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Chapter 4: A Prodigy Company

"In this forest there are many bug type Pokémon." Yui state as she look at the Pokedex. "WHAT!!!" Misty suddenly yell making Yin jump off Yui head and Yang become tense for nothing.

Yui almost drop her Pokedex. "Is there something wrong Misty?" Yui look at her companion in worry. "U-um, I kind of dislike bug. I'm disgusted at them." Yui look at Misty with frown before she sigh and accept her new friend weakness.

Yui took her hand and walk a bit faster than the usual. "Alright. Let's go if we arrive faster maybe we don't meet any bug type Pokémon and use this repel when I'm gone. I will said this now, I'm disappointed at you Misty. You said you want to be a Specialist of Water type Pokémon and yet you discriminate a bug type Pokémon. What will happen when you have a dual bug and water type Pokémon. You don't have to answer me now, just please think about what I said."

Yui throw a repel that she just bought from the Pokemart to Misty. Misty give Yui a nod as she keep the repel in her backpack.

Both of them enter the forest and somehow they don't meet a single bug type Pokémon, but they met a different type instead.

*rustle* *rustle*

Misty yell thinking a bug Pokémon come out from the bush behind her. But it's not a bug Pokémon that come out. "What's wrong with this human?" It is a Pikachu.

Pikachu the Mouse Pokémon,

Whenever Pikachu comes across something new, it blasts it with a jolt of electricity. If you come across a blackened berry, it's evidence that this Pokémon mistook the intensity of its charge. This Pokémon has electricity-storing pouches on its cheeks. These appear to become electrically charged during the night while Pikachu sleeps. It occasionally discharges electricity when it is dozy after waking up. It raises its tail to check its surroundings. The tail is sometimes struck by lightning in this pose. This Pikachu is a male Pokémon and currently one years old.

"Calm down Misty it's just a Pikachu." Yui calm Misty down then she approach the Pikachu. "Hey, Pikachu sorry about my friend here. She just afraid with bug Pokémon." Yui apologize at the Pikachu.

"Nah, it's al-! You understand what I said!" The Pikachu yell at Yui because he was surprised that a human can understand him.

Yin snicker "Hahaha! I never get bored with that face!" Yang glare at his brother attitude "Stop laughing at the poor child. You're not any better when you first time met Yui." With that Yin shut his mouth in embarrassment.

"Yes, I do. It's my gift since I'm young." Yui smile at the shocked Pikachu. "Well that is shocking. I never met a human that can understand us." Pikachu said while he stare at the girl who become the first human that can understand him.

"Can I ask you a favor?" When Yui ask this Pikachu become startled wondering what can he do for the girl. "No need to be so tense. I just want to scan you with my Pokedex to get your data. You just need to stand still for five minute. I will give you a food as a reward" Yui giggle at the Pikachu reaction.

"O-oh! If that all I don't mind. I thought you're going to catch me like what other Trainer do." Pikachu admit what he have been thinking about Trainer and his opinion change a bit by the kind human girl that able to understand him.

"Thank you. Oh! By the way my name is Yui. Nice to meet you!" Yui took Pikachu small hand and shake it. Pikachu also smile he is happy to see a different kind of human that really respect him. "It also a pleasure to meet you to."

Yui took her Pokedex and scan the Pikachu. After it done Yui gives the food that he promised and about to leave when Pikachu but he stop her. "Yui."

"Yes, is there something wrong?" Yui turn her back and look at Pikachu who tugging her long sleeve. Pikachu stood in silence before facing Yui with commitment and confidence. "I wish to accompany you in your journey. I believe I can become strong in your care. I see many other Trainer but nobody satisfied me. I somehow have a feeling that with your help I can become the best Pikachu out there."

"Ok, if you so sure I have no reason to refuse. Welcome to my family Rai." When the Pikachu blink in confusion of the new nickname Yui giggle and explain her reasoning.

