/ Urban / The Bennett Family

The Bennett Family Original

The Bennett Family

Urban 89 Chapters 4.0K Views
Author: Johanna Delacruz

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Mack Bennett is the guy that doesn’t have illusions about life. He sees life for what it is. When he meets Paige Moore, their meeting isn’t romantic or ideal but has more comedic errors.
After dealing with their relationship, Mack and Paige welcome Bella into their life. Their recent addition to their family thrills them until Mack learns that parenting isn’t easy.
When Bella becomes a teen, Mack gets dragged into her and her friends’ teen angst. How? Bella tries to get her crush to notice her with the help of her friends and Ty’s older brother.
Bella and her friends will learn why everyone needs a Mack in their life. Expect hilarious results from the Bennett family, their crazy friends, and the infamous tee-shirt.
Before you and me, it’s meant to be because it’s just between us.
Publisher:i&i Publisher

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    Author Johanna Delacruz