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100% the black wood campground murder / Chapter 1: The start of it
the black wood campground murder the black wood campground murder original

the black wood campground murder

Author: bigggayy

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The start of it

It was late in the summer when it all began. I was 15 living my life as a normal teen. Hanging out with my friends, going camping with my family, and seeing my best friend everyday. Then, one day my family, my best friend and I went camping together, but we didn't know where to go. We ended up just traveling on the road until we found a place to camp. My mom was driving and then she stopped. I looked out to see an old sign that was broken on the sides, the paint peeling off and it was hard to see what it said but I could make it out. I read out loud "The Black Wood Campground" my mother looked at me then looked back to the road and turned into the campground road. The road was covered above with trees that looked black in color and had no leaves, just brown black moss. The road was long and twisted but we managed to make it to the rangers cabin. My dad got out along with my mom and they went inside to talk to the ranger. My best friend got out of the car and waved to me to come out. 

I reach for the handle of the door and feel a chill go up my spine. I thought to myself "I don't like this place, where are we, I've never heard of this place before". I get out of the car and run into the rangers cabin. My best friend swings the door open to a cabin filled with junk and garbage. I picked up an old newspaper, dated back in 2017 that read "Dead girl found in Black Wood lake." Another chill goes up my spine. I turn to find a weird man probably in his late 50's staring at me. I look at him and see that his uniform he was wearing was the ranger uniform. Behind him were my parents signing some forms and my best friend was next to me, as I showed her the newspaper that I found. Her eyes widened with fear; she grabbed my arm and didn't let go. My parents talked a little more to the ranger and left saying thank you. I asked the ranger if I could take the newspaper with me, he looked at me and said "Why do you want it" his voice was rough in tone, I replied with "Just to read I forgot to bring something to read". He nodded his head and said "Ok", after that I ran out of the cabin into the car where my parents and best friend were already. I get in the car and I start to shiver, my best friend moves closer to me and comforts me. My mom starts the car and drives down the road to our cabin. I think we were the only people staying in the campground.

 We get out of the car to go into our cabin. My dad opens the cabin with the keys the ranger gave him and we walked in. Instantly, I began to shiver, my body feeling colder than ever as I turned and headed to my room. My best friend behind me, I turn to her and say "I think we should read more about this newspaper article" she replied with "Yeah I kinda want to know why this girl is dead". She gets her phone out and starts to research. She found out that the girl was older than us by two years and that she drowned in the lake near the campground we were in. She looked at me quickly and said "Look". She moved her phone so i could read it and it said "The 17 year old Kayla was camping in the Black Wood Campground with her family when one night she was found by her mother in the lake. The young girl and her family were staying in cabin 342 that was far from the lake and they didn't know how she got there." I yelled to my mom "What's our cabin number" "It's 343 sweetie" my mother yelled back. I get up and look at my best friend. "We are in the cabin right next to where she was" I said. My best friend shakes her head and says "Don't worry about it, calm down." I take a couple of breaths and sit back on the bed. A few hours passed and it's time to go to bed. We turn the lights off and start to sleep. 

Suddenly, I feel chill go up my spine. I wake up to see a blurry figure. I call out to them "who are you" and no respond. The figure moves closer. I now can see it's the girl from the lake. I asked her why are you here. She shifted her head and said "It's cold, I hate the cold". I ask her the same question again, she looks at me. "I'm here to warn you and help you find out the truth" "What truth?" I say. "The truth about the ranger and what he did to me and another girl". I freeze and start to shiver. I said "What did he do". Again she shifted her head down and said "He did bad things to me, he took me from my cabin in the night, drugged me then threw me in the lake". I gasped, I turned to my best friend who was still asleep and I looked back at the girl. I shook her awake screaming because I was scared. "Hey what's going on" she said in a sleepy voice. "Look" I said as I pointed out. She sat up and said "There's nothing there now go back to sleep". I look back to see she was gone, just like that gone, out of thin air. I lay my head back down and drift to sleep.

