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56.97% The Black List: The Sniper / Chapter 96: T. Solotov part-10

Chapter 96: T. Solotov part-10

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Kruger PVs

Both were shocked by what I said, Bob Lee was the first to come back to reality. "He's following us, isn't he?"

Bob Lee's words brought Gina back to reality and she said. "That shouldn't be possible, since I turned on the signal encoder, no signal should be transmitted."

I looked at the two of them in debates and said. "Precisely, the signal encoder is preventing any signal from being transmitted, but what is preventing the signal encoder from outputting a signal on its frequency?"

Bob Lee didn't quite understand, but Gina finally understood what I meant. "This is no good!

What are we going to do boss?"

I thought for a while, looked at the map on the onboard computer screen, and said. "We're going to have to stop the car here, two kilometers ahead, as I'm 90% sure we'll be ambushed on this bend in the road here, six kilometers away.

We have no choice, tell the men we'll stop two kilometers ahead and flank the enemy!

Bob Lee, I need you here at all, I'll be the bait.

Gina, you and the soldiers will cover me on the left and right flank, leaving the central area to Bob Lee, ignore his existence as his focus will be on me."

Bob Lee was surprised at my calm and commanding ability, but quickly got into the mood and said. "Leave it to me, let's go all out!"

Ginny smiled and said. "Understood boss! I'll do my best!"

I smiled at these two and said. "I'm counting on it, I'm risking my life for it.

So don't be afraid! If we fail, we will only lose our lives."

Duo's smile in the car died instantly and Ginny spoke. "We can't fail!!"

Bob Lee wholeheartedly agreed. "I certainly won't fail!"

My smile only grew, I accelerated the car towards our destination, arriving at the strategic place mentioned I said. "Come on guys, we have a maximum of five minutes, everybody gets in position!

Bob Lee, this is for you.

I don't think he'll suspect that the two biggest Snipers are brothers, so he doesn't know you, I'm sure you can shoot him in the head."

Bob Lee was shocked to receive my Black King and said. "Brother... Fuck it! I'll do it, that guy can already consider himself dead!"

Three minutes after we had stopped our convoy, another convoy arrived, several armed men got out and pointed their weapons at me and my men, we got into a fighting stance and were positioned in a defensive formation.

Soon the last car arrived and Tomas Solotov got out of it, he ignored everyone and came straight to me and said. "The ending could have been different, you just had to give me the diary!

Tell me, Kruger... Is this worth dying for?"

I walked towards the open field with a beach chair in my hand, opened the chair and sat down, looked at Solotov, and said. "It's worth it, I know you understand what I mean.

I'm talking about my struggle... You've already lost the one you love because of the greed of others.

I'm not in this secret war for the love of the country like everyone thinks, look at me, I put that aside years ago...

I'm here, alive and kicking like a cockroach simply for revenge! Vengeance for my father and me!"

Solotov looked at me for a few moments without reaction, he remembered his father and his wife, everything that happened. "You're right, I understand your pain and what motivates you to fight.

But that won't stop me from killing you, I don't feel sorry for you, I just feel respect.

And that respect I feel for you is what motivates me to do my best to kill you.

If there is another life, I wish we could be friends."

I looked at Solotov with a smile and said. "You're right, this is just like Monaco!

Your words are funny but you must be forgetting something, I'm not cornered by you, you're stuck here in this impasse with me.

You didn't bring me here as prey, I came here to hunt you like a true predator.

And lastly, my friend, if there's a next life for you, we're sure to be friends."

When I finished saying my words, I gestured for my team to open fire, in a matter of seconds the bullets flew from both sides, and the shot ran wild while Solotov and I are standing in front of each other, calmly watching everything happen.

A few minutes later the shooting stopped and only half a dozen men survived, my side had four and his side had two, I looked at Solotov and said. "I won!"

He smiled at me and said. "Look again, I'm sure you're wrong."

As I looked around, two drones appeared and fired at my men, leaving just me and Ginny. "Clown... Stealing my tricks, how inelegant.

I think this time you won..."

Solotov took his gun and pointed it at me with a smile and said. "Goodbye, my friend! The world will be a lot more boring without you, go in peace."

I looked at him with a straight face, walked over to my chair, leaned back and put my hands behind my head, and said. "Do your best, I won't beg."

Solotov walked in front of me, looked at me for a moment, and said. "I know, it's not your style to beg.

If it were, it wouldn't be fun for you..."

Before he could finish saying his final words to me, a shot went through his head and he fell backward without reaction, it was all so fast that his surviving men didn't have time to react before they were killed the same way Solotov was.

I looked at all this emotionlessly and said. "Damn! It looks like a scene from a cliché action movie!

Is this how others feel under a Sniper's sights?

Good thing I'm always on the other side!

And you Gina, how are you feeling, Bob Lee killed it, didn't he?"

I looked around to see Ginny's reaction, but when I finally found her, she was on the floor shot and bleeding profusely, I quickly ran over to her to try to stop the bleeding, but the situation was not optimistic.

I'm sure she won't survive the trip, so I put my ear close to her mouth and waited for her to say her last words.

Ginny smiled through a mouthful of blood and spoke. "It was... Cough... Fun... I've had a pretty good life... Cough... Especially in the last six years.



(Y/N: Pass your POWER STONES or Gina will eat your cookies!!)

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