"You give me your trust to me a person you just met and believe in me. So, I'm going to name you Rai as my symbol that we trust each other and it also have a meaning of a lightning and thunder seeing you're an Electric type Pokémon."

Pikachu snap from his confusion and give Yui a smile "I like it. Please take care of me Yui." With that Yui take an empty Pokeball and touch Pikachu head. Rai enter the Pokeball without any resistance. With a ping sound Yui success to capture Pikachu.

Yui smile as she look at Rai's Pokeball before she minimize it and put it on her sleeve where she store all her Pokémon. "So you really can understand Pokémon. I can only hear their race name being said many time."

Yui turn and look at Misty who looking at her with a kind smile. Yin jump off from Yui shoulder and stand proudly "Of course this is Yui's gift. One and only for Yui."

Yui look at Yin with conflicted emotions while Yang only can sigh with his brother unique personality. "Well, what Yin said maybe correct. I have never seen any other human that able to understand what we said without telepathy."

"Ah! So what I heard that time is really you guys!" Misty yell surprise. "Hahaha! You just realize now! Too slow!" Yin laugh so loud this make Misty mad. Seeing this Yin run away from Misty knowing that he make her mad.

"Get back here you rascal!" Misty run east chasing Yin who purposely make her mad. "Yui, he did it again." Yang state the obvious. Yui sigh but she smile "Well, he can take care himself and maybe he will protect Misty, he seem to be interested with her."

"Yes, as a new toy. He have a mischievous personalities that beyond hopeless I wonder why I accept him as my brother." Yang grumble at his brother.

Yui giggle and kneel down "Don't say sad things. Yin is better that that and you know it better than anyone. Both of you are different, because of that you have to cover each others back. That is the reason I name both of you Yin and Yang. My Moon and Sun."

Yui pat Yang head gently. Yang look away from Yui with pink blush painted on his face. "I know Yui, you don't need to remind me."

"Ah~ How cute." Yui blush and cuddle Yang. "Gah! Yui stop! I hate this!" Yang press his paw at her cheek to keep her face away from his body. Yui giggle and release a red face Yang. "Well, we have time to wait until both Misty and Yin comeback. Let's train for the coming gym."

"Yui how about asking the young ones if they want to participate or not." Yang suggest. "Hmm..., that actually a great idea but they need more training before even thinking challenging the gym." Yui think about Yang suggestion.

Yang smirk and let out a huff "I won't be to worried about that. Because Yui you have a talent to bring our best capabilities and to break the limit that those professors decide on us."

Yui just smile at Yang praise. She and Yang came to a good place to train she then let out her new Pokémon. "Come on out Tsubasa! Dia! Rai!"

The said Pokémon come out from their Pokeball and look at Yui. Tsubasa who is the youngest let out happy squeak seeing Yui and wrap her body on her neck. She then snuggle at her face, Yui smile and pat Tsubasa head as she let out a happy purr.

"Alright, I let you out because after this we are going to challenge a Gym. The gym is a Rock Specialist. I want to Dia and Tsubasa to help me but because Tsubasa still too young. I can't let her go, so Rai I'm going to be counting at you."

"Yui I can fight! Stop treating me like a kid!" Tsubasa pout at her. "I'm sorry I still think you aren't ready just yet. Maybe when in the second gym I will." Yui pat her head and show her and apologize face.

"But I will still train all of you." Tsubasa face lit up hand she dance on Yui's head. Dia, Rai, and Fang smile at their youngest sibling cheerful and carefree attitude.

"Well, first let's see what move you can do." Yui took her Pokedex and look at the move section. "Dia from now you only can do Frail and Splash but don't worry I can fix that. You have an amazing set of egg moves. Dia we're going to prove those people that you aren't useless." Diamond give Yui a confident nod making Yui smile happily.

Then she look at Rai "Hmm..., you have unusual skill. I have never heard a Pikachu can Fly. You also already learn Thunderbolt and Thunder in young age. Rai you're quite a prodigy."