The next morning started out like any other day when we are camping but, when I opened the door to go outside I had found a dead mouse with a note under it. I closed the door behind me and opened the note. The note read "The ranger is not who you think" I also found a newspaper article in the note too. This newspaper article was also about a dead girl but she was 16 and was found in her cabin with rope burns on her neck and her wrists. The girl's name was Kylie. I stuff the note in my pocket and go back into the cabin. I head straight to my room and get the other newspaper to compare the two of them. I put them both on the bed and start to read them. Both of the deaths had a similarity. Both girls' names started with K. I thought to myself the two girls are also a year apart. The way both girls died wasn't similar at all but they both just died randomly here at the campground. I had to figure out what happened to the girls that were killed here. I looked up what year Kylie died and she died a year before Kayla died. I then looked up what cabin Kylie was in. I type it out and hit search. I gasp in fear. I looked down at my phone to see that both girls were in cabin 342. There has to be a clue in the cabin on why they died.

I thought to myself "I can't do this alone, I have to get my friend to help me" I ran to the kitchen area where my best friend was and grabbed her hand then ran to our room. I shut the door and said "You won't believe what I found out about the two girls who were killed here" "Wait. Two? I only knew one who's the other?" She said. "The other girl who died here was 16, her name was Kylie and she was in cabin 342." "Just like Kayla" She burst out, "Exactly" I say as I go out the room. My parents were on a hike so I thought this would be the best time to go into cabin 342. My best friend follows me and we head out the door to the cabin. 

A few minutes of walking and we reached the cabin. My best friend looked at the cabin wall and said "342. This is it we found the cabin" "Yeah lets try to get in and see if we could find something". We found a spare key under a rock and went towards the door. I took the key and placed it through the keyhole and it opened. A cold breeze hits me, making me shiver. I put one foot through the door and my best friend followed. It was dark, the lights weren't working so my best friend turned her flash light on her phone and shined it everywhere. Suddenly, the door shuts with a big bang. A shiver goes up my spine, as my best friend grabs my arm. We look around and see a broken bed, old sheets, and a pillow with a small red stain on it. My best friend looks around when I hear a soft voice whisper to me. "Look beneath the boards, Look beneath the boards" I jump and turn around. Again like the night before I see a blurry figure. I back away and bump into my best friend and we scream a little.

I fall onto the floor and break a board that moves and reveals something shiny. I think the voice said look beneath the boards. I pry the board off the floor revealing a metal box under it. I lift the metal box out from the boards while my friend sits next to me and watches. I slowly open it to reveal a journal, pictures of the two girls and a bag that has two bracelets in it. I took the journal out to see it was the rangers journal. I stuffed the journal and the bag of bracelets in my jacket and ran to the door. When we tried to open the door it was locked. My friend grabs the key and tries to open it. Without warning the door suddenly opens with the key still in the hole. We run out the door and toward our cabin to see if my parents are back. We get near our cabin and I see that my parents car is outside. I need to hide the bag and journal so my parents don't find it for now. We open the door slowly and tip toe in. My parents passed out on the couch near the fireplace so we walked slowly past them to not wake them up and head to our room. Once in our room I take the journal out and the bag to start reading.

The journal was old and had had a leather string that tied it close. I undo the knot in the leather string and open it to the first page. The first page read "To James From Dad" "So the man's name is James" my friend says. I replied with "I guess so". I flipped to the next page that had drawings of symbols that we couldn't even recognize, but we did recognize one symbol. I look down and see a circle with a star inside it. A pentagram. I look up to my friend and I see fear in her eyes as she is staring at the page. I quickly flip the page again. The page is dated 5-2-2016, the year Kylie died. I read to my friend "Dear journal, I did it. I feel energetic now that i finally did it. The way I felt when she struggled to breath made me feel different than usual. I liked the sound of her begging for her life. I want that feeling again. I NEED TO FEEL IT AGAIN!" I drop the journal out of my hand and move farther away from it. My friend just sits there, staring at it. "I think we should take pictures of this" my friend says. I nod as she takes her phone out. She snaps a photo and turns the page to reveal another entry dated 3-9-2017. Again in the year that Kayla died. I began to read it "Dear journal, I did it again not the same way but I felt that feeling again. Ah the way the girl was not fighting as I put her in the lake and how she sank down. I laughed a little this time. I really feel alive now." I stopped, I couldn't read anymore. I was too scared.

