier, he got rather miffed that he gave less money to the person that was actually kind to him in the transactions, so he went to the bank, and deposted another 2.500.000 Ryo into her account, and left a message to her simply stating that he refused to pay her less than the other shop owners, when she was the one that was only pleasant to him.

Having the deeds to the land and shops, he went back to them, and emptied the things he wanted to keep, or to give away which were not many, before he started tearing everything down. It took him four entire hours before everything was clear, and he started construction, as he still had good time left on the day.

He built the entire shop with top tier quality metal beams, making entirely sure that everything was sturdy beyond belief, before adding a multitude of seals to further strengthen the structure. He made it a two story building, the second floor for living purposes. He gave the entire thing a look of high class with the highest quality woods out there, that were pleasant to the eye to look at. Also making sure the roof was ninja-friendly, he had added seals to it that would make sure that if a ninja ran over it, no sound would go into the house.

Center to the outside, he decided was his shop itself, also having two giant windows for exhibition items, as well as two glass doors he carved with an engraving on each depicting his hammer, which were also placed on the windows. Reinforcing the glass properly on each with multiple seals that disappeared when finished, he filled the insides of the engravings with molten lava, and adding seals to keep the lava molten. The flooring was once again pristine class materials of wood, but not the same as used outside.

He went on to make the flooring for each of his workshops, to make sure each of them were up to his own high-rate standard, in order to keep the level as high as possible. He would not have his wares degraded in level because the flooring was done poorly.

Working at rapid speeds, he had gathered a crowd that looked at him working away, and they were in awe at his work. This worked in his favor, as they got to see his craftmanship abilities firsthand, thus being free publicity.

By the time it was evening, he started feeling hungry, and having finished most of the required things for living purposes on the second floor, promptly deciding to lock the store and get some dinner. He went to one of the Akimichi BBQ joints and ate a feast to himself.

He started work again as soon as he returned, and he kept working till 1 AM, before going to sleep. All he needed to do now were properly furnish both floors.

Waking up again at 7 AM, he took a shower, brushed his teeth and made breakfast, silently thanking himself for fixing all the plumbing and water lines. By 8, he was already starting to decide how he wanted to furnish the apartment. It ended up looking like a homely, family friendly, yet extremely expensive apartment, which he was satisfied with.

He had finished that in only 3 hours, where 2 were spent actually deciding how to furnish it, and moving things around till it fit his tastes. At 10, the lights in the shops first floor turned on, and people slowly started to gather again to see what he would do today.

By the time it was 5 PM, he had finished decorating the entire first floor, and all of his workshops with all the things he needed in them. Walking outside, he looked at it, and nodded, completely satisfied with his work. Then out of nowhere he started frowning, and looking deep in thought. Taking out a sign, he carved out the name of his shop, and keeping it covered so nobody else would see, he put up the sign above the entrance, before revealing a beautiful sign, but the name was arrogant beyond belief. The shop was called "GodCraft". Making another sign he could put outside that would stand on its own, he wrote:

'First 5 Shinobi and first 5 Kunoichi, will get a fully customized outfit w/ weapons. Will retain the right to deny a person'

Walking out, and putting up the sign, he walked back inside, leaning lazily on the counter, waiting for the first person to enter.

He was looking at his sign that showed the prize of custom weapons and custom outfits, which were only based on the quality of the materials he would use. Also, it was noted that he refused to customize anything of lower grade.

B rank custom weapon/outfit: 1.000.000 Ryo.

A rank custom weapon/outfit: 2.500.000 Ryo.

S rank custom weapon/outfit: 5.000.000 Ryo.

SS rank custom weapon/outfit: 10.000.000 Ryo.

SSS rank custom weapon/outfit: 25.000.000 Ryo.

EX rank custom weapon/outfit: 50.000.000 Ryo

Hearing a PLING signifying someone entering the store, he looked over to see...

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