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16.66% The Birth Of New Evolution (Pokémon Fanfic) / Chapter 2: The True Value

Chapter 2: The True Value

"A Pidgey, a Spearow, a Rattata, a Hoothoot, a Sentret, a Raticate, and a Furret. I guess this is all Pokémon that can be seen in this road." Yui said while looking at what the Pokedex said about all the Pokémon she scan.

She look up and smile at the Pokémon she just said, that standing in front of her looking at her. "Thanks guys, here have the treat as I promise." Yui put the Pokémon food in front of them and they launch at it eat happily.

Yui giggle at their reaction and left them alone. Yui start to walk to the river along with Yang beside her and Yin who lazily stay on her head. Knowing they are rare Pokémon in this region. Yin use his illusion to change into a Pikachu and a Pichu for Yang.

"Ugh! Yui I'm tired can we rest!" Yin have been complain for while. Yang just ignore his brother and continue walking beside Yui.

"Just wait for a while. We are nearing the river we can rest there." Yui explain to her spoiled fox. "You aren't even walking from the start quit complaining!" Yang finally snap at Yin as he become annoyed at his brother attitude.

Yin become mad at his brother and snap back at Yang "What did you said!? If you can change our appearance like me you will know how tiring to do it! Be grateful that I also covering you with my illusion or Pokémon poacher may already kidnapped you!"

"I never ask your protection! If you don't like it then don't do it! Yui always told you about that!" Yang glare at his brother. The two of them then bicker this make Yui sigh.

"Alright! Stop it both of you! You two bicker until you don't notice that we arrived at our destination! And if you're tired for casting illusion you don't have to do it! We already know that both of you is strong enough to protect yourself!" Yui yell at them making them regret fighting. Both Yin and Yang chin down in shame at what they both did.

"We're sorry, Yui." Both of them said their apologize together and make up. Yui smile and pat their head. "It's alright. But both of you must remember that you have each other to help when you have a problem. I to will help you guys."

All of them they laugh together at the silly thing that almost break their bond but their moment is interrupted by a girl scream.

Yui who notice this immediately rush to the source of the voice along with Yin and Yang behind her. She find a girl her age in front a wild Gyarados. The girl petrified in fear in front it.

Gyarados the Atrocious Pokémon,

It rarely seen in the wild and commonly found in a colony in the sea. Huge and vicious, it is capable of destroying entire cities in a rage. PROCEED IN CAUTION!!!

Yui ignore her Pokedex and jump between the Gyarados and the girl. "Wha! You get out from here!" The girl who petrified spoke in fear when Yui jump in front her.

Yui immediately speak to the Gyarados. "Stop it! What she did to you to make you so angry?!" The girl look at Yui like she is crazy because she tried to reason with a wild Pokémon.

"That girl you protect disturb my sleep! Move out or I will eat you to!" The Gyarados let out a loud growl making the girl Yui trying to protect squeak in fear but Yui still stand still not a bit afraid at the wild Gyarados.

"You are suppose to stay in the ocean not at this river! The girl must not know that this is your territory! Forgive her and she won't disturb you again!" Yui state to the Gyarados while looking straight to his eyes.

The Gyarados look at her eyes and find that Yui don't lie to him. The Gyarados calmed down because he start to think that what Yui said is true. He supposed to lived in the ocean but he got sweep away when he still young and forgot the way back. This make the Gyarados sad.

"You are correct I'm suppose to be in the ocean but I got sweep away when I'm young and forced to live in this river." Yui feel the Gyarados sadness and decided to help him.

"I know the way. Let me help you." Yui smile and approach the Gyarados. The Gyarados tense for a moment before calming down when Yui only touch his head gently. "Try to remember your home, then I can find the ocean where your family lives."

The Gyarados somehow have a feeling that he can trust what Yui said and close it's eyes. He remembering when he still a weak Magikarp playing with his family until sweep away from them by rainstorm.

The girl that Yui save look at her saver confusedly and also amazed that Yui can understand and calm the Gyarados that known for it's atrocious attitude.

"That is Yui for you." The girl jump in surprise at the sudden voice coming from no where. Then she hear a snicker beside her. When she look beside her, she find two Pokémon she never seen before but before she able to said anything the yellow mask wearing dog interrupt her.

"We are Yui's Pokémon. We are from others region that why we're rare and why you probably never knew us. Yui have a special gift that attract Pokémon to her. She also good talking and calm our battle instinct." The yellow dog explain. The girl nod speechlessly and see Yui the girl that save her waving her hand at the Gyarados that almost maimed both of them.