Rai blush at the intentions he is getting from his new Trainer and his new family. "I'm not that special, I'm just very desperate to continue living and take as many skill I can pick. I'm not a master so I still need your help." Rai blush and admit his weak point. Yui smile at him and pat his fur. Rai let out a surprise squeak before purring in content.

"Now for Tsubasa. Leer, Warp and Thunder Wave. Not bad for someone who is young and you also have amazing egg move that soon to be unlock." Tsubasa jump happily hearing her Trainer praise.

Then they begin to train all together along with Yang who become a senior coach as he already through Yui intensive training. By the end of the day her Pokémon learn many things about their new Trainer and gain more respect at her.

Dia manage to learn Tackle, Iron Tail, Water Pluse, and she manage to unlock Brine one from many amazing egg move she have. She can move in the land with no problem thanks to Rai that teach her how to Fly but Dia still more monstrous in water where her forte is.

Rai mastered his Thunder Bolt, Thunder, and his unique Fly ability. But he also learn Iron Tail, Quick Attack, Electro Ball, Up Roar, and some how he also unlock his egg move Disarming Voice. Rai is really a prodigy of his own kind.

And Tsubasa manage to learn Fly, Dragon Pulse, and Icy Wind. She also unlock her two egg move Extreme Speed and Iron Tail but she still need time to control her Extreme Speed and Dragon Pulse because her body still to young to handle the strain that moves gives.

After training we hear Misty scream so loudly stopping making me stop and look very alert. Yui took Dia, Tsubasa, and Rai Pokeballs and return them. While Yang jump into her shoulder full alert for any danger than may come.

Yui run to the place where she hear Misty yelling. "Misty are you alright!" "KYAAAA!" Then a sword come slashing at Yui. Luckily she manage to dodge that sword and Yang jump off her shoulder snapped the sword in half with his paws.

"W-wha! It's broken!" boy look at his sword in surprise. "Hey! Watch where you swing that sword! It's dangerous! You could seriously injured someone with that thing!" Yui yell at the boy who wear a samurai outfit with a net on his back. The boy look down guilty "I'm sorry it's just I thought that you're a wild Pokémon."

Yui smile "It's okay. I forgive you but you must look carefully first before you strike and the Pokémon here is quite gentle unless you threatened them." The boy look up and give her a small nod with a tiny smile.

"You're stronger that any other Pallet Town trainer. I can see it from your wide knowledge about Pokémon and how your Pokémon counter my attack. Let's battle!" The boy challenge Yui with a serious face.

Yui smile as she saw the flame of passion in the boy eyes. She give him a nod "I accept your challenge. My name Yui Arc Blade from Pallet Town."

"I'm Samurai from Varidian Forest. Now, let's battle!" After he said that, they walk to the opposite of the open field they stand on. Misty holding Yin in her arms and Yang who stand beside her. They stay on the side so they can't disturb the battle.

Misty is curious at what Yui can do. She only saw her battle once and their opponents ware weak. "Do you guys think Yui can win?" She ask the two of Yui Pokémon that stay with her.

"Just watch. Yui maybe too kind and always avoid fighting unless necessary but her real talent lies in her battle that she despise." Yang explain to Misty without looking away from the battle that going to start.

Samurai and Yui then thrown a pokeball to the air and it release the Pokémon that stored inside it. Samurai let out a Pinsir, while Yui choose Diamond as her first Pokémon.

Samurai look shocked when Yui choose a water type Pokemon in forest field but he immediately put his guard up when he see that the fish floating above the ground and not frail on the ground.

"The battle will be two on two, trainer can't change their Pokémon until they're knocked out. The battle is over when all Pokémon are knocked out. Will this rule alright?" Samurai ask.

"I have no objection but did you heal your Pokémon properly after a battle." Yui ask with a stern glare making Samurai flinched and he remember that he forgot to do it.