I back away and let my friend take more pictures of it. I begin to shiver thinking what if he comes after me or my best friend, I don't want to lose her. I love her too much to lose her to that guy. I move closer to my friend and squeeze her. "I'm scared" I told her. She replies with "I'm right here and i'm not going anywhere". She hugs me back as I start to cry. A few minutes pass and the journal randomly opens to a page near the back. I scoot towards it and read the page "The bag of souvenirs for the future" It was written in red ink. Unlike the other entries that were written in black ink. I shift over and grab the bag that had the two bracelets. I picked up one of the bracelets and saw that it had a name engraved in it. It was covered in rust but I could read it. "Kylie" I quickly grabbed the other bracelet and it also was engraved with a name but it was "Kayla". I realize that with the journal and the two bracelets that it was evidence of the two murders. I stuff the two bracelets in the bag along with the journal and put in the dresser that was near the bed. I look at my friend and say "When we leave we need to bring this to the cops" She nodded and said "Yeah he needs to be put in jail". We walk out of our room and see that my parents are cooking dinner in the kitchen. We go and sit at the table to play a game before dinner. After a while it was time to go to bed. I brush my teeth then walk into our room and lay down. My friend turns off the lights then lays down too. 

I wake up randomly in the middle of the night when a shiver goes up my spine. I turn to see if my friend was still next to me and she was gone. I get up and run to my parents. I shake them awake yelling "MOM, DAD WAKE UP" "What is it sweetie" said my mom. "MOM, she's gone help me mom she's gone." "Who's gone" she replied. "Katy she's gone" I then realize oh my god no. I run out of my parents room as my mom chases after me. I can hear my mom yelling "Sweetie come back" I don't listen and run out of our cabin. I ran to cabin 342 to see the door wide open. I grab a large stick just in case I need to protect myself and Katy. I run in yelling her name "KATY, KATY WHERE ARE YOU" I hear a small noise coming from the bathroom. I ran towards it to only find my best friend lying on the ground with her hands tied together and her ankles tied together. I ran in and picked her up saying "It's gonna be okay, I got you, I got you." Suddenly, I hear footsteps coming from outside. I set her down and closed the door and locked it. I could hear the footsteps come closer and closer, then they stopped. I cover my mouth in fear that he can hear me. The handle to the door knob starts to move. It's him he knows I'm in here and locked the door. He then calls out "Open the door now before I open it for you". I don't say anything. Then, bang he hit the door bang, bang, bang he cracks the door just enough to reach the door knob and turn it. He flings it open and says "Two in one day thats better than one" He reaches toward me and suddenly he gets pulled back and hits the wall, someone or something threw him. I close my eyes for a second then open them and see the two girls standing there turned towards the man. They turn towards me and say "Thank you for getting us justice and helping us tell everyone who killed us". I blink my eyes and they disappeared, just like that poof out of thin air once again. I grabbed Katy and ran out the cabin where I found my mom and dad running towards us. I could see my mom had her phone and I told her to call the cops right now. My dad went in and grabbed the old man and made sure he didn't get away.

When the cops arrived I told them about the journal, the bracelets, and what he had done to my friend. I didn't mention the two girls I saw. I think they wouldn't want that happening but the cops arrested the man and helped my friend. Good thing is she didn't have to go to the hospital but she was really shaken up about everything. I look at her and tell her "He's gone and we are leaving and going home". She grabs my hand and says "Can i stay at your house for a while" "Yeah" I replied with. We pack everything up out of the cabin and I help my friend into the car. We start to get on the road when I grab a blanket and put it around my friend as she moves closer to me. She put the blanket on me and grabs my hand. "I just want to say thank you for saving from that guy". I look at her and say "I didn't want to lose you, so I had to do everything to save you" I replied with. She smiles and drifts off to sleep. I watch her fall asleep on me and don't move so she can sleep. We finally got off the campground road and on a city road. I look back and see the cops taping up the campground entrance so no one goes in. Before I turn my head to look away from the campground road I see the two girls standing there waving goodbye. I wave back and turn around to see my friend still asleep. From that day on me and my best friend never left each other's side. We found out that the guy was charged with killing the two girls and attempt murder to my best friend. 

In the end we never found out what happened to the campground and what happened to the girls I saw. We have driven past the place only once since then. I wonder what would have happened if I didn't find the journal or saw the girls ghosts. It doesn't matter now, me and my best friend are living our life to the fullest. I really thought we wouldn't see that guy again or so I thought.

The end

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