The Gyarados let out a happy roar at Yui as Yui smile while say her good bye at it. This make the girl feel somehow less scared at Gyarados knowing somehow that big atrocious Pokémon still have a soft spot.

"Are you alright?" ask Yui. This make the girl snap out her daze and see her saviour look at her worried. "I'm fine, thank you. By the way, my name is Misty."

Misty has orange hair, tied in a ponytail. She has green eyes and white skin. She wears red suspenders, a yellow tank top, blue denim shorts and red and yellow sneakers.

Misty took Yui hand as Yui help Misty stood up. "My name is Yui but you probably already know it from my friend." Yui smile as Yin the blue fox climb to her head and Yang the yellow dog who sit at her right shoulder.

"The fox is Yin, he is a bit mischievous so be careful. The dog is Yang, he is the cool type and he rarely talk unless necessary. They're both my partners and friends." Yui pat their head dearly as both Pokémon purr in delight.

"I'm glad that you are save and sound. Well, we need to continue our journey. It's nice to meet you." said Yui as she walk away and then gone from Misty's sight. She didn't notice that Misty want to talk to her.


An hour have passed since the Gyarados accident and it already night. Right now Yui rest near the river while Yin and Yang eat the Pokefood that custom made by Yui herself.

"Oh boy! No matter how many times I eat it. Your food still is the best!" Yin greedily eat his food making a mess. Yang sneer in disgust at his brother attitude but ignore him as he continue to eat gracefully.

Yin finish his food first and lick his face from all the mess he created. But he still unsatisfied he look at his brother food and grinning mischievously. Yang notice his brother idea and smack his paw that want to steal his food.

Yin pout but that pout don't last long as Yui notice Yin still hungry and serve him the second plate. "Here Yin. You just need to ask me some more, I can make it for you. From now don't steal food from others when you're hungry."

Yin let out a happy yip before snuggle his face at his food again. Yui giggle at Yin childish attitude while Yang just sigh at his brother before smirking as he still love his brother despite his many mistake.

*splash* *splash*

Yui get up from her spot and look her surrounding for that splashing sounds. Yin and Yang also stand in that fighting position for any enemies.

"Yang use Sunny Day in mini version please." Yui ordered Yang. As Yang nod it's head and make a tiny sun that light the darkness near them. They walk near the river as they move forward the splashing sound become more weak.

Yui run at the sound worried at the Pokémon who cause the voice died. She find an unique looking fish and a tiny snake like Pokémon. Both of them hurt so badly.

Dratini the Dragon Pokémon,

It is called the "Mirage Pokémon" because so few have seen it. Its shed skin has been found. Dratini continually molts and sloughs off its old skin. It does so because the life energy within its body steadily builds to reach uncontrollable levels. Long considered a mythical Pokémon until recently when a small colony was found living underwater. This Dratini is Female and currently only two months old. The odd coloring is the proof of Shiny Pokémon.

Feebas the Fish Pokémon,

It is a shabby and ugly Pokémon. However, it is very hardy and can survive on little water. However, this hardy Pokémon is capable of eating anything and living anywhere. It is often found in , even if only a little water is available. While there are many of this Pokémon in existence, populations tend to cluster in small areas. Once found, its dull wits make it easy to capture. This Pokémon is native from Hoenn. Feebas is a Female Pokemon and currently two years old. The odd coloring is the proof of Shiny Pokémon.

Yui glare at her Pokedex that said cruel things at the battered Pokémon but she sigh because it only can state the facts.

Yui try to approach them but the pink Dratini launch a Thunder Wave at them. Yin use Dark Pluse to counter it, Yang stand in front of Yui and growl at the Pokémon who just attack them.

"Stop it both of you!" Yui shout making all the Pokémon startled and look at her. "Are both of you alright? Let me help you." Yui look back at the snake and fish.

They look each other to discuss about it before look back at Yui and give her a hesitate nod. Yui smile kindly at them she approach them carefully to not agitate the hurt Pokémon even further.

You sit down near them and start healing their wound by her gift. The snake and fish is surprise but they don't said anything until Yui finish healing them. "T-t-thanks human." The pink Dratini said her thanks stuttering.

"It's alright. I just glad I can help you. Can you tell me what happen? How both of you become this badly hurt?" Yui look at both Dratini and Feebas with empathy as the both Pokémon look down at the hurtful past they just have.

The Feebas then explain to Yui what happen to them "I'm a Feebas an ugly and weak Pokémon because my look many Pokémon and Trainer alike bully me. I'm alright with it because that is who am I, but my friend here is different."