"Ah! I forgot!" He took of his bag and search for potions but he find none. "Oh, I forgot to refill my potion too!" The spectators thought the same thing. 'The boy is too careless.'

Yui sigh before she walk to the Pinsir. The Pinsir is confused to what to do because a person never approach him in battle because he look scary to people.

Yui touch the Pinsir making him confused. But then her hand glow the Pinsir caught in surprise but when he realize that Yui mean no harm he let that light to his body and he feel his injury was healing.

"Whoa! That is amazing! How did you do that?!" Samurai who standing beside Yui looking at her in amazement.

"It was one of my many gifts that I have. With this I don't need Pokémon center to heal my friends but it certainly make me more tired than I usually do." Yui explain it with a smile.

"Well, now we can fight fairly. Let's continue the battle." Samurai give Yui a nod and they went back to each side of the field.

"Alright, let's start the battle! Pinsir starts with Vice Grip!" Samurai yell while Pinsir charge to Dia pointing his pair of pincers to Dia. "Dia avoid it! Then, Tackle his back!"

Dia move side away and let the Pinsir pass her before tackling the Pinsir at it's back making it face plant to the ground. Yui give the Pinsis time to get up.

Samurai then yell "Pinsir use Tackle at the fish!" Pinsis turn around and tried to Tackle Dia, but she manage to avoid the attack by reading the Pinsir movement and wait for the correct time to dodge. This pattern continued for five minutes making Pinsir and Dia have a rough breath.

"Mn..., it seems that Dia still need to increase her stamina or she won't last in long term battle." Yui thought while she look at her Dia breathing heavily.

"Alright, let's finish this Dia use Brine at Pinsir!"

Samurai who hear that order his Pinsir to avoid it but his Pinsir is to tired from using Tackle repeatedly.

The blast water ball comes out from Dia mouth and crash to Pinsir. By the move effect the power was doubled because Pinsir was weakened by several Tackle Dia used in the past five minutes. This make Pinsir knocked out.

"Ah.., ok Pinsir return." Samurai groan before he return his Pinsir to it's Pokeball. "Come on out! Metapod!" Samurai took out a Metapod. The Cacoon Pokémon that usually only know Harden attack.

He then order the Metapod to do Harden repeatly and he didn't order even one attack to it. It looks like that Samurai just got his Metapod and he thought that he could make his Metapod fight without training it first.

Yin who look at this screen sweat drop "It it just me or he is an idiot." Yang glare at his brother half-hearted "Quiet Yin. There is no need to said it that harsh. Um... clueless is quite the right word for him." Misty sigh hearing the short bicker from the two Pokémon "And here I thought maybe I can saw Yui true ability as a Trainer."

Yui just look at the Metapod for a second before she order Dia to use Brine again. With one shot the Metapod was defeated this make Samurai very shocked "H-how? How did you do that?"

Yui said her thanks to Dia before return her to her Pokeball. Then she face Samurai and answer his question "You completely forget that Harden can only raise your Pokémon physical defence, that won't have a meaning if your opponent use special type of move like my Dia's Brine."

Samurai look down disappointed with his own small mistake "Ugh! It always like this! I always lose! I also did the same mistake with those three Pallet Trainer! Will I ever be a good Trainer...?"

He then feel a small pad on his shoulders, when he look up he see Yui give him an understand smile.

"It's okay to fail. Even I make many mistake when I still young. What important is that you remember your mistake and learn to correct it. We still young and inexperience so it's normal for us. By the way nice fight I learn something new today because you thanks. I hope someday we can fight again."

Hearing her words Samurai can't hold back his tears as he feels very touched by what she said.

But as a boy he wipe them away and give Yui a confident smile "Yeah! Just you wait for it! Next time we meet I will be the one that going to win!"

Yui only give him a small smile "I'm waiting for our next fight." Misty who look in the audience give Yui a new respect as she wasn't the type of person who grew arrogant because they win a battle.

Yui and Misty then bid their farewell to another friend and rival they just made and continue their journey.

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