"She is a Dratini and she is a rare Pokémon that always hunted by human because their species is rare. Today we manage to run away from the hunter but he manage to hurt us both to badly. We both thought that maybe now we can find peace in dead but you find both of us. Somehow your eyes are different from others Trainer and we decided to trust you. We're grateful that you help us. Thank you."

Yin and Yang smile in pride as the wild Pokémon praise their Trainer. Yui blush and mumble something that the Pokémon can't hear. After calm down Yui pet the Dratini at first she tense afraid at her but when Yui pet her kindly the Dratini snuggle at her hand missing the kind touch that she used to have when she still with her mother.

"Would you please take care of her." Yui snap her head at the Feebas who suddenly said that. "Why me?" Yui ask surprise at the sudden favor. "I can see in you eyes that you indeed care Pokémon and Dratini actually have a shy personality but you manage to make her open up." Feebas smile while look at Dratini who still snuggle at Yui's hand asking more intentions.

"Then what about you? Where are you going to go?" Yui ask a bit worried. Feebas smile sadly "I'm going back to swim my life until my life end as a weak and ugly fish."

Dratini snap hearing this and wrap her body at Feebas "No! Sister you can't go! Please don't leave me all alone!" They begin to bicker about who going to stay and leave.

Yui then stop their bickering "Stop it both of you! You two can come with me if you want, I don't mind more company."

"But I'm only an ugly and weak fish. I only going to drag your journey." The Feebas yell at Yui with tear in it's eyes. Yui glare at the Feebas in fierce intensity making the Feebas shut her mouth in fear. Yui took the Feebas from the water and make her look straight at her eyes.

"Don't you dare said those word in front of me again! Feebas you're an amazing and the most beautiful Pokémon I ever seen! Your strength and beauty may not seen now!" Yui stand up and start to yell at the Feebas startling her.

"Come with me and I will make others who said you're ugly and weak regret their word! But first you must believe yourself you can change for the better. Everything will change if you never give up even if others see you like a fool! Hard work will get result!" Yui start to speech what she learn from her experience.

"So what do you say? Are you going to change or stay as what others said to you?" Yui ask the Feebas. Her words make Feebas speechless.

All this time Feebas only listen and accept what others said to her and never tried to prove them wrong. Feebas eyes shine with life unlike before she somehow believe that with Yui help she can become beautiful and strong.

"I will come with you! I'm going to be strong and beautiful so people and Pokémon won't make fun of me again!" Feebas shout confidently making Yui and the others nod happily at her passion.

"That is what I want to hear! Welcome to my family!" Yui smile as she capture both Feebas and Dratini. She then let them out again to name them.

"Dratini your eyes is like the night sky it's so pretty this make me believe someday you will soar in the sky and become the most beautiful night sky I ever seen. So you are going to be my wing that will take me up there. So your name shall be Tsubasa."

Dratini let out a happy yip making all of us laugh.

"Feebas you have show me your inner beauty but to reach that you must past a hard trial and you are ready to face it. So your name shall be Diamond the most beautiful and hard jewel that exist as it also have passed hard trial to become the beauty that everyone want." Feebas cry while smiling happily at her name and vow to me that she will never give up.

We talk and introduce ourselves and get to know each other for another night. When morning I return both Diamond and Tsubasa to their Pokeballs. Yui that time don't know that her action is watch by a Pokémon and that Pokémon smile at her kind heart and give Yui it's blessing.

"Huh? Where is this feather come from?" Yui caught a feather with three colour on it red, white and green. She look up and find a shiny Pokémon fly past her.

Yui in instinct took her Pokedex and scan the Pokémon she just seen and take some of it's photo.

Ho-oh the Rainbow Pokémon,

A legend says that its body glows in seven colors. A rainbow is said to form behind it when it flies. It said that it will only reveal itself before a pure-hearted Trainer by shining its bright, rainbow-colored wings.

"Wow! That is a Legendary Pokémon! I'm so lucky to see it." Yui exclaimed as she play the Ho-oh description that the Pokedex able to give.

"Maybe It recognize you Yui. After all you are a pure hearted Trainer." Yin tease Yui making her splutter her word and it cannot be recognize. Yang sigh as Yin snicker and ignore what ramble Yui said in her embarrassment.

"Yin that is enough. But what he said is true. We indeed following the most pure hearted person that exist. Yui you must learn to except praise." Yang explain his reason coolly while hiding his happy smile from his brother and Trainer.

Yui smile still a bit red "I know but I'm not that pure person I'm just a person who love Pokémon like others did. But I appreciate the gift Ho-oh give to me." Yui put the feather that she received from Ho-oh between her hair and right ear.

"Let's go the Varidian City is near." With that Yui leave the route and enter the Varidian City